Augustus b'Raass Posted September 11, 2018 Author Share Posted September 11, 2018 Looking good so far! And just remember, I have a FW Chaos Knight as well so it's not like you have to go balls to the wall with every single one. ...I do! ;) The leg reposing is really well done. Makes the model look so much more natural. Cheers, mate. Although technically it's not a reposing of the legs, but just a posing of a new, poseable, set of legs. Hmmmm Ya know what it needs.... it needs a great big eyeball where its head should be. Hodamn, you're right. ut I'm not going to do that as that would be creepy. :p Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rednekkboss Posted September 11, 2018 Share Posted September 11, 2018 Yes it would be. Wait until I get my hands on a knight. Big eyeball, tentacles..... oooooooo creeepy. FWIW, I'm painting my sentinals, so keep an eye on my army thread. :) Seriously though, Knight pose looks really cool. Looking forward to seeing how it comes together. Panzer 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted September 11, 2018 Author Share Posted September 11, 2018 Yes it would be. Wait until I get my hands on a knight. Big eyeball, tentacles..... oooooooo creeepy. FWIW, I'm painting my sentinals, so keep an eye on my army thread. Seriously though, Knight pose looks really cool. Looking forward to seeing how it comes together. The next Chaos Knight will have a Blinky-like head. Promise! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maarten Posted September 11, 2018 Share Posted September 11, 2018 The pose on that knight looks great man, was sceptical of the kit but it looks fine. Especially for 8 bucks. Reminds me of the story that the USA spent millions trying to design a ballpoint that would work in zero g, while the Russians just brought a pencil. That's because pencil graphite crumbles and floats around in zero Gs, being highly flammable..... Even the Russians switched to the American pens. Augustus b'Raass, Gederas and betrayer41 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DuskRaider Posted September 11, 2018 Share Posted September 11, 2018 You do? Then prove it, PAL. Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted September 12, 2018 Author Share Posted September 12, 2018 Alright, Plague Marine Squad Number 8 finished. 40 down, ten more to go. Squad Ukobach Plague Sergeant Ukobach Vexilarius Rahub Melee Specialist Mammun Weapon Specialist Infritu Weapon Specialist Beluth I hope you like them! Comments most welcome! Onwards to the Spoilpox Scriviner! Cheers Replies: @ Maarten: Yeah for $8 you can't complain! Reminds me of the story that the USA spent millions trying to design a ballpoint that would work in zero g, while the Russians just brought a pencil. That's because pencil graphite crumbles and floats around in zero Gs, being highly flammable..... Even the Russians switched to the American pens. Are you giving an explanation as to why I was reminded of that story? Because that wasn't the reason - the reason was the story conveys Russian practicality versus convolution. If you are questioning the veracity of the story itself - there is no need, as it's untrue. That's why I said it's a story, smartass! ;) :p (@ everyone else - Maarten and I are RL pals, this is our rapport) @ DuskRaider: I shall! I'm hugely excited to start work on the other Knight and have a couple ideas rummaging around in my skull. Incidentaly, do you have any suggestions as to the colour scheme? :) I was thinking of using Dryad Bark as a base colour, coupled with DG bone details and red (or maybe green) details, to link it with both my bone Death Guard army as well as my red World Eaters army. :tu: Subtle Discord, Brother Chaplain Ryld, Shovellovin and 6 others 9 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted September 12, 2018 Share Posted September 12, 2018 Looking great as usual! I especially like Mammun. I love the way you painted his horn growths! Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Traitor Posted September 12, 2018 Share Posted September 12, 2018 Your plague marines look great, the red works really well as a contrast colour. Also can't wait to see how that knight turns out! Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DuskRaider Posted September 12, 2018 Share Posted September 12, 2018 The real question is are you making your own Knight House or going with an established one? There would have been a few that would have campaigned alongside the Death Guard. The XIVth more or less enslaved House Makabius and you also have House Malinax from Xana II who would match the Death Guard scheme decently. Then there's House Ærthegn who swore their fealty to Horus, though they were more Khornate IMO. There's also House Atrax who were enslaved to Forge World Cyclothrathe. Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maarten Posted September 12, 2018 Share Posted September 12, 2018 Reminds me of the story that the USA spent millions trying to design a ballpoint that would work in zero g, while the Russians just brought a pencil. That's because pencil graphite crumbles and floats around in zero Gs, being highly flammable..... Even the Russians switched to the American pens. Are you giving an explanation as to why I was reminded of that story? Because that wasn't the reason - the reason was the story conveys Russian practicality versus convolution. If you are questioning the veracity of the story itself - there is no need, as it's untrue. That's why I said it's a story, smartass! (@ everyone else - Maarten and I are RL pals, this is our rapport) I'm giving the counter point that Russian practicality can get you in a lot of trouble later on. (You heard it here gents, Augs loves me) I really like Rahub's "Begone clean Saint!" pose. Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shovellovin Posted September 12, 2018 Share Posted September 12, 2018 Holy smokes! You have an awesome looking group of Death Guard. It's really inspiring to see the amount of work you put into your models; especially considering how many of them you've completed since March. Do you play 40K with infantry heavy lists? If you do, I bet your opponents enjoy seeing all of your Plague Marines on the table, in action. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted September 13, 2018 Author Share Posted September 13, 2018 Finished the Spoilpox Scriviner during the late hours of yesterday and was too tired to finish it. What a weird miniature. And yes, I see that cat hair running along the back of his trunk now. Goddamnit, it's almost imperceptible on the miniature itself. I should really start and ban my cat from my hobby space. And give my WIP miniatures a squirt of pressurized air before basecoating. Onwards to the Knight! Updates in a couple hours. Cheers! Replies: @ hushrong: Thanks! Yes, I am starting to fancy that particular head actually. If you cut out that weird Nurgle Symbol, it's a pretty decent Death Guard head! @ The Traitor: My thanks! I'm glad you noticed the red coming more into the army as a spot colour. Now that I have the recipe down, I'll do it more frequently. @ DuskRaider: THANK YOU for that invaluable information. I'm not at all knowledgeable about the Knight Houses, so I'm very thankful for these references. I don't want to infringe on House Makabius, mostl because you've done such stellar work on yours. I might look for a House that is named but which doesn't have any colours yet and divise my own, like I did with my Warhound Titan's Legio Ulricon. :) @ Maarten: Aha. You confused me by starting your sentence with 'That's because'. Point taken, though. If my Knight is ever blocked/banned by a TO, I'll know never to go to that tournament again. ;) @ Shovellovin: Weirdly enough, I've only once layed with Plague Marines - they're not super competitive. But I am working on a list with three Rhino's, all with 8 plague marines (2x Blight Launcher, 2x Flail, CHamp with fist and plasma), a foul Blightspawn and one character each. Must be fun! Brother Chaplain Ryld, firestorm40k, KrautScientist and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DuskRaider Posted September 13, 2018 Share Posted September 13, 2018 Pffft... infringe? Nah man, it's perfectly fine if you want to use Makabius. I'm not the first to use them (in general, I will say I've never seen a Chaos version). I would suggest doing research in general to help guide your decision. Even if just to read up on some cool fluff. Oh, and the Scrivener looks great! Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted September 13, 2018 Author Share Posted September 13, 2018 Cheers, Dusky! :) I'm still thinking about it. I really like your scheme, but also want to use the Knight in conjunction with my 40k World Eaters -which have red. In that sense, Houses Aethregn and Atrax would be better - with some bone detailing to pull them into the DG scheme. Speaking of Knights. The basic build is done! Now it's time to make it look like something that's not the standard FW Chaos Knight - more trophies, skulls and helmets on spikes, chains, fleshy parts, etc.There's also the technical issue of the maulerfiend exhausts. The thing is - their lower parts don't fit the Knight body, so I'll have to sculpt/model their attachement points. Probably with some fleshy parts or something. But they're also so big that the carapace's holes for them do not fit over them. So OR I have to sculpt them in place meaning I can't keep the carapace seperate, OR I need to sculpt/fix it so that they can be placed through the holes after painting, OR I have to use the original exhausts... nah, that last part is ridiculous. This may need some further thought...Anyway! Hope you like.Cheers! Brother Chaplain Ryld, Doghouse, malcharion and 9 others 12 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DuskRaider Posted September 13, 2018 Share Posted September 13, 2018 Attach the exhaust stacks to the carapace itself and leave them independent of the frame. You can model something on the frame that would meet with the stacks to make it look like it's one piece. You really don't want to have the Carapace attached to the frame for painting purposes... although you are a freakin wizard with the airbrush so maybe it won't cause issues for you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dantay VI Posted September 13, 2018 Share Posted September 13, 2018 FW don't do the Makabius transfer sheet :( Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ElDuderino Posted September 13, 2018 Share Posted September 13, 2018 Man that scrivener is such a beauty,I'm forever in awe of your skills with a brush. In with duskraider on the issue of the exhausts, just cut them apart and attach the tops to the carapace. The joint will probably be at least covered up by the carapace too, so any small gaps won't be very noticeable. I love the repose btw. Can't wait to see what you do to further customize it:) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted September 13, 2018 Share Posted September 13, 2018 There's a... And yes, I see that cat hair running along the back of his trunk now. Goddamnit, it's almost imperceptible on the miniature itself. I should really start and ban my cat from my hobby space. And give my WIP miniatures a squirt of pressurized air before basecoating. Oh, so you noticed ;) Seriously, though: The Plague Marine squad is looking great, once again. That scrivener steals the show, though -- fantastic paintjob! The mouth area seals the deal for me once more! Regarding the blue feather and Nurgle icon, they look great, but are there any other elements of that colour in your army? Or is the feather supposed to have been plucked from a follower of Tzeentch (which would be a neat little touch)? By the way, I, for one, really appreciate the 'evolved' red -- adds a nice bit of pop to the models! As for the Knight, I was going to say that, while it's a competent build, I was feeling slightly disappointed by how vanilla it looks until I read this: Now it's time to make it look like something that's not the standard FW Chaos Knight - more trophies, skulls and helmets on spikes, chains, fleshy parts, etc. So now I'm slightly more at ease ;) I will say that I think a custom (or customised) facemask instead of the stock FW part would go a long way towards making him look more original. As for the exhausts, that problem was the exact reason why I didn't use those on my own Knight, as I wanted to keep the carapace detachable -- I think DuskRaider has it right: Add them to the carapace! Speaking of which, what about a cockpit and pilot? You know you haven't properly gone all out on a Knight until you've included those parts, right? As always, looking forward to your next update, buddy! :) Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hungry Nostraman Lizard Posted September 14, 2018 Share Posted September 14, 2018 Those recasted posed legs look great. Can you shoot a PM as to where I may obtain such pieces myself? Did you magnetize the arms also, or do you always intend to run it with the two shooty cannon arms? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Subtle Discord Posted September 14, 2018 Share Posted September 14, 2018 *Urge to build something big and stompy... rising...* Why do I even look? I just know if I do it will make me want to build and paint more. So why do I even look!?! Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted September 14, 2018 Author Share Posted September 14, 2018 I got distracted again.Some of my recent Death Guard lists include a vanilla Chaos Lord of Nurgle to force those rerolls in my backline. I'm getting a bit tired of using a stand-ing Death Guard infantry guy, so I decided to build a dedicated dude. Also, I've been hugely inspired by Doghouse, who has created a video tutorial on making truescale marines. It's been a looong while since I did my Truescale Night Lords First Claw incarnation based on AD-B's novels - and even longer since my first attempt, a Word Bearer's Dark Apostle of Khorne. And lo and behold I still have a the third and final Lord of Contagion from the DI kit left over. So I did some work. Here's what I have so far. The plan is to sculpt his back in Doghouse MkIII style today. I'm also making his belly so that it is held (semi-) in by one or two chains, and some skin stapled to his chest armour. Then he'll be getting a backpack and some decorative bits and bops - blight grenades, a holster, and other things, lastly there's be some pustules, and then he's ready for paint! Sounds like a plan? Cheers! Replies: @ DuskRaider: Yeah I think you just sold me on the idea. It'll take some figuring out, but option two was indeed the better one. @ Dantay VI (or was it XV?): Eh, that shucks. But it being a Chaosified Knight, I wouldn't know where to stick them anyway ;) @ ElDuderino: Thanks on the Scriviner. About the legs: it's not a repose. They're a third party posable Knight legs kit. :) @ KrautScientist: Oh you with your efficient trawler commenting. You should visit more often! Warn me of hairs before I start painting and such. ;) So let's dive in: the scriviner's feather and icon are both elements that tie it into my army: the blue is the same colour as the tongues of all my Plague Bearers and Nurglings, while the Icon is the green of my Death Guard. :) Glad you like the red! I am still on the fence about making a cockpit - it's a lot of work, but well worth the effort I think. I was going to glue the top caracpace in place to make it redundant, but now that DuskRaider has convinced me not to do that, I think I'll go for the cockpit. YAY! @ Subtle Discord: You look here for the same reason we are all on this forum: for inspiration. Thanks for that which your thread gave to me! @ Hungry Nustraman Lizard: PM sent! ANd yes, the arms are magentized - here's proof: ;) Krakendoomcool, Kizzdougs, DuskRaider and 8 others 11 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Chaplain Kage Posted September 14, 2018 Share Posted September 14, 2018 Although that's probably the best use of that DG head I've seen so far, I personally hate it. The pose is great and I would love to see a different head on it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Panzer Posted September 14, 2018 Share Posted September 14, 2018 First thing that came to my mind when I saw that DG head is him singing some opera and now I can't unsee it ... god dammit! :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Viridia Posted September 14, 2018 Share Posted September 14, 2018 I like the head, considering the overall pose. It's like he's roaring up to the Dark Gods to send him a better challenger next time. You could possibly put some partial remains of a loyalist or a rival chaos worshipper on the base to cement that kind of idea? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DuskRaider Posted September 14, 2018 Share Posted September 14, 2018 I think that head really works with this pose and I too generally loathe it. Curious to see how to you do his back and I'd like to see his size when compared to other Death Guard. The Knight is coming along nicely, although I hope you're going to rough that frame up a bit. You're a braver man than I tackling the cockpit of a Nurgle Knight (although thinking more on your comments it sounds he's Undivided). You've convinced me to pick up the Maulerfiend Stacks off of eBay for my next Knight, although I just can't justify the legs as much as I hate all of my Knight being in a similar pose. The price is high enough but the month or so shipping time is the real killer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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