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Night Lords "Tenebrous Winter" (GREY KNIGHT 08/12)


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@Anaziel: Thanks, man! I was really torn on what to do with the under armor, but I thought the metal would look cool, even though my mk II guys wont have entirely metal legs :tongue.: I usually do leadbelcher just washed with nuln, but here I also re-highlighted it with leadbelcher because of how much bigger the surfaces were and to pick out the harder edges.

@Barabbas Sogalon: Thanks a lot!

@Flint: Thanks, Flint! I was looking at your thread and the winged monstrosity you're making looks awesome!

So, immediately after posting last night I checked the mail and I was met with a welcome suprise!:


So now I have 2 FW pins! I'll figure something out to do with them; maybe a display board accessory or something :smile.: And this morning I put this guy together:


So far I am really digging the mk II, so after I finish this bolter marine, it's on to the sergeant/headsman! More to come! :smile.:

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@Anaziel: HURRAH, indeed! :smile.:

@Flint: They totally do! I really like mixing the earlier armor marks into my post-heresy armies; it just gives it that more ancient feel, and it helps that I don't like the regular CSM legs :tongue.:

@Barabbas Sogalon: I agree, the mk II is awesome, but I have a serious weak spot for mk IV! Huh, I didn't know they even did other pins!

@Argent Aquila: The heads are :censored: amazing, man! I'm keeping my eyes peeled on ebay for the Forgeworld Night Lord Raptor heads though, too!
@Fracture: Hahahaha we Night Lords do like to fly a bit under the radar until we want our presence to be known :wink:


I'm in the midst of painting the mk II bolter marine right now, so more to come! 

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This guy took a little longer to pound out, mainly because I have been binge-watching shows on Netflix :tongue.: But alas, number 9 is done!





I really enjoyed painting the mk II legs! Interestingly, I am forgoing my desire to run this army through C:SM (for drop pods) and rightfully going to be using C:CSM, now that I can get pods through the new Imperial Armour book! That means this guy may end up being part of Second Claw because I'm going to want 2 plasma gunners in each squad now. But, I'll figure that all out later :tongue.: Now... the Claw leader. More to come! :smile.:

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Ugh, tell me about some Netflix binge watching. Orange is the New Black *devoured* my life for a solid 36 hours :pinch:


On the NL front, pretty as always. But your bone technique is *silly* good looking. Like unfairly so. Which is interesting, considering it is such a small part of the overall model. 


I'm also loving the "hodge podge" mixed armor look your Night Lords have from mixing all the armor marks 2-7. It gives a very "long war" feel to them.


Keep it up buddy! :thumbsup:

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@Anaziel: Wow, man thanks a lot! That's awesome that you're gonna try some Word Bearers! I'm very interested to see how that pans out! :smile.: The Forgeworld kits for Word Bearers look excellent, so I would definitely spelunk those :wink:  


@Flint: Orange is the New Black did that to me too :tongue.: Is it just me, or is Piper the most frustrating character in the world? My episode viewings are usually filled with a lot of "why the :censored: are you doing that, Piper?!" Anyways.... yes, 40k :tongue.: Thanks a lot for the kind words on the bone; I've been using the old GW paints to do 'em (Graveyard Earth, Kommando Khaki, and Bleached Bone) and am gonna be a sad panda when it finally runs out! :unsure.: In regards to the armor, that's always been the hope in getting that hodge podge and scavenger-esque look, which was all the more important because I don't particularly like the regular CSM plastic legs.


Also, Flint, congratulations on Mod status! Bring glory to the VIII! :smile.:


The Claw leader will be incoming soon! More to come!

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@Noctem Cultor: Thanks, man! I wanted to make the edging pop so I gave it that hard, bright highlight.

@Augustus b'Raass: It is always my goal to devour peoples time in this thread :wink: You are way too kind, dude! Thanks a lot, it really means a lot :smile.: MOAR is on the way :tongue.:

The Claw Leader has taken shape:


So, I opted to go with the combi-plasma in terms of gaming, but he didn't look properly Night Lord-y to me so I had to give him the chainblade :tongue.: I also broke out one of my Sons of Horus heads to give him a cool top-knot type thing, that in my opinion marks him out as the leader (just ask Abaddon; it's how it works) :smile.: More to come!

EDIT: Who needs spelling in the VIII

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@Recon0321: Thanks a lot! The kit is excellent, so I don't know how much I'm doin' :tongue.:

@Barabbas Sogalon: Thanks, man! I've been trying to keep the weapons diverse amongst the squad members as best I can. It's annoying because the mix of old and new parts means I am mixing the old, seperate boltgun bits (with the trigger/grip) in with the new hand-attached to boltgun bits, meaning I need to do some cutting fairly often. 

@Anaziel: Hahahahaha go for it, man! Yeah I cut the pommel off because it was going to get in the way of the combi-plasma :sad.: I think it looks alright though, just being a grip! 


More to come!

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Hey guys! I have been busy painting away today, up to my knees in blue! So, I finished the Claw Leader :smile.:





I'm pretty happy with him, to be honest! The Sons of Horus helmets look pretty cool on all traitor marines so I broke out the top-knot looking one for the leader, and it seems to fit him nicely :smile.: This guy marks the end of First Claw, and I can scramble some photos of it completed if there's any interest.

Now with that squad out of the way, we can move on to... Second Claw! :tongue.: I made a pretty ambitious (by my slow painting standards) Call of Chaos vow, and that includes another 10-man squad, a rhino, and 3 bikers, not to mention a bragging rights competition with Flint to get it finished first :wink: So I have my hands full the next few months! A lot more to come guys! All C&C always welcome :smile.:

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