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The Eagles Spire - Semper Fidelis Eagles Eternal

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Practice is key, I would also say that patience is good. If you don't have it the way you want it, just keep working it until you do. It's some what forgiving in that way.


The right tools help. But yeah, practice. I'd recommend looking at tutorials and trying them, it gives you more tools to use on the GS.

War Eagle, been a while since I have had a chance to check out your postings, things are looking good. I like the MSG look you are going for with the modified blues. Though I would have expected a blood stripe on your NCO's (I mean, we did earn that blood stripe). The tech marines pattern is a nice one, first thing that came to mind is the President's Own. Loving the project. if you still have some room for one of your successor chapters, I may want to re-enlist for that.


Where are you stationed and MOS/rank?

I was stationed in Camp Lejeune, 5811 and got out as a Sgt.

My vet's have blood stripes. Just not the ones wearing the summer trousers. And of course there's room for successor chapters.


I'm currently a sgt at quantico, I'm in transition from one mos to another. I'm not sure which at te moment.


Glad you like my new work.

here is my weekly vow, that i might be allowed to hop onto the xbox this week, which sadly i did not do last week at all. ive finished the Sternguard for what i have of them. im still waiting on my heads and shoulders before i continue. at which point i will paint there backpacks as well. i primed their bases, and while waiting for that to dry i did some touch ups on the thunder hawk and then fixed its broken air break. Eagle One now watches guard over my living room from its perch. still not ready to move on to the bases, i started on the task of cleaning up my three drop pods. the issue with these is i built them when they first came out, as a young lance, and i left mold lines EVERYWHERE. also ive since decided that i wanted to paint them while not compleetly assembled so i can get the insides done up nicely. so ive taken them apart, and littered the floor with glue and plastic shavings. i finished the day by making roman numerals for the pods, as each squad will be designated as such. (i will never have to say "this pod has the plasma squad in it" because the marines are all numbered in a neat and orderly fashon....)


the only reason i didnt prime them last night is because i couldnt find the third storm bolter to replace the DWML i had originaly built them with. while i spent the entire day today with my parents (something i oddly did not want to do) i realised that i had pulled some boxes out of their house and left them in my car. as expected, the third drop pod box was in my trunk, with its sprues still containing the storm bolter, which has now been attached to the engine. while i was looking for the peice, an idea to build a "Locater beacon" came to me, so im not going to try to mount an antenia and a satalite dish to the side of this thing. heres the pictures, there not really much, but i have run out of time to take more of anything else. Happy Easter!



The order on the pod is, EGA (placed on the Sgt's hatch) the spining clockwise, number, eagle, number, eagle



I'll post a picture later to tonight on where I'm going to stick it. Or rather where I've stuck it.


I've decided against naming the pods, as I could only come up with one name



"thumb of god"

- Because to me, you are just an ant who needs squishing.

Very cool stuff. Really digging the idea behind it. I just went through the whole thread. I'm a leather-throat myself, got out last July.


Anyway, I'll be watching for sure. Almost makes me want to reenlist, but unless they change the tattoo policy (because they never documented anyone from my bn after the last change) I'm out of luck.

i've finished making the base's for my Sternguard, and after compleeting all the painting that i needed to do on anything below the waist, (i may highlight the blue at some point) i took them off of their paint base's and glued them to the bases. so for youre viewing enjoyment today, i have pictures of the Marines.



The bases just prior to their being finished.



After a final shading is put on the rubble, the bases are finished.


and now, pictures of the Marines on their bases






Combat squad leader, and assistant squad leader for smaller point games




it is the Assistant Squad leader's job to carry the Auspex





The Relic Heavy Flamer (ill name him after an old Flame thrower Marine from WWII when i can find one)



It was fun to paint the heated barrel, once i figured out how i would accomplish it. i think it came out alot better than i anticipated





and finaly the Vet Sgt




i hope you enjoyed this, i will not be posting the sternguard again untill i have them finished, which may take some time. im currently working on the three drop pods, currently they are all primed and i will begin painting them soon, possibly tonight. i really wish i had some idea of how i want to paint them. any suggestions would be nice. i hope you all enjoyed, feel free to comment and such. expect an update sunday as normal.

The reason our jackets are dark almost black blue and our pants a light white is because way back when it was what we fought in, marines would take off the jackets from time to time, thus the pants faded, and the jacket did not. This became the way we wore them. I use royal (to be replaced with kantor) blue for the entire model, painted over a black base. It gives a dark blue that I found to be suitable for the needs.


The red is just blood red, which I think is replaced with evil sunz Scarlett now, and I use cremate white, with a blue wash, and a white scar highlight.

Sunday ill post a clear example of different ranks that I currently have. For my tacticals I've been painting ranks onto the shoulders. In this regards, I use cpls as the squad leader when they combat squad, but they are not veterans so I do not give them a blood stripe


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