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Dark Angels rumors. update: Codex leaks, pg 28

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aura _enchanted...

I would wait the codex before doing any purchase...

I bought one DT/NJF based only on the model and it's still sitting in its box after i saw the rules... :P

The units in buying are based on the current codex and a grand plan for my army.


And you can 86 the vindicator from that list I found one used by a guy who doesn't know what he even has. 20 dollar early model vindicator tank here I come!

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Love the used models you pick up from sales by folks who are down on their luck or just down on GW and starting a new collection.  Hate it for them but love it for me.  picked up my storm raven and 2 storm talons as well as some great old miniatures from a guy for cheap.  He used to play Grey Knights and was switching to WarMaHordes or something.  Felt like I was stealing  the whole collection for a song and a dance....  


Web store is definitely changed on US end with DA under Adeptus Astartes and all SM stuff listed as DA specific.  old list was about 35 DA items.  Now it shows 60 to look at and again the CODEX is still missing as well as tactical marines and dev.


I'll definitely be getting the Int Chappy and Scraping money up for Limited Codex, but it's usually sold out by the time I log on to check it out.  Then again the regular old Codex and data cards will work just the same.

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I'll probably buy the LE of our dex as I'm currently flush with money thanks to our company getting a sweet new business contract in northern Canada.

I'm currently thibking of going postal on army expansion:


New interrogator chaplain

Dreadnaught maybe

Drop pod


In going to make the gw guy a very happy man across the next 4 months.

If the formations we get are anything like the C:SM then I'll be stocking up on drop pods and a third Whirlwind.



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So here is a question.  Does anyone know the typical delay between the release of the limited edition codexes and the regular ones?


Not sure what you mean. If I am reading you correctly there is no delay. They are both released at the same time. GW has trained us to buy the limited editions right away because they only make like 200-1000, so of course they will sell out. 


So no, there is no delay.

Anyone worried that there will be Dark Angel exclusive data slate content on the GW site? So to get this extra rules you will have to spend $700+.


I hope the Deathwing will not have exclusive rules this way. 

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Are you referring to the excellent SM Skyhammer formation? I'm pretty sure that ruleset will be available sans models to all soon.


Same would apply to any DA specific (initially) site-only formation.




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Just saw this on main rumours page



via Asmodai Asmodean @ DakkaDakka

Dark Angels Deathhammer Assault Force


2 Units of Deathwing Terminators

2 Units of Ravenwing Bikes


Ravenwing Bikes may fire after turbo-boosting once per game

Ravenwing Bikes may mark an enemy unit by firing at it


Deathwing Terminators may enter battle via Deep Strike in any turn after a unit is marked by Ravenwing bikes

Deathwing Terminators gain re-rolls to hit and wound against any marked unit

Deathwing Terminators may assault any marked unit from Deepstrike



Inner Circle Hunthammer Party


2 Units of Deathwing Knights

2 Units of Ravenwing Knights


Nominate a Character model in the opposing army as the target of the hunt, if character is slain in close combat by a unit from the Hunthammer Party gain D3 Victory Points


Ravenwing Knights may fire and charge after turbo-boosting once per game

Ravenwing Knights gain re-rolls to hit and wound against any marked unit


Deathwing Knights may enter battle via Deep Strike once a unit is marked by Ravenwing Bike Squad or Ravenwing Knight Squad

Deathwing Knights may assault any marked unit from reserves

Deathwing Knights activate Smite mode on the turn they arrive and lasts until the following game turn (this does not affect their normal activation)

Deathwing Knights gain re-rolls to hit and wound against any marked unit

Fortress of Shields increases Invulnerable Save to 2+ in addition to +1 Toughness

As usual take it with salt...

A bag of salt I think



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I don't know what to believe anymore.  Seeing that new formation GW released yesterday.  I don't know how out of place a formation like this would seem.


Charging out of deepstrike seems game-breaking, but maybe it's what these types of terminator lists need to even the scales.

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Are you referring to the excellent SM Skyhammer formation? I'm pretty sure that ruleset will be available sans models to all soon.

Same would apply to any DA specific (initially) site-only formation.



Isiah, I too saw this proverbial Hammer of a tool and wonder if DW will finally get to assault afte deep striking. Still it feels as if our special rule just got nerfed a bit.

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So now that we know that the Bikes becoming Troops thing is still potentially in play for C:DA via the C:SM, I know I was too adamant in threads like this that the Bikes-as-Troops/Terminators-as-Troops idea was dead for 7th, so what does that potentially do to/for the Dark Angels rules?


It's quite odd to me in the face of formations, and to be honest, I'm wondering if it was retained to simplify the rule-making surrounding the White Scars. I'm concerned that we'll have one of two things happen: we won't see a rule like this made for the Dark Angels and we'll be left with specific Formations (maybe we'll get some detachments) for playing RW and DW heavy lists - potentially hamstringing their effectiveness or being too tight points-wise for good application, OR we'll end up with poorly thought out "multi-purpose" Formations that don't take into account the Blank-as-Troops scenarios and provide benefits that do them no good.


It also makes me worry that the DA characters will continue to be sub-par and over-priced, their cost inflated beyond reason to simply provide the Troop conversion benefit.


It'd be really nice to know where GW is going with C:DA.


I think that we can remain confident that we'll still have the overall best looking force in the game. :D

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I have no issue with DW or RW formations provided they are good. Judging by C:SM I think they should be well considered with good bonus rules.


Unbound is always going to be an option if all else fails <_<.


The main big win I think is going to be for Greenwing. And about time too :yes:


But we shall see in good time.




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Yes it's going to be Greenwing I predict with Azrael. There will be something good there.


Looking at the Space Marine codex, it really doesn't feel that different to me. The clean up on  points is minor, and Grav Devs are good, but unless you get into formations, that's really all that changed (in a big way). It's not as big as people are making it out to be in my opinion.


The vehicle formations are 'okay' but none are great... there is no "canoptek harvest" in that entire book. The core of the 'decurion' is called a Demi-Company and it's just giving the player a Tactical Doctrine. It's not even close to a +1 to reanimation protocol type of boost. The vehicle formations all require 3 of something... and in most cases the bonus is gone if you lose one. 


I actually think this time around DA are going to be better off by waiting. The added benefits will probably bring the army up to a better competitive level but it won't be amazing.... that appears to be saved for Xenos now. (Not being negative, just truthful.) BUT that being said it will be very good.


My only fear... or hesitation is I look at something like the Strike Force Ultra... it's a big deal. Let's be honest it's the Ultra way of hitting hard and fast. 


The bonus of the formation is pretty.... lacklustre. One exrta shot? One extra attack? For a turn. Calling in reserves on turn one? 


Belial and Deathwing do this far better right now as far as I'm concerned. You may not like the Stormraven as I do, however it IS a flying landraider and can punch out just about anything in the game short of super heavies. 


But again I look at not deviating with Belial, twin linking, split fire AND ObSec and I'm starting to think they turn Belials personal rules into a Formation (which is quite rigid). I really hope this doesn't happen.


Overall I think it will be VERY good. Especially if Greenwing get a sniff of Grav, and the basic costs of units just come down in line.

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All the more reason to let all SM Chapters (DA/BA/SW) have access to SM Formations. DA/SW don't have Sternguard/Vanguard so those Formations are not relevant. Alot of these "New" Formations are just recycled Apocalypse. Plus, they stole our Librarius Conclave first ;-). Skyhhammer makes Devs and Assaults REALLY powerful and so would give is a reason for Landraider Squadrons, Whirlwind Interdiction Force (Decent SM Artillery w/Laser targeting), Linebreaker Force (Vindicators). Many good possibilities combined with unique formations exclusive to DA/BA/SW.



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Prot: Three Vindicators coming in from reserve at the same time and ignoring cover/jink/Tau saves will be epic for me.

I regularly run tri vindie lists and they are pretty cool, now they will be brutal!! Or they will keep the opposition out of my half until they arrive, that can also be fantastic. Also I scatter more than half the time with the 5" pie plate, the Apoc one is much more forgiving. 

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