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[HH1.0] Tactica Chainaxe: World Eaters


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Does anyone here ever use Rampagers? I tried a Topic Search and they came up in only two posts... not encouraging.


If so, Dreadclaw? Jump packs seem too expensive for an exposed unit. Maybe if it was a flat 50 point fee or something..


With 9 of them loaded in a claw with an Apothecary, running Exhortation of Butchery & Blood Madness for Rage, you can get 5 attacks per model on the charge. 6 w/ Rending if they're running Falax Blades, back to 5/model at S6 I5 with Meteor Hammers. Of course, counting the Dreadclaw and Apothecary it ends up being like a 500 point unit. Might not even need to be a full unit with the weight of attacks you can get though. Another option to cut costs would be to not run the unit with full Caedere upgrades? Also seems like a decent idea to throw a Fist on the Champion? Although I notice Exhortation of Butchery can't buff him because it doesn't work on anything with the Character rule.. great


Taking Crimson Path means with an Apothecary they'd be FNP(4+) if you drop in the enemy deploy zone. Or I guess if you don't run an Apothecary with them they could be at 5+ with Crimson Path, but you'll run 1 less attack/model without Exhortation of Butchery. Not the biggest loss and continues to keep the unit cheaper.


The Excoriator Chainaxes and Hook-lashes don't look particularly useful. The S5 AP3 Shred was neat but... you re-roll 1s to wound on a charge now anyway. Maybe vs Mechanicum automata that'd pay off sometimes.



Last point, any conclusions on The Crimson Path yet? The only real problem I see with it is that you can't take Dreadnought Drop Pods, as they're Immobile. That's actually kind of a real problem though because dropping blood-mad Leviathans sounds like a great game plan.


oh, also:


Our new apothecary character...can his buff apply to veteran tacticals or just regular tactical squads? If so i am thinking him, Khârn, and some vets in a transport of your choice could be a pretty spicy unit.



He can only buff regular Tacticals via Master of Inductii :(

Edited by LetsYouDown
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Well, in that instance, the Leviathan can always take a Kharybdis.


Highly inefficient but its an option that exists.

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Well, in that instance, the Leviathan can always take a Kharybdis.


Highly inefficient but its an option that exists.


Yeah of course, but when you're already sinking points into things like Red Butchers or trying to make Rampagers work it's nice to keep costs down... 


I wonder how many more Kharybdis FW would sell if it sees a points drop in an updated LACAL :P

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If they dropped the price, the points cost wouldnt be much of an issue.


If they did both, they'd probably see a healthy increase in sales.


If you're going for Rampagers, I'd go Pfist or Falx Blades on the Sarge, 1 in 3 Excoriators for some Ap 3 goodness. At 10 Men, Jump Packs are equal in cost to a dread claw so its up to personal preference.


Otherwise, just give the whole Squad Falx Blades for Rending Spam if you've got the points.

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If they dropped the price, the points cost wouldnt be much of an issue.


If they did both, they'd probably see a healthy increase in sales.


If you're going for Rampagers, I'd go Pfist or Falx Blades on the Sarge, 1 in 3 Excoriators for some Ap 3 goodness. At 10 Men, Jump Packs are equal in cost to a dread claw so its up to personal preference.


Otherwise, just give the whole Squad Falx Blades for Rending Spam if you've got the points.


Doubt it'll ever see a real price drop; maybe a price increase, even! With those yearly price hikes... Unfortunately it's just too huge a lump of resin.


I've also noticed you can't attach a normal Apothecary to them so it'd have to be a Primus Medicae or Gahlan Surlak. Ouch. Think my preference still lies with the Dreadclaw though; when you're dumping points into 3+ saves, having them jump across the board doesn't feel so safe... 



I'm so surprised rampagers saw no change in the recent update. They are so awful and can't sell that well I would of put money on an update like justerian and kakophoni got


I know... I was expecting maybe a boost to their FNP or flat rate jump packs at least. Or like, Caedere weapons as basic equipment. You kinda have to wince when you compare them straight up to units like Dark Furies (and they all have Raven's Talons now! Ack).


The more I look into them the more I realize why the tactica thread doesn't mention them often :tongue.:


edit: yeah and now that I've started running some simple mathhammer on falax and meteor hammers and rolled some test dice piles, I'm even less impressed. "Woo look at that number of attacks!" looked neat at first and got me excited, but dang.

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I look at these guys ten my night raptors and then feel pretty sad. Unfair totality for me even the models aren't even that great ( helmets 4 ever). I would definetly say that you should give them a. Dreadclaw, it's the same points as jump packs but it's more reliable and I have no chance of getting killed by bolters. Also I'll get there way faster.
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I look at these guys ten my night raptors and then feel pretty sad. Unfair totality for me even the models aren't even that great ( helmets 4 ever). I would definetly say that you should give them a. Dreadclaw, it's the same points as jump packs but it's more reliable and I have no chance of getting killed by bolters. Also I'll get there way faster.


Well, on the helmet front I was thinking of giving them all the Veteran World Eater helmets and painting them in the red & white scheme from Book VI. That's what kicked off tonight's fascination. I think they'll just have to settle for looking very cool and performing... almost ok. Maybe in the distant future in the next Legions red book, version 3.33 you can (not) rampager, they'll finally get redressed.

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I look at these guys ten my night raptors and then feel pretty sad. Unfair totality for me even the models aren't even that great ( helmets 4 ever). I would definetly say that you should give them a. Dreadclaw, it's the same points as jump packs but it's more reliable and I have no chance of getting killed by bolters. Also I'll get there way faster.


Well, on the helmet front I was thinking of giving them all the Veteran World Eater helmets and painting them in the red & white scheme from Book VI. That's what kicked off tonight's fascination. I think they'll just have to settle for looking very cool and performing... almost ok. Maybe in the distant future in the next Legions red book, version 3.33 you can (not) rampager, they'll finally get redressed.



I'd use them as Legion Veterans. Better unit, keeps the cool aesthetic. They're regular marines so poseability with weapons should be fine.

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I mean, they aren't a bad unit, they just really really suffer from that super conservative "err waaaay on the side of caution" points pricing model of the first book.


A bunch of rampagers with Falx blades crashing into a unit will get work done regardless of what they hit, especially with our new legion rules. But its one of those things where the points can almost always be spent more efficiently elsewhere. 

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My copy of Retribution arrived today :)


Deets on the Gahlan Surlak! He's a beastly, almost auto-include choice imo




WS5 BS5 S4 T4 W2 I5 A3 LD9 3+ save


No artificer.


Grants +1S and 6+FNP -1BS to specified tacticals (ie you can choose which ones to augment)


Wargear - Narthecium Primus: Grants 4+ FNP to him & attached units, also grants re-rolls to any poison attack.


Wargear - Power axe, MC needle pistol, refractor field & grenades


Special Rule - Sacred Trust: If within 6 inches of a friendly infantry unit that dies, roll a 5+ to gain a VP when that unit dies. Situational and low chance but decent


Special Rule - Support officer, duh


Special Rule - Exhortation of Butchery - Can be triggered by choice in the assault phase. So it's not a permanent state, so it becomes even better as you can use it for a clutch charge for when you really need to clear something off the table.




110 points. A Primus Medicae with power armour, refractor and Power axes is 110pts!! So you get a master crafted needle pistol, 4+ FNP and the crazy special rules for free basically. Bargainous.



Edited by The God-Potato of Mankind
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what's yor opinon on exortaions of butchery? worth the deaths?

Also would you use it with termies or with despoilers? Perhaps army wide?

And what about the non scoring +1 S new improvement it seems good for just one unit in the army to me.

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what's yor opinon on exortaions of butchery? worth the deaths?

Also would you use it with termies or with despoilers? Perhaps army wide?

And what about the non scoring +1 S new improvement it seems good for just one unit in the army to me.


With Beserker assault, you need 3 troops, so having one be a CC monster is a great idea imo.


I'd only use Exhortation if I needed to ensure I wipe something, I probably wouldn't use it on the first charge. I'd use it as a last ditch charge to clear an objective or last ditch VP. 


Spartan with Angron, Gurlak and 20 tacticals ... such majestic slaughter. 

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My copy of Retribution arrived today :)


Deets on the Gahlan Surlak! He's a beastly, almost auto-include choice imo




WS5 BS5 S4 T4 W2 I5 A3 LD9 3+ save


No artificer.


Grants +1S and 6+FNP -1BS to specified tacticals (ie you can choose which ones to augment)


Wargear - Narthecium Primus: Grants 4+ FNP to him & attached units, also grants re-rolls to any poison attack.


Wargear - Power axe, MC needle pistol, refractor field & grenades


Special Rule - Sacred Trust: If within 6 inches of a friendly infantry unit that dies, roll a 5+ to gain a VP when that unit dies. Situational and low chance but decent


Special Rule - Support officer, duh


Special Rule - Exhortation of Butchery - Can be triggered by choice in the assault phase. So it's not a permanent state, so it becomes even better as you can use it for a clutch charge for when you really need to clear something off the table.




110 points. A Primus Medicae with power armour, refractor and Power axes is 110pts!! So you get a master crafted needle pistol, 4+ FNP and the crazy special rules for free basically. Bargainous.



What's the extra rule at the bottom of the page? It wasn't visible in the photo from the weekender.

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What's the extra rule at the bottom of the page? It wasn't visible in the photo from the weekender.



On Gahlan Surlak's page? It's a little section that says Exhortation of Butchery is available to all Traitor Apothecaries & Primus Medicae of the World Eaters when you play games set after the Shadow Crusade.

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My copy of Retribution arrived today :smile.:


Deets on the Gahlan Surlak! He's a beastly, almost auto-include choice imo




WS5 BS5 S4 T4 W2 I5 A3 LD9 3+ save


No artificer.


Grants +1S and 6+FNP -1BS to specified tacticals (ie you can choose which ones to augment)


Wargear - Narthecium Primus: Grants 4+ FNP to him & attached units, also grants re-rolls to any poison attack.


Wargear - Power axe, MC needle pistol, refractor field & grenades


Special Rule - Sacred Trust: If within 6 inches of a friendly infantry unit that dies, roll a 5+ to gain a VP when that unit dies. Situational and low chance but decent


Special Rule - Support officer, duh


Special Rule - Exhortation of Butchery - Can be triggered by choice in the assault phase. So it's not a permanent state, so it becomes even better as you can use it for a clutch charge for when you really need to clear something off the table.




110 points. A Primus Medicae with power armour, refractor and Power axes is 110pts!! So you get a master crafted needle pistol, 4+ FNP and the crazy special rules for free basically. Bargainous.



combine with the crimson path for 3++, just evade powerfists and what about putting Angron there?

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What is the crimson path?


It's the new Book VI World Eaters RoW. Gives FnP to your units in the enemy deploy zone, or +1 to their FnP if they already had FnP. Also gives your characters It WIll Not Die (also in the enemy deploy zone), or +1 to their IWND rolls if they already had IWND.


Disadvantages are pretty minimal, you give up an extra VP if you don't achieve Linebreaker & Attrition secondary objectives when they're in play, you can't take fortifications or allies, and you can't take units that have SnP or are immobile (which may not mean much...).

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What's the extra rule at the bottom of the page? It wasn't visible in the photo from the weekender.


On Gahlan Surlak's page? It's a little section that says Exhortation of Butchery is available to all Traitor Apothecaries & Primus Medicae of the World Eaters when you play games set after the Shadow Crusade.

That's huge. Does it suggest that this is only when you take Gahlan Surlak, or is this a stealth buff to all World Eaters?

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What's the extra rule at the bottom of the page? It wasn't visible in the photo from the weekender.

On Gahlan Surlak's page? It's a little section that says Exhortation of Butchery is available to all Traitor Apothecaries & Primus Medicae of the World Eaters when you play games set after the Shadow Crusade.

That's huge. Does it suggest that this is only when you take Gahlan Surlak, or is this a stealth buff to all World Eaters?



Very definitely a buff to all World Eaters.

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Sweet, and here I thought World Eaters got the least out of the new batch of buffs for the original 4 legions. I take that back! Although I guess the Apothecary dude is so damn awesome and cheap, and not much more expensive than a regular apothecary with some gear, so he is essentially auto-include in any proper World Eaters list.

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Sweet, and here I thought World Eaters got the least out of the new batch of buffs for the original 4 legions. I take that back! Although I guess the Apothecary dude is so damn awesome and cheap, and not much more expensive than a regular apothecary with some gear, so he is essentially auto-include in any proper World Eaters list.


He's the Autilon Skorr of the World Eaters, basically. Insane value for a Primus Medicae.

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Sweet, and here I thought World Eaters got the least out of the new batch of buffs for the original 4 legions. I take that back! Although I guess the Apothecary dude is so damn awesome and cheap, and not much more expensive than a regular apothecary with some gear, so he is essentially auto-include in any proper World Eaters list.


He's the Autilon Skorr of the World Eaters, basically. Insane value for a Primus Medicae.



As per my post  he's exactly the same cost as a regular Primus Medicae but gets better wargear and insanely good army and unit buffs. Only downside is the tragedy of only having power armour.


That said, with Crimson Path he gets a 3+ armour save and a 3+ FNP roll and a 5+ Invuln. So it's not like he's going to be as vulnerable as any old tactical. Just maybe try to avoid missions with the secondaries, not all of them have them. Even if you do, linebreaker should be pretty simple. Attrition maybe not, if you're running tactical blobs and they're utilising smaller elite units, which is likely as only we run such crazy good tacticals.


I am going to put him in a 20 man tactical despoiler squad (saving 40 pts on bolters due to the WS-1) with Angron. I don't think there's anything that can't kill. It's just so points efficient.


Also worth noting again - the Exhortation can be triggered at will during the assault phase. So you don't have to avoid rolling 1s if you don't wan or need to.

Edited by The God-Potato of Mankind
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What is the crimson path?


It's the new Book VI World Eaters RoW. Gives FnP to your units in the enemy deploy zone, or +1 to their FnP if they already had FnP. Also gives your characters It WIll Not Die (also in the enemy deploy zone), or +1 to their IWND rolls if they already had IWND.


Disadvantages are pretty minimal, you give up an extra VP if you don't achieve Linebreaker & Attrition secondary objectives when they're in play, you can't take fortifications or allies, and you can't take units that have SnP or are immobile (which may not mean much...).


Can't take units that are immobile...so no drop pods?

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