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I'm in the process of using my B@C box to expand my Iron Warriors, and start a small actual 30k IW force. But i was just wondering how best to deal with chaos iconography and skulls/trophies? How important is it to have those on the marines to make them still convincingly 40k CSM?




Anybody here used the Kataphron Destroyers yet? If so, for what?

I found an old box over the christmas days containing a left over of my old IW army, including many old marines.

I managed to decolorate a good amount already and get a few new models. had a testgame last saturday against some

blood angels. And hell, by turn 5 the BA had only like 5 models left on the table.

Good start, haha.



@Hellrender: 3 rapier laser destroyers, hands down and with a wide, wide margin. The tank is just too vulnerable (and shoots less), the conversion beamers are only good at AT at a super long range, making the unit too impractical. The rapier laser destroyers on the other hand, are tough as nails to kill (put them behind cover and one crew in front of the carriage and you need to remove 7 T7 3+/4++ wounds before the unit loses effectiveness), shoot the most, and are pretty much the best AT there is, after D-weapons and meltas at half range. :tu:


@Sternenfaust: Good start indeed! Nice going. :)

The rapier conversion beamer is vindicator pie plate at 24''-48'' though. But i see your point :)


I was thinking to use the kataphron destroyers to convert some rapiers up, and they do include a good gun that can be used as conversion beamer. Are there good/cheap options to get a good looking laser destroyer array? Otherwise i think i might have to look at scratch building them. 

The rapier conversion beamer is vindicator pie plate at 24''-48'' though. But i see your point :)


I was thinking to use the kataphron destroyers to convert some rapiers up, and they do include a good gun that can be used as conversion beamer. Are there good/cheap options to get a good looking laser destroyer array? Otherwise i think i might have to look at scratch building them.


Oh right, that's right. I forgot that rapier conversion beamers have shorter distances in which they get more powerful. That does make them a little better, but I would still go for the laser destroyers, for three reasons: 1. Three is better than two both in terms of survivability and in terms of potential damage output, 2. S9 AP1 ordnance beats a normal S10 AP 2, and 3. Three twin linked shots are more accurate than two blasts. :tu:


Your conversion idea of using the kataphron tracks as a base sounds good. In fact i started buying kataphron tracks for thr same reason, after I saw a pretty good conversion wich used Catachan weapon team lascannon barrels. But you'd need 12 of those! It's perhaps cheaper to just get the genuine rapiers?

Hellrender - If you check out Castigator blog, he use the Mechanicus models for his rapier unit, just for idea



If your on the The Horus Heresy Painting And Modelling Group, there been a cool one converted up for a Heresy Iron Warriors force.


Just been spending this week getting my fifth Knight built as part of my stand alone force.  Still a bit to get done - base & trophies.




Also going though one of the boxies recently (still going though few boxies still get sorted since mobing house a few year ago).  Look like I've got a basilisk model.  Just not sure if I should add it to my Chaos Guard force or to my Iron Warriors.

But what can we count it as in 40k :) Because those models are gorgeous... Most likely pricey. A man can dream i guess.

Depending on the size, I'd probably count them as Ferrum Infernus Chaos Dreadnoughts.

The Shields confer a 5+ invul save.

They cost 175pts per model, just like the domitar.

Perturabos squad is 4 minimum.

That's 11 attacks and two one large blast (no fire points on tormentor) for ~2000pts.

Forgebreaker is unwieldy, like Dorn's sword used to be.

Just seen on the Battle Buinnes Blog that the Iron Circle £30



The new Robots will be not just bodyguard for Perturabo, but can be used to "watch" junior commanders. Elite choice! They are based on the Domitar.

Might not get weapon variants for Iron Circle. Circa £30 per model.





Also spotted that Forge World are release Legion dice, so hoping for/finial get Iron Warriors once :D  See what happen?


Just order the Son's of Horus Justerian Terminators from Forge World.  Aim to convert them as Siege Breacher type theme useing the recent Chaos Knight release for Age of Sigmar shield's & few other parts toward the conversion.  This will be going toward my unbound Terminators force I've been wanting to get on the go for the past while.

Also hopeful start painting my fifth Chaos Knight posted a few week ago, get him painted during the weekend.

Another outing for the IVth legion and some civil war

Full gallery here - http://imgur.com/a/1cypJ















Brothers of the true Iron Legion I have finally decided to let go of my loyalty to mortarion and the coward Lorgar and swear fealty to the Iron Lord. In other words I'm stripping my marines and joining the one true Legion within the eye
  • 2 weeks later...

Though I'd show Siege Breacher theme Terminator unit I've been building during the weekend.  Just get the unit ready with Throne of Skulls March happing soon.




Fifth Chaos Knight almost there, need to get the new Knight fully painted by the end of this week as well.






Once I've got my Dark Mechanicus force up to 1850pts (will keep adding onto them after words).  I'm wanting to add Daemon force to my Iron Warriors force.

I did use to have a Daemon army back when the codex was orignaly release in 2008 & I was part time for Games Workshop.  Always like the Bloodletter models.  Then with the Bloodthister model release last year.

Hello everyone, this looks like exactly where I belong. I started collecting Iron Warriors when the 6th ed. codex came out but never had much time to paint on them. Recently I picked up an airbrush and I've finally started giving them the attention they deserve. Currently I'm working on my Warsmith:


Warsmith Kalrus, Lord of the 78th Grand Company








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