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++ AUGUSTUS b'RAASS ++ pre-heresy BRASS SCORPION p.247

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Dude! That Daemon Prince looks fantastic! 


I hope you get over the food poisoning quickly :tu:



Ps. Congratulations on your ETL Artificer badge! Typhus looked absolutely brilliant :)

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Hi everyone! It's been a while! Nearly six days. The food poisoning was done ni about 24 hours, but I've been busy with work stuff and having meetings for my home improvement project. We'll be adding 18m2 to my GF's 45mappartment, hoping to live there untill maybe kids happen, and then sell for double what we invested in it. Wow, grownup decisions. 


Anyway, as my entire team has gone on holiday since yesterday, I have neigh on nothing to do. So I 'worked at home' today, and finished the two Foul Blightspawn!


First, the relatively standard guy, whose only modifications are a different muzzle for his hose, and a slight upwards repose of his head. He also has one Blight Grenade fewer than the original. Just to mix his sideways silhouette up a bit.



 Second and last, his buddy, who got a lot done -  new right arm, new legs. I thought to further differentiate him from his bro by painting his weird helmet green. 



I am particularly pleased with how both the backpack vats have worked out. :smile.:


Now, I've started work on three of these. Magnetizing these things couldn't be easier. I'm also going to diversify their shields and their damage. I'm also still considering whether to paint them separately, or all three at the same time... 




Another project n B&C I'm working on is moving all my pictures here to Imgur. It's a LOT of work, seeing as I literally have posted thousands of pictures in this thread alone... I'm just sick of Photobucket taking my money for basically the worst service there is on the web.


Hope you like!





@ Mechanist: Oh man, definitely expand on the start collecting box. Nurgle Daemons are so much fun to paint!


@ hushrong: haha maybe so, but I'm going to replace it nonetheless. :smile.: The tree is a fortification you can buy for your Nurgle Daemons. It's in their codex and it gives a huge boost to Nurgle Daemons. 


@ Race Bannon: Or perhaps you've finally seen the world as it truly is! 


@ Krakendoomcool: Cheers. yeah, I thought about the ide of having his thin, long arms count as wings, but then it would be hard not to just see a Mourngul...


@ Eldrick Shadowblade: Sure, bro! Send me a PM! I'd be happy to help. :smile.:


@ Hungry Nostraman Lizard: hahahah maybe that's what happened, yeah. :wink:


@ Brother Chaplain Kage: http://media0.giphy.com/media/3i7zenReaUuI0/giphy.gif


@ Ashenwyte: A Legion Symbol branded on his body! Brilliant! Vambrace will be difficult as his arms are so long. But maybe on his pauldron! 

@ Kizzdougs: Thanks, buddy! Congrats to you too! 

Edited by Augustus b'Raass
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Why not just use the BNC gallery?



Probably because when the site's code is borked (which seems to be often?), it's near-impossible to use the BNC gallery. Like, I've not been able to use the gallery to upload pictures EVER. Edited by Gederas
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Why not just use the BNC gallery?



Because 1. I'd like my pictures to be vieweable by others; 2. Picture storage costs money; the more we upload, the more money the B&C needs, the harder it becomes to keep the site in the air; and 3. Unfortunately, I don't find the B&C gallery to be all that user-friendly, unfortunately. It's the one thing about the site I'm not a fan of; and 4. what Gederas said...

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Ahh, I don't know much about daemons. They look pretty neat!


The blightspawn look great. I really want to get a hold of one to use that backpack for a flamer guy in KT. I do not know why I never paid much attention to that mini when I had DG. He has an awesome sculpt. The plaguecrawler is awesome as well. Hand down one of my favorite tanks in the game at the moment. Great rules and I love the non STC design it has...thank to a Primarch.


And good luck moving all the pictures. Before they held pictures hostage their website just sucked for me. It would take minutes to load an image, just one, and it was agonizing. Thanks to that I started using B&C's gallery to host.

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Thanks guys!

On a side note, I am humbled by the fact that my ETL VI-output has been nominated for the Master Artificer Badge of ETL VI!
Captain Semper opened a poll for the election of it. 




Please, go there and vote for your favourite miniature(s) of this ETL, whichever they may be. There's some fantastic and absolutely stunning work in there.

Oh, and Typhus is there too. Take you pick(s)!  :smile.:


I'm off for a vacation in Piemonte, Italy. See you all in about two weeks!

Edited by Augustus b'Raass
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For the plagueburst crawlers, and on the topic of battle damage - why not have a chunk of hull be missing (punched out, burst by a shell) and leaving a crater from which can be seen a rather surprised little nurgling? 


If I were personally working on the crawlers, i'd give them something on the back a bit. They're so front heavy it's cartoonish. Maybe a wagon (as in like a little trolley-car) of plague-bearers? I believe the fluff for the crawlers is that they're particularly upset daemons thrust in there by Mortarion himself. I'd wager other daemons would be quite jolly that they're up and about. 

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Great that you managed to do so many awesome models for ETL Auggi! Makes good for me oversleeping the entry date :happy.:


*removes my hood*


And welcome in the Artificer Lodge - you deserve it!

Edited by Atia
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  • 2 weeks later...

I have finally got around to leaving a message man! :yes:


Well, I have to say that I disagree with every single person on here, your minis are just abysmal!! It hurts my eyes just to look at them! :verymad: You should be ashamed! :down:


I joke of course! :teehee::rolleyes::teehee: I love these!! :biggrin.: This blog is full of such good inspiration, I shall TRY to match the level that you achieve, and fail miserably! But as we all know, it takes practice, practice and more bloody practice!

Keep up the good work man, it's damn good plastic crack to stare in awe at! :biggrin.:

Edited by Aslomov
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During my vacation I tried to keep up with the forum, and it's given me a ton of inspiration - I'm finally going to work on my Knight(s), plus a ton of stuff on my Death Guard. 


I started with this Plague Marine squad. Now, you might be thinking "huh, what a weird weapons combo" and you'd be right. But the thing is I figured out I need a lot more guys wit flails than I'd legally be allowed to field if I was doing the four five-man squads I was planning. So I swapped some bolter guys with flail guys in the list of things I am yet to do. Unfortunaty that will mean I have a couple bolter dudes left over at the end, so I guess I'm painting a squad with bolter guys and flails in a couple months. Anyway, time for pictures!

Squad Hakur



Sergeant Hakur - made from the DI Noxious Blightbringer's body. I really like the way I exaggerated his slumping gate with his plasmagun arm.



Vexilarius Adid - Just a simple arm and backpack swap of the standard guy. 



Specialist Dulud - I went to town on him with my new tentacle maker. Also, he has tons of bits from the extra (painted) DI sets I got, as well as a third party backpack.



Specialist Dasudo - I'm actually the most pleased with this guy. Since the Plague Marine set only has one flail of corruption in it, I only got two of those sets and I need at least six flails, I was forced to make some custom. His is made from a Space Wolves double-handed power axe haft and a Dark Angels terminator Flail of the Unforgiven. Pretty nifty, if I may say so myself :smile.:



Specialist Gulk - the runt of the litter. I cannot seem to make this head seem cool. I might even change his head and possibly his right arm. He's another attempt to use the DI standard bolter marine's body, of which there are two in the box - see the legs? What do you guys think?



Tat's the squad. I'd love to hear what you think of them. Let me know!

Also, I started work on the three PBCs I got. I kinda went overboard magnetizing all options, as well as the base sponson guns themselves, for storage... 



This is what the options pile looks like - a ball of magnetized bits.



Thanks for looking. I have the rest of the week off for hobby time, so I'm thrilled!






@ Hugnry Nostraman Lion: That nurgling in the hole thing seems like a cool idea but would be maybe a bit too convoluted for the aesthetic I'm going for.... I like the idea of giving them a loading space, like the Legion Earthshakers. But that would make their profile bigger and since I also visit the tournament scene... :confused:


@ Midnight Runner: The crazy tree thing is a Feculent Gnarlmaw - it's a GW miniature that increases the abilities of nearby Daemons of Nurgle. 


@ Atia: Well, seeing as you weren't on the Chaos Team, I didn't mind your sleepy face! And thanks!


@ Alsomov: Yeah they're pretty crap, aren't they? I should just throw everything away and start anew. :wink: You're on the right track with the practice though - feel free to ask for advice on anything here. I'd be hapy to help you out with any techniques. :smile.:

Edited by Augustus b'Raass
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Welcome back!


And please tell me you will show up for a game with a magnetized ball of weapons. Then slowly pick them out and pop them on the crawler.


Aside from that I love those crawlers and you've done a great job changing them up so they do not look like they were a copy-paste job. I also cannot wait to hear what havoc they reap for you. Those things are by far one of my favorite vehicles in this game. I usually try to think of ways that I could sneak it into my Black Legion. Best idea I have though is to use it as a scorpius.


The plague marines also look great. Nice conversions and use of bits as always! The blightlauncher marine definitely catches my eyes. I love those tentacles/cords around his weapon and that third party backpack!

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Thanks guys,


Unfortunately my buddy called in sick forour planned day of hobbying. I filled the time we would have spent chatting and having laughs with hobby productivity. 


Let's start with Specialist Gulk of the above WIP squad. BCK and Midnight Runner suggested some cabling for the helmet, so I did just that. Thanks guys!


Now, some of you might remember these Great Plague Cleaver toting guys from squad :

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Well, turns out that Great Plague Cleavers suck and that Flails of Corruption rule. So I made them into this:





Hurray for the Chaos Marauder kit I picked off Facebook two years ago - they've proven invaluable for cultists, poxwalkers, and now for this!


I also did some work on the Flying Daemon Prince. He got a Bionic Eye to make it absolutely clear he is a creature from the 41st millennium. That lead cable will run into the side of his neck, but the end is left long and in the wrong place to let the GS around the first end cure



I started his backpack by putting the smoke stacks from the finecast Nurgle DP's as backpack exhausts. Cables will run from below his shoulder pads into the backpack, which will get an organic ring to it. I also added extra flayed flesh between the resin sculpted flesh and the cables running out of his lower half. 



Finally, work has begun on the PBCs.



That's it. That's all I have fro today. :D






@ BCK: Good idea! Implemented :) Satisfactory?


@ Midnight Runner: Cheers! That's kinda what I was going for so I'm glad it came across as such :tu: 


@ Hungry Nostraman Lizard: Nah, maybe tomorrow. Definitely this week though. :) Go for the DI box! Its a great resource of Nurgle Bits and very simple to cut up!


@ hushrong: I guess I will? I'm also looking forward to their performance. I have yet to see them in action  -I've never actually played or seen a game being played with them....

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I love the Daemon Prince, he looks much better and I like the flesh around the tubes coming from his shredded torso.


I don't know if it's how thin they are or the bend to them, but the tubes on the Blight Launcher Marine look off. If you've got the green stuff tube maker, try using that instead.


I'm a bit sad you replaced the Cleavers, truthfully. They looked great previously and Cleavers still serve a role when attacking tanks and hard-to-kill opponents. The movement on the flail chains just doesn't gel well with the models holding them. 


Plagueburst Crawlers are coming along nicely! It will be nice to see them completed and all together. Will you be doing anything to differentiate them?

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Another day of hobbying yields great progress on the tanks, but most importantly: I think the build of the Daemon Prince is done!

Here's a compilation picture, followed by wide-angle pics in hidden brackets, and finally shots of the details, with explanations. 




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And detailed pictures:


I decided to give him a bionic eye to show his human origin, as well as to visually place him in the 41st millenium. There's also black carapace sockets and a cable running from his neck to his backpack, and finally some campaign pips on his forehead to show his astartes origin. The plastic Death Guard symbol on his shoulder pad identifies him even with more detail.



His backpack is a corrupted version of an astartes backpack. I used a combination of smoke stacks and MkIII backpack exhausts to function as the lower heat dispensers of an astartes backpack. Three grills in the middle do something similar, as well as making a Nurgle symbol. Cables from his backpack and his head place the miniature in the 40K universe, as well as showing off his astartes origin and bulking up his upper arms to make the pauldrons fit better.



Again, cables running from under his shoulder pads to the backpack bulk up his spindly arm to make the shoulder pads it more, as well as further emphasising the 40K/41st millennium origin of the daemon.7l4CCns.jpg


let me know what you think. You know me, once a build is finished it needs paint, so please I can only incorporate feedback in the next 24 hours or so. :wink::smile.:





@ Bjorn Firewalker: Cheers, buddy :smile.:


@ Custom Hero: Aw man, a buddy of mince converted a Dark Mechanicus Cawl out of the Necron Canoptek Spider and Cawl himself I believe.


@ DuskRaider: Cheers! Let me respond to all your points: Thanks for the lauding feedback on the DP. I unfortunately cannot help the tubing on brother Gulk - thicker would be far too thick I'm afraid. About the Cleavers: sadly they had to go - I will never use them as their only function is anti-armour/monster, and there's other stuff in the army to do that. I'm not sure what you mean by the movement issue - the first guy is making a sideways swipe and the other is going for an upwards swipe. PBCs are basecaoated, washed, drybrushed, washed, drybrushed, and are now ready for their final wash. :wink::thumbsup:

Edited by Augustus b'Raass
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My word, your Daemon Prince is quite a work of art! Brilliant execution mate, I love the touches you have done to bring him into 40k (the Black Carapace sockets are genius!!)


Quick question - what did you use to fill in the shoulder pad recesses? Cheers :tu:


Such awesome work mate, genuinely terrifying visage. I know you will do him (it) justice when you paint him (it!) - going to make a fine centrepiece.


I know I am racing about the Prince, so just let me say I like the piping on Gulk too, and also the flails work really well too :)

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