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  • 1 month later...

Small update. Eased off a little recently mostly because of work but also because I don't want to commit too much to expanding the force until the rumours of the First Legion in Book VIII gain a little substance. So, I've tinkered with a few small bits of scenery.


To go with the computer banks I previously painted, I've painted up some gantry segments from Sarissa Precision. Whilst laser-cut MDF, the sets are quite sturdy and fit in quite well on ZM boards. I added a cut-down rhino screen to the walkway to tie it in with the 30k setting a bit more. Also in the phot is a Warhound titan command throne repurposed as a captain's chair on top of the walkway. At the base of the phot is a BFG cruiser which I painted up to represent a hololithic display of the ship.


I've also painted up some 40k barricades and one of the new ISO containers. The teleporter homer is meant to represent a power field generator for ZM terrain strategy points.


A small change but I've replaced the GK falchions on the Terminator Sergeants with trimmed down BaC power swords to represent Caliban War Blades for that sweet +1 strength.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another small update. As I mentioned in my last post, I don't want to commit to new units before the rumours about the First Legion list gain some substance - which is a shame as I've got a hankering to put together some destroyers. Until then, I've decided to expand the terminators squads I already have with 10 more men.


I mocked up the first 2 today. To capture some of the 'mastery of the blade' flavour, I've posed the one of the left as if he's just finished a sweep with his sword whilst the one on the right is en garde. More to follow.

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Awesome work brother I love the minimalist utilitarian look you've got going. Sometimes I feel like we as hobbyists focus to much on "what can I add to this model to make it better?" when sometimes a little removal of detail is in order. I'll definitely be borrowing the idea when I get my tartaros, And your Leviathan what you did with the base I love it so I copied it on the one Im building for the Tale of 20 Hobbyists ;) keep up the awesome work brother I need more ideas to pilfer :D
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Well, in my opinion, Tartaros termies are the bees knees. Stick 'em in the vicinity of some Maximus battle plate and a Contemptor or two and the visual synergy is just wonderful. Suffice it to say I like them. :wink:

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Well, in my opinion, Tartaros termies are the bees knees. Stick 'em in the vicinity of some Maximus battle plate and a Contemptor or two and the visual synergy is just wonderful. Suffice it to say I like them. :wink:

Heck yeah, the pinnacle of Mankind's technological craftsmanship, e'rrybody loves Mk.IV :D

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Another small update as I was quite surprised with how well it's shaping up:


A rare example of a left-handed plasma cannon. The rest of the terminators wield their weapons ambidextrously, so why not the heavy weapon gunners?


I posed him bracing himself on the body of another fallen NL by clipping and pinning his right leg. They will both need a little more tweaking but so far, so good.

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And soon I like Terminators^^ Same happened to me when I was a kid. I was bewitched with HEAVY METAL!!!!




Tarts..tarts everywhere


Impressive...most impressive. Although I have to agree...I may the arm cable and maybe bend it to attach to the pcannon

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Cheers for the kind comments gents.


Helts - I know what you mean but didn't want to mess with the left arm much more than I did. I wanted the arm to be bent as if braced against the weight of the cannon and I found if I made it sit flush the arm looked too locked out. Greenstuffing around the cable and up to the vambrace was the work-around.

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