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  • 4 weeks later...
Crimson Fist Primaris Intercessor
Another week and another Crimson Fist to stride into battle alongside his brothers. :smile.:
After all this hard work I'm almost at...the bare minimum requirements for a Patrol detachment. :wink:


  On 1/15/2018 at 4:11 PM, Isengrin said:

The glowing power sword alone is just ridiculously awesome. I love the effect you achieved there. Great atmospheric shot of the crimson fists and those pesky orks, too!


Thanks very much, Isengrin, glad you liked the it! :happy.:

I really like your Crimson Fists with the led eyes and sword. They look very impressive with the lights on or off. Have you considered making a mold of the helmets and weapons and casting them in clear resin? That way you can paint everything except the part you want lit up without drilling out the eyes and such.
  On 2/12/2018 at 6:05 PM, ephrael said:

I really like your Crimson Fists with the led eyes and sword. They look very impressive with the lights on or off. Have you considered making a mold of the helmets and weapons and casting them in clear resin? That way you can paint everything except the part you want lit up without drilling out the eyes and such.


Thanks very much ephrael. :happy.: Yes, the helmets and weapons are cast from white resin which is thin enough for the light to shine through. The eyes aren't drilled! :)  I did experiment with clear resin to begin with, but found that the white resin diffused the light in a more uniform and pleasing way. 



  On 2/12/2018 at 6:28 PM, Bjorn Firewalker said:

Damn, your Crimson Fists Primaris Marines look intimidating. Excellent work.


Cheer Bjorn! :happy.:

  On 2/13/2018 at 1:49 PM, Bob Hunk said:


  On 2/12/2018 at 6:05 PM, ephrael said:

I really like your Crimson Fists with the led eyes and sword. They look very impressive with the lights on or off. Have you considered making a mold of the helmets and weapons and casting them in clear resin? That way you can paint everything except the part you want lit up without drilling out the eyes and such.



Thanks very much ephrael. ^_^ Yes, the helmets and weapons are cast from white resin which is thin enough for the light to shine through. The eyes aren't drilled! :)  I did experiment with clear resin to begin with, but found that the white resin diffused the light in a more uniform and pleasing way. 



  On 2/12/2018 at 6:28 PM, Bjorn Firewalker said:

Damn, your Crimson Fists Primaris Marines look intimidating. Excellent work.



Cheer Bjorn! ^_^

That’s good to know, I’ll have to try the white resin sometime.

Amazing work. The Power Sword is threatening and awe inspiring at the same time and it sets the benchmark of modelling power weapons.


However I have two questions;


1. Do you use Apologists method of truescaling?

2. How did you do the true scale mk 2 Dark Angel? Mk2 armour is my absolute favourite mk of armour and I'd love to know how you do it so clean.

  On 2/13/2018 at 6:54 PM, TheBlindPrimarch said:

What would one need to do in order to get some of those cast helms from you?


Ah, I'm afraid I can't distribute them. I think I'm on shaky ground recasting them for personal use, but the GW SWAT Team would definitely descend in their black helicopters if I started passing them around. *Pauses to listen for distant rotor blades out of window* I'd definitely recommend giving casting a go though. I was a bit windy about it at first, but  it's actually pretty easy once you get a hold of the basics. There are some good YouTube videos on the subject, and I get my rubber and resin casting supplies from www.tomps.com.


  On 2/13/2018 at 11:44 PM, DeathbyWes said:

So awesome to run into this thread again, saw it a while ago.  Totally original work, keep it going.  And congrats on the baby!




Thanks and thanks! :happy.: Don't worry, I'm not stopping yet, I have a huge backlog of plastic to get through! :biggrin.:


  On 2/14/2018 at 1:28 AM, LilShah said:

Amazing work. The Power Sword is threatening and awe inspiring at the same time and it sets the benchmark of modelling power weapons.


However I have two questions;


1. Do you use Apologists method of truescaling?

2. How did you do the true scale mk 2 Dark Angel? Mk2 armour is my absolute favourite mk of armour and I'd love to know how you do it so clean.


1. Essentially, yes. :) That's for the Imperial Fists though obviously; the Crimson Fists are pretty much standard Primaris Marines. I talk a bit about what components go into each Imperial Fist at the start of the thread here. Of course that was back in 2014; mine and Apologists true scale methods have diverged quite a bit since then. But yeah, basically he taught me everything I know about true scaling. I'd recommend checking out his website if you haven't already. :happy.:


2. The Dark Angel shown on page 1 was a bit of a prototype. The original concept for a mass-resin-cast-true-scale Team Fisto was to have everyone in Mk2 armour. However this plan was a bit beyond our/my casting skills at the time, and the project lost momentum. I think the legs and arms were re-sculpted by Apologist from Terminator parts, the torso was an embiggened and resculpted standard Marine torso, the head and backpack were Forge World and the shoulder pads were given to me again by Apologist, who I think got them from a 3D printing company. Sorry, I know that's not much help! 

  On 2/14/2018 at 11:20 AM, Bob Hunk said:


1. Essentially, yes. :smile.: That's for the Imperial Fists though obviously; the Crimson Fists are pretty much standard Primaris Marines. I talk a bit about what components go into each Imperial Fist at the start of the thread here. Of course that was back in 2014; mine and Apologists true scale methods have diverged quite a bit since then. But yeah, basically he taught me everything I know about true scaling. I'd recommend checking out his website if you haven't already. :happy.:


2. The Dark Angel shown on page 1 was a bit of a prototype. The original concept for a mass-resin-cast-true-scale Team Fisto was to have everyone in Mk2 armour. However this plan was a bit beyond our/my casting skills at the time, and the project lost momentum. I think the legs and arms were re-sculpted by Apologist from Terminator parts, the torso was an embiggened and resculpted standard Marine torso, the head and backpack were Forge World and the shoulder pads were given to me again by Apologist, who I think got them from a 3D printing company. Sorry, I know that's not much help! 



Haha, don't worry about it. I've checked out Apologist's tutorial and as with all things the PCRC does I am in equal measure jealous and amazed. I myself come from the good old 'spacer in the thighs 'n' waist, followed by a lil' bit o greenstuff' school of truescaling but somehow it feels inadequate compared to your method, both Death of a Rubricist and Team Fisto have got me wanting to do a proper bulky and aesthetically 'dense' astartes. Somehow the other method just fails to translate the transhuman and heavyset nature of astartes. But sadly I'll have to source all of the Grey Knights bitz as I am solely a filthy xeno player when it comes to 40k.


I'm surprised I missed the parts chart you linked to the start of the thread, it's very helpful. Also I hope you revisit Mk 2. armour as well as add a dash of Mk 4. to Team Fisto someday. Both are, in my headcanon and in fluff to some extent, the pinnacle of power armours.


Plus the Mk 4. invented rotating heads and knee-greaves. Eat that ya :cussin beakies...



Hurrah; looking forward to knocking seven bells out of your Crimson Fists soon, chum! :)


The new additions are – unsurprisingly – lovely; I'm continually impressed with both the cleanness of your work and the consistency in terms of painting and sculpting. Keep it up :)

  On 2/14/2018 at 12:05 PM, LilShah said:


  On 2/14/2018 at 11:20 AM, Bob Hunk said:


1. Essentially, yes. :smile.: That's for the Imperial Fists though obviously; the Crimson Fists are pretty much standard Primaris Marines. I talk a bit about what components go into each Imperial Fist at the start of the thread here. Of course that was back in 2014; mine and Apologists true scale methods have diverged quite a bit since then. But yeah, basically he taught me everything I know about true scaling. I'd recommend checking out his website if you haven't already. :happy.:


2. The Dark Angel shown on page 1 was a bit of a prototype. The original concept for a mass-resin-cast-true-scale Team Fisto was to have everyone in Mk2 armour. However this plan was a bit beyond our/my casting skills at the time, and the project lost momentum. I think the legs and arms were re-sculpted by Apologist from Terminator parts, the torso was an embiggened and resculpted standard Marine torso, the head and backpack were Forge World and the shoulder pads were given to me again by Apologist, who I think got them from a 3D printing company. Sorry, I know that's not much help! 



Haha, don't worry about it. I've checked out Apologist's tutorial and as with all things the PCRC does I am in equal measure jealous and amazed. I myself come from the good old 'spacer in the thighs 'n' waist, followed by a lil' bit o greenstuff' school of truescaling but somehow it feels inadequate compared to your method, both Death of a Rubricist and Team Fisto have got me wanting to do a proper bulky and aesthetically 'dense' astartes. Somehow the other method just fails to translate the transhuman and heavyset nature of astartes. But sadly I'll have to source all of the Grey Knights bitz as I am solely a filthy xeno player when it comes to 40k.


I'm surprised I missed the parts chart you linked to the start of the thread, it's very helpful. Also I hope you revisit Mk 2. armour as well as add a dash of Mk 4. to Team Fisto someday. Both are, in my headcanon and in fluff to some extent, the pinnacle of power armours.


Plus the Mk 4. invented rotating heads and knee-greaves. Eat that ya :cussin beakies...





Haha, don't be so down on your method, LilShah, the example Legionary in your log looks great! :) Heh, as my favourite armour marks are VI, V and III (in that order), adding marks II and IV to Fisto is looking a little unlikely at the moment I'm afraid! ;) 


  On 2/15/2018 at 2:27 PM, Apologist said:

Hurrah; looking forward to knocking seven bells out of your Crimson Fists soon, chum! :smile.:


The new additions are – unsurprisingly – lovely; I'm continually impressed with both the cleanness of your work and the consistency in terms of painting and sculpting. Keep it up :smile.:


Thanks buddy, that's very kind! :happy.: There's a slight typo in your post though; you seem to have misspelled "looking forward to getting a bolt round in my greenskin ass from your Crimson Fists soon". :wink:

WIP Crimson Fists Sergeant




No new completed miniatures at the moment, but just thought I'd share a quick WIP shot of the next Crimson Fist. :smile.:


Also, in an unexpected twist, my Tweet showing off my latest Team Crimson Fisto group shot got a shout-out from the Games Workshop and Black Library legend that is Gav Thrope. :happy.:  So that was a nice surprise last week!



Crimson Fist Primaris Sergeant
Here's the finished sergeant that I previewed earlier in the week. :happy.:


  On 2/21/2018 at 10:10 PM, Bjorn Firewalker said:

Congratulations! With luck, appearances in Games Workshop publications will follow.


Haha, maybe one day! :biggrin.:

The SGT looks like he's measuring the enemy's throat for a new death-by-strangling. I think a disembodied Ork head and backbone (see Sub-Zero's Fatality in the original 'Mortal Kombat') will look good in his free hand.
  • 4 weeks later...
Not many updates for Team Fisto at the moment as I have been working on some *whispers*Age of Sigmar stuff. I won't post pictures of that here, but if you're interested take a look at my Instagram. :wink: In the meantime, please enjoy this WIP picture.
WIP Crimson Fist Intercessor



  On 2/25/2018 at 9:15 PM, Markus_ said:

Team fisto looks like a formidable force. Really liking the extra mile you go with the lighting setup.


Thanks very much. :smile.:


  On 2/26/2018 at 12:59 AM, Bjorn Firewalker said:

The SGT looks like he's measuring the enemy's throat for a new death-by-strangling. I think a disembodied Ork head and backbone (see Sub-Zero's Fatality in the original 'Mortal Kombat') will look good in his free hand.


Haha, I quite like that idea actually. :smile.: I do plan to add an Ork trophy or two to the army at some point.

Lovely stuff. Tempted to make any of the figures from the RT cover, or the modern update?



The banner bearer would be a good Ancient in-game (nice details like the red and white pteruges, or the hanging head), and the central figure is iconic (I'm sure you could do something awesome with the head in the air, like blood that squirts out, or something :D). He'd make a great lieutenant; and the markings on the updated artwork are interesting.


  On 3/21/2018 at 2:29 PM, Apologist said:

Lovely stuff. Tempted to make any of the figures from the RT cover, or the modern update?


Absolutely. :happy.: Probably not as in exacting detail as some of your beautiful Black Library cover art recreations, but I'd certainly like a nod to them here and there. I expect I'll save that for after the Dark Imperium models are done and I have the more generic Intercessor kit to play with. I already have a couple of Lieutenants, but I could see the guy with the Ork head being a sergeant. :)


Having said that, I don't find the Dark Imperium Ancient to be especially inspiring, so he'd be a great one to convert to the banner bearer in that picture. :happy.:

A belated congratulations on your second and you're rapidly becoming an expert in this field. Painting stunning, glow effects stunning, and there isn't a superlative to describe the genius behind that sword.


When I grow up, I want to be able to do this.

  • 3 weeks later...
Rather uncharacteristically, I come bearing a number of updates. :wink:
Crimson Fists Primaris Intercessor with MkVI Helm
The Helms of Heroes
Like many far-sighted Chapter Masters, Pedro Kantor of the Crimson Fists was pleased to receive Primaris reinforcements from Guilliman's Indomitus Crusade. Only recently recovered from the Ork invasion, Rynn's World and the Crimson Fists had been devastated by the tide of daemons that poured forth from the Great Rift. Pedro was not alone in welcoming the Primaris, and the vast majority of the sorely pressed brothers of the Crimson Fists were glad of the additional aid. As a sign of his favour and to aid in the integration of the new arrivals, Kantor ordered that some of the helms of newly fallen brothers should be gifted to the Primaris Marines so that they would feel a part of the Chapter's recent history. As the Crimson Fist's fortress monastery had been cruelly destroyed, they did not have any truly ancient helmets to gift, only the more recent MkV, VI and VII patterns. The Primaris Marines graciously accepted this gift, raising no complaints when the systems of some earlier helmets were inferior in performance to the Mk Xs.
This is my head-cannon reason for dishing out alternative helmet marks to the Primaris Marines. :wink: In reality, I mainly did it to provide a bit of visual variation and because it looks awesome. :happy.:
So, now I've completed the fifth Intercessor I can finally present the completed...
Crimson Fists Primaris Intercessor Squad
Now that they are complete I can get started on the next squad! Well, right after I finish...
WIP Crimson Fists Primaris Captain with Plasma Pistol
More to come over the next few weeks... :happy.:



  On 3/22/2018 at 11:47 AM, Jolemai said:

A belated congratulations on your second and you're rapidly becoming an expert in this field. Painting stunning, glow effects stunning, and there isn't a superlative to describe the genius behind that sword.

When I grow up, I want to be able to do this.


Haha, thanks Jolemai, that's very kind! :happy.: Glad you're enjoying the project!

'Straight Outta New Rynn!'


Awesome, atmospheric image of superlative models. In addition to them looking great as individuals, they really hang together well as a squad. The squad leader looks poised and alert, and having just two of the brethren firing while the other two get into position looks great. 


While the LED effects really catch the attention, it's worth noting how assured the paintwork is, too. Clean lines, sharp highlights and a well-chosen palette.

  • 2 months later...
It's been a few months since I've updated this log, so settle in for a big one! :wink:
Crimson Fists Primaris Captain with Plasma Pistol
As you can see from these images, Captain Grimstone features an LED plasma pistol and interchangeable LED helmet and bare head.
If you'd like to see a video of the head swap in action, click here.
Crimson Fists Primaris Intercessor
Another Intercessor from the Dark Imperium box is complete.
If you're on Twitter or Instagram, you may have seen the #MyFirstWarhammer hashtag doing the rounds. The idea is to compare your first ever model with one of your most recent efforts. As you can see, plasma pistol technology has certainly come a long way in 25 years! :wink:
Team Fisto in White Dwarf!
I'm thrilled to say that Team Fisto make a brief appearance in the letters page of July's White Dwarf! :biggrin.: Having my painting appear in those hallowed pages has been a long-time ambition, so this is a something of a dream come true for me. :ohmy.:
  On 4/6/2018 at 3:33 PM, Apologist said:

'Straight Outta New Rynn!'


Awesome, atmospheric image of superlative models. In addition to them looking great as individuals, they really hang together well as a squad. The squad leader looks poised and alert, and having just two of the brethren firing while the other two get into position looks great. 


While the LED effects really catch the attention, it's worth noting how assured the paintwork is, too. Clean lines, sharp highlights and a well-chosen palette.


Very kind words, thank you Apologist! :happy.:


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