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A Mordian march to glory


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No, it's 2nd Edition - actually very well proportioned in the 'flesh' (I have one). He's a big barrel-chested chap with power fist, power sword, and holstered pistol. He was my very first Commissar model.


EDIT: and what I actually wanted to say was, that's a really nice paint job, and I like the steel toecaps on his boots and the blue sheen on the power fist. Jolly good stuff.


Now do his base. You heretic!

Edited by Gen.Steiner
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  • 2 weeks later...

So had an extra day off yesterday and on top of doing the chores I also donned my latex gloves and removed my Cadians that had been bathing in Dettol the last few weeks


Now to get them in some green fatigues, they're all now conscripts! ;)

Next for a bath, and you all know they probably need one!

Straight out of 3rd ed, square bases and all!




Hopefully I will have time to knock off a whole lot of the Baneblade this weekend, deadline is looming...

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Ooooh those old 2nd Edition Ogryns are nice. I only have one, and he lurks in my Necromunda collection. But that 3rd Edition Nork Deddog? He's still Nork, still norking around (hur hur) in my Guard army.

I do like the old metals, but I have to say that I think the new plastics are better overall... but for this project the old 2/3 Ed stuff works much better.

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That is Nork! I will probably keep him as Nork if I do have use for him. Although I suspect he will probably be a Bone 'ead most of the time. I think the metal ones definitely have plenty of life in them!

I forgot to include a picture of the other items I am being distracted wtih...



The plastic Ogryns are neat, however I suspect the Bullgryns will see more table time this edition!

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I always used Dettol. Even when it meant having to order it bulk (4x750mL) through Amazon to find it at a reasonable price in the States!

I tried "Simple Green" once, it was miserable! I had to scrub the models so hard to get the paint off it wasn't worth it. That was with them soaking for several weeks. Apparently LA's Awesome All Purpose does the job on plastic and metal too, I haven't tried it personally (I was also advised against putting Resin in it).


As for Dettol I regularly leave my models in here for 2-4 weeks (usually because life gets in the way) and I have no issue with metal or plastic models.

I bought a cheap $1 soft tooth brush just to brush off the paint (on metal the paint usually just falls off!). The nooks and crannies can take a bit of scrubbing to get the paint off. That's mainly due to the brush not being able to reach. However for the most part its just a light scrub.


Dettol is pretty good, I think you could almost get away with leaving it for 1-2 nights and the paint would come off. You may have to scrub slightly harder.

I cannot speak for Resin though... I may find out the hard way as I have some Kreigers that need a bath soon too... 


Downside of Dettol is that is smells horrible! And will cling to your models until you've painted them back up... I always use disposable gloves when scrubbing my models and try to do it outside if possible. Also I use a cheap (semi)disposable plastic takeaway / freezer container. After I've scrubbed the models I through them in a large bowl filled with warm water and detergent to try and give them a rinse and limit the smell.

Hope that helps! :smile.:

Edited by duz_
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So despite being distracted by my Lord Commissar and Bullgryns I have slowly been making progress on my BB commission. Yesterday I played with my sanity and individually washed every single rivet on the hull... I still have the turrets to finish. I think it was worth it though! I am going back and forwards on whether I will go back and highlight / layer them. I suspect I will because I'm a sucker like that apparently.... :dry.:

I have ~4 weeks left to finish this off, hopefully this week I will get more done. After washing everything I don't think there will be much left to do other than lenses and targeters. Oh and weathering of course! I don't think I will edge highlight the panels, although if I do what suggestions do you all have for Casttellan and Death World Forest green?




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I don't consider myself a perfectionist. A sucker for punishment for sure!

Im actually some what experimenting with schemes on this one normally its full wash + dry brush.


I've been needing an excuse to buy some Loren forest, I think I just found it! ;)


What about Zandri dust?

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The vehicle is so large that weathering alone is enough to provide a realistic finished appearance. I wouldn't line highlight it if you are going to highlight it; I'd instead either gently airbrush it or gently drybrush it with a colour a couple of shades lighter and leave it at that.

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Thanks! :D

Yeh I had thought about it, the main issue being I don't have spare threads big enough! I think the battle damage / weathering should help. Also now I've washed the sandbags it adds a bit more depth. Fingers crossed it'll be 90% this weekend! Less than a month until I have to hand it in (and I was hoping to have a game or two with it beforehand ;) )


Gah! Lost my last post and have no idea why, I blame work interwebz... 
Lets go take two!
In between working on my Baneblade, Mordian and Ogyrns I decided I would strip and repaint my Cadians. They have now been relegated to Conscripts for this edition. (Or at least for the most part, those that prove themselves worthy may form Heavy weapon teams and Veteran squads if they prove themselves worthy).
Having attempted multiple paint schemes on the Cadians in order to have them stand out and look good. I have decided I will leave that to my Mordians and give these guys a more utilitarian astehtic. As such I am drawing inspiration from the Vietnam era "Greens".
I have come up with 3.5 schemes:
  • Castellan Green Fatigues  / DW Forst Green Armour (Black or DWF Green Rifle)
  • Castellan Green Fatigues  / Eshin Grey Armour (Black Rifle)
  • Castellan Green Fatigues  / Black Armour (Black Rifle)
I will probably do a test model of each (4 total) and see which I like best. In the meanwhile I used the army painter to do some mock ups. Here they are in respective order:
I am open to thoughts, comments and suggestions. 
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I think I'll still do a test of all 4 though :wink:

Once I finish this thing of course!

Need to finish of the details and do the weathering / battle damage.

Still can't decide if I'm going to layer / highlight the rivets I washed though. I will test a few and see if its noticeable, if its not I might skip it.

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So I had my 4th (?) game of 8th last night. We played 75 PL due to time constraints.

I took my Guard again filled with units I wish I could have effectively used in 8th including my Hellhound, Basilisk, multiple infantry Squads and Bullgyrns. :biggrin.:

I played against my friend who was trying out Necrons for the first time.

Necrons are tough! Although I did ended up winning on points. We played the basic mission, where you place the objectives then roll for the mission. We did do random deployment set up though and rolled Vanguard. We also modified the first turn mechanic by giving the player (my opponent) with the smaller army +1 to their roll. So the Necrons did end up taking first turn, which come end game worked out well for me. :smile.:

I ended up winning 6 - 1. I had 2 objectives, managed to blast a reduced Warrior squad off 1 of his with a Wyvren, my Bullgryns that had been tied up in combat most of the game "Fell Back" towards his 2nd objective which only 1 Overlord was holding and was able to contest (I have to check if this was legal or not, wouldn't have effected the outcome).

Some notable points

The Necrons struggled to take out my Hellhound and Punisher. Although with the combined shooting of 20 Warriors and 2 Overlords a bunch of special rules managed to take down my Vendetta even though it was flying. The -1 to hit was countered by their bonus +1 to hit and a rule that essentially have them FRFSRF within double tap range.

With leadership 10 its really tough to make these guys flee!

Their Barges are somewhat scary, as they don't degrade and if the roll less than you D value it ignores it completely thanks to living metal!

Deep Striking Scions with Plasma so that they the closest to a character is handy :smile.:

Bullgryns with the 2+ shield are tough against non close comabt units! In 6+ rounds of combat they only suffered 2 wounds

Vendettas cant take Ogryns / Bullgryns :sad.:

Punishers with 3 heavy flamers do some damage in overwatch :wink:

If you Artillery can't see anything then I can't see why you can't snipe out Characters, as there is no "Nearest model in LOS" (Unless something else has been said about this? Again wouldn't have effected the outcome)

Deployment, my Guard holding the line and sitting on top of an objective with a Lascannon for safe keeping.


Commander surveys the field (no snipers this time! :wink: )


Annihilation Barges come in for the kill... (they took 2 turns of somewhat concentrated fire to bring them down)


Vendetta hovered first turn to churn out some firepower. Heavy bolters make sense on them now! :wink:


Threat eliminated


Bullgryns, Lord Commissar and Psyker forced to disembark unexpectedly, Priest didn't make it


And so the dance begins


After several rounds of combat the Warriors were finally whittled down, only to spawn 6 more the following turn and the LC finally falls


Some spawn made it into my lines wiping out 1 infantry squad, retaliation was swift and brutal, the Commander even readied his chainsword


More bodies to the fray!


Bullgryns bash a hole through the Necrons and Fall back to contest an objective


End game



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