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Night Lords "Tenebrous Winter" (GREY KNIGHT 08/12)


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Oh yeah, the skull looks way cool now. I actually really like how that looks. Normally I don't care much for that helmet, but in a dark color scheme with a light faceplate it looks amazing. Might have to borrow that for a Chaplain, or something...

@Psycho: Thanks a bunch man! Yeah I had originally painted the full skull on there but it wasn't floating my boat so I trimmed it down on the top to being basically just a skull-muzzle portion and now I think it looks a thousand times better. Go forth and pilfer dude! I love seeing my ideas used to inspire other people's thangs! :smile.:

@Recon: Thanks brotha! If you're talking about the helmet on the one squad leader (that kind of looks like a hockey/Casey Jones mask :tongue.: ), it's actually from the FW Iron Warrior head upgrade! Easily one of my favorite helmets!

@Isinfier: Thanks dude! I had actually seen some of that stuff here and there and wondered where it was from! It looks awesome! In general, I don't typically use third party stuff as I prefer GW/FW bits or converting my own but those look excellent!

@Dorn Lysander: Thanks a ton man! For sure, take stroll down early Alpha Legion lane at the beginning too :tongue.:

Managed to get the icon bearer all assembled and primed, but first a close up on the chainglaive conversion:


My humble chainglaive started life as a stupid nemesis force stave, but has since realized the error of its ways and gotten the top head of the stave chopped off (that bit is still in the picture, actually) and replaced with the chain blade portion of a space wolf chainsword. It took a little while to decide on a chainblade to use but this one works perfectly in my opinion since it has the blade-portion on either side (perfect for a glaive) as well as having that trim on the casing; nice and Chaos-y!

And here is the complete model all primed up:


I'm going with a pretty basic, stoic pose on this guy, and I'm also breaking out a bare head from the new DW kit (the Blood Angel one, actually, because his face looks aptly disgusted at whoever he is pointing at, and I don't have anyone in the army yet with some nice fancy hair :tongue.: ). I'm pretty :censored: stoked for this dude so more to come ya'll!

  • 1 month later...

Hey guys! Pretty quiet here lately, as I had been a bit burnt out on painting and just needed a little break, I think primarily because I just wasn't feeling my current WIP model. Luckily, I found my motivation again by actually making some changes to my most recent feller, making him more dynamic which gets me more excited to paint him:


I went with a very regal look for this guy, especially for a Night Lord, going for a "Xarl" from the Night Lords books feel in that he still immaculately maintains his armor with a martial pride rarely seen in the traitor legions, especially the VIIIth. He's not the champion in the squad rules-wise, since I felt the chain-glaive worked really well for the icon in the unit. The champion will need to have his own equally cool armor to compete :tongue.: I'm actually planning on using the 2-handed chainsword for him!

Also, just for :censored: , I threw together some cleaned up photos of the Sicaran and the Raptor squad as it is, since those 2 are probably my favorite units:



And the Raptors:


I really like the raptor one, and it actually captures the blue in a much more accurate way to how it is in person :smile.:

Anyways, more to come! I'm pretty excited for this guy so it shouldn't be too long, and thanks for lookin'!

  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks fellas! It is indeed the White Scars head set! Almost all of the pre-heresy bits from FW look awesome on Chaos marines!

Managed to finish up the Icon Bearer, and I have to say I think he's my new favorite:


As I'm sure most of you can tell, he is pretty ornate and regal, especially for a Night Lord. The feel I was going for was a bit of a "Xarl" from the "Night Lord Omnibus", one who may be a traitor but still has his martial pride :wink: As such he has quite a bit of gold and trim on him, but nothing overtly imperial. Despite him being the icon bearer rules-wise, I'll still kind of think of him as the champion of the squad (the guy who doesn't want the responsibility/care of leading but also the guy no one would want to take on in combat).

All I have left to finish up the squad is the champion, and I'll need to come up with some ideas to make him as regal and unique as the icon bearer!

Anywho, more to come! Thanks for looking, guys! :smile.:

@Magnus: Thanks brotha! It sure is :tongue.: I think it turned out pretty well, but I'm glad I don't have to make a full unit of chain-glaives because it was a bit finicky, but I got tired of waiting for FW to release theirs and I'm pretty excited with how it turned out!

@Recon: Thanks man! Lots of layering and washes involved! I actually have that tutorial back at the beginning of this log if you're interested! Maybe around page 5 or so, but this time around I added an extra wash to tone the paleness down a bit to add some variety to the skin tones since I have quite a few bare heads in the force.

@Augustus: Thanks man! I figured a chainblade on a stick was certainly fitting for these fellas! What else could this lovable group of sickos rally behind?

@Kizzdougs: Thanks bro! Yeah it actually looks a lot more pale IRL, but I did tone it down a little with an extra wash compared to normal.

Well I didn't get a photo of the champion quite un-primed because I got a little excited :tongue.: :


So, some of ya'll might notice I didn't go with the 2-handed chainsword but actually went with a bolt pistol/chainsword combo. The main reason being I really liked this torso/leg combo and the 2-handed chainsword arm just didn't fit the pose, so I went with this instead. Now, he can challenge the icon bearer in terms of his fanciness (:tongue.: ) and also look distinctly like the Champion since he'll have the extra armor of MKIII and the chainsword pointing ahead, leading the way.

You also might see a pre heresy White Scar helmet there because I am apparently addicted and there is no helping me.

More to come guys!

@Olis: Haha thank man! I think this project has definitely helped with that, and the fact that I have worked on each model on an individual basis as opposed to batch painting/modelling has allowed some of the extra details to shine through :smile.: Each pose is a little more unique I think that way, so I think the extra time is worth it.


The champion is coming right along so more to come guys!

@DeathSpecter: Haha thanks dude! I doubt he'd have any problem trimming the ol' trees, but be careful of the stuff around them!

@Eldrick: Thanks man! Means a lot! :smile.:

Managed to finish up the Raptor unit Champion, and with him, the complete squad!:


I'm pretty pleased with him to be honest! The pose came out exactly how I wanted, with him looking mildly stationary in leading the charge, but several different angles in the pose allow for him to still look intimidating. Also, this was much less of a headache compared to finding a pose I liked with the 2-handed chainsword :tongue.: It's worth mentioning that, in case you couldn't tell, I love the Forgeworld White Scar helmets :rolleyes: They look perfect for night lords with that wild topknot and sharp edged trim flanking the faceplates. LOVE THEM.

And just because I can't help myself, I got a shot of the whole unit together (also one with the Champion and Icon Bearer because I love how they came out)!

Night Lords 91st "Tenebrous Winter" Co., First Talon Raptor Unit



So with that, the Raptor unit is finished! There are no more raptors in my current list but with the new Supplement coming out that may indeed change :tongue.: I have to admit, I am certainly looking forward to a bit of a break from painting those :censored: jump packs!

Next up is actually a blast from the past, since subscribing to the whole "one is none, 2 one and 3 is some" notion: Sicaran #2 inbound! I'm becoming a regular treadhead up in here apparently.

Thanks for looking guys and plenty more to come!

Please, stop. I already have enough unfinished projects lying around; I don't need to be tempted into starting Night Lords as well. :c


That aside, I love these. <3 Although I must admit, I prefer the old raptor jump packs.


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