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[HH1.0] Tactica Chainaxe: World Eaters


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Hot damn


So if we factor in that new apothecary (bc damn, why wouldn't we take him?) I can get a despoiler squad with Rage, hatred, Str 5, re-rolling wound rolls of 1 *and* an extra attack if I feel like loosing 1/6 of my Astartes.


It's good to be the (warrior) kings :d

You're welcome ;)


Does the new dude also have a Narthecium? That could mean FNP on them too.

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Well BA still requires a troop tax, so I think the choice of FNP/IWND in the enemy zone is easier because you can create a more mobile force without having to sink a bunch of points into a tac & rhino or 20 man squad. 


The way I see it, is WE lists are either built two ways - BA or not. If you aren't planning on using BA I fancy there's no real downside to taking the new RoW for the xtra bonuses. After all, you should be in the enemy zone and killing lots with our combat bonuses. Strong FNP helps with attrition and not having a troop tax helps you get into the enemy zone quicker. 


At the least, I think it's viable as an alternative which is nice. You can still roll with a Chappy for Zealot too, to get those delish BA results without having to pay for an extra unecessary tactical. 


Apoc changes? Are they..cheaper? 


Also there's the rumourmilling of cheaper ASM, so BA may be even better now with socketing 2x tacs 1x ASM soon, or we can hope :D 

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I think it's a bit of a stretch to call roided up despoilers a troop "tax."


Even if you don't factor in the special character apothecary bonuses, our 150pt despoiler squads are hard as hell. Compared to other legions' stock troops options, we come out on top.




Huh... Str 6 despoilers are pretty easily within reach with that new apothecary too. That's crazy.


It's a good day.

Edited by Flint13
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New apoc? Details? I mean I'd always take apocs with despoilers cos duh. 


Well my style is to roll in deep with 2 Spartans brimming with 40 despoilers and ICs, so I need hard hitting AV or AP2. Taking another despoiler squad suddenly means I can't afford a Deredeo etc. So on that list I get the FNP/IWN free basically. 

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[borrowed from Garro on hh30k]


•Gahlan Surlak: worlds eaters version of 'fabulous' bile, a lovely gent who's basically gone ":cuss it instead of helping the injured, i'm going to make the 'nails' even worse. he can 'augment' any tactical squad, giving them +1 str and FNP (6+) but they also have -1BS and are no longer scoring (still denial). in addition those units don't confer VP for being killed. he also has another rule for any unit he joins, in any assault phase the entire unit can have +1 attack, but at the end of the phase, each surviving model must roll a 2+ or be removed from play. doesn't effect minis with the 'character' rule.

This last rule is also applied to all WE primus medicae and apothecaries.

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[borrowed from Garro on hh30k]


•Gahlan Surlak: worlds eaters version of 'fabulous' bile, a lovely gent who's basically gone ":cuss it instead of helping the injured, i'm going to make the 'nails' even worse. he can 'augment' any tactical squad, giving them +1 str and FNP (6+) but they also have -1BS and are no longer scoring (still denial). in addition those units don't confer VP for being killed. he also has another rule for any unit he joins, in any assault phase the entire unit can have +1 attack, but at the end of the phase, each surviving model must roll a 2+ or be removed from play. doesn't effect minis with the 'character' rule.

This last rule is also applied to all WE primus medicae and apothecaries.


Hoooooooooooooooly balls. 

That's...that's amazing. It's official, FW have decreed Despoiler>True Grit :D


Ok now running BA with triple tacs is more tempting, as you can use the other as a rhino scorer to offset the loss of scoring by Gahlan. 


Eeeeee so exciting. Could also stack FNP - Gahlan, Legion Apoc & New RoW?

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Bro. World Eaters.


What is scoring anyway? ;) nothing but complete extermination should satisfy.


Now I'm confused at his latter wording...does the +1 attack and the "combat drugs" rule apply to all apothecaries attached to a squad when Gahlan is there?

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Now see I always thought the objective was complete annihilation.


Due to all of the changes to the world eaters I now have an incredible urge to do World Eaters. They corralate with my playstlye really well, aggressive, infantry assualt better then the black templars did all while having my favorite rule in the game!

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Incarnate violence has been changed and Bloodlust has been improved. 

Blood madness is the same.


Hoped for a Caedere fix, but I heard nothing about it...



Well I'll gladly stand corrected on that. I'm definitely not familiar enough with the base LA: WE rules apparently. Though I'll be honest, the main things I was looking for were changes to characters & units and maybe the chain axe rule. 


Although if you wanted those subpar loyalist LA: World Eater rules back there is a loyalist WE character in the book that lets you keep using them! He is also Marked by Dark Fates. Hmmmmm.

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"What objectives?"


~WE Praetors everywhere


Well, if that isn't fluffy I don't know what is :) 


Honestly I think I prefer to go for maximum killitude when I play, so these new buffs are right up my street like nobodies business should be!


Gonna convert the new Primus Medicae IC using the power armoured praetor body from FW. Aww yiss. WE really do have some beast leaders - Khârn, Angron & now this dude. 


It makes a nice change from Salamanders that's for sure :|

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I was close to using meteor hammers for my sergeants prior to this update. But with the reroll ones to wound on the charge, it's just a no brainer to me. With bezerker.


Reroll misses first round. Wounding on twos, reroll 1's on the charge. Hopefully we kept the +1 WS in a challenge.


Put it on your sergeant, will hit with 3.5 ish (if we keep the +1 WS), will wound with at least 3= one failed save on av3 at init 5. Will remove AV 2 in a challenge .6ish of the time.


This is going to be my new go to for sergeants I think. Removes the need for Artificer for 15pts.


What do you guys think?

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I was close to using meteor hammers for my sergeants prior to this update. But with the reroll ones to wound on the charge, it's just a no brainer to me. With bezerker.


Reroll misses first round. Wounding on twos, reroll 1's on the charge. Hopefully we kept the +1 WS in a challenge.


Put it on your sergeant, will hit with 3.5 ish (if we keep the +1 WS), will wound with at least 3= one failed save on av3 at init 5. Will remove AV 2 in a challenge .6ish of the time.


This is going to be my new go to for sergeants I think. Removes the need for Artificer for 15pts.


What do you guys think?


Powerfist is still my go-to. Imagine a tac squad sarge augmented with those new combat drugs. on the charge you get 5 S9 AP2 Attacks with pseudo shred and Hatred. Oh boy, imagine some lucky rolls...


The bad thing about them hammers is their lacking ap. Since you might be in challenges you will mostly fail to kill the other character before he minces you with his Power fist or Axe or what ignores your 3+.

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Just to confirm, we do indeed keep that +1 WS in challenges.


Which also means Khârn is better at swording axing than the literal Champion of the Emperor :biggrin.:


Correct. Incranate Violence is a rule that got straight-up buffed. You get the +1WS in challenges, but also re-rolls of a 1 To Wound on any turn that you charge into combat. Excepting Disordered charges.

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Damn, I totally missed that. But haven't played very much with them it wasn't a big deal.

Nice to know anyway. So, tell me about this crazy Apothecarius of us. :smile.:


Servus mein Guter,


he's basically our new special IC. Master apothecary who gives you the option to give your tactical Squads +1S +6FNP at cost of -1BS and they cannot score anymore but still deny objectives. Upgraded Squads don't confer VP's for getting killed. In addition to that, he and any fellow apothecary can boost the Squad attacks they are attached to by +1. At the end of the combat phase you have to 1D6 for every model of yours surviving the combat, 1 rolled kills the model. That guy is pretty much an auto-include. Combined with our updated legion special rule and Berserker assault ROW this turns your guys in CQB monsters, even more than ever. 


@ our fellow World Eaters


Are Red Butchers and Rampagers still the same? What about our Caedere-Weaponry?

Edited by 2gud2bbad
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