grouj Posted May 16, 2017 Share Posted May 16, 2017 If I were you, I would definitely convert one of your terminators to Hvarl Redblade. From there everything is pretty maleable. For slayers is have seen people do large blobs with shield/power weapons or blobs with bolters. I have seen more msu style with marines in rhino transports. I have seen people outflank their slayers with Hvarl and pale hunters row in order to get better combi angles and then charge with hidden powerfists. It truly is up to your play style. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
grouj Posted May 22, 2017 Share Posted May 22, 2017 What is everyone using for antiarmor in his or her list? Points are always tight in my lists due to the HQ tax, so I am curious what everyone is doing to take out enemy super heavy and heavily armored tanks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord Blackwood Posted May 22, 2017 Share Posted May 22, 2017 imperial knights lightnings Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hellrender Posted May 22, 2017 Share Posted May 22, 2017 Since the wolves bring a lot of anti infantry and even anti light to medium vehicle weapons in close combat, i was thinking of getting a few dreadnoughts to complement that. Â So far i have a dual lascannon mortis boxnaught and a contemptor mortis with dual kheres and havic launcher. Â But how would you equip a hybrid contemptor? I know its not the most competetive option, but if you were to make a hybrid, how would you run it in a wolves army? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
grouj Posted May 25, 2017 Share Posted May 25, 2017 I think chainfist and kheres is the smart play there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bloody Legionnaire Posted June 22, 2017 Share Posted June 22, 2017 Are either of the RoW worth taking over Orbital Assault? How well are we able to make an Orbital Assault list work? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grey Mage Posted June 30, 2017 Share Posted June 30, 2017 I really *want* it to work.... but HH Slayers have to give up all other options to get bolters, dont have fury of the legion OR counter-attack...It seems like theyre not worth as much on the alpha strike compared to a generic tac squad, and thats kinda rough. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Drekkan Posted July 1, 2017 Share Posted July 1, 2017 I really *want* it to work.... but HH Slayers have to give up all other options to get bolters, dont have fury of the legion OR counter-attack... Â It seems like theyre not worth as much on the alpha strike compared to a generic tac squad, and thats kinda rough. Â All space wolves do have counter attack in my book. Plus tacticals won't be able to fury of the legion because they have drop poded. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bloody Legionnaire Posted July 4, 2017 Share Posted July 4, 2017 I really *want* it to work.... but HH Slayers have to give up all other options to get bolters, dont have fury of the legion OR counter-attack...  It seems like theyre not worth as much on the alpha strike compared to a generic tac squad, and thats kinda rough. I'm not sure I follow you, Grey Mage.  Looking at Inferno right now and it says in model in the squad can take a bolter. Or are you saying the main way Grey Slayers are supposed to be equipped are with full power weapons.. thus not having access to the bolters? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The_Stray_Idea Posted August 19, 2017 Share Posted August 19, 2017 Well there seems to be many mixed feelings about the wolves in 30K for me I'm stoked. I think a few of the unique units are a little lack lustre but would enjoy a little feed back on the list I have put together for 3k play.  Running bloodied claw RoW  Harval because why wouldn't you. Terminator command squad mix of chain fists and lightning claws. 1 land raider delivery system.  Rune priest to sit in a vet squad  Vigilator with some puppies and a frost claw that will jam with some seekers.  1 contemptor with a chain fist and all the melta it can pack  9 vets with a power axe, melta bombs and a heavy bolter with sniper. 1 rhino hunter killer and pintle multimelta  2 units of 10 slayers 1 great frost 1 power fist all the bolters. Rhinos as above.  1 10 man recon squad power armour melta bombs and a power weapon in same rhino set up as vets.  2 lone land speeders with multi meltas  1 unit of 10 seekers power fist on the Sargent and the Vigilator helping them move into the mid field.  2 lone predators with melta cannons.  With in the list anyone who can take a 2+ save has one and legion vex are in all squads that can have one.  General idea is to make use of scout moves to bum rush with rhinos and move the seekers into mid field. Letting the armour and speeders catch up/form a second wave. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dantay VI Posted August 19, 2017 Share Posted August 19, 2017 Can the Wolves use a Kharybdis? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
1ncarnadine Posted August 19, 2017 Share Posted August 19, 2017 Can the Wolves use a Kharybdis? Â Oh yeah, definitely. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dantay VI Posted August 19, 2017 Share Posted August 19, 2017 Cool :) Â Well its been a whie since anyone has posted anything tactica wise.... Â How has folks been gtting on in their games? Have you found some winning combo's or has it been an up-hill slog? Â Or has 8th brought the Rout low? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Runefyre Posted August 28, 2017 Share Posted August 28, 2017 The lack of releases has completely stifled my enthusiasm for HH games atm, plus my current inability to even play 8th consistently... Â I am banking on using pretty much only FW kits to make my HH wolves army aesthetically distinct from my 40k one. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charlo Posted August 29, 2017 Share Posted August 29, 2017 Not me personally, but someone I met at Throne of Skulls had some good success with his Wolves. Â Lots of the troops choice, plenty of running and special combat weapons all over the place to great effect. Â Russ is predictably, a monster! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gorgoff Posted August 30, 2017 Share Posted August 30, 2017 Sadly we don't have a Vlka Fenryka player around here:/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hfran Morkai Posted August 30, 2017 Share Posted August 30, 2017 I'm still theorycrafting lists at the moment as I only have ten Grey Slayers assembled (and have decided to hold off on anymore until we see the FW kits so I have maximum kitbashing potential). Â The hardest thing with an OA list is deciding what to do with the Praetor I think, currently he and his Terminator Command Squad with Dreadclaw are about 500 points which is mental (my starter list is 2k). Obviously he can't join Slayers so where do I put him? Â Might have to look into a non OA list as much as I want one (though I also would love it to be tweaked to allow Recon Squads to start on the board). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Tholath Posted September 6, 2017 Share Posted September 6, 2017 (edited) Hi brothers!  I have finally gotten around to buy Inferno and currently am looking to create a list before making anything (and while holding off for anything FW might release)  My brother and I were discussing about the Grey Slayers (something I know is still hotly debated I'm sure) With the Legion rules is states that all other compulsory troop choices become "support", so in a normal list, Grey Slayers are the only compulsory troops. The exact wording is "Only Grey Slayer units may be taken as compulsory Troop choices by any Space Wolves Detachment." There is a bit more afterwards about the other troops all become support, as mentioned already.  If you use the Pride of the Legion Rite, is says "Legion Veteran Tactical squads and Terminator squads are Troop choices in the force, and units of either of these types must be selected as the force's compulsory Troops choices. This also includes and Legion specific Terminator Squads which are also Elites choices"  It may have been raised before (very sorry if I have missed it in this thread) but the words underlined are the important bit. When talking about Grey Slayers, is says that the may be taken as compulsory troops (however if no rite is taken they have to be because of the other rules). However, if the Pride of the Legion rite is used, the Rite states that Vets and Terminators MUST be taken as Compulsory, not may but must. Wouldn't this mean that we can use Pride of the Legion because of that difference of wording? Edited September 6, 2017 by Brother Tholath Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hfran Morkai Posted September 6, 2017 Share Posted September 6, 2017 I'm pretty sure the "Only" and "any detachment" pretty much shoehorn us into Grey Slayers unless you take Russ (who specifically mentions Terminator and Veterans). Â There was talk about how when questioned on it Alan Bligh confirmed there would be RoW that cannot be taken by the VIth. Whether he meant stuff like the Dreadnought one (we don't have Primus Medicae) I don't know and unfortunately we can no longer ask the creator. Â I hope that people allow RoW to change compulsory troops, I want to see people amassing Predator Squadrons in the colours of the VIth, I myself would be tempted to build a Recon Company. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
swcrap Posted September 9, 2017 Share Posted September 9, 2017 I'm hoping to get an opinion on this 2000pt list I've put together.  Using the Bloodied Claws RoW  HQs:  Hvarl - 210pts  Legion Praetor - AA, bolt pistol, bolter, chainsword, Digital Lasers, Refractor Field - 127pts  Legion Consul Master of Signal - Power Armour, bolt pistol, chainsword - 95pts   Elites:  Apothecary - Power Armour, bolt pistol, chainsword, on bike - 65pts  Legion Terminators (5) - Tartaros armour, Sergeant: chainfist & combi-bolter. 4 Terminators: power fists & combi-bolters. - 205pts  Troops:  Grey Slayers (10) - Huscarl: AA, bolt pistol, great frost blade. 7 Slayers: bolt pistol, bolters, chainswords. 1 Slayer: Power fist & bolt pistol. 1 Slayer: Combi-melta, chainsword. -179pts  Grey Slayers (10) - Huscarl: AA, bolt pistol, great frost blade. 7 Slayers: bolt pistol, bolters, chainswords. 1 Slayer: Power fist & bolt pistol. 1 Slayer: Combi-melta, chainsword. - 179pts  Fast Attack:  Legion Javelin - Twin-linked Cyclone launcher, Multi-melta - 65pts  Legion Javelin - Twin-linked Cyclone launcher, Heavy bolter - 55pts  Legion Outrider Squad (3) - Twin linked Plasma on bikes. 3 Space marines: power armour, bolt pistols, chainswords - 165pts  Heavy Support:  Sicaran Venator - Lascannon Sponsons, Armoured Ceramite - 250pts  Dedicated Transports:  Legion Spartan - Armoured Ceramite, Flare Shield - 370pts  Legion Rhino - Stock - 35pts   This comes out to exactly 2000pts. I plan to put Hvarl and the Praetor with the terminators in the Spartan. I'd also put one of the two Grey Slayer units in the Spartan as well. I'd push this up to try to take out any other termy/dreadnoughts hanging around and/or also trying to get the slayers to any objectives and use termies/spartan as body guards and for the preferred enemy. I'd put the other slayers in the rhino and try to use the spartan for cover as much as possible.  I'd put the Apothecary with the Outriders to give them a little extra resilience and outflank them. I'd also outflank both Javelins. I'd use all the speedy outflanking to hunt down troops/lighter armour/backfield artillery. I'd hide the master of signal in some major terrain and just use him for orbital bombardment and nuncio vox for the sicaran. And the sicaran would sit in the backfield and just reign fire on anything it can.  Any thoughts, comments and suggestions would be appreciated. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gizur Posted September 9, 2017 Share Posted September 9, 2017 You can Not put 2 different units in one Spartan at the same time because it is not a Superheavy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
swcrap Posted September 9, 2017 Share Posted September 9, 2017 You are correct, my mistake. For some reason I thought you could so thank you for pointing that out!  I suppose I'd probably just outflank them as well in that case.  I'm not a huge fan of scouting if they're on foot. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hfran Morkai Posted September 11, 2017 Share Posted September 11, 2017 (edited) I'd also look at making your Praetor a Speaker of the Dead instead, the FNP would be nice and PE if out of range of Hvarl (who has Master of the Legion so you're all good). Just seems odd you've tooled him up with Digital Lasers etc but no special close combat weapons. Edited September 11, 2017 by Hfran Morkai Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Baluc Posted September 19, 2017 Share Posted September 19, 2017 I might play in the 30k event for adepticon so I may revisit this thread in the future. Do up a summary compiling the 59 pages of data. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Baluc Posted September 27, 2017 Share Posted September 27, 2017 So as promised in an attempt to get things moving in here again I did up a little summary. Obviously I can't completely remove my own bias but I'll do my best to include the points of view included in the thread.  Grey Slayers: I wanted to start here because, well you always have to start here. Unlike other legions we don't get to start with the RoW because we have to take these guys. I think they are fine, I'd like the option of playing Armoured Breakthrough from time to time. I get it FW really want SW to be infantry heavy. I would say as a troops choice they are decently effective, and have a decent price. They don't get character support, but also they can function without it which is more than you can say about a Tac squad. They come in two flavours.  1. Min with tools. 10 men, GFB, 2 combi-weapons, maybe a power weapon or 2, in a Rhino, with a multimelta. Its self suffecient, and deadly, but won't stand alone against enemy specialists like terminators. But they will bully other troops choices at a decent cost. True grenadiers.  2. 15-20 Brothers. Sprinkle in powerfists and weapons, and let them get their horde on. I actually think they make a better defencive unit than offensive unit. Outflank and run onto an objective with bolters and be generally annoying to remove.  The Staples: There are a few units I feel every SW list needs to include, they give the neccesary support for you to play the game. SW are just always going to stuggle against any army with more than two AV14 hulls, especially if they are shooty like the Dracosian. The further down the list you get the smaller the need. Primaris Lightning - It cracks Spartans and super heavy vehicles, we need this no discussion Javalin Land Speeder - Multi-melta, 2x Hunter Killer, and your choice of 3rd weapon, medium or heavy anti-tank, I like CML for cost but Lascannon isn't a terrible choice since I doubt you have any elsewhere Whirlwind Scorpius - Good against 2W terminators, Custodes, and Tanks  Now we can move into RoW: I'm going to stay on the ones that don't require any logical gymnastics to take, so the ones that don't change your compulsory troops. The Pale Hunter, The Bloodied Claw, Armoured Spearhead, Orbital Assault, Angel's Wrath, Sky Hunter Phalanx. Leaving out the Flyer RoW, that gives us.  The Pale Hunter: Love to hate, hate to love. It is a very SW RoW, but the technical limitations, and meta units really make this RoW suffer. No drop pods cuts out one of the most effecient Heavy support choices the Leviathan. So unlike Terror Assault its difficult to maximize the 1 slot you have.  I think its actual best use is with a bait allied detachment. Something tough enough to hold out, but weak enough to get the enemy to approach. AoD objectives don't really force early turn movement so you need something worthwhile. 25% of your points worthwhile.  Hvarl might be needed to get decent units in reserve. 2 units of Grey Slayers, and probably something to put Hvarl into. 2 units of Vets provide a good shooting base coming in. Don't mistake it this is a shooting RoW, and Hit and Run lets you get out of any combats the enemy tries to pin you in and keep shooting.  The Bloodied Claws: The assault RoW. This army can move quickly. 2x Howl gets you across the board and into assault. Dreadclaws are a solid source of terminators movement to bring heavier assault units. A consistency ruling for DDP and Levi, are a good way to round out your drop pod numbers. I think this is actually our base set up. Since its restrictions are generally mild, and its bonus are easy to proc.  Armoured Spearhead: This is the "No RoW, RoW" it combines effectively with our LA:SW rules, Redblade, and doesn't restrict anything in the army. Even if you just take it for -1 Ld on tank shock, it is better than no RoW. Your Terminators can even still take Dreadclaws. This is assuming you don't want to take footslogging Slayer hordes, or heavy support squads. It would be nice if the RoW gave all transports extra armour or something.  Orbital Assault: Honestly I think we are an ok Orbital assault legion. Ignoring Night Fighting, and counter attack actually make our troop units in pods worthwhile, when combined with combi weapons. But, other Legions just don't drop their tacs until turn 2 or take assault squads so there is that. My issue is it is a fairly boring RoW after you play it enough times. I'll try and post some stuff about the Legion units tomorrow. Runefyre, Gorgoff, Caillum and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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