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I'd get it if FW used a combined keyword for all the Heretic Astartes warbands on Vraks, such as "Defenders of Vraks" or something catchier. That way they could have multiple warbands synergising together under the same <LEGION> keyword.


Alternately, have Arkos automatically give the FAITHLESS keyword to all ALPHA LEGION in the same Detachment.

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I'd get it if FW used a combined keyword for all the Heretic Astartes warbands on Vraks, such as "Defenders of Vraks" or something catchier. That way they could have multiple warbands synergising together under the same <LEGION> keyword.


Alternately, have Arkos automatically give the FAITHLESS keyword to all ALPHA LEGION in the same Detachment.


"Defenders of Vraks" could cover renegade militia too.


I feel like chaos needs some more cross-faction interaction.

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You could possibly use some Fantasy Lizard men and slap some power armor bits on them and call it a day? Or go one step further and make them Hydras?


Unsure about the Prophet Lord. Don't think it would fit too well with the Alpha Legions Modus Operandi.

There is literally a panel in one of the old 3rd ed Codexes showing Alpha Legionnaires who are chaos corrupted and have reptilian/serpentine heads.


The Gargoyle heads from the Chaos vehicle sprue should work. There are some reptilian ones in there.

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I would suggest trying the following with the infiltrate stratagem: 6 man squads of Slaanesh Chosen, each with 5 Combi-Bolters (one on Champ), a Heavy Bolter, and a power weapon of some kind on the Champ. At rapid fire range, that's 23 shots. Repeat as often as needed in your list and punctuate with Veterans of the Long War or Endless Cacophony.


Hordes will hate life.


I know Terms do it better, but this is quite a bit cheaper.

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I would suggest trying the following with the infiltrate stratagem: 6 man squads of Slaanesh Chosen, each with 5 Combi-Bolters (one on Champ), a Heavy Bolter, and a power weapon of some kind on the Champ. At rapid fire range, that's 23 shots. Repeat as often as needed in your list and punctuate with Veterans of the Long War or Endless Cacophony.


Hordes will hate life.


I know Terms do it better, but this is quite a bit cheaper.

Seriously, why even bother with Combi-Bolters? Just go with Noise Marines. Or with Heavy Bolter Havocs. Or with Flamer Havocs. Or one of the many other choices. ^^

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I would suggest trying the following with the infiltrate stratagem: 6 man squads of Slaanesh Chosen, each with 5 Combi-Bolters (one on Champ), a Heavy Bolter, and a power weapon of some kind on the Champ. At rapid fire range, that's 23 shots. Repeat as often as needed in your list and punctuate with Veterans of the Long War or Endless Cacophony.


Hordes will hate life.


I know Terms do it better, but this is quite a bit cheaper.

Seriously, why even bother with Combi-Bolters? Just go with Noise Marines. Or with Heavy Bolter Havocs. Or with Flamer Havocs. Or one of the many other choices. ^^

Cause some people may have some headhunters from heresy modeled up

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I would suggest trying the following with the infiltrate stratagem: 6 man squads of Slaanesh Chosen, each with 5 Combi-Bolters (one on Champ), a Heavy Bolter, and a power weapon of some kind on the Champ. At rapid fire range, that's 23 shots. Repeat as often as needed in your list and punctuate with Veterans of the Long War or Endless Cacophony.


Hordes will hate life.


I know Terms do it better, but this is quite a bit cheaper.

Seriously, why even bother with Combi-Bolters? Just go with Noise Marines. Or with Heavy Bolter Havocs. Or with Flamer Havocs. Or one of the many other choices. ^^

Because it's cheaper than Havocs and comparable to Noise Marines, with a higher shot count at 12 in and higher Ld than both, and more attacks the havocs when they charge or get charged.


The squad I outlined comes in at 120 with a Power Sword on the Champ


6 Havocs with 4HB are 122 with the Power Sword and only put out 16 shots vs 23 (granted avg Str is higher, but they suffer worse for moving). Flamer Havocs end up being 2pts cheaper at 118, but have inferior attacks and Ld and a shorter range (important with the Legion Trait)...and only average about the same number of hits. They can also be denied most of their overwatch on a long charge, while this Chosen build can't.


6 Noise Marines with SB and the Power Sword are 2pts cheaper for weaker shot count at 12 in and better shot count at long range. Attacks are equal and Chosen get better Ld, while NM get Music of the Apocalypse.

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I would suggest trying the following with the infiltrate stratagem: 6 man squads of Slaanesh Chosen, each with 5 Combi-Bolters (one on Champ), a Heavy Bolter, and a power weapon of some kind on the Champ. At rapid fire range, that's 23 shots. Repeat as often as needed in your list and punctuate with Veterans of the Long War or Endless Cacophony.


Hordes will hate life.


I know Terms do it better, but this is quite a bit cheaper.

Seriously, why even bother with Combi-Bolters? Just go with Noise Marines. Or with Heavy Bolter Havocs. Or with Flamer Havocs. Or one of the many other choices. ^^

Because it's cheaper than Havocs and comparable to Noise Marines, with a higher shot count at 12 in and higher Ld than both, and more attacks the havocs when they charge or get charged.


The squad I outlined comes in at 120 with a Power Sword on the Champ


6 Havocs with 4HB are 122 with the Power Sword and only put out 16 shots vs 23 (granted avg Str is higher, but they suffer worse for moving). Flamer Havocs end up being 2pts cheaper at 118, but have inferior attacks and Ld and a shorter range (important with the Legion Trait)...and only average about the same number of hits. They can also be denied most of their overwatch on a long charge, while this Chosen build can't.


6 Noise Marines with SB and the Power Sword are 2pts cheaper for weaker shot count at 12 in and better shot count at long range. Attacks are equal and Chosen get better Ld, while NM get Music of the Apocalypse.


Noise Marines also don't suffer from a -1 to-hit modifier from shooting both combi-weapon components and automatically ignore cover. Also having 12" more range without your damage output dropping by half is kind of a big deal I'd say.


I agree on your points on the Havocs. Doesn't mean they are necessarily a worse choice tho. And forcing the enemy to do a long charge has it's own merrit...especially if you are sitting on an objective in a Forest or Ruins for the -2" charge range. ;)

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Speaking of infiltrating, I feel like Alpha Legion is a force hungry for CPs.

Those forward operatives are great but they take away from our ability to use other abilities like VotLW and Fire Frenzy e.c.t.


Any ideas on how to farm some cheap CP whilst still taking useful models?


Renegades and Heretics has the Malefic Lord for an amazing 30 points. T4 with a stock 4++ and 4 wounds. He becomes stronger if he perils and survives (goes to strength 8 and gets -2AP on his attacks) and knows two of the Renegade powers + smite. I'm thinking that 3 of these dudes in a supreme command detachment is a decent investment, giving you a CP while providing you with three mortal wound chucking psykers that are surprisingly tough themselves.


The only issue I can think of is where to fit these guys in on the battlefield. They can't make use of forward operatives and they need to be within 12" of the enemy to throw around their powers. The supreme command detachment does come with an elites slot, so maybe you could take a unit of Renegade Marauders or Disciples to buddy up with them. Or a big blob of regular chaos cultists.


Speaking of disciples and marauders, a vanguard detachment with 3 minimum squads could also be a good investment. Marauders are 6 points per dude hit on 3+ in melee and at range all the while getting a bunch of funky rules that can make them really useful. They get to choose between three buffs before the battle: -1 to hit and +1 to cover saves (VERY Alpha Legion)/ Carapace Armour (Decent)/ Re-rolls to hit in melee (The worst option imo). Two guys can take special weapons including F*CKING SNIPER RIFLES (which are the only snipers chaos gets I think) and you can mix in some (overcosted imo) melee guys called brutes.


3x 5 man squads with 2 snipers each and the Stalker buff (-1 to hit and +1 to cover) is pretty cheap points wise and gives you 3 sniper teams who can pick out characters like commissars while soaking a surprising amount of return fire due to their resilience. Alternatively a 10 man assault team with Carapace armour and flamers/plasma could rock out in a Chimera and make for a decent delivery mechanism for a pair of Maelific Lords (Chimeras have 12 slots). This little kill team could be surprisingly deadly, pumping out plasma/flamer shots as well as a bunch of mortal wounds from the psykers.


Obviously if you are just a cheesemongerer hunting for cheap CP then your best bet is to take several battalions of Brimstone Horrors and a Herald...but I want to use something somewhat fluffy and useful.



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marauders are great fit for XX. The main issues is that part of the index was written so poorly its painful. Which is indicative to all the index that were put out, they had close to 2yr lead time for the index and made some list unplayable, but :censored: happens so its better to spend time on finding solutions.


Headhunters make for great chosen,


On the topic of CP are tied to amount of points paying. Going with seems to be the new norm of 2000pt. You got to try and see if worth cramping everything in to one detachment and net 9CP, or filling out 2 smaller ones and netting 6. Cheap units for more CP, or more kitted out guys and less CP.  Thats new struggle of 40k


HQ choices in codex are bit odd, maybe its me being picky and more 30k mentality but I rather keep my XX uncorrupted. So having to ability to take marks is off putting for me. Other people love the idea, which is great.  Same thing with sorceress there kinda overemphasized in this edition, and I hate to used auto include, but when you up against GK or TS list getting beaten by spells is frustrating. Anyone els notice this edition is heavy on spells, i know the BS of casting was one of bane of 7th. I think bullets over spells should make sense in 40k, but thats not the directing its heading.

So how is everyone kitting out there Sorceress Chrythsaor?

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I got 8 command points in a 1500 point list so far.


1 Battalion, 1 Spearhead detachment, and Lord Arkos.



Another possibly useful detachment is the Spearhead detachment with 1 Malefic Lord and 3 Earthshaker Carriages/Heavy Quad Guns. It's less than 300 points, gives you a lot of firepower, extra psychic powers, and a command point.

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I would suggest trying the following with the infiltrate stratagem: 6 man squads of Slaanesh Chosen, each with 5 Combi-Bolters (one on Champ), a Heavy Bolter, and a power weapon of some kind on the Champ. At rapid fire range, that's 23 shots. Repeat as often as needed in your list and punctuate with Veterans of the Long War or Endless Cacophony.


Hordes will hate life.


I know Terms do it better, but this is quite a bit cheaper.

Seriously, why even bother with Combi-Bolters? Just go with Noise Marines. Or with Heavy Bolter Havocs. Or with Flamer Havocs. Or one of the many other choices. ^^
Because it's cheaper than Havocs and comparable to Noise Marines, with a higher shot count at 12 in and higher Ld than both, and more attacks the havocs when they charge or get charged.


The squad I outlined comes in at 120 with a Power Sword on the Champ


6 Havocs with 4HB are 122 with the Power Sword and only put out 16 shots vs 23 (granted avg Str is higher, but they suffer worse for moving). Flamer Havocs end up being 2pts cheaper at 118, but have inferior attacks and Ld and a shorter range (important with the Legion Trait)...and only average about the same number of hits. They can also be denied most of their overwatch on a long charge, while this Chosen build can't.


6 Noise Marines with SB and the Power Sword are 2pts cheaper for weaker shot count at 12 in and better shot count at long range. Attacks are equal and Chosen get better Ld, while NM get Music of the Apocalypse.

Noise Marines also don't suffer from a -1 to-hit modifier from shooting both combi-weapon components and automatically ignore cover. Also having 12" more range without your damage output dropping by half is kind of a big deal I'd say.


I agree on your points on the Havocs. Doesn't mean they are necessarily a worse choice tho. And forcing the enemy to do a long charge has it's own merrit...especially if you are sitting on an objective in a Forest or Ruins for the -2" charge range. ;)

Combi bolters don't have 2 profiles and suffer no penalty. They are simply Rapid Fire 2. So 4 shots apiece at 12, 2 at up to 24. So max shots while moving at 24 for the squad is 13 (3 at -1 for the Heavy Bolter). At 12 in, it's the 23 I mentioned. If you still want to make a long charge attractive, you could swap the HB for a flamer.


Nice to free up a heavy slot as well, since those may be in shorter supply if you're loading up on command points to use the stratagem more (depends on how you do it). Of course, you could take the Havocs in addition to these guys, so it's not really zero sum.


It's nice to see that we've got multiple options, though I personally prefer the Chosen.

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Speaking of infiltrating, I feel like Alpha Legion is a force hungry for CPs.

Those forward operatives are great but they take away from our ability to use other abilities like VotLW and Fire Frenzy e.c.t.


Any ideas on how to farm some cheap CP whilst still taking useful models?


Renegades and Heretics has the Malefic Lord for an amazing 30 points. T4 with a stock 4++ and 4 wounds. He becomes stronger if he perils and survives (goes to strength 8 and gets -2AP on his attacks) and knows two of the Renegade powers + smite. I'm thinking that 3 of these dudes in a supreme command detachment is a decent investment, giving you a CP while providing you with three mortal wound chucking psykers that are surprisingly tough themselves.


The only issue I can think of is where to fit these guys in on the battlefield. They can't make use of forward operatives and they need to be within 12" of the enemy to throw around their powers. The supreme command detachment does come with an elites slot, so maybe you could take a unit of Renegade Marauders or Disciples to buddy up with them. Or a big blob of regular chaos cultists.


Speaking of disciples and marauders, a vanguard detachment with 3 minimum squads could also be a good investment. Marauders are 6 points per dude hit on 3+ in melee and at range all the while getting a bunch of funky rules that can make them really useful. They get to choose between three buffs before the battle: -1 to hit and +1 to cover saves (VERY Alpha Legion)/ Carapace Armour (Decent)/ Re-rolls to hit in melee (The worst option imo). Two guys can take special weapons including F*CKING SNIPER RIFLES (which are the only snipers chaos gets I think) and you can mix in some (overcosted imo) melee guys called brutes.


3x 5 man squads with 2 snipers each and the Stalker buff (-1 to hit and +1 to cover) is pretty cheap points wise and gives you 3 sniper teams who can pick out characters like commissars while soaking a surprising amount of return fire due to their resilience. Alternatively a 10 man assault team with Carapace armour and flamers/plasma could rock out in a Chimera and make for a decent delivery mechanism for a pair of Maelific Lords (Chimeras have 12 slots). This little kill team could be surprisingly deadly, pumping out plasma/flamer shots as well as a bunch of mortal wounds from the psykers.


Obviously if you are just a cheesemongerer hunting for cheap CP then your best bet is to take several battalions of Brimstone Horrors and a Herald...but I want to use something somewhat fluffy and useful.



Single Chaos Spawn can fill Fast Attack slots for just over 30 points apiece.


Could take a Brigade with Arkos, an Exalted Champion, and a Lord or Warpsmith, plus 6x10 Cultists, 3 individual Spawn, 3 cheap Elite units (maybe Chosen or Helbrutes), and 3 nasty Heavy choices. That would give you 13CP. Might be room for 2 Vanguards of Marauders after that. Not sure.

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I would suggest trying the following with the infiltrate stratagem: 6 man squads of Slaanesh Chosen, each with 5 Combi-Bolters (one on Champ), a Heavy Bolter, and a power weapon of some kind on the Champ. At rapid fire range, that's 23 shots. Repeat as often as needed in your list and punctuate with Veterans of the Long War or Endless Cacophony.


Hordes will hate life.


I know Terms do it better, but this is quite a bit cheaper.

Seriously, why even bother with Combi-Bolters? Just go with Noise Marines. Or with Heavy Bolter Havocs. Or with Flamer Havocs. Or one of the many other choices. ^^
Because it's cheaper than Havocs and comparable to Noise Marines, with a higher shot count at 12 in and higher Ld than both, and more attacks the havocs when they charge or get charged.


The squad I outlined comes in at 120 with a Power Sword on the Champ


6 Havocs with 4HB are 122 with the Power Sword and only put out 16 shots vs 23 (granted avg Str is higher, but they suffer worse for moving). Flamer Havocs end up being 2pts cheaper at 118, but have inferior attacks and Ld and a shorter range (important with the Legion Trait)...and only average about the same number of hits. They can also be denied most of their overwatch on a long charge, while this Chosen build can't.


6 Noise Marines with SB and the Power Sword are 2pts cheaper for weaker shot count at 12 in and better shot count at long range. Attacks are equal and Chosen get better Ld, while NM get Music of the Apocalypse.

Noise Marines also don't suffer from a -1 to-hit modifier from shooting both combi-weapon components and automatically ignore cover. Also having 12" more range without your damage output dropping by half is kind of a big deal I'd say.


I agree on your points on the Havocs. Doesn't mean they are necessarily a worse choice tho. And forcing the enemy to do a long charge has it's own merrit...especially if you are sitting on an objective in a Forest or Ruins for the -2" charge range. :wink:

Combi bolters don't have 2 profiles and suffer no penalty. They are simply Rapid Fire 2. So 4 shots apiece at 12, 2 at up to 24. So max shots while moving at 24 for the squad is 13 (3 at -1 for the Heavy Bolter). At 12 in, it's the 23 I mentioned. If you still want to make a long charge attractive, you could swap the HB for a flamer.


Nice to free up a heavy slot as well, since those may be in shorter supply if you're loading up on command points to use the stratagem more (depends on how you do it). Of course, you could take the Havocs in addition to these guys, so it's not really zero sum.


It's nice to see that we've got multiple options, though I personally prefer the Chosen.


I see, didn't know they are just Rapid Fire 2. Well my other points are still valid tho. I don't see the point in taking Slaanesh Chosen for anti-infantry duty if you could just take Noise Marines. ^^

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I would suggest trying the following with the infiltrate stratagem: 6 man squads of Slaanesh Chosen, each with 5 Combi-Bolters (one on Champ), a Heavy Bolter, and a power weapon of some kind on the Champ. At rapid fire range, that's 23 shots. Repeat as often as needed in your list and punctuate with Veterans of the Long War or Endless Cacophony.


Hordes will hate life.


I know Terms do it better, but this is quite a bit cheaper.

Seriously, why even bother with Combi-Bolters? Just go with Noise Marines. Or with Heavy Bolter Havocs. Or with Flamer Havocs. Or one of the many other choices. ^^
Because it's cheaper than Havocs and comparable to Noise Marines, with a higher shot count at 12 in and higher Ld than both, and more attacks the havocs when they charge or get charged.


The squad I outlined comes in at 120 with a Power Sword on the Champ


6 Havocs with 4HB are 122 with the Power Sword and only put out 16 shots vs 23 (granted avg Str is higher, but they suffer worse for moving). Flamer Havocs end up being 2pts cheaper at 118, but have inferior attacks and Ld and a shorter range (important with the Legion Trait)...and only average about the same number of hits. They can also be denied most of their overwatch on a long charge, while this Chosen build can't.


6 Noise Marines with SB and the Power Sword are 2pts cheaper for weaker shot count at 12 in and better shot count at long range. Attacks are equal and Chosen get better Ld, while NM get Music of the Apocalypse.

Noise Marines also don't suffer from a -1 to-hit modifier from shooting both combi-weapon components and automatically ignore cover. Also having 12" more range without your damage output dropping by half is kind of a big deal I'd say.


I agree on your points on the Havocs. Doesn't mean they are necessarily a worse choice tho. And forcing the enemy to do a long charge has it's own merrit...especially if you are sitting on an objective in a Forest or Ruins for the -2" charge range. :wink:

Combi bolters don't have 2 profiles and suffer no penalty. They are simply Rapid Fire 2. So 4 shots apiece at 12, 2 at up to 24. So max shots while moving at 24 for the squad is 13 (3 at -1 for the Heavy Bolter). At 12 in, it's the 23 I mentioned. If you still want to make a long charge attractive, you could swap the HB for a flamer.


Nice to free up a heavy slot as well, since those may be in shorter supply if you're loading up on command points to use the stratagem more (depends on how you do it). Of course, you could take the Havocs in addition to these guys, so it's not really zero sum.


It's nice to see that we've got multiple options, though I personally prefer the Chosen.

I see, didn't know they are just Rapid Fire 2. Well my other points are still valid tho. I don't see the point in taking Slaanesh Chosen for anti-infantry duty if you could just take Noise Marines. ^^

If you're talking about overall anti infantry, I agree, but if you're going in at point blank range I prefer these....and when you're using the Slaanesh stratagem you get a full 10 shots more with the Chosen over the two shooting opportunities, which should offset the cover issue. Comes down to personal play style, really, at this point.

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I'm looking at some interesting buffs to cultists. Having a Slanesh sorcerer cast diabolic strength and Delightful Agonies on Slanesh marked cultists gives them strength 5 and +1 attack and a 5+ fnp roll. On a unit of 40 cultists with brutal assault weapons each cultists gets 3 strength 5 attacks.




Mark the cultists with Khorne, give up the FNP roll, and use 3 command points to let the 40 cultists attack twice.


For added fun add a dark apostle with the black mace.

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Sounds like a lot of efford to make them almost as strong as Possessed while being less durable.

Sure they cost less per model but you also need the Sorcerer, pull off the powers and even then it lasts only for one turn.

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Sounds like a lot of efford to make them almost as strong as Possessed while being less durable.

Sure they cost less per model but you also need the Sorcerer, pull off the powers and even then it lasts only for one turn.

Agreed. Just use two huge units with Autoguns and Stubbers, infiltrate them about 13 in away in a big line to cut off table space and restrict movement while taking advantage of the Legion trait.


Let them bleed bodies from morale tests and when the numbers get too low on a given unit, pull the whole unit with Tide of Traitors and bring it on back at full strength for some rapid fire 9 in away.


Have a countercharge ready for when you have to use Tide or the enemy breaks through on their own.


Bonus points for Marking at least one unit with Nurgle and having a Nurgle Sorcerer add ANOTHER -1 to hit. :)

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Diabolic strength works on a model, not a unit....


As a side note, this does work on dreads and helbrutes for some inane reason....



Oh yes. It's a fantastic power.....but it'd be broken beyond belief if it worked on units :D

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What our are thoughts on cult units from both a fluff and crunch standpoint?


The Alpha Legion has one of the more diverse sets of character motivations amongst the traitor legions. Some might be full on chaos worshippers while other might be renegades opposing the Imperium but not fully throwing their lot in with chaos either. It makes sense to me that AL would possess some more zealous members. Perhaps some Legionaries see the power the chaos gods can grant and believe it foolish to ignore. Perhaps particular warbands hire mercenaries from the other legions, integrating them into their command structure. Perhaps the Alpha Legion (or segments of it) really did fall to chaos and embrace its principles as their guiding ideals. The only cult unit that doesn't really fit for me is Thousand Sons...but maybe their commanding sorcerer has decided (for whatever reason) to join up with the Alphas.


From a crunch perspective I think the cult units have a great place in an AL army.


AFAIK, Forward Operatives does not prohibit normal first turn action. If so, it makes for reliable first turn charges. You know who likes first turn charges? Khorne Bezerkers!


Other cult units like being up close too, especially Thousand Sons for whom mobility is an issue. A squad of 10 with some Warpflamers and a Soulreaper cannon mixed in can make for a pretty decent and flexible fireteam.


Plague marines have long been a favourite choice for close range firefights (and also suffer with mobility issues). They can take a surprising amount of plasma guns on a sturdy base and not to mention all those new melee options they've got access too. Could make for a viable mixed squad that can handle itself in both ranged and melee combat and are obviously made more durable by the -1 to hit.


Noise Marines probably gain less from forward operatives than the other cult units. Their range and mobility is pretty good in of itself, but I can see their use as a backline shooting unit taking advantage of the -1 to hit.




edit: Serious thought experiment. Imagine 20x Khorne Bezerkers and a dark Apostle (and maybe an Exalted Champion) infiltrating 9" away from the enemy. Lots of eggs in one basket, but holy :censored: if you get the first turn they will :cuss up the enemy.

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Cult units are indeed looking pretty good. Rubrics can get pretty frightening at pointblank, especially with Warpflamers. Combine with large Cultist blobs to strangle enemy movement and positioning. You can also put a big unit of Berzerker at about 13-14 in to take advantage of the Legion Trait in case of a possible Seize or if you know you're not going first. Then move forward 6 and rely on the reroll icon or nearby Warptime sorcerer to crash in.

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