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Grrr. A rant on the current dex specifically the undivided legions like AL, NL and IW. If you are going to play an undivided legion, play an undivided legion. If you want to play with everything marked slaanesh, play a bloody Emps Children list. Just because GW was too lazy to put in all squads in the above mentioned legions must be marked undivided or no mark at all doesnt mean people need to be cheese weasels and use both the advantages of the undivided legion and the benefits of putting marks on everything to abuse the rules. There is no such thing as a Slaanesh Alpha Legion. They dont do it. Same goes for Night Lords, both would probably kill the offending warband off to preserve the purity of their legion. IW are likely a bit more loose but you still wouldnt see more than a marked unit or two they shuffled all their reject marked troops into to get them out of the way and turn into cannon fodder. Rulewise its a ridiculous abuse on the rules and reeks of waac players. Being able to use stratagems for everything is pretty broken, especially noise marines. Sorry, I thought this was the edition to bring balance to the game, they apparently failed yet again and we are only three codices in. rant over.

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Grrr. A rant on the current dex specifically the undivided legions like AL, NL and IW. If you are going to play an undivided legion, play an undivided legion. If you want to play with everything marked slaanesh, play a bloody Emps Children list. Just because GW was too lazy to put in all squads in the above mentioned legions must be marked undivided or no mark at all doesnt mean people need to be cheese weasels and use both the advantages of the undivided legion and the benefits of putting marks on everything to abuse the rules. There is no such thing as a Slaanesh Alpha Legion. They dont do it. Same goes for Night Lords, both would probably kill the offending warband off to preserve the purity of their legion. IW are likely a bit more loose but you still wouldnt see more than a marked unit or two they shuffled all their reject marked troops into to get them out of the way and turn into cannon fodder. Rulewise its a ridiculous abuse on the rules and reeks of waac players. Being able to use stratagems for everything is pretty broken, especially noise marines. Sorry, I thought this was the edition to bring balance to the game, they apparently failed yet again and we are only three codices in. rant over.

From a fluff point of view, you are absolutely correct, marked legionares are very rare, and more on the individual rather then squad based.


Gameplay wise you are shooting yourself in the foot by not using marks/cults if they fit your play style.


I don't like the possessed models, but the rules are pretty cool, so the justify using them I'm saying (in fluff) we have a squad who before the battle drank some 'primarch' blood (obviously diluted and unstable).


Noise marines could very easily be a squad of head hunters using some rare xenos tech


Berserkers are just assault specialists used by a harrowmaster to ensure a unit (or armies) destruction

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Grrr. A rant on the current dex specifically the undivided legions like AL, NL and IW. If you are going to play an undivided legion, play an undivided legion. If you want to play with everything marked slaanesh, play a bloody Emps Children list. Just because GW was too lazy to put in all squads in the above mentioned legions must be marked undivided or no mark at all doesnt mean people need to be cheese weasels and use both the advantages of the undivided legion and the benefits of putting marks on everything to abuse the rules. There is no such thing as a Slaanesh Alpha Legion. They dont do it. Same goes for Night Lords, both would probably kill the offending warband off to preserve the purity of their legion. IW are likely a bit more loose but you still wouldnt see more than a marked unit or two they shuffled all their reject marked troops into to get them out of the way and turn into cannon fodder. Rulewise its a ridiculous abuse on the rules and reeks of waac players. Being able to use stratagems for everything is pretty broken, especially noise marines. Sorry, I thought this was the edition to bring balance to the game, they apparently failed yet again and we are only three codices in. rant over.





My Alpha Legionnaires have always been devoted to the gods.  After all, they're Chaos Space Marines.  Without the blessings of the Chaos gods, they're just regular Space Marines without any of the cool equipment.  I have Slaaneshi Havocs, Nurgle Cultists, Tzeentchian Terminators, and Khorne Berzerkers in my army now.  They all wear the same blue and green on their plate.  They all have snakes and dragons on their pauldrons.  They're all Legionnaires whether you think it's appropriate or not.

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An astartes is a demigod among men but not completely invulnerable in mind and/or body. The NL have characters like Uzas and the Exalted while the Iron Warriors have Falk and Kroger. Warriors from legions that trust only themselves and their weapons before anything else. Despite that chaos has tainted their souls. The Alpha Legion had Voldorius, a daemon prince, among others courting with chaos.

AL leader seems to have made a pact with a daemon despite believing such things were beneath him. One legionary was all to interested in Chaos and the rewards devotion could bring.
From Shroud of Night which was an ok novel.


So while the Alpha Legion aren't screaming praise to chaos like a Word Bearer it doesn't mean that some have turned as a result from any desired or tragic event.


As for rules, I will simply have to echo adreal and Iron Father Ferrum as what they said is spot on.


I honestly don't know why I should infiltrate Noise Marines since their weapons all are Assault and not Rapid fire or otherwise short ranged (if I were playing Alpha Legion that is). ^^

My only reason is flexibility. I could possibly get them into a far more advantageous position I couldn't from deployment.
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The legionaries we've seen depicted (from whichever) are not the only ones in existence. It's not being cheesy to try out different combinations and permutations of the units in our codex. I'd argue it's rather unimaginative to treat the game in such black and white terms, maybe even boring at times. It's everyone's hobby. Not everyone's preferences will align, but give other players some leeway with their choices... it's a game, after all.
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The powers of chaos is a tool like any other weapon. If your guys tend to keep the trigger pushed longer than reccomended just for the joy of it, give them a plasma gun and keep them together with like-minded guys for maximum killyness. :p


I don't remember where it is from, but there is a story somewhere about AL revealing their mutations when it had the most chock-value.

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Grrr. A rant on the current dex specifically the undivided legions like AL, NL and IW. If you are going to play an undivided legion, play an undivided legion. If you want to play with everything marked slaanesh, play a bloody Emps Children list. Just because GW was too lazy to put in all squads in the above mentioned legions must be marked undivided or no mark at all doesnt mean people need to be cheese weasels and use both the advantages of the undivided legion and the benefits of putting marks on everything to abuse the rules. There is no such thing as a Slaanesh Alpha Legion. They dont do it. Same goes for Night Lords, both would probably kill the offending warband off to preserve the purity of their legion. IW are likely a bit more loose but you still wouldnt see more than a marked unit or two they shuffled all their reject marked troops into to get them out of the way and turn into cannon fodder. Rulewise its a ridiculous abuse on the rules and reeks of waac players. Being able to use stratagems for everything is pretty broken, especially noise marines. Sorry, I thought this was the edition to bring balance to the game, they apparently failed yet again and we are only three codices in. rant over.

Sadly fluff =/= crunch. If you want to have chances to win you need to adapt. And the legions, like you, in the end, fell to chaos to win. You have the choice to not use marks or certain stratagems, and if you do -or rather not- determines your chances of survival. Survival of the fittest, and all that.


All in all, you have 3 options. Adapt and use the best tools to win, live in the past or die, and live in the past or live (this means, just wait until FW moves to 8th ed and then use legion traits/units, but like this may take a while, you better have some beers between).


The choice is yours brother.

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Grrr. A rant on the current dex specifically the undivided legions like AL, NL and IW. If you are going to play an undivided legion, play an undivided legion. If you want to play with everything marked slaanesh, play a bloody Emps Children list. Just because GW was too lazy to put in all squads in the above mentioned legions must be marked undivided or no mark at all doesnt mean people need to be cheese weasels and use both the advantages of the undivided legion and the benefits of putting marks on everything to abuse the rules. There is no such thing as a Slaanesh Alpha Legion. They dont do it. Same goes for Night Lords, both would probably kill the offending warband off to preserve the purity of their legion. IW are likely a bit more loose but you still wouldnt see more than a marked unit or two they shuffled all their reject marked troops into to get them out of the way and turn into cannon fodder. Rulewise its a ridiculous abuse on the rules and reeks of waac players. Being able to use stratagems for everything is pretty broken, especially noise marines. Sorry, I thought this was the edition to bring balance to the game, they apparently failed yet again and we are only three codices in. rant over.




Grrr. A rant on the current dex specifically the undivided legions like AL, NL and IW. If you are going to play an undivided legion, play an undivided legion. If you want to play with everything marked slaanesh, play a bloody Emps Children list. Just because GW was too lazy to put in all squads in the above mentioned legions must be marked undivided or no mark at all doesnt mean people need to be cheese weasels and use both the advantages of the undivided legion and the benefits of putting marks on everything to abuse the rules. There is no such thing as a Slaanesh Alpha Legion. They dont do it. Same goes for Night Lords, both would probably kill the offending warband off to preserve the purity of their legion. IW are likely a bit more loose but you still wouldnt see more than a marked unit or two they shuffled all their reject marked troops into to get them out of the way and turn into cannon fodder. Rulewise its a ridiculous abuse on the rules and reeks of waac players. Being able to use stratagems for everything is pretty broken, especially noise marines. Sorry, I thought this was the edition to bring balance to the game, they apparently failed yet again and we are only three codices in. rant over.





My Alpha Legionnaires have always been devoted to the gods.  After all, they're Chaos Space Marines.  Without the blessings of the Chaos gods, they're just regular Space Marines without any of the cool equipment.  I have Slaaneshi Havocs, Nurgle Cultists, Tzeentchian Terminators, and Khorne Berzerkers in my army now.  They all wear the same blue and green on their plate.  They all have snakes and dragons on their pauldrons.  They're all Legionnaires whether you think it's appropriate or not.



Honestly, that's what makes the Alpha Legion great. The sheer choice of whatever the Warbands of the Alpha Legion is up to. Unlike many of the other Legions, the curtain has been pulled and we have little left to fantasy. The Alpha Legion has room for anything.

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Grrr. A rant on the current dex specifically the undivided legions like AL, NL and IW. If you are going to play an undivided legion, play an undivided legion. If you want to play with everything marked slaanesh, play a bloody Emps Children list. Just because GW was too lazy to put in all squads in the above mentioned legions must be marked undivided or no mark at all doesnt mean people need to be cheese weasels and use both the advantages of the undivided legion and the benefits of putting marks on everything to abuse the rules. There is no such thing as a Slaanesh Alpha Legion. They dont do it. Same goes for Night Lords, both would probably kill the offending warband off to preserve the purity of their legion. IW are likely a bit more loose but you still wouldnt see more than a marked unit or two they shuffled all their reject marked troops into to get them out of the way and turn into cannon fodder. Rulewise its a ridiculous abuse on the rules and reeks of waac players. Being able to use stratagems for everything is pretty broken, especially noise marines. Sorry, I thought this was the edition to bring balance to the game, they apparently failed yet again and we are only three codices in. rant over.




Grrr. A rant on the current dex specifically the undivided legions like AL, NL and IW. If you are going to play an undivided legion, play an undivided legion. If you want to play with everything marked slaanesh, play a bloody Emps Children list. Just because GW was too lazy to put in all squads in the above mentioned legions must be marked undivided or no mark at all doesnt mean people need to be cheese weasels and use both the advantages of the undivided legion and the benefits of putting marks on everything to abuse the rules. There is no such thing as a Slaanesh Alpha Legion. They dont do it. Same goes for Night Lords, both would probably kill the offending warband off to preserve the purity of their legion. IW are likely a bit more loose but you still wouldnt see more than a marked unit or two they shuffled all their reject marked troops into to get them out of the way and turn into cannon fodder. Rulewise its a ridiculous abuse on the rules and reeks of waac players. Being able to use stratagems for everything is pretty broken, especially noise marines. Sorry, I thought this was the edition to bring balance to the game, they apparently failed yet again and we are only three codices in. rant over.





My Alpha Legionnaires have always been devoted to the gods.  After all, they're Chaos Space Marines.  Without the blessings of the Chaos gods, they're just regular Space Marines without any of the cool equipment.  I have Slaaneshi Havocs, Nurgle Cultists, Tzeentchian Terminators, and Khorne Berzerkers in my army now.  They all wear the same blue and green on their plate.  They all have snakes and dragons on their pauldrons.  They're all Legionnaires whether you think it's appropriate or not.



Honestly, that's what makes the Alpha Legion great. The sheer choice of whatever the Warbands of the Alpha Legion is up to. Unlike many of the other Legions, the curtain has been pulled and we have little left to fantasy. The Alpha Legion has room for anything.



True the Alpha Legion has many open story options because we are only given a small part of the picture.

A fully Chaos corrupted army is just as valid as a more neutral army.


But personally I like a bit more information. Or that what written in the codex matches what is shown in Legion.


Personally I base my army theme around 2 things.

The quote from Legion. "It is better to manage and maintain the flaws of man on an ongoing basis."

And the radical part Inquisition view of Chaos. I think that Alpha Legion share a similar view on Chaos.

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I've been using a double BC array leviathan backed up by a warpsmith in my alpha legion detachment and the thing is stupidly killy and resilient. Haven't lost it yet. Hell ork heavies can't even hit it if they moved (or advanced with assaults).. had that happen yesterday. 

The wording seems pretty clear that you can only take one ranged weapon.  You can trade one or both siege claws for a siege drill, but you can only trade ONE siege claw for a butcher cannon or whatever.  Probably specifically to prevent obnoxiousness like 4D3 mortal wounds.

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I've been using a double BC array leviathan backed up by a warpsmith in my alpha legion detachment and the thing is stupidly killy and resilient. Haven't lost it yet. Hell ork heavies can't even hit it if they moved (or advanced with assaults).. had that happen yesterday. 

The wording seems pretty clear that you can only take one ranged weapon.  You can trade one or both siege claws for a siege drill, but you can only trade ONE siege claw for a butcher cannon or whatever.  Probably specifically to prevent obnoxiousness like 4D3 mortal wounds.




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I've been using a double BC array leviathan backed up by a warpsmith in my alpha legion detachment and the thing is stupidly killy and resilient. Haven't lost it yet. Hell ork heavies can't even hit it if they moved (or advanced with assaults).. had that happen yesterday. 

The wording seems pretty clear that you can only take one ranged weapon.  You can trade one or both siege claws for a siege drill, but you can only trade ONE siege claw for a butcher cannon or whatever.  Probably specifically to prevent obnoxiousness like 4D3 mortal wounds.





Man, and I even re-read the FAQ just recently.  Ugh, this edition was supposed to consolidate the amount of reference materials I have to carry.


Anyway, with the overall consensus seeming to be to treat Faithless as a quasi-successor, Arkos is a good guy to accompany some Faithless Berserkers.  Getting to move after infiltrating, +1 to charges and a re-roll from the Khorne Icon, means you can deploy them safely somewhere mid-field where they won't get shot up if your opponent gets first turn, and then have a good chance to engage them in melee when it's your turn.

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True the Alpha Legion has many open story options because we are only given a small part of the picture.

A fully Chaos corrupted army is just as valid as a more neutral army.


But personally I like a bit more information. Or that what written in the codex matches what is shown in Legion.


Personally I base my army theme around 2 things.

The quote from Legion. "It is better to manage and maintain the flaws of man on an ongoing basis."

And the radical part Inquisition view of Chaos. I think that Alpha Legion share a similar view on Chaos.



Legion was 10,000 years ago, and how they operate there doesn't translate well onto the table top.


If you want to play the Alpha Legion, as deployed as a Legion, play 30k. I love our 30k rules, granting us strategic flexibility rather than just hiding in bushes. 


Also, just to clarify, I don't dislike our 40k rules. I thought copy-pasting the Raven Guard's rules was a bit odd, and thus making us a long range faction, but they're alright. 

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I've been using a double BC array leviathan backed up by a warpsmith in my alpha legion detachment and the thing is stupidly killy and resilient. Haven't lost it yet. Hell ork heavies can't even hit it if they moved (or advanced with assaults).. had that happen yesterday. 

The wording seems pretty clear that you can only take one ranged weapon.  You can trade one or both siege claws for a siege drill, but you can only trade ONE siege claw for a butcher cannon or whatever.  Probably specifically to prevent obnoxiousness like 4D3 mortal wounds.





Man, and I even re-read the FAQ just recently.  Ugh, this edition was supposed to consolidate the amount of reference materials I have to carry.


Anyway, with the overall consensus seeming to be to treat Faithless as a quasi-successor, Arkos is a good guy to accompany some Faithless Berserkers.  Getting to move after infiltrating, +1 to charges and a re-roll from the Khorne Icon, means you can deploy them safely somewhere mid-field where they won't get shot up if your opponent gets first turn, and then have a good chance to engage them in melee when it's your turn.


Sounds like the Gen's Handbook is for you, it collects all the FAQs in one book, including FW ones according to NOVA.

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Also, just to clarify, I don't dislike our 40k rules. I thought copy-pasting the Raven Guard's rules was a bit odd, and thus making us a long range faction, but they're alright. 




If you focus entirely on the Legion Trait, then yes, we're a "long range faction."  But there's more than just the Trait.  Consider our stratagem which, quite the opposite to the Trait, does not specifically promote long range warfare; indeed, it can be used to establish an exceedingly short-ranged base of fire/assault threat.  Consider the new unit types that we can use now, where all previous iterations of Legion rules prohibited the use of Marked (and thus Cult) units.  Noise Marines and Plague Marines prefer to operate at middle ranges, but Rubrics can operate effectively at medium or short and Berzerkers want to be as close as post-humanly possible to the enemy.


If you look at the sum of all the generic stratagems and rules, combined with our Legion specific ones, and subsequently build your army as a pure long-range shooting force, I feel like you're missing out on a lot of options. . . not to mention you're missing the Legion's preferred tactical modus operandi: attack from every possible direction simultaneously.  Between infiltrations, long-range options in the deployment zone, and no-scatter, on-time deep strike we can actually make that happen.

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I want some berserkers, but what I had on hand where "Burning of Prospero" iron armor marines. So I made a unit of 5 "berserkers", armed with chain swords, bolt pistols, plasma pistol/power fist on the champion, and two plasma pistols in the squad. I will be using the berserker rules for them. Champion is strength 10. Probably overkill.


I plan on painting the same blue/green as everything else. They will just be my assault specialists in an elite slot.

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Also, just to clarify, I don't dislike our 40k rules. I thought copy-pasting the Raven Guard's rules was a bit odd, and thus making us a long range faction, but they're alright. 




If you focus entirely on the Legion Trait, then yes, we're a "long range faction."  But there's more than just the Trait.  Consider our stratagem which, quite the opposite to the Trait, does not specifically promote long range warfare; indeed, it can be used to establish an exceedingly short-ranged base of fire/assault threat.  Consider the new unit types that we can use now, where all previous iterations of Legion rules prohibited the use of Marked (and thus Cult) units.  Noise Marines and Plague Marines prefer to operate at middle ranges, but Rubrics can operate effectively at medium or short and Berzerkers want to be as close as post-humanly possible to the enemy.


If you look at the sum of all the generic stratagems and rules, combined with our Legion specific ones, and subsequently build your army as a pure long-range shooting force, I feel like you're missing out on a lot of options. . . not to mention you're missing the Legion's preferred tactical modus operandi: attack from every possible direction simultaneously.  Between infiltrations, long-range options in the deployment zone, and no-scatter, on-time deep strike we can actually make that happen.


There is really a lot more to it than that.  12" is really not a huge threshold to meet.  Even if you're up close and personal with the opponent shredding through his screening troops, their rear elements are likely to still be outside of rapid fire range.  And if they move their long-range elements within 12" of your short-range elements just to avoid the penalty, they are playing into your hands.

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Also, just to clarify, I don't dislike our 40k rules. I thought copy-pasting the Raven Guard's rules was a bit odd, and thus making us a long range faction, but they're alright. 




If you focus entirely on the Legion Trait, then yes, we're a "long range faction."  But there's more than just the Trait.  Consider our stratagem which, quite the opposite to the Trait, does not specifically promote long range warfare; indeed, it can be used to establish an exceedingly short-ranged base of fire/assault threat.  Consider the new unit types that we can use now, where all previous iterations of Legion rules prohibited the use of Marked (and thus Cult) units.  Noise Marines and Plague Marines prefer to operate at middle ranges, but Rubrics can operate effectively at medium or short and Berzerkers want to be as close as post-humanly possible to the enemy.


If you look at the sum of all the generic stratagems and rules, combined with our Legion specific ones, and subsequently build your army as a pure long-range shooting force, I feel like you're missing out on a lot of options. . . not to mention you're missing the Legion's preferred tactical modus operandi: attack from every possible direction simultaneously.  Between infiltrations, long-range options in the deployment zone, and no-scatter, on-time deep strike we can actually make that happen.



For me, it's how well the Alpha Legion's asymmetric warfare translates into crunch. I don't think it's awful, I just think it's lazy, though not as lazy as "Infiltrating Chosen."


I disliked our 7th edition Legion rules. I thought the whole Cultist spam was considerably closer to the Word Bearers' fluff, while Chosen were still rubbish. 

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I'm having major issues writing a list that feels like Alpha Legion to me, so I figured I'd come here to knock some ideas around. A couple of caveats first:


1) No Cultists unless I can possibly avoid it. They're going to feature heavily in my Word Bearers in theory.

2) Similarly, I'd rather not run Cult units as they'll be in their respective Legions, and no Bikers or Raptors as they're in my World Eaters.


Man, writing an army list to encapsulate each Legion but with as little overlap as possible is really tricky. So far for my Alphas I want to get that feeling of attacking from all sides, so I'm thinking roughly the following:


Lord with Hydra Blade

Terminator Lord with Power Mace

Terminator Squad with mix of weapons

Chosen with mix of weapons


2 Heldrakes

Fire Raptor with Autocannons


I'm also contemplating a Scorpius and possibly a Helbrute based firebase of some description. It's just... not quite clicking for me, y'know? I simultaneously want to drop everything into their face while also kinda hanging back a bit to take advantage of the Legion trait and also keeping my options open to use the infiltrate Stratagem.


So yeah, any thoughts on how to achieve that at 1500 points will be gratefully received, because I've been chewing on it since the codex dropped and I'm still none the wiser.



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I'm having major issues writing a list that feels like Alpha Legion to me, so I figured I'd come here to knock some ideas around. A couple of caveats first:


1) No Cultists unless I can possibly avoid it. They're going to feature heavily in my Word Bearers in theory.

2) Similarly, I'd rather not run Cult units as they'll be in their respective Legions, and no Bikers or Raptors as they're in my World Eaters.


Man, writing an army list to encapsulate each Legion but with as little overlap as possible is really tricky. So far for my Alphas I want to get that feeling of attacking from all sides, so I'm thinking roughly the following:


Lord with Hydra Blade

Terminator Lord with Power Mace

Terminator Squad with mix of weapons

Chosen with mix of weapons


2 Heldrakes

Fire Raptor with Autocannons


I'm also contemplating a Scorpius and possibly a Helbrute based firebase of some description. It's just... not quite clicking for me, y'know? I simultaneously want to drop everything into their face while also kinda hanging back a bit to take advantage of the Legion trait and also keeping my options open to use the infiltrate Stratagem.


So yeah, any thoughts on how to achieve that at 1500 points will be gratefully received, because I've been chewing on it since the codex dropped and I'm still none the wiser.




so that termi lord...should be a sorc if possible. I cant tell you how usefull our spells are now. With the termi's mark em either Khorne (with icon) or Slaan for double shootin depending on what you prefer to do with them. Chosen "can" be useful depending on thier weapon loadout, when i use them its with combi;s in a rhino. The dreadclaw can work...but with a much higher price tag. i suppose you are thowing the lord with them....because his aura wont benefit anything else in this list. The flyer support with the drakes and fire raptor is interesting, if you end up running these together id be interested to see how they do.


Ok so now for the critique.... you have no troops. Now this can work in situations where you are strong and fast and can hold objectives, which this list doesn't have but 1 unit. Unlike most legions, AL actually dont mind CSM squads. I run mine cheap and plentiful....5 man with a heavy weapon of choice. Good to mitigate deep strike and harder than average to shift. I know you dont like cultists but man.....1 giant blob infiltrated in someones face with the ability to regen and teleport is soooo good. It has won me games. And your intuition for Helbrutes is right on the money. They are great value and i use em to watch my backline. Deamon Princes also do very well for us as they get some extra protection on the way in.


The many pronged attack of the AL def does work...but you need a little down field ranged support. Use your stras wisely.

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Thanks for the advice, really helped me focus some stuff. Got a first draft actually nailed down, any thoughts?


Termie Sorcerer with force axe and combi plasma


5x Terminators with 3x power axe, 1x power fist, lightning claws on the champ, 3 combi meltas and a reaper autocannon


5 CSM with autocannon, power sword, combi plasma


5 CSM with autocannon, power sword, combi plasma


5 CSM with autocannon, power sword, combi plasma






Fire Raptor with reaper batteries and Hellstrike missiles.


Comes to 1493 points, had to drop the lord to fit it in. I could drop the sorcerer's combi and make my csm champions bare bones to fit him back in if needed, I was just going off models I already own.



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That is starting to look nice and deadly, id try to fit in the lord though, bc rerolling 1's is a thing and also gets you a +3 CP for the batallion. You can go cheap as chips on em and still give them the free hydra sword so he aint no punk! So how do you get those 74 points then?.... well 1st the reaper is usually a mess of hot garbage (which sucks b/c i love the look), literally any weapon is better even the combi bolter which shoots 4 shots that DONT suffer the -1. The combi plas and power sword are unfortunatly also really cool but dont often turn the tide themselves.


With this loadout on your termi's i suspect that they will be Mark of Slan to give you the option of that sweet sweet double shooting. and honestly if you can id go all melta/all plasma or bust. Pick your spells with the sorc to fit the need. The big deal is the 3 CP....it can be game changing and its worth fitting the lord in, bc you can do tricky thing like infiltrating him for 1 CP where you know your termi's are gunna land for the reroll and then warptime him all up in someones business.


Best of luck and look forward to here how the list does.

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Right, I've carved everything superfluous off the CSM squads, got rid of the reaper and given the termies four combi plasmas instead, on the logic that if I'm shooting twice I might as well maximise the amount. I'm keeping the lightning claws, they're my rule of cool concession. That's given me enough points to slot the lord in, which means a whopping 7 command points, which is pretty spicy. Thanks for the help btw, when I've had a chance to use the list I'll report back on how it went.


On a different note, can the Alpha Legion Stratagem be used multiple times during deployment? I've been ruling it as only being usable once, in line with how they'd work during the game.



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