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Today in the Hobby, I managed to (sort of) get out of the funk I'm in with painting. I'm currently waiting for my Contemptor's undercoat to dry, so I'll hopefully have the basecoat added at some point today. I also assembled most of my Ravens of Bahltimyr Chapter Master (Rai Lurweiss), but he still needs a fair bit of paint before he's finished.


Other than that, I'm currently mulling over various B+C related written projects that I have a hand in. It's about time I got myself out of that funk too...

Today I placed an order online at GW new site for some SM figures and the Imperial Gaurd Hydra.   I will also be getting the limited edition Captain.,   it has been a wek since i did any painting as I am in a funk.   Hopefully when I get the new items I will snap out of it.



It's not been my best day in the hobby.

It started when I sat on a marine, which for some reason I can't quite work out, had been put in my dressing-gown pocket. Managed to fix the damage. Painted it, and also finished painting and basing my Iron Father.  


A scalpel blade snapped on me (again) and I ended up slicing my hand open in the process. I also had a copy of Massacre dropped onto my bare foot, by a rather clumsy flat-mate. Pointy-metal corner bit hit me right in the foot. That was not fun. I'll be reporting to the Iron Father and Apothecary for more augmetics... 

It's not been my best day in the hobby.

It started when I sat on a marine, which for some reason I can't quite work out, had been put in my dressing-gown pocket. Managed to fix the damage. Painted it, and also finished painting and basing my Iron Father.  


A scalpel blade snapped on me (again) and I ended up slicing my hand open in the process. I also had a copy of Massacre dropped onto my bare foot, by a rather clumsy flat-mate. Pointy-metal corner bit hit me right in the foot. That was not fun. I'll be reporting to the Iron Father and Apothecary for more augmetics... 


Sat on something painful: Check

Received a bloody injury: Check

Pain induced by knowledge: Check


Looks like the only Chaos God left to please is Nurgle. Dont clean your hand wound.

So, tonight in the hobby, I've nearly completed the metallics on my Wall of Martyrs set. Check out the link in my signature for a quick peek! Or see this post for the latest. Edited by Brother Casman

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