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The Praevian can also take a mastery level and add some additional buffs to the unit. Divination seems most obvious route, so you can get rerolls even when too far to trigger preferred enemy.


Or raptora to give the entire unit 4++, but then you miss out on tank hunters. 

Moriats don't benefit from LA rules so I don't think they can choose a cult or be psykers. Could be wrong though.


Moritats do benefit from LA rules.



What's peoples thoughts on using destroyers and moritats in thousand sons? Tactics, cults etc?


Sadly both Moritats and Destroyers aren't worth their points. Moritats for nerf'd too hard and Destroyers are astronomically over-priced.


If you did want to take Destroyers for rule of cool, or you convinced your group to give them veteran tactical pricing, I would give them packs and Pyrae. Potentially two HoW attacks each at I10 with S4 against T3 would do some serious work. Plus it fits thematically with their scorched earth policy.


As for Moritats, 12 bolt pistol or volkite serpenta shots aren't worth disallowing a charge when you could get the same, if not better, from a tac squad or support squad. The Chain Fire Overheat makes plasma pistols their worst option when you could, again, just take a plasma support squad and have more range and higher average shots. Chaplains can dual-wield pistols and still have a power weapon, their crozium, so you could have a Not!Moritat giving them Zealot and potential psychic buffs or more low AP shooting.

I do love me some destroyers, I have 20 for my RG. I'm fortunate enough to have a group that also loves them and thinks them getting over-looked in LACAL 2E was a mistake. But that doesn't speak for everyone. Rule of Cool is always an acceptable reason for taking anything though.

I'm starting to warm up to the Ammitara. I still think they are garbage, but as far as toting a nuncio-vox they compare fairly well to the Recon marines.


5 Recons + Scout Armor + Nuncio-Vox + AA = 5 Ammitara + Nuncio-Vox.

Both have Stealth, Infiltrate and Shroud Bombs. The Recons are Troops though and can mess with objectives, while the Ammitara provide 1 WC.


In a GOTCK list at high points, especially with Magnus, I think I'd run 2 of them. Better than a Damocles that get wrecked by a stiff fart.

Weapon upgrades like plasma guns worth it on asphyx, corvidae veterans? Torn between the extra AP2 or maxing out on the asphyx shells and keeping them cheap.


The re-rolls to hit when stationary or from divination help reduce Gets Hot so there's at least some synergy there.


I used to love taking plasma guns and missile launchers on veterans, but with asphyx shells i only take combi-weapons now, couple of combi plasma guns or combi melta guns are perfect for veterans to deal with armoured targets and still not lose the ability to have maximum amount of bolter rounds 

^ I will always take a plasmagun over a combi-plasma, but I do think keeping weapon upgrades to a minimum is a smart call if you're taking Asphyx shells.



The Praevian can also take a mastery level and add some additional buffs to the unit. Divination seems most obvious route, so you can get rerolls even when too far to trigger preferred enemy.


Or raptora to give the entire unit 4++, but then you miss out on tank hunters. 

I think tank hunter and a nice spot in some cover is much nicer for them than a 4++ invulnerable.

^ I will always take a plasmagun over a combi-plasma, but I do think keeping weapon upgrades to a minimum is a smart call if you're taking Asphyx shells.





The Praevian can also take a mastery level and add some additional buffs to the unit. Divination seems most obvious route, so you can get rerolls even when too far to trigger preferred enemy.

Or raptora to give the entire unit 4++, but then you miss out on tank hunters.

I think tank hunter and a nice spot in some cover is much nicer for them than a 4++ invulnerable.

I think the only combi weapon to consider is melta guns if I'm going in a Rhino I'd rather just take normal plasma the 24" range allows you to use them while moving up. But I think if going the asphyx corvidae 10 bolters with some sergeant upgrades is actually really good on its own.

Points be damned! I'm so making a pyrae destroyer squad!

I occasionally use a Moritat with Destroyers for my Imperial Fists. I use a five man squad of Destroyers to help curb points. I try to hide them well then use them to assist an assault by my Templar Brethren... hitting on threes and wounding on 2s is really good.

This all seems interesting and very tempting.

I'm facing Custodes, and this could tip the game in my favour since I'm thinking on taking vets and termies.

1k game. Was thinking on making IW but all these shenanigans are awesome.

Re roll and harnessing on 3 plus, because I ain't getting on melee vs custodes fo sure.

Edited by Sete

So I have a 30k Apocalypse game this weekend, should be somewhere in the ballpark of 50k points total.


I'll be breaking out Magnus, the Stormbird and about 10k points of Thousand Sons using the new rules.


I've already played a bunch of games with the new rules at normal points levels 2.5k-3.5k but I'm incredibly excited to see how they fare in a massive battle.


Backing them up will be the new Psi-Warlord just to double down on Warp charges.


I'll do a write up about the battle and my impressions on how they fared if people would be interested in that?

Edited by Athrawes

two questions:


What are people's thoughts on combi-weps on the Sekhmet termies?


Does it really only cost 5p to upgrade all the combi-bolters in the squad to combi-weps?



All of the models that are in the squad may exchange their combi-bolter for a: Combi- weapon 5p


All, not any...

Pay 5 each. Trying to get anything else past your opponent will get you (rightly) labelled a horrible person.


Yeah, would never personally dream of doing it but it's another example of bad proofreading... :facepalm:

Depends on who you ask it. Some say that it is a power fist because of hearsay from author.


It hasn't even been a month and people are already casting doubt on the questions me and others asked Alan Bligh directly? Hurray! We need to compile and sticky the questions from confirmed Weekender people next time or something. I'm willing to take a picture with the staff if that's what it takes.


Although there's always the possibility we could lie even if we're there, but why would I be incentivized to put words in the mouths of creators that I greatly respect? That is a real trust issue, but still.


Also, I highly recommend the Search: This Topic function for previous answers, because the power claw thing has been brought up here before, maybe more than once now. Upper right at the top of the page. It's a powerful and simple tool! 

Edited by LetsYouDown

Depends on who you ask it. Some say that it is a power fist because of hearsay from author.

If the question had been for some underpowered or non-TS unit people would lap up the answer with glee.


I also asked Alan and he was very specific, it's a power fist. People can houserule it otherwise if they think it's too much, but that's what Alan designed for the unit.

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