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Today in the hobby I....


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Today in the hobby, my Magic Mold (which I hope to use in making a decent master, so that I can replicate my main army's symbol consistently in various sizes), and the magnets I intend on using for my Contemptor arrived. I also picked up another model to use as part of a Kit bash I want to do (inspired by GuitaRasmus' awesome Dark Mechanicus models), a female Dark Mechanicus counts as Warp Smith (just need to order a few bitz so I can start it next week :smile.: ). Just waiting on the aforementioned Contemptor, something I'm both excited and daunted by, as it's the first full resin kit I've ever had.


Also decided to skip a number of HH books and get Know no fear, for research into something else :smile.:

Edited by Aquilanus
Blasted autocorrect
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.plus I quit smoking so now I new a new addiction.  and 40k is cheaper right?



its cheaper right?



Look at it like this. As long as you don't inhale the primer, your lungs will be in much better  shape. ;)

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Today in the hobby....

Primer has touched my first warhammer models ever. the tactical squad and Balthazar....the journey has begun in earnest...plus I quit smoking so now I new a new addiction.  and 40k is cheaper right?



its cheaper right?



Over about a year, the price will even out. :wink:


Unless you're playing Sisters. >>

Edited by Furyou Miko
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Today in the hobby...

I'm struggling not to spend anymore money on new figures! Have to fight the temptation and assemble/paint what I have already.

I recently changed career paths and today had to sell part of my company shares. Money in lump sums and myself don't mix well.

The good news though is late in the year I get to buy a 3D printer :yes:

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Today in the hobby I started work on the top part of the Stormsword, now that the bottom of the chassis and tracks are all together.


I look forward to the day when it delivers it's first magnificent load of heretic smashing, traitor crushing, xenos exterminating wrath.

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Today in the hobby I started work on the top part of the Stormsword, now that the bottom of the chassis and tracks are all together.


I look forward to the day when it delivers it's first magnificent load of heretic smashing, traitor crushing, xenos exterminating wrath.


For the Great Crusade, right?  :P

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I checked the parts I received for my Contemptor. The Conversion beamer is faulty :sad.: I'll have to ring FW on Monday to ask for a replacement (I'm working all day, so no chance of doing it tomorrow) I also rushed taking the shoulder guards off the mold blocks and taken a small chunk out of each one :dry.: I did intend on gs'ing some Aztec edging for him anyway, so not too gutted :laugh.:
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I visited the Memphis,TN World of Battle and bought a Knight, codex for the Knight and a World of Battle coffee mug as a memento for the time the place was still a World of Battle.


I also pledged to have the Knight painted by next Saturday (no guarantee on transfers and base, though) in order to field it at the final big 40K blowout!

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