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Vykryl's Great Company WIP


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Finished my Solstice Vow with Sven Rat-Nose. Not much of a character in the book but is supposed to be a renowned ancestor of Orm's. He will get a Wolf Claw at some point as the weapon I have on him will be wielded by Toke when I get another TDA box to make him and some other characters I want.

Sven Rat-Nose

Red Jowl

I had intended to turn this model into Toke but the head doesn't fit his description. Apparently I had glued the head in really well as I couldn't pop it out and i didn't feel like carving it out. So instead he was painted as is and named as one of the 2 heroic ancestors of Orm's that are mentioned in The Long Ships.


And my vow as a whole

Vow Complete

Wolf Lord Orm and his sword Blue Tongue

Dreadnought Are

Lone Wolf Sven with Toke's sword Red Jowl

and misc TDAWG

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I got some bits in today! Some new heads, a few jump packs and a dress wearer.

This is my start for Brother Willibald, a Christian priest from the end of the 10th century. I need to make a 40k version of him.


I don't really want the Dark Angel emblem on his chest but am not confident in my ability to shave/file it off without mangling the chest piest. Anyone have a suggestion for masking the DA emblem or a different torso bit to use?

Edit: just got a copy of Long Ships on Kindle and saw I was off by 200 years, oh well.

Mulled ale for the frozen man,

And mulled ale for the weary:

For mulled ale is the body’s friend

And makes the sick heart merry.”

I love the short poems sprinkled throughout the novel

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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't had time to work on Brother Willibald yet. When I get home I should have bits for my other project in my mail box.

I want to make Scout riders for my Thunderwolves and not really sure how to go about it. These are what should be waiting at home.



Does it look possible to use the Marauder legs and graft the Scout torsos onto them? I figured for $6 in bits it's worth a try. Looking at using Marauder spears for their ccw and having the option od pistols or shields for the other hand.

Waiting for my work day to end so I can play with my toy soldiers. Too bad I've got food to prep for a get together tomorrow.

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I haven't had time to work on Brother Willibald yet. When I get home I should have bits for my other project in my mail box.

I want to make Scout riders for my Thunderwolves and not really sure how to go about it. These are what should be waiting at home.



Does it look possible to use the Marauder legs and graft the Scout torsos onto them? I figured for $6 in bits it's worth a try. Looking at using Marauder spears for their ccw and having the option od pistols or shields for the other hand.

Waiting for my work day to end so I can play with my toy soldiers. Too bad I've got food to prep for a get together tomorrow.

Anything is possible if you try! you may have some issues with the belt on the marauders, but it shouldn't be a problem by using SW belts to cover over it. Does the marauder legs fit on the thunderwolf mount? Good luck and keep up the good work!

another option is to just keep the entire leg+torso altogether and just shave off the chaos stuff or add on more wolfy bits...

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I'm hoping the legs fit, guessing that thunderwolves and fantasy horses are similar in saddle widths. The belts are a minor concern at the moment, I have bits to hide them if I have to shave them off. Was worried about how the legs and torsos will fit and blend together
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He will sit solid once I put a magnet in his butt. The Marauder fits well enough but doesn't have the tab that centers him in the saddle. I like that the Marauder has stirrups for his feet. The legs

are a little longer than the TWC rider's, my book has a trio of brothers of unusual height so I know where to get these first threes names. If this simple conversion looks all right then I may get my Thunderwolves finished soon

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Turns out I need two of these spears to get the look I want, just ordered what my bits supplier had for unheld Marauder spears. So not looking too bad other than he is wielding a javelin.



Edit: had to use a power armour hand to fit the spear in it

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I believe I have my Brother Willibald figured out. Still needs his base, pauldrons and backpack but is close enough to get some suggestions. Need to work on the hand holding the horn a bit more.



How's he look so far?

Edit: Decided I'd pull Brother Willibald's first "sermon" to Orm and Toke from my Kindle copy of the Long Ships.

His voice became frenzied, and he glared wrathfully from one to the other, brandishing his arms and crying: “Blood-wolves, murderers and malefactors, adulterate vermin, Gadarene swine, weeds of Satan and minions of Beelzebub, generation of vipers and basilisks, shall you be cleansed by holy baptism and stand as white as snow in the regiments of the blessed angels? Nay, I tell you, it shall not be so. I have lived long in this house and have witnessed too much; I know your ways. No bishop or holy father shall ever persuade me that such as you can be saved. How should men of the north be allowed to enter the gates of heaven? You would scrabble at the blessed virgins with your lewd fingers, you would raise your war-whoops against the seraphim and archangels, you would bawl for ale before the throne of God Himself! No, no, I know what I speak of. Hell alone will serve for such as you, whether you be baptized or no. Praised be Almighty God, the One, the Eternal, amen!”

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I don't know. Had thought a brown shade as he wore in the book. Maybe Fenrisian or Shadow grey. I'm not sure yet.


The horn he is holding is just setting there. I won't glue it until it's painted. Think I need to take a drill to it so looks like a signal horn rather than a bottle :D

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Wow, that looks excellent!


The skull does a nice job of covering the sword symbol, will it be painted as cloth or will you run some thin wire from it round his neck as a trophy??


I also like the staff too, I am guessing that its a grey knight halberd hand?


The brown or natural robes I think would be good, as it would set him apart from the grey of the Wolves... Give him a priestly look. The off whute colour could be to denote he impurity he feels or thinks he is involved in by mixing with the heathen Wolves, and his struggle to bring them to the Emperors light??


The hand holding the horn is spot-on, did you drill it out, or did you have to cut off the fingers and re-shape the hand a bit?


What about the pads... I was wondering about a black or neutral gun-metal grey? To show he is with the Wolves but  not part of them... He has forsaken his chapter iconography as he has been cut adrift by his brothers... and runs with Wlves, but as he is not a Space Wof he refuses to wear their heathen symbols, therefore his armour is blank or black?


It also begs the question, is he bringing theWOlves to the Emperors light or is he becoming more like the Wolves themselves??


Great work :)

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The hand holding the horn is from the Grey Hunter power axe, drilled and shaved. Was thinking about seeing if my cousin has some chain I can use to make the skull into a necklace. The skull is off the horn. I wanted to use the horn if I was going to chop up the bit for the skull and it worked out on both ideas :D


I ordered some Grey Knight halberds for staves. So you are correct ;) The nob is two medallions from our TDA kit. I didn't drill the hole as straight as I wanted though.


With his robe I was thinking brown, like catholic monks wear. I liked the idea of Shadow Grey, but I'm going to use that on my vehicles and I don't want him lost against them. His pauldrons will probably be black with leadbelcher trim, he is a Chaplin ;)


After that little rant I posted by Brother Willibald a couple years pass before Orm again sees him. Orm finds Brother Willibald in a tower that he and some other vikings had laid siege to. Orm tucks the priest under his arm and takes him back to camp. There is a lot to this part of the story that I don't want to try to paraphrase. Brother Willibald ends up having a change of heart towards Orm and returning home with him. Despite his first sermon Orm had developed a fondness for the priests healing abilities and no nonsense attitude. I have no idea how any of this will work out in a 40k setting.


Toke's first speech to Brother Willibald, after threatening to pin another priest to the wall with a spear.


“You are a man of mettle,”said Toke, “though there is but little of you; and I confess that I prefer you to other men of your kidney, though you are rude and peevish. Perhaps it is because you do not try to badger us into this Christianity, but content yourself with ministering to our wounds.”

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Finished my first Scout rider :D the long spear looks much better than my first one


Working on the other two so I can get this pack ready for paint. Brother Willibald has been set aside for a moment while I play with the bits I just pulled from the mail box :D

On my riders I'm not sure on equipment. Planning on shields on all three. Two will have lances for ccw. I'm thinking of power maul on the third for some s7, could be a Thunder Hammer if points allow. I will attach some holsterd bolt pistols so they can claim to have them.

Edit: Rider 2 is assembled. Now to figure out the pack leader.


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  • 1 month later...

I had intended to wait until I completed one before updating my wip. Seems I could use some ideas and suggestions for painting these guys.


My first rider is nearing completion. Any thoughts on color for spear, shield or aquila? I was trying to keep metal to a minimum. If a wood on lance and/or shield how do I go about that?

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For wood, I'd try a few layers of earthshade- you might need to start over an off-white. If that doesn't work, I'd try a darker brown on the spear shaft and a lighter one on the shield (as if covered with leather). No idea for the aquila, could go black? Just some thoughts, looking good!
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Looking good so far! I'm not sure how I feel about the heads though... not as dynamic, just blank look on the face. I can see the chaos leather masked marauder horsemen heads working well on those. Keep up the good work, can't wait to see it completed once you're done with the shading and the inks.

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I haven't been pleased with this model the whole time. The first two I like the way they turned out but not so much the one I painted. I may take the suggestion and get some Marauder helmets. Hadn't even considered them but I do think they would help add more character to the riders.


Before I paint the other two I will fill the gaps on their heads. Was way to impatiant to paint one and I kept over looking the seems on this one, need to check for mold lines as well. Here is my prototype with as complete a paint scheme as I do a the moment.






Edit: Marauder helms on order

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If your marauder helms look good, I may stick a few on my marines I have ordered :D


The scouts are looking good. I have never been a big fan of the majority of the scout heads, so it will be interesting to see what sort of difference the helms make.


I have pm'd you about wood or atleast how i did my shields. I think the shields themselves , might be better looking like they are coated wit a stretched leather with runes embossed into them. Keep the metal as it is, and maybe do a slight glow effect on the skull? 

As you do not seem to have a pack marking for the wolves, the shields would be ideal for this. Do them halved/quartered or whatever. That will help unify them as a unit. You could do small individual markings within the design maybe.

For my terminators I chucked that out the window and gave each his own design, but I kept all the colours te same (black, red & yellow) to try and give them cohesion, plus they hd pack markings on their shoulders.



If these guys are stealthy, then I also agree that black would be a good colour for the wings of the Aquila, a dry-brush of light grey, then a gentle agrax or black wash to tone it back down. Either that or do it the same as you have done the terminators armour, leadbelcher, then drybrush ironbreaker and wash heavily. You could then use the black/grey combo for the hoses either side of his head.


Your models look cool, this is in no way, me telling you how to paint your own models or whatever.


For longer spears maybe consider Chaos warriors horsemen, lance arms. They also have a cool armour plate on the lower arm. I am thinking of using them if I do another unit of terminators for making a Kingsguard unit.

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We shall see what happens. I just added some Marauder arm bits to my order :D My bits supplier didn't have any rider bodies though :( I still have 2 bodies left from my last order. Will see how they look with a Scout torso and Marauder legs, arms & head soon :) Good thing I put magnets in the saddles so I can swap riders easy.


I had thought about using the rinox hide on the shield but thought the runes would disappear in the dark color. The belt buckle got repainted my bone color with a couple gem stones.

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Try a dark red witha few washes of blue, takes on a nice maroony-burgundy colour.


I haven't tried a red-brown mix with blue wash. Hmmm....


SAM 2464

Kroms coak was red gore with a good wash of blue, then highlighted up to blazing orange and then washed with either Baal red or Bloodletter.
With a bit of brown in the mix, I reckon you could get a really nice wine colour.
Sorry just spitballing here!
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May be a good idea to do all the armour bits that way. If I paint the armour a dark leather color, what color should the pants be? That would be the only cloth if I'm using Marauder arms.


Maybe armor Bits And boots the rinox hide and the pants and shield your red method. These Scout riders are turning me into Wembly.

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