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++ AUGUSTUS b'RAASS ++ pre-heresy BRASS SCORPION p.247

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My ZInge Industries order with the flexible wrapped wire came in. This stuff is amazing - it's everything you want guitar bass strings to be but which that stuff just isn't; flexible, posable, and pretty thick wrapping wire so you can actually make use of during painting/washing/drybrushing. I'm not being paid or have had no contact with ZInge Industries, this is not an add. This is just a hobbyist finding stuff that's perfect and recommending it to others. Wow

Now, on to what I did with it! I finished the water Guild Representatives! Here they are:

Master Nautican






And the whole group of representatives together:


As you see, I kept the Subnautican's mechanical arm that I crafted earlier off. I just think he looks good as is - and I'll be able to pull the whole creepy band together with the paint job. I'm super stoked about them. As you can see, the Master Nautican and Syphonite's mechanical arm have been added to with the wrapped wire, which both makes them look more realistic but also strengthens them structuraly. What a great thing to have in my tool box now. 

Anyway, let me know what you think. Thank you for looking and your comments!



@ BaddgersinHills: I completely agreed with you and left the arm off.  


@ hushrong: Oh man, this technique for making mechanical arms will look sweet on  iron warriors! I decided to leave poff the arm for the subnautican though - mainly because I agreed it was too spindly, and had to be made bigger, which would require it go above his head, which would not jam with his profile. 


@ Kriegsmacht: You're welcome! ;) Everything should  have more skulls on them. Unforutnately I couldn'tsee where to put them so I left them off. I hope you don't find that too dissapointing.... ;)


@ Metzonmbie: Yeah I agree for sure. it was too spindly and didn't jam with its profile. Thanks! 


@ Castigator: wow, thanks for the extensive reply, buddy! Glad to see you back in the WIP section! I just cannot be bothered to keep track of several threads, so I just stick to this one. I hope you don't mind. ;) I get what you're saying Re: the autogun as a needler, but I kind a like how it looks, as it reminds me of the harpoon gun in one of those old 007 James Bond movies. I can't remember which one. Re: the slave - you're wrong! He's not wearing a holstered pistol - he's wearing a pistol holster. I removed the only part of the pistol that stuck out - namely the handle. So he has been disarmed! 

@ noigrim: thanks and thanks! 

@ PeteySödes: Haha but it isn't a force - it's just a couple miniatures in a small group - which makes it super easy to transport :)


@ KBA: I agree that a bigger, folded up servo arm would work, but that would mess with the profile of the brute too much ti actually keep it. He'd look like a scorpion and I'm sure it'd be harder to hoist him out of the water on those two handles on top of his harnas as well....


@ BCK: I agree! Thanks dude.


@ Majkhel: Cannisters I thought of, but really the miniature is so busy with cables, I couldn't really find a place for them!


@ DuskRaider: Thank you! Coming form you that means a lot! 


@ Gederas: Yes, Water Guild :) And re: the simplicity fo the bash, I know, right!? ;)


@ Atia: Lady Atia! Fancy seeing you here. The bionic eye was made by drilling iunto the eye with a 1mm drill, then a 2 mm drill. Sticking a piece of 2mm plastic rod in there, drilling a 1mm indent in the rod, and glueing a 1mm micro bead into theat indent. :tu:


@ Viridia: FW can suck it! I like the idea of people making their own guilders far better that them getting those wonkily proportioned slabs of resin out,. 

Edited by Augustus b'Raass
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That cabling is sweet! Definitely want to check it out as you can never have enough cabling in the grim dark.


I def liked the extra servo limb. I think having it like an exo-skeleton over his right arm would be killer. He still looks beastly without it. Now I’m just looking forward to paint on him and the gang!

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No time to sit still. Gotta work on the Promethean Guild's Pyrocaen Lord.... was my thought this morning. So.... I finished it, I guess! I just couldn't stop adding stuff that were already planned, and then some more! But after three weeks of patiently building up greenstuff, waiting for orders of materials, and my local GW store to reopen, I guess we can call this baby finished! 























Phew! Let me know what you think. 

Thanks for looking. 





@ Castigator: Yeah that's good practice in general; disarm your slaves. :O Now that that semi-racist joke was made, I can go back to being my normal, reasonable self again. Paint on the Water Guild will have to wait for my inspiration to finally paint Morty to either lead to a painted Morty or to die down.

@ Mechanist: Thank you! I love working with that stuff!


@ Kriegsmacht: You should check them out, it's just brilliant stuff for sure. 

@ hushrong: Never enough cabling indeed. Paint will come soon, promise!


@ BadgersinHills: Go for it! :tu:


@ Sandalphon: Yup - I'm going to prime them white, then Russ Grey, and work from there. Cloth will be cream. 

@ PowerHungryMonkey: Totally go and get some. They're fantastic miniatures. 

@ Majkhel: Thanks again for commenting, buddy! 

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That's seriously impressive. Lovely green stuff, very nice work on the cloth, the folds look great. You really brought the concept to life!


It seems like you've really taken another step with this one. Have you done a complete sculpt like this before?

Edited by ElDuderino
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Wow man, that not only knocks it out of the park but into the next state.

Everything has come together so well with the buckets of candles, the cables and rivets but on top of all that sits a sweet sculpt right there in the middle. I've never had the courage to try and sculpt robes you've done a fantastic job. I seriously can't wait to see this guy and get some paint hopefully swiftly followed by the water guild, not only that but there's two more Promethean Guild members in that forgeworld preview to come down the line. 


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Dang, man, that is just a sublime miniature, it just irradiates 40k/Necromunda vibes.


May I suggest a minor addition? You could try to add a little bit of greenstuff on the bases of the shorter candles, to simulate the molten wax pooling and dripping slightly off the platform, and would integrate the candles even more into it.

Edited by Elzender
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Great work! Really, really great! I love the hood - excellent job! Those wires indeed look to be a great tool for you. The candles are a great touch as well.


I second Elzender's idea of creating pools of wax around them to integrate them with the throne even more. PVA could be even easier to use especially if you have a fine tip for it's application.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks guys.

Wow, I've been surprisingly busy with work, despite the lockdown. Yet inspiration has really got me going. You see, I work on the same desk at which I hobby, so all my hobby stuff is constantly around me. So between Zoom - en Skype meetings and telephone calls, I get super inspired by stuff. And it's been hard on my wallet too - I've indulged myself and bought a shift ton of stuff lately - a 100+ euro order at GreenStuffWorld has been accompanied by purchases of Skitarii Rangers, Empire Greatswordsmen, the new Chaos Space Marines, Khorne Blood Warriors, Astra Militarum SCions, a Corpse Grinder gang, some AdMech Sicarians, a second Lord of Plagues, a Corpse Cart, plus a huge third party Chain Axe order from Pop Goes the Monkey.... I have no idea how or when I'm going to process this all, so I am actually building a pile of shame right now. It's both inspiring and infuriating. 

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My GF asked me the other day homw much I spend on my hobby per month, and I lied through my teeth and said "about 80 euros". :O

Anyway. I finished the Master Nautican for my Necromunda Water Guild. Behold!










It was a lot of fun painting this guy - after I decided to paint him individually. You see, I made the grave error of spraying the entire guild (all three miniatures) in With GW Corax White primer, then with a GW The Fang spray bottle. And then realized I had to cover tons of areas with Wraithbone base to make the contrast I would be using on some areas work. I should have basecoated him with Wraithbone and painted on the Fang. Also, for some reason the blue sprayed bases really put me off painting a miniature.... Oh well. Lesson learned!

I hope you like him. Please let me know what you think. 

Thanks for looking and for your feedback. 



@ ElDuderino: Thank you very much for that, mate. And no, I haven't done a sculpt like this before. I gotta say it's exhilirating doing it, but damn does it bring out the perfectionist in me. I now understand BCK a little better!

@ Quixus: It's a Pyrocaen Lord for Necromunda - it's the leader of a small group of Promethean Guild representatives that are descirbed and have rules in the Book of Peril. 

@ hushrong: You should! The Book of Peril is a great source of fluff for Necromunda. 


@ Mechanist: Haha on the GIF! :D Thanks for the laughs :) 


@ Elzender: That's a great idea and I will do that, thanks! 


@ PowerHungryMonkey: Thanks! 'nuff siad. ;)


@ Sagentus: Cheers for that, buddy! I'm glad you approve! 


@ noigrim: They're from AnvilIndustry - they're a side project of their Daughters of the Burning Rose kickstarter. 


@ BadgersinHills: Oooooh thank you for that! How did you know?  :D


@ Majkhel: Will do, my friend :)

Now, let's all do some hobby stuff and post it on the forum. it's FAR too QUITE here!

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Daaang! The Master Nautican looks fantastic! And this log is looking dangerous for my wallet now with this sweet necromunda stuff. A lot of sweet temptation in here. I wanted to wait and get some enforcers...but now I am feeling some Van Saar-esque space rats a-coming!


I am also glad to hear you've got even more goodies incoming!

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Good job Augustus!
I was not sold on the red liquid at first, but the longer I looked, the better it looked. It does give a nice splash of warm colour, and brings some sinister and disturbing ideas as to why it is red... :wink:
I really like the cloth - with it's flowing lines, the creamy-brown coloration is very blanchitsu-style. Red liquid, the hazard striping and rusted iron also adds to this feel. In this setting, the blue armour becomes a defining colour for the mini, that emphasises the Water Guild aspect. Very nice!!

Edited by Majkhel
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