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If I may ask, what kind of purple did you use for your EC marine?

I was trying to go for a warmer, more properly tyrian purple than the conventional Emperor's children look, so there's a fair bit of red in there. Base coat is the old leviathan purple mixed 2:1 with khorne red; then successive highlights of xereus purple 2:1 with khorne red, xereus purple and genestealer purple mixed 2:2:1:1 with khorne red and mephiston red, genestealer purple 2:1 with mephiston red, and a final highlight of genestealer purple 2:1:1 with mephiston red and skull white.


By this point the model will look way too red and a bit weird, but no need to worry; a wash of 2:1 Druchii violet with Carroburg Crimson will tie everything together nicely.


Edit: Made some progress; here's another WIP...



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the III legion are my least favourite, but that is nice! 


Thanks, the III aren't my favourite legion either- but hopefully the fluff I have behind this lot fits them quite nicely. And the kill-team I have up afterwards are rather less poncy, although tbf they're probably about as smug.



That is probably my absolute favorite Horus Heresy Emperor's Child ever.... Of all time.


Glad you like him! I hope you'll like his friends and flunkies too. They're an odd bunch; I always quite liked the Children's enthusiastic descent into insanity. "Thale" is pretty much finished now (see below), although I still need to do a few touch-ups and do the weathering; that's my job for when the entire team is ready, and I still have one Paragon to finish off and three in a very WIP state. Watch this space though...



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7- The Masque of Paragons

“Oh, but what an entertainment it has been! The music, the screaming, the sensation! Strange moons circle through the skies, and the tatters of the King flap in the light of black stars. How our stage has grown these past years! For I have seen the golden sign, my fellow revellers. Soon the true principals will enter, and what terrible masks they wear! One light, one dark; yet both equally inhuman behind their mortal disguises. Anathema and Annihilator, dancing their eternal Masque. We are but the dumbshow pantomime by comparison. Oh, the cloudy depths! And when the principals intrude upon the scene, the time will come for the others to unmask. Then they will say, ‘we have all laid aside disguise but you’, and I will admit that I am but a mask of a mask, a reflection of a reflection. And then they will see the deeper truth, and wail with horror as they apprehend that I wear no mask. ‘No mask?’ they will cry, ‘No mask! Not upon us, dear king! Not upon us!’”
- “The King in Palatine”, also known as Lord Commander Milo Sagetelian of the III Legion, 31st Company

In the period before the Great Betrayal, clandestine societies proliferated across many Legions. In some cases, such as within the V, XIV, XVI and XIX, they were egalitarian in outlook, seeking to bring astartes of all ranks together in an informal atmosphere; in others, such as within the XV and XVII, they were elitist groupings, requiring exceptional talent or skill for membership. The confraternities of the III exemplified the latter style, and none more so than the secret society known as the “Masque of Paragons”.

As early as the mid-point of the Great Crusade, the III was already riddled with overlapping brotherhoods; as was natural in a Legion that prided itself on all aspects of trans-human endeavour, the Phoenician’s gene-progeny were keen to group together with others who shared their abilities and interests. There were a bewildering variety of such groups, ranging from the famous Brotherhood of Palatine Blades to smaller societies such as the Apollonian Marksmen, the Chloetidae and the Terpsichorians, who respectively numbered the finest gardeners and musicians of the III. Many groups were open, some had private rituals, but some remained strictly secret. Imperial chroniclers are only aware of the existence of the Masque of Paragons through the testimony of Brother-Captain Tamiel of the IX, who was inducted into the group- an extraordinary honour- when his company fought alongside the III during the Jungian Extirpation.
[Pict Capture TC/742-17S-214] “The King in Palatine” (Rembrancer’s note: subject, presumably Milo Sagetelian, appears to have surgically removed own face for ritual reasons)

The Masque of Paragons was the brainchild of Lord Commander Milo Sagetelian, an occasional favourite of the Phoenician and a leading light within the Palatine Blades. Chafing at what he regarded as the dull intellects of those surrounding him, he decided to form his own society. Even by the legendarily stratified standards of the III, the grouping was intended to be an elite one, open only to ‘paragons’; those within the Legion whose combined martial, intellectual and artistic talents placed them far above the body of their fellow astartes, and whose skills would atrophy and die without the exalted company of equally refined individuals. Such figures were generally already involved in legion fraternities that prided themselves on strict exclusivity, and so rather than endanger their social positions, Sagetelian elected to make his group entirely anonymous.
[Pict Capture TC/742-17S-215] “The Phantom of Truth” (Rembrancer’s note: subject’s identity is unknown, but equipment and heraldry suggests membership of the III Legion Chaplaincy)


[Pict Capture TC/742-17S-216] “Thale” (Rembrancer’s note: subject is tentatively identified as Nero Skeuopoios.)

When the Paragons met, they did so masked; and over time, the rituals associated with this anonymity grew more extravagant and complex. By the time of the Cleansing of Laeran, each meeting of the Masque of Paragons was a dizzying social event, where lavish entertainments would be put on by mortals attached to the III and aspirant members of the grouping. Invitations were prized, and guests- all masked themselves- would circulate not knowing which of their number were the hosts, if indeed they were there at all.

The initial Masques took as their theme grand allegories for the Imperial truth, or the glory of Terra. The only identifiable Paragon at these events was the “King in Palatine” (presumably Sagitelian), a warrior wearing ornate golden armour specially commissioned to recall that of the Emperor’s. As time went on however, the tone of the events changed and darker themes intruded. The King in Palatine’s role seemed almost to mock the Emperor rather than to venerate him, while a new character, the mournful “Phantom of Truth”, ignored or derided as much as his counterpart was feted, appeared to represent the conventional ideals of the Imperium.

[Pict Capture TC/742-17S-217] “Naotalba” (Rembrancer’s note: subject, tentatively identified as Cassius Diadumerian, wields an exotic sonic weapon, suggesting membership of Kakophoni sect)

[Pict Capture TC/742-17S-218] “Casilda” Rembrancer’s note: subject is probably Varus Gabrielian of the Phoenix Guard)

Due to the secrecy of the group it is difficult to know whether the Paragons were corrupted any more readily than the rest of the Phoenician’s legion, or indeed if any of their members remained loyal; what is known is that their Masques grew ever more elaborate and debauched, and that on Isstvan V the fraternity took to the field as a group for the first time, clad in glittering armour, wearing masks to hide their faces and led by the King in Palatinate, now a gaudy, blasphemous parody of the Emperor himself.

In keeping with the general splintering of the III under the strain of its own debauchery, the Paragons, and the troops they commanded, cut a swath of atrocity across the Segmentum Tempestus; it is known that King in Palatine personally oversaw the Debauch of Hyades, the Aldebaran Violation and the overthrow of the Carcossan enclaves. It was here that Milo Sagetelian fell, cut down on the shores of Hali in single combat with the Khan himself.

[Pict Capture TC/742-17S-219] “Aldones” Rembrancer’s note: subject is probably Konstantin Agapetes)

[Pict Capture TC/742-17S-220] “Uoht” (Rembrancer’s note: subject’s identity is unknown.)

Despite this setback, the Paragons continued their reign of terror. Somehow they found themselves on Terra in time for the Siege, participating at the thick of the fighting while their brothers were busying themselves with the terrified civilians of the throneworld. It is known that a champion meeting the description of the King in Palatine was despatched by First Captain Sigmund of the VII before the Eternity Gate, though this surely could not have been Milo Sagetalian. After this, only a few scattered references to masked horrors bear witness to the acts of the surviving Paragons.


[Pict Capture TC/742-17S-221] "The Masque of Paragons", some time during the Aldebaran Violation

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6- The Kothar Delegation


“I present you with four factual statements.

1) The eighth Universal Law of the Cult Mechanicum states that the Omnissiah knows all and comprehends all;

2) The Terran Emperor remains entirely unaware of the Warmaster’s planned rebellion, including the support proffered to him by the Fabricator General and the majority of the Magii within the Martian Synod;

3) The seventeenth Codicil to the Universal Law of the Cult Mechanicum states that information yearns to be free; and

4) The Terran Emperor places strict limitations on the information obtainable by those undertaking the holy Quest for Knowledge, denying access to the Vaults of Moravec and those technologies secured by the Keys of Hel, amongst others.


Only one logical conclusion can be drawn from these statements, and that is that the Terran Emperor is neither omniscient nor willing to assist the Faithful in the Quest for Knowledge. If this is the case, than the Terran Emperor cannot be the true Omnissiah; and if he is not the Omnissiah, than the Treaty of Mars is null and void. When presented with these inarguable facts, along with detailed military analysis regarding the balance of forces that are currently massing against Terra, the Gorgon will comprehend that the only rational response will be alignment with the Warmaster and Mechanicum.”

-Archmagos Kothar wa-Khasis, Intendant of Ganymede, the Cult Mechanicum



[Pict Capture DR/351-19Z-001] Archmagos Kothar wa-Khasis.


Fabricator-General Kelbor Hal’s decision to become an accomplice in the Warmaster’s treason led to a rapid, if clandestine, burst of activity at the upper echelons of the Machine Cult. In the immediate wake of the fateful decision, multiple diplomatic missions were despatched from Mars to all corners of the Imperium in order to secure the support of the Mechanicum’s vast network of Forge Worlds and tributary planets. Nor was this effort restricted to the Martian Priesthood; over the course of the Great Crusade Mars had amassed huge influence, and in the immediate lead-up to Horus’ betrayal, traitor Adepts brought many allies from other Imperial organisations to the Warmaster’s cause.


Detailed stakeholder analysis by the Syrtis Major cogitation arrays noted that the X Legion appeared a particularly ripe target for conversion. Links between Mars and the ‘Iron Tenth’ were close and cordial; Ferrus Manus and the higher echelons of the Martian Priesthood held each other in extremely high esteem, and the Fabricator General believed that evidence of the Mechanicum’s complicity with Horus would prove to the Primarch the impossibility of the Emperor’s victory, thus making the path of treachery the logical course to take. Kelbor Hal’s allies within the Martian Parliament made another, more modest calculation; even if the entirety of the X could not be swayed to Horus’ cause, enough Clans within the Legion believed in the policy of ‘might makes right’ to neutralise those who chose to remain loyal.




[Pict Capture DR/351-19Z-002] Iron Father Imit Basarab, X Legion.


In these lines of thought, the Martian traitors were supported by the influential figure of Imit Basarab, an Iron Father seconded to the Phobos Quaestium who surviving records suggest acted as the Fabricator General’s informal advisor in these matters. Why the advice of Basarab, a Terran who had not served with his legion for almost a century prior to the Great Betrayal, was prioritised over that of the official X Legion Nuncio to Mars (Kal Jotun, who perished in the Utopia conflagration), remains a mystery. However, his contention that the Iron Tenth could be swayed away from the Emperor was compelling enough for Kelbor Hal to take action.


It was clear that Iron Father Basarab should be a part of any mission to the X Legion. However, to lead the mission the Fabricator General chose one of his protégés; Archmagos Kothar wa-Khasis, whose rapid rise through the Martian Priesthood had recently been confirmed with his assignment to Ganymede in order to oversee the Mechanicum’s prestigious warp core experimentation programme.




[Pict Capture DR/351-19Z-003] Factotum and Coetus units accompanying Archmagos Kothar.


Kothar had previously earned the thanks of the X through his pioneering work salvaging archaeotech on the Telstarax that girdled the Legion’s homeworld Medusa, and it was here that he apparently recovered the technology that made possible his finest, controversial, achievement; the Coetus, a system whereby the Archmagos’ consciousness was distributed across a network of repositories, hugely enhancing his cogitative power and potentially rendering him effectively immortal.


Archmagos Kothar’s presence on the mission underlined Kelbor Hal’s view that the Gorgon could be swayed; as a senior Adept and a close ally of the Fabricator General, he was not a figure to be wasted on a fool’s errand. It was judged that speed, subtlety and discretion were of the essence, so Kothar elected to dispense with his usual coterie of advisors and sycophants, and instead to travel only with a small party.




[Pict Capture DR/351-19Z-004] Praetorian Satellitum units Epsilon/9876/Zeta-Phi and Epsilon/9876/Zeta-Chi


Besides Basarab and a number of Kothar’s Coetus units, the Archmagos brought only his personal Praetorian Satellitum duumvirate, who accompanied him at all times. There was one final addition to the delegation, designed to impress his prospective hosts and further prove the seriousness of the Martian Priesthood’s commitment to Horus’ cause; the Trimatrika were despatched to join the group.




[Pict Capture DR/351-19Z-005] Zamindar Kalaratri of the Trimatrika, Auxillia Myrmidon, Secutor sect


The Trimatrika were senior figures within the Myrmidon sect, eschewing the long-range firepower of the Destructor brethren for the close-combat path of the Secutor. Their origin was unknown, little remained of their organic selves to provide evidence of their past, and they rarely communicated other than to request repair and replenishment. Some claimed they were biological sisters kidnapped from pre-Unity Terra as infants, others that they were embodiments of a tradition dating back to the earliest days of the Machine cult, and that when the previous occupant fell in battle, a new aspirant would take up their mantle. All that could be definitively established was that the Trimatrika defined themselves as feminine, emphasised grace and fluidity in combat over brute force, and were some of the best-known practitioners of the Myrmidon sect within the Martian Priesthood.


The Trimatrika disdained the bulky, robed nature adopted by many of their fellow Secutors. Instead, they adopted a distinctive- and terrifying - physical form that was, depending on the analysis, based either on the ancient Hyndic deities of Terran prehistory, or the Phark of Martian myth. Their presence within Kothar’s delegation was calculated to appeal to the Primarch and his senior commanders, as the Trimatrika had fought alongside the X during the scouring of the Volframi Pentarchate, and Ferrus Manus had proved particularly taken with the artistry of their construction.



[Pict Capture DR/351-19Z-006] Zamindar Kalaratri, Jemadar Chamunda and Jemadar Maheshvari of the Trimatrika, Auxillia Myrmidon, Secutor sect


The Kothar Delegation departed Mars on one of the Priesthood’s fastest Void-Clippers around three months before the Warmaster commenced his initial atrocity at Isstvan III; what became of the mission remains a complete mystery. What is certain is that Ferrus Manus’ brother Fulgrim was the one who attempted to sway the Primarch of the X to the traitor cause, not Archmagos Kothar, and that this misjudged attempt failed dismally. There is no further record of any member of the delegation in Imperial archives; however, the attested presence of a small number of traitor elements within the heavily fragmented residual X Legion post Isstvan V suggest the possibility that Imit Basarab had some small success in convincing his brethren to share his treachery.




[Pict Capture DR/351-19Z-007] The Kothar Delegation

These are magnificent! I love the Trimatrika both concept and execution especially but they are all quite wonderful. The logical argument for the heresy is simple, elegant and superb.


It does raise one important issue though... when will you do a loyalist Mechanicus kill team and what amazing inspiring coolness will be in it?

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What a wonderfully twisted group of Slaaneshi dogs! Both the conversions and fluff are great, and there is something seriously unsettling about them, especially when it comes to the King in Palatine. Thale has to be my favourite, though: That rose is just a wonderful little touch...


I do have one nitpick, though: I think some of the masked faces could use a slightly cleaner paintjob. The models are great, make no mistake, but I think these guys would look even more impressive and eerie with cleaned up, highlighted masks.


In any case, you have a knack for coming up with immensely evocative teams representing the very soul of each legion! Wonderful!

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I agree with KrautScientist here, the masks are clearly inspired by the Venetian masks, clean them up, maybe even add some detailing to it and they'll truly be magical!


I really really really love the Trimatrika, so much that I'm almost tempted to actually buy GW/FW models again to make a few for myself!

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I agree with KrautScientist here, the masks are clearly inspired by the Venetian masks, clean them up, maybe even add some detailing to it and they'll truly be magical!

Now I see an Alpha Legionnaire with a Guy Fawkes Mask. Make one, please EdT, the 5th of November is fast approaching. msn-wink.gif
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Just stop already, making us look like amateurs ! biggrin.png Love the custom sonic weapon especially, and did I see mention of a Khan......?

Thanks, the sonic weapon is one of the Maxmini ones. I really like the less technological look to it; not every noise marine has to go for the glam-rock look...

I will get to the V eventually! I have a little queue of ideas as it happens, although unfortunately I'm having to be careful with the cash at the moment so they may have to stay in my head for the time being.

Hmm, I'm very curious to see you do an actual Terminator now!

I'd love to do one but haven't quite worked out how yet; the problem is the legs, which need to be bigger than the terminator ones I use for normal power-armoured marines. Centurion legs are too chubby; stretched Terminator legs with spacers don't look right, I haven't found a good third-party manufacturer who make something suitable, and don't have scratch-building skills. So I'm a bit stumped. Anyone got any suggestions?

These are magnificent! I love the Trimatrika both concept and execution especially but they are all quite wonderful. The logical argument for the heresy is simple, elegant and superb.

It does raise one important issue though... when will you do a loyalist Mechanicus kill team and what amazing inspiring coolness will be in it?

Thanks, I had a lot of fun making the Trimatrika. I was particularly happy to see in ADB's The Talon of Horus that there's a Dark Mechanicum adept who also went for the Kali look; perhaps she was the last survivor of the group?

I do have a good idea for a guy who could be the centrepiece of a Mechanicum Kill-Team based on one of the Hellbrute heads; his Abeyant would be very entertaining! However, I may save the conversion for a Rogue Trader and his bodyguard instead; we'll see how it goes.

What a wonderfully twisted group of Slaaneshi dogs! Both the conversions and fluff are great, and there is something seriously unsettling about them, especially when it comes to the King in Palatine. Thale has to be my favourite, though: That rose is just a wonderful little touch...

I do have one nitpick, though: I think some of the masked faces could use a slightly cleaner paintjob. The models are great, make no mistake, but I think these guys would look even more impressive and eerie with cleaned up, highlighted masks.

In any case, you have a knack for coming up with immensely evocative teams representing the very soul of each legion! Wonderful!

Thanks, glad you liked them. I was going for equal parts Lovcraft (or properly speaking Neely, given that's it's all the King in Yellow) and Clockwork Orange. It's my first time doing something beyond gap-filling with greenstuff and I've certainly learned a lot! The King in Palatine's head is basically from scratch. I completely see what you mean with the masks and will have a go at improving them; to be honest I suspect that if I tidy too much then the deficiencies in the green-stuffing will become apparent. Watch this space though...

I agree with KrautScientist here, the masks are clearly inspired by the Venetian masks, clean them up, maybe even add some detailing to it and they'll truly be magical!

I really really really love the Trimatrika, so much that I'm almost tempted to actually buy GW/FW models again to make a few for myself!

Thanks, I tried to make a virtue out of necessity with the white masks as my free-hand is dreadful; I agree that it'd be more slaaneshi though if they were more akin to these...

The Trimatrika are very easy, all you need is a box of Necron lichguard and some cataphracti shoulderpads. Really pleased how they worked out!

I agree with KrautScientist here, the masks are clearly inspired by the Venetian masks, clean them up, maybe even add some detailing to it and they'll truly be magical!

Now I see an Alpha Legionnaire with a Guy Fawkes Mask. Make one, please EdT, the 5th of November is fast approaching. msn-wink.gif

Funny you should say that, I'm currently working on some XX; no masks there though, although there will be a fair few tagelmusts...

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I'd love to do one but haven't quite worked out how yet; the problem is the legs, which need to be bigger than the terminator ones I use for normal power-armoured marines. Centurion legs are too chubby; stretched Terminator legs with spacers don't look right, I haven't found a good third-party manufacturer who make something suitable, and don't have scratch-building skills. So I'm a bit stumped. Anyone got any suggestions?

Doghouse played with the idea of turning a Centurion into a Terminator as you can see here. Apologist did it by using Obliterator legs and greenstuff. I found another one based on the Centurion model. Or you could go totally insane and use the Horus model by FW like Migsula and John Blanche did...

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Doghouse played with the idea of turning a Centurion into a Terminator as you can see here. Apologist did it by using Obliterator legs and greenstuff. I found another one based on the Centurion model. Or you could go totally insane and use the Horus model by FW like Migsula and John Blanche did...

Thanks, some interesting food for thought there! I'm not sure I can stomach cutting up a Primarch (and I suspect they might be a bit big, although the John Blanche one is amazing) but the Obliterator idea looks like it might be a goer. Shall have to do some planning...

While I'm here, have a quick WIP of my next kill-team; who on earth could these guys be? msn-wink.gif


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The pic is titled ALwip, so that rather gives the game away you know.... tongue.png

Clearly an elaborate triple bluff... rolleyes.gif

Hmm, there seems to be quite a 'gap' between the backpack and the marine's back on the left picture.

There is, isn't there? Weirdly there's no good reason for it and everything is fitting as it should, but I ended up taking the thing off and filing the torso back down a little to make things fit better. Still need to add plenty of equipment too, so that will also help.

Ed, love the start on the Alphas. Just to say, I am giving a go of truescaling a terminator using spacers to increase both height and width. Will let you know how it goes.

Thanks, and thanks for the headsup on the spacer-terminator project. I'll follow your attempty using spacers with interest; I did try doing something similar myself once, but the result managed to look both weirdly stretched and yet also not distinct enough from a regular marine at the same time! Off malika666's suggestion, I found a couple of finecast oblits on ebay to chop up, which are now on the way. Hopefully this will yield a more successful result; I've been wanting to find a solution to this for ages!

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There is, isn't there? Weirdly there's no good reason for it and everything is fitting as it should, but I ended up taking the thing off and filing the torso back down a little to make things fit better. Still need to add plenty of equipment too, so that will also help.

You could always try something like this:



Read the article by Philip Sibbering over here.

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Fantastic blogtitude – the Mechanicum stuff is especially creative – and I absolutely had to give a firm three mechandendrites up to that Alpha Legionnaire. Love the Kroot rifle end, and there's some lovely greenstuff work for the sigils.

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