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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey folks, between a mixture of illness and mock exams at college i haven't been up to much recently so it's just a quick post.

Scratchbuilt a pair of Helblades for my Warriors of Mayhem, should get painted up in the next couple of weeks; same for the last Librarian. I'll go back over the other Librarians and add some OSL too.

Helblade One (sans autocannons):


Helblade Two:


In other news, I've resupplied my hobby tools sufficiently to spend

Thanks for the comments guys, the Helblades are indeed scratchbuilt; using plain old cereal boxes! (Autocannons are from the Guard heavy weapons teams.)


All my scratchbuilds are from plans I've found online, send me a message for links, etc.


As ever, thanks for looking. :smile.:

Hi folks, this is my first proper post here on the B&C despite several months of lurking. This topic's going to be a mash of both my loyalists (Gordian Sons) and my renegades (Warriors of Mayhem.)

So, first of all, I've got my loyalist dreadnought with my first attempts of sculpting and battle damage:



Will get this painted in the next day or so.

Thanks for looking!

Quick question, did you use gesso to prime the dreadnaught?

Thanks hushrong, it's surprising what you can make and it saved me a good few pounds too!


Harbinger looks pretty devastating, so I'll keep an eye out for plans. Currently in the works are a third Helblade, renegade Russ and some armour for my Warriors of Mayhem.


As ever, thanks for looking and thanks for the comments.

Hey folks, finally got my new primer (unfortunately no golden ticket...) and have primed my ever increasing backlog of chaos:

Algrath Man-Flayer:


Second and third Noise Marine Squads:




As per usual, the Raider is scratchbuilt from card and spruced up with a smattering of GW plastics.

As ever, thanks for looking, all comments appreciated. :smile.:

  • 3 weeks later...

Hi folks, thanks for the kind words! It's been a slow couple of weeks for the hobby here, but I've started on the Manflayer and noise marines:

Algrath Man-flayer:


Noise Marines (All at least based with metals and bone):


As you can see, not too much progress, but hopefully this week will yield more fruit! For the banner, I'm thinking bright/pastel pink chaos arrows in a fashion similar to the Dark Vengeance cloaks.

As ever, thanks for looking, all comments appreciated!

Hi folks, just a small update tonight:

Finished Banner:


Slight update to Algrath:


General Update:


@Dark Apostle Thirst: Thanks brother, got a big backlog building up, so there'll be plenty more to come!

Thanks for looking, all comments appreciated, especially those concerning freehand advice!

I've missed quite a bit!


Definitely liking the boys who bring the noise! They are still one of my most favorite units in the book thanks to being able to take a Blastmaster in small squads. Also, I like the new scratch build! It seems like you keep going up in vehicle sizes with your scratchbuilds. I wonder if a baneblade size tank is next. :)

@hushrong: I use them exstensively, the blastmaster is such a potent weapon, they've become the terror of my mate's guard command squads...

A Baneblade, eh....?



As ever, thanks for looking and thanks for all the comments. :smile.:

  • 5 weeks later...

Hey folks, it's been a while, seems exam revision and painting don't mix...

Just a quick update tonight, the more eagle-eyed of you might have seen my Slaaneshi Lord appear in the H.Q. Showcase so I thought I'd show him off here too:

Cantek Tor, Prince of Mayhem:


Hopefully the noise marines will finally be complete by the weekend; I've got a game Monday so I'll need them!

As ever, thanks for looking, all comments appreciated!

Hey folks, as usual I've spent more time building than painting, despite the upcoming game, but I have made some slight progress on my noise marines:


And onto another of my cardboard constructs...

Rapier Weapons Battery:


Absolutley love these models (and rules) but I can't justify Forgeworld's prices, luckily I've just finished some cereal so I thought I'd give it a go, still very much a work in progress though.

As ever, thanks for looking and feel free to drop some comments and critique!


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