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The Eagles Spire - Semper Fidelis Eagles Eternal

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Thanks guys, i do my best. I'm going to make a new helm to try and make with out the canine look. This will be for two reasons, one being that while I can see the issue, I'm lost on how to fix it, so making a new one at least I woulnt ruin this one. Two.... I think skull will look awesome on an idea I have for a space wolves count as chapter.


I'm glad you guys mentioned the issue, I was thinking it had a nice deamonish look that would fit in, but it's not ment to be.

Navy use dress whites. but when medics are attached to the corps units they were our colors or did back in the early 90's when I was in. I think using their dress colors for medics wouldnt fall short though. keep up the good work. Proud of your work! (reminds me of when I was in every time I few your thread.) Looking forward to more

Thanks hellchyld, that's very motivating. Sailors still wear our camies when their attached to our units, but seeing as my guys are in dress uniform, I'm going to have the corpsman in his dress uniform too.


Thanks for the viewing

so as i mentioned a few days ago, i made a second skull helm. ill post up a picture of it for you to compair with the old one. i also made a book out of some plasticard, and modified the powerpack to have skulls on the exhaust ports. the skulls on the exhaust port are kinda meh, but i think they look alright. the focus will be on the rest of the model i think.


i still plan to add a crest to the helm (like on the non beaky marines) and add something more to the powerpack, but im not sure what(ive got some ideas). and i think ill add another "Semper Fidelis" to him, probably on his book.


I've already got some story thought up on him too. from what i understand, in most chapters new recruits are selected by the chaplains (i think trained also) i my chapter recruits will be selected by a number of trained individuals, but the recruits training (and further training in the chapter as a whole) will be lead by the chaplains. they will be my Drill Instructors. he will represent my verson of Cassius, however his toughness 6 will no longer be due to extensive reconstruction of his body using bionics, but rather that mistyc presence that surrounds hard ass drill instructors and keeps harm an arms distance away though shear fear alone. i imagine two battle brothers watching his ficure dissipear behind a plasma blast thinking "well at least we dont have to do that hundred mile run when we get back" only to see him still standing and giving orders.


"the Corps woulnt let me die, i've got Marines to train"


so in order...




and heres a picture of it on the model for effect








Enjoy, and if you havent seen it, TheDamnedArtificer is currently painting some Aircraft for the Chapter. the two Storm Talons look amazing, you should stop by and check them out.

Those skulls look awesome. I think a black for your Corpsmen would probably work best. They won't stand out quite so bad and become targets. And for the record, the army has medics the Marines have Navy Corpsmen. I like your work.



thanks for the input madwolf.

Unfortunately i was in the army painter coming up with a scheme for my Corpsmen before i noticed you said i should do black. but i do think i should keep it differnt from the armor for my chaplain.

that being said, heres the scheme for the Corpsmen. let me know what you think, ill see if i can come up with a black scheme that looks unique along side my chaplains.


now i've noticed that the newer Eavy Metal paint jobs have done away with the old "All white" aprothicarys for a newer look, only using a slight amount of white, mainly the helm, one shoulder and one knee pad. i think my look with the blue legs looks good.

if you have any suggestions i'd love to hear them. or see them even. have a good one, this storm is a beast.

Just had a flick through and, man, I am so impressed! Very nice modelling, especially with the green stuff! My sculpting always comes out as a flat, skewed version of whatever I'm trying to do, replete with thumbprint ;)

Can't wait to see how the chaplain comes out!

Thanks for the votes so far guys, but I see that some people are not pulling their share and have yet to vote


Brother lionheart, the trick is to get the right tools, then just start trying to work some of the tutorials. The first thin I looked up was how to do fur, what I learned from doing that has helped me to do other things. Everything you learn is another tool in you're arsenal.


Keep watching brothers, more to come next time.

deffo the first one mate. you need the blue in there IMO to tie it in with the rest of the model. also that skull helm is fricking awesome :unsure: And thats to your Chappy's back story I've now got a rather twisted version of Full Metal Jacket playing in my head, 40k style!


Loving the use of the random Aquila backpack top from the Force Commander as the Crozius head as well. Pure innovation - love it ;)

im glad that the voting of the Corpsman has come along so well, i need the space on the painter to put up a scheem for the chappy. thanks for the votes everyone


im glad you got the idea fragemall, twisted is kinda the dirrection im going for. Priming on the model has commenced and i hope to start painting him soon, preferably before i leave thursday.


have a good night brothers

ok, so i came up with a few ideas for the chaplain. ive got two options, classic all black, adding the red trim to the hands, and white gloves. or i could continue the patern set with the aprothicary and do the trousers blue.



now the thing with the blue pants route is, marines in the first company have white pants, so i think i would continue that patern....right?

let me know what you guys think

happy halloween guys








all thats done is the bone portions. which as soon as i put away my paint i thought.... oh man, what if i painted the bolter to the same effect. guess ill have to pull the paint back out.

Thanks strumanchu


Hellchyld, are you satin the first option or do I take out the gloves and belt and just do all black? I started painting his boots and mace to have the same bone look. Was contemplating doing an arm like that too, but now I think I might not do that, or maybe just paint a white hand onto his hand, if that makes any sense...


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