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"On a different note, can the Alpha Legion Stratagem be used multiple times during deployment? I've been ruling it as only being usable once, in line with how they'd work during the game."





As many times as you find shiney! It adds another layer to the mental game.

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The rulebook states that strategems used before the game starts can be used multiple times. So you can infiltrate however much you desire.


Lately I've been looking at some of the different options available. I know chosen need to be fixed right now, as they compare unfavorably to possessed, fallen, terminators, berzerkers, noise marines, and havocs depending on role, but I kind of like the idea of including some with combi-bolters. 5 chosen with 5 combi-bolters is 90 points, and kind of has the "headhunters" vibe from 30k, Throw a close combat weapon on them with the combi-bolter to represent the extra attack. Infiltrate them somewhere. I know it's not ideal, but it's fluffy. It's 10 points less to do the exact same thing with Fallen but they can't be infiltrated and don't benefit from Alpha Legion specific buffs.


I'm on a plasma kick right now for troops. Cultists have not been working out for me, so I will save them for my renegades lists. 5x chaos marines with combi-plasma/plasma pistol on the champion, and plasma special weapon in a rhino. Fill the rest of the rhino with a havoc squad of plasma or melta. Disembark in rapid fire range and fire 5 plasma shots and 8 bolter shots from your chaos marines, plus whatever the havocs fire. For added fun add a combi-plasma to the rhino.

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The rulebook states that strategems used before the game starts can be used multiple times. So you can infiltrate however much you desire.


Lately I've been looking at some of the different options available. I know chosen need to be fixed right now, as they compare unfavorably to possessed, fallen, terminators, berzerkers, noise marines, and havocs depending on role, but I kind of like the idea of including some with combi-bolters. 5 chosen with 5 combi-bolters is 90 points, and kind of has the "headhunters" vibe from 30k, Throw a close combat weapon on them with the combi-bolter to represent the extra attack. Infiltrate them somewhere. I know it's not ideal, but it's fluffy. It's 10 points less to do the exact same thing with Fallen but they can't be infiltrated and don't benefit from Alpha Legion specific buffs.


I'm on a plasma kick right now for troops. Cultists have not been working out for me, so I will save them for my renegades lists. 5x chaos marines with combi-plasma/plasma pistol on the champion, and plasma special weapon in a rhino. Fill the rest of the rhino with a havoc squad of plasma or melta. Disembark in rapid fire range and fire 5 plasma shots and 8 bolter shots from your chaos marines, plus whatever the havocs fire. For added fun add a combi-plasma to the rhino.


Unfortunately you cant fire the pistol another weapon in the same phase, but bonus you can save 7 points on your champ! 


However i am kinda all about double squad-ing rhino's now. Since there is no more dedicated transports i find i am often bringing a rhino for the option to put whatever squad i decide last min in it. And with AL option to infiltrate...it multiplies the flexability

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I was about to type a big reply arguing that power weapon Chosen are a good choice to place in infiltration alongside other units like Berzerkers and Possessed, but I decided against spelling everything out.  It's mostly theory-crafting at this point without any anecdotal or mathematical evidence to back up its effectiveness.  I do think that Chosen equipped with just ranged weaponry is a waste though, because no matter what guns you give them, Havocs are going to do it better for cheaper.

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Gives +1 to wound, so a power sword wounds on 3s, which to be fair is something I have not considered as last time I used chosen it was with the index, and I tend to forget VOTLW, which is more on me spending command points to shoot more or move cultists around
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Admittedly, every army list I build goes seems like it would go through CPs like :cuss through a goose.  FO, VOTLW, Tide of Traitors, Endless Cacophony. . . hell, even Fire Frenzy and Blasphemous Machines are all useful and things I could potentially splurge CPs on.  Having that many options is nice, don't get me wrong, and I certainly appreciate the flexibility having all that options brings, but on the other hand I keep feeling like I'd run out of CPs really fast.  My only comparison is to my Iron Hands army, where every stratagem I have ever used is only 1 CP and I tend to lean heavily on just one or two of them, so thanks to the Matched Play restrictions, I really can't spend them that fast.

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I field ten chosen in two 5 man squads with combi-plasma. I haven't tried them in the new codex but they seem like excellent infiltrators in theory and they worked well out rhinos in the index.


I played against that Slaanesh Alpha Legion and he burned through all his command points(He had a brigade) by the beginning of my turn 3(I went first) but by then the damage had already been done. So yes these stratagems do indeed get burned through quickly but they are so devastating that when used correctly it doesn't matter.

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I still think a lot of the Endless Cacophony in a full terminator squad all with combi-plas, supported by a sorc to cast Prescience on them and FnP or Warptime. A lord would also be (a very nice) overkill addition, since they would hit on 2+ (in both of the shooting) and re-rolling ones. Certainly expensive yes, but I can't stop thinking on this tbh.

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I still think a lot of the Endless Cacophony in a full terminator squad all with combi-plas, supported by a sorc to cast Prescience on them and FnP or Warptime. A lord would also be (a very nice) overkill addition, since they would hit on 2+ (in both of the shooting) and re-rolling ones. Certainly expensive yes, but I can't stop thinking on this tbh.

I have been trying to get this down for my AL army. My games so far have been quite trial and error. Always liked terminators but never had luck with them in 5th and 6th as I always deep-striked them into buildings and enemy tanks all the time but in this edition they have been putting in some honest work.


Thematically I enjoy the idea of an Alpha Legion decapitation strike force teleporting into battle to lay a killing blow. Gaming wise you just dropped some hard killers on your opponent who should be laying down serious hurt and will be a bit of a painful thorn to remove. I have tried them with the sorcerer and my squads having MoK to get into combat. Tonight I will try them backed up with a lord with MoS for that sweet Endless cacophony.

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Whilst waiting for the Thousand Son dex to land I've spent a fair bit of time looking at the XX Legion since they're my 30k army and got to looking at what could reasonably be moved between systems and came up with the following list that I'm going to be using during a narrative campaign in the next few weeks. It's partly constrained by what the models are equiped with for HH games (the terminators for example are Lernaeans) but it's not too bad imo.




Arkos the Faithless - Warlord - I Am Alpharius

Sorcerer - Mark of Slaanesh, Force Sword


Chaos Marines Squad - Mark of Slaanesh, Missile Launcher, Combi Plasma

Chaos Marines Squad - Mark of Slaanesh, Missile Launcher, Combi Plasma

Chaos Marines Squad - Mark of Slaanesh, Heavy Bolter, Combi Plasma





Exalted Champion - Mark of Khorne, Murder Sword, Plasma Pistol

Khorne Bezerkers x5 - Chainswords

Chosen - 4 Plasma Guns, Combi Plasma, Lightning Claw

Terminators - Combi Plasma/Melta, Power Fist x3, Power Axe x2




Sorcerer - Mark of Tzeentch

Rubricae x5 - 2 Warpflamers, Soulreaper Cannon, Icon of Flame

Vindicator - Laser Destroyer Array

Vindicator - Laser Destroyer Array

Rapier Battery x2 - Undecided, either looking at C-Beams or Ecotplasm


100PL 9 CP


Since that's a meaty 9 CPs current plan is to infiltrate Arkos (which he can do for free, also providing a boost to charging for units around him), infiltrate the champion and land the terminators on that little group for the benefit of a first turn mauling. Arkos also benefits nicely from a standard -1 to hit which which tallies nicely with the legion trait as well. Nice few CPs to turn towards stratagems, heavy firepower from the vindicators and rapiers and good backfield objective holding from the rubricae. Not to mention 3 sorcerers worth of Smite bombs. Thoughts?

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All that for 1000 points with 9 CP (does Arkos give an extra one?) looks to be a brawler!


It's 100 Power Levels, gods there's no chance of that coming in under 2k nvm 1k haha


Yeah Arkos gives 1 CP if he's the warlord and comes with some great benefits and decent weaponry by most chaos lord's standards

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All that for 1000 points with 9 CP (does Arkos give an extra one?) looks to be a brawler!


It's 100 Power Levels, gods there's no chance of that coming in under 2k nvm 1k haha


Yeah Arkos gives 1 CP if he's the warlord and comes with some great benefits and decent weaponry by most chaos lord's standards


Ahh, I just saw 1000 in my head haha. I was about to bombard you with messages on your list building.


How are the games with PL? I have yet to try it but at least one of my friends wants to try a narrative campaign as well.


Also need to make a note to buy that FW Chaos index. Looks like they still have plenty of goodies in there.

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Don't feel bad Hushrong, I read it the same way. Didn't know people actually play power levels and am not used to seeing them lol. Still absolutely hate the marking system and feel I am violating years of fluff and think its ridiculous by marking anything, hoping they will force the normally anti-mark legions to remain undivided in a future FAQ, but I might mark a pc terminator squad for endless cacophony for the short term just to get the double fire everyone else is using. Hopefully they will update 30k to 8th so this marking nonsense will go away completely and we can go back to playing our legions the way we have for years without this chaos fad Horus started.


I have used the terminator squad with all PCs and a reaper pre-codex with a lord in termy armor and it was nasty. Landed on a relic in the center of the board on turn 3 and the weakened guard tank army couldn't budge it since it was in cover as well. And they rapid fired Pask in a punisher LR as well taking him out of action.I can only imagine what a double firing unit could do.

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Don't feel bad Hushrong, I read it the same way. Didn't know people actually play power levels and am not used to seeing them lol. Still absolutely hate the marking system and feel I am violating years of fluff and think its ridiculous by marking anything, hoping they will force the normally anti-mark legions to remain undivided in a future FAQ, but I might mark a pc terminator squad for endless cacophony for the short term just to get the double fire everyone else is using. Hopefully they will update 30k to 8th so this marking nonsense will go away completely and we can go back to playing our legions the way we have for years without this chaos fad Horus started.


I have used the terminator squad with all PCs and a reaper pre-codex with a lord in termy armor and it was nasty. Landed on a relic in the center of the board on turn 3 and the weakened guard tank army couldn't budge it since it was in cover as well. And they rapid fired Pask in a punisher LR as well taking him out of action.I can only imagine what a double firing unit could do.

Yeah, I just need to learn how to read.


As for that player level business I may give it a try. Like I said a buddy and I want to start a narrative campaign we can invest in fluff wise with some fun, unique games. Regular 40K is fun but going after & sitting on objectives or just outright murdering each other gets a bit bland when you do it all the time. I really want to try some scenarios again like surviving against waves of zombies or bugs while trying to screw over my opponent.


As for 30K, aren't they basically keeping it 7th edition? Or has there been a change? Never got the chance to really get into it.

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They said they will eventually switch to 8th, likely when they have a couple quarters of negative growth of HH stuff they will start working on it, but it isn't changing for the foreseeable future. Really all they need is a big PDF for the units and legions for 8th edition and the th players can keep doing their thing and the 8th people can do theirs. Most of the vehicles are already crossed over so it wouldn't be a massive amount of work, the Chaos and space marine codices pretty much laid out the ground work already, they just need 30k flavoring with less chaos.

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@slitth: Going for a black armor look? I remember Kizzdougs did a few and I think it is an awesome look.


@Galron: Yeah, I had the first two books and quite a few minis but some folks moaned about power armor versus power armor in my group. Which is what is happening in my group now besides two xenos.:dry.:  I just incorporated the minis into my main army and the books look awesome on my shelf.


@micahwc: I will have to remember to double check PL costs and listings when I glance through my codex to get a feel for it.

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They said they will eventually switch to 8th, likely when they have a couple quarters of negative growth of HH stuff they will start working on it, but it isn't changing for the foreseeable future. Really all they need is a big PDF for the units and legions for 8th edition and the th players can keep doing their thing and the 8th people can do theirs. Most of the vehicles are already crossed over so it wouldn't be a massive amount of work, the Chaos and space marine codices pretty much laid out the ground work already, they just need 30k flavoring with less chaos.


Think it's more to do with them replacing their lead writer who passed away than anything related to sales. And whilst I agree the change over will be made at some point (whether pre or post Angelus is open to debate) there's more than simply converting stats over etc. For starters there's no mechanic to differentiate the combat prowess of half the units - I mean you can't have elite assault units/centurions/preators/special characters and Primarchs all having +2 for WS/BS, it strips out too much flavour for expedience. I have faith they'd work it in such a way that it would be perfectly usable but that takes time and someone actively working on the changeover rather than a black volume or any of the imperial armour books that have fallen by the wayside.

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@slitth: Going for a black armor look? I remember Kizzdougs did a few and I think it is an awesome look.


Yep, but it more of a dark green when it's in direct light and the Nuln Oil Gloss helps give it the black look when its in shadow.

I got the idea from looking at the Post-Heresy Colour Scheme from the chaos codex and some old Alien posters.

I thought that a dark green fading into black would be a good theme for the Alpha Legion.

I had to try some different colours and shades to get perfect effect.

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I like the sound of that. I copied kizzdoug, who I mentioned earlier, with his metallic blue and green shade. I like the look and it really catches the eye...which isn't very practical for stealth haha.


However, green to black is a cool, thematic idea and a much stealthier approach! I look forward to seeing a completed legionary.

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