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Psychopomps (photos before farewell!)


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Thanks, Teetengee.

I've come down with something nasty (Nurgle's revenge for me making a Slaaneshi version of Typhus, no doubt) and am feeling like a plague zombie at the moment. I hope I have the energy to get some work done on the board and those last two bikers tonight as it would be disappointing to have to cancel so close to parade day.

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Here's the board before scorch marks were added and the grass was weathered.

I mixed the full 150ml of Tamiya clear resin and was about to pour it in when I noticed in the instructions it said 'Do not mix the full 150ml of resin or pour it in thicknesses of over 30mm as the heat generated in the curing process can be over 200C in such cases‘.

This was cause for worry.

But measuring out my river: 49cm by 8cm I figured 150ml would give me little depth so likely we wouldn't have a disaster.

Fingers crossed.

And it cured fine. :) Quickly, too.

I really must experiment with adding colour next time.


Some scorch marks added here. Webway gate in place. Slaanesh, in the dark tongue, scrawled in blood over the Biel Tan glyph.


A few cat-tails by the riverside. If I have time (unlikely) I'll add more.


And the back/side wall with bloody messages no doubt written by the raptors using severed limbs as brushes.

I recently noticed how rain-carried dirt streaks down from certain points of buildings (I'm sure a maiden world is cleaner than Tokyo, but I wanted to add some anyway) and so did some with a little Typhus corrosion smeared with my finger.


Still a few models to finish tonight then get everything packed up for tomorrow. If I find I have enough time I want to add some thorn vines too...

Wish me luck!

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And far larger images


On my Flickr page (link in my signature) I uploaded those photos (if you wanted to see them even bigger) and those of the other entries at Takadanobaba's AoP. Please do have a look at these.

I don't want to come across as a :censored: but I feel that when you lose you should be able to learn something from he/she/it who defeated you. 

That I crowded too many models onto my AoP display I now see. Many of the little dramas (e.g. the harlequins and daemonettes duelling) were lost amid the sea of models).

However as for painting, basing, modelling...I feel there is nothing I can take away from this loss but for confusion.


I wrote and rewrote that a few times and hope it didn't come over too bitter.


Anyway, I got myself a helldrake as a little reward.

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Please pardon my mini-rant yesterday. I both love and hate AoP at the same time (bring brought up making military models and going to IPMS model shows I'm picky as hell. Gaps aren't filled? Bolters aren't drilled? Bases aren't painted/decorated? Tsk tsk tsk).

Oops. Nearly started again :(


As for the Helldrake, I'm looking at various arrangements people have done. I like KrautScientist's with the two large wing panels pointed to the fore, giving it a Hellblade-like silhouette. I'm tempted to do this and have the head magnetised so I can put in a forge fiend autocannon and count it as a Hellblade, or a different head to use it as a baledrake...either the actual drake head and neck or the ectoplasma forge fiend head (another common conversion I'm sure you've seen).

I'm tempted to somehow mould a pilot into the dorsal plate too. Have him wired in.


And tentacles dangling down from the ventral side, one holding a snatched Eldar.


The drake claws I will not be using. I want to use these as replacement front legs on a future maulerfiend.


And now AoP is over I want to take some time and get good photos of each completed unit so far, and open a thread in the Hall of Honour for the Psychopomps.


But now, I have an oath to the Iron Warriors to fulfill...

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A Heldrake, huh? I can't wait to see your take on it! I'll agree with the sentiment that KrautScientist's "Hellrazor" conversion would be a great example to follow- if I ever get a Heldrake I may make it into a Hellrazor myself. As for the head, I'd be tempted to use something other than a Forgefiend head. Perhaps do some sculpting and turn the neck socket into a grinding, tooth-filled maw, or perhaps take a Tyranid head of some description, smooth over the head carapace and add a tonne of pipes/cables/daemontech detail.

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  • 2 weeks later...

”Some say they are fallen Eldar, others say those same elfin xenos but spared sacrifice to She Who Must Not Be Named provided they swear to fight for the Naga.” The taleteller began to laugh but it was a wet laugh which soon turned to a hacking cough.

“Other still will tell you they are Nephilim or Cambion. The offspring of Q’tlahs’itsu’aksho – the maidens of the Dark Prince – coupling with mortals. Not always willingly,” the old wretch grinned lasciviously.

“But I,” the caitiff continued, “I say they are the Blessed Ones. The Touched Ones. Those who have rutted with the beast and have glimpsed His palace in their ecstasy. All else is now naught but ennui. They seek pain and they seek death in the service of the Prince’s chosen, believing they are awaited by His maidens in paradise.”

The inquisitor slapped his gloved hand across the old man’s face, his signet ring splitting the man’s cheek, and spat on him.

“Take him to my ship, to the cells. I will learn all he knows of these `Blessed Ones` and this `Naga sorcerer`.”

My new cultists. Lightly converted from Wood Elf wildwood rangers. When I saw the models on the GW homepage in pinkish colours, with swirling patterns on their cloaks I knew I had to corrupt some :D

To de-elf them I rounded off the ends of their boots and gave all of them masks over the lower half of their faces.

As the little bit of fluff above suggests, whoever they really are, they have strong links to the Daemonettes of the Psychopomp warband and their armour will be painted like that of those daemons.


The leader, perhaps tearfully holding the head of his slain beloved...or is he about to enact some form of ritual with her ichor?


Lovely big flag. I look forward to painting this. My warband has too few flags at the moment.


And some have GS jewelry (care of the Hellsteider kit). Where my Slaangor are heavily tattooed and pierced with chains and spikes, I wanted to keep these men and women clean (but for a couple with tentacles).


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Rain kept me from undercoating them yesterday but it's dry today so hopefully I can do that tonight.

Instead I got some work done on the Helldrake/razor/blade...namely work on the pilot, who will be exposed (to a degree).


The scout snipers are almost ready for undercoating too. I hope I can do them tonight as well.

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