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Night Lords "Tenebrous Winter" (GREY KNIGHT 08/12)


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@Kizzdougs: Thanks brother! I think Flint is right, we should have a straight-line painting competition! :tongue.:

@Recon: Thanks man!

@Kierdale: Thanks! Yeah the mask came out better than I expected; I've become a huge fan not only of the FW Night Lords heads, but actually painting the masks gold. I feel like it adds more than just the bone/red colors and also adds a bit of diversity to the helmets if you've already used a certain head sculpt once but want it to look more unique.

@Midnight Runner: Thanks man!, You bet, I'll be getting some group shots pretty soon (maybe later tonight)!

@Iron Bars: Thanks dude! That's the feel I was going for since I don't think Night Lords pride themselves on looking too glamorous :tongue.:
@Augustus: Thanks Augustus! You were for sure right, the arm looks much better angled up a bit! Yeah, man, I can't speak for anyone else but I am a slow-ass painter with hobby ADD so making it this far in a project means I must really love it (which I do)!

@Brother Jim: Thanks man! Time to set a new goal I think :devil:
@Flint: Hahahaha glad you dig it! Definitely seemed to fit the bill for describing this fella!
@Psycho: Thanks dude! I'm guessing the future holds even more Night Lords, though maybe in larger ceramite containers :wink:

@Magnus: Thanks brotha' you're too kind! It's funny you mention the sword because I kind of stumbled my way through it to be honest! It started out just painted in Ironbreaker, then I washed it with Nuln. Then I decided I wanted some color so went for that turquoise in the recesses of the node thing. It looked too bright though, so I gave it another Nuln wash to tone it down and highlighted the blade back up with Ironbreaker! Like I said I wanted a pretty utilitarian looking blade, so I tried to keep it minimal, except that touch of color on the power node thingy.

@Olis: Thanks man!

@KrautScientist: Hahaha thanks dude! It's funny you mention that, I had looked at various capes for a while, like the one on the Minotaurs character from FW and the one from the FW Berzerker terminator fella as well. None of them really tickled my fancy so I went for no cape, and I'm pretty satisfied with the result. Night Lords don't need no stinking capes! :tongue.:

@Corsovitt: For sure! A nice solid force choke :wink:

@Pearson: Thanks man! That's exactly the look I wanted!

@Skimask: Thanks dude, yeah those raptor head sculpts are excellent! I kind of went with a more irregular squiggly lightning on this guy, so those irregularities are deliberate. In person it looks better than the pictures make it look (much like red; I, for the life of me, cannot photograph red)!

In semi-related news, I went to Ikea the other day and while I was there I thought "hey, aren't those the :censored: cabinets everyone on the forums raves about?" So, I decided to grab me-self a Detolf cabinet!


The background poster seemed appropriate (Sorry Augustus :tongue.: )




Pretty garbage photos, I know, but you get the idea! I have to say this case is one of the best values I've seen, especially considering our hobby. And it was easy to assemble, even if a bit cumbersome!

I'll be getting some (hopefully) good group photos pretty soon, so more to come! And once my FW order arrives, I can get back to my VIIIth!

Until then, Ave Dominus Nox

@Recon: Thanks bro! Definitely is neat to have a bigger one; I had one already, but someone the army outgrew it!

@Augustus: Thanks man!

@ShVagYeR: Hahaha thanks dude! Love me some of the original trilogy!

@Kizzdougs: Oh there are for sure some raptors to be coming! Definitely going to have them in my 850 points to add to this 1k!

Well, I managed to finally take some group shots! I really need to get a better lighting setup, or at least more lights (full group further down):

First Claw


Second Claw:


The Squads with their Transports:




Bikers and Commander, ahoy!


Working the Rapier Batteries in there:


And, with the Sicaran in there, a big happy family!


Some closeups in the group:





Some shots of the armoured portion of the Company (as it is for now :wink: )



The five "leaders" of the Company gathered for shenanigans:


So, that is a ton of pictures! I kind of got carried away but a lot of my pictures don't have the best lighting so I figured I'd post a few more than I otherwise would so everything could be hit with some good light in at least one picture :tongue.:

That's the 1,000 point list for right now! There is a lot more to come for this army, and I am not slowing down or taking a break at all; this is just a milestone for the army (and me personally since I've never made it this far). Once my (first :wink:) Contemptor arrives I'll start on him. I have my ideas more or less set to bump this army up to 1,850 pts but I haven't actually calculated any specifics out yet because I feel it tends to overwhelm me and I might lose momentum.

Anywho, thanks for looking and sticking with this project you guys! Plenty more to come! :smile.:

Oh man, it looks so good. That army is easily one of my favourites on this forum. On any forum, actually.


The cool thing is that your list is not only pretty fluffy, it's actually a pretty good list. Except for anti-air, you have everything covered, and in doubled to boot.


Also: YAY contemptor!! I am definitely looking forward to that.


Will there be a flyer? You might want to check out the Hell Blade from Fw. It looks crazy good and is very fluffy for Night Lords. :tu:

Oh so cool to see it all together. The sergeant with MK V armour and combi-plasma is still one of my favorite minis in your army, he has the look and pose of a cold-hearted and calculating killer, just patiently watching his target until he decides to put a hole through their skull.


So much awesomeness.

It's an absolutely gorgeous army, even moreso now that it has been assembled like this. Brilliant stuff! I still stand by my earlier opinion that the Linrarian would profit from capes or something similar to make him stand out a bit more -- there's nothing like flowing cloth (or, ahem, flayed skin) to say "Librarian" ;)

Brother, if it hasn't happened already (or has it? I can't remember...), this army seriously needs to find it's way onto the pages of an official publication. This is the sort of army that makes people drool all over their magazine. :tu:

@Recon: Thanks, man! Ask and you shall receive! He kinda needed some better pictures taken anyways:


@Augustus: Thanks bro! Yeah man I tried to keep the list pretty fluffy but not hamper myself too horribly! I'm pretty stoked for the contemptor! I still have that Hellblade model but it's not currently in the 1,850 list, but I am for sure going to get to it at some point!
@Vradon: Thanks dude! The gold/bronze is easy enough: Base with Runelord Brass, wash with Agrax, then highlight/blend it back up with Runelord and then Runefang Steel!
@Magnus: Thanks, man! He is definitely up there with my favorites as well! The base model is sadly unavailable from GW last I checked, which sucks because it has such conversion potential!
@Pearson: Thanks dude!
@KS: Thanks brotha!
@Olis: Thanks a ton man! It would be awesome to some day see this in the 'ol White Dwarf or something similar! Might be worth making a Flickr so I can send them some pictures at some point! Would be pretty damn neat :wub.:

@Angrypantz: Thanks dude!
@NightHunters: Thanks bro, and I agree that artwork is badass!

@The Hydra: Thanks man! I'm really glad you dig the Sorcerer; he's definitely my favorite model, to date!

Thanks a ton guys! The Contemptor is taking it's sweet time in the mail but once it gets here there will be plenty of hobbying/painting goodness (perhaps for the ETL :wink:)! In the meantime, I've basically just been painting some bases for the fellas to come! Anywho, thanks for looking as always and more to come! :smile.:


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