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Forté's creations: Started Crimson Fists (pg 67)


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The modelling on the hands/claws/flippers and the head not to mention an incredible paint scheme makes it the best sorcerer I've seen. Hands down

But I've done no modelling on those parts. The head comes from the Fantasy Chaos Warrior Chariot



And the staff which has the funky hand attached is from the Daemonettes



The only modelling I did was to make the head area bigger to fit the new head. Change the belt to a stretched face. Alter the book a little. And add some flayed skin. Otherwise, it's Ahriman in different colours.


I am very honoured though. Thank you.



No sculpting required :) It's better to make small changes and use alternative pieces already around than go crazy with green stuff just for the sake of it. End result is what counts and in this case it's stunning

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Awesome work on both counts Forte, they are coming along really well. Are you going to do any OSL on the Fiend, that Slaanesh rune is begging for it

Thinking on it. Will be in some of the usual areas like the plasma parts. Unsure on the exhausts. The rune so far is white with blue wash in the deepest parts but that could change. It is a place that should have it really.


oh so cute and fluffy?

Plays fetch too. Just the other day it brought me a live Marine. Though it did keep playing with it and it left quite a mess on the carpet.

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looking sharp brother ,you know you could always try some freehand on the back of the cloak at the base area,though i advise having a go on scrap paper first to get a pattern or symbols sorted first

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looking sharp brother ,you know you could always try some freehand on the back of the cloak at the base area,though i advise having a go on scrap paper first to get a pattern or symbols sorted first

Already been thinking about it. Thinking about transfers to use as a base maybe.

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Well, I'm back, what did I mi-


Oh, wow.:blink.:


I don't know if I like the fiend or the sorcerer more! 

The brasswork stuff looks pretty darn incredible, but then so does that sneering face on the sorcerer.


Brilliant stuff so far, Forte.:happy.:

As for names... I suppose that depends on what sort of names other characters have in your warband, but if you're after just random suggestions, how about Maklor the Disturbed?

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@Ace. Cheers :tu: Undecided names wise. Do I go with the name and nickname type thing or just name. Do I look at old Roman type names. Do I over think things...hmm..this curry is smelling good...wish it would cook quicker. Oh. Yeah. Names.
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Well, for what it's worth, I think that sorcerer is the sort who would revel in a nickname like 'The Disturbed'.:laugh.:


And well, when even a Slaaneshi warband is willing to honour you with that sort of title...  You know he must have really earned it. :wink:


I'm trying to think of old roman style names that sound vaguely uncomfortable to pronounce, since that'd fit the guy well.

I suppose taking a name and 40k-ifying it might be the best way forward. I'll mull this over and see if I can't come up with something worthy.:happy.:

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Cheers...I really should name him something fitting.


Bob,you should name him Bob

Cheers...Can always really on you eh Greenhorn ;)

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So after some further thought I can conclude I'm not good at evil Roman names. :laugh.:

So I approached the problem from the other way - take evil-sounding names and try to Roman them up a bit:








If any of them work for you or serve as inspiration for another name, then my work here is done. :tongue.:


Failing that 'Bob the Disturbed' gets my vote.:wink:

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Here's a few ideas. A Thesaurus is a great tool.


Faustus "the Licentious" Sorio

Sisenna "the Profligate" Gallus

Gorian "the Vitiate" Belatari

Vaxidius "the Flagitious" Hastani

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+++ Faustus ‘the Licentious’ Belatari +++


+++ 979.M41 +++


Since his early days in the Emperor’s Children Librarium, Brother Belatari demonstrated a flair for Biomancy. And this was something that brought him into early contact with Fabius Bile and the Medicae.

Early records place him at Isstvan V, fighting against the Iron Hands and counting quite a number of Loyalist casualties until taking a blow to the face from a Power Fist. As to how he survived will never be known. Whether some miracle techniques developed by Fabius or the will of some warp based entity can only be guessed at, but he wore a permanent disfigurement. His face had been almost flattened and was deprived of any sense of smell. Scar tissue covered the surface of his once Emperor like features, but he never showed any sign of being in pain, which he was, greatly. Just a slight smile at the edge of his mouth, and an unsettling glint in his eyes.

His healing caused him to miss most of the attack on Terra itself but when he finally joined the debauched attacks on Imperial worlds while fleeing to the Eye, it was plain to see that he was no longer merely the Librarian he once was. Mortals flocked to his side, even with his monstrous features, and cavorted around him. Often they seemed to melt into each other and become masses of flailing limbs and writhing flesh. He would wear the face of the person who took his fancy for as long as it held his attention. The donor often found mutilated and bent beyond recognition save for a smile that only the highest form of ecstasy could gift.

The centuries passed by and his facial features changed with the time. Not in the usual way of aging but by smoothing to the feel of a new-born, turning pink in colour, his usual smile growing on one side, and finally the rune of the Dark Prince Slaanesh on his forehead. The pain never went away and would flare up to what would be unbareable levels to most Astartes, but not to Faustus. It just served as a reminder to carry on his work of bringing sensations to others, no matter how extreme.

His Brothers gave him the title ‘the Licentious’ and to witness him on the field of battle, or at times of low activity show this to be very appropriate for him.

+++licentious [lahy-sen-shuhs]+++


1. sexually unrestrained; lascivious; libertine; lewd.

2. unrestrained by law or general morality; lawless; immoral.

3. going beyond customary or proper bounds or limits; disregarding rules.


In game stats.

Faustus 'the Licentious' Belatari

Sorcerer (Crimson Slaughter Codex - 175pts)

Champion of Chaos, Independent Character, Psyker, Fear

2x Additional Mastery Level, Gift of mutation, Mark of Slaanesh, Sigil of corruption, Spell familiar

Power Armour, Bolt Pistol, Force Weapon

Current progress with base.


Edited by forte
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i really love the high quality blending here forte! ( i just ordered the Hot Lead painting DVDs to help take my painting to the next level. My Tau army has won some paiting contests, but its been ten years. Can't wait to get a test model up and get some of your feedback.!

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i really love the high quality blending here forte! ( i just ordered the Hot Lead painting DVDs to help take my painting to the next level. My Tau army has won some paiting contests, but its been ten years. Can't wait to get a test model up and get some of your feedback.!

There's not much actual blending as a technique. It's mainly layering and glazing that I do. Never really grasped blending for some reason. And I'll gladly look at your models. I love seeing others painting and modelling. Really gives inspiration for new ways to try things.

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Digging the backstory for Bob Faustus.:happy.:


I actually shuddered when reading about how he'd wear other people's faces for fun.:unsure.: Creepy stuff! :laugh.:

I did have to censor what I could have put quite heavily with this being a hobby with a wide age range. I blame all the RPG stuff I did while younger. The villains were always more fun to create. I suppose films like Hellraiser and Event Horizon don't help either ;)

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Faustus ( Bob ) looks Great.

Cheers but still needs highlights, weapons, and details done. Thinking of stippling the white on the cloak to give it a different look.
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