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Vairocanum's Projects (9/28/2020 Dark Mechanicus Cultist)

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Woah. This guy will be a hard contendor.for best mini. I can see you winning the whole competition.

Thanks Mikhal! Mine is relatively simple compared to both your's and Traitors so I think you guys will have a better chance! :wink:


He looks great! I love the use of bits that make up his power armor. He looks like he has some custom armor instead of looking like a terminator with =][= icons everywhere. Its also just great to see all the different sets of bits that went into making him.


As for Inq28, I like smaller scale games where its more fluff driven and minis are open to even more customization. Sadly no one in my group has the same thoughts. The closest we got was Heralds of Ruin.

Thanks hushrong! Yea the main focus of the model was to keep it recognizably terminator without looking too space marine. I got lucky that I had all the parts I needed this time instead of searching madly in my local buy/sell groups on fb. I agree completely that smaller fluff driven games/minis are a ton of fun. Being able to do more work to make every model unique instead of having rank and file in an army is great, hope your group will come around to the smaller games as well.


:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: !!!!!!!

Thanks DSS7! :biggrin.:


Wow, I have a new favourite model of yours :tu:, awesome work dude. You should do very well in the competition with him.



Thanks Nemac! Very high praise coming from you, glad you liked the model and thanks for the confidence!


The Inquisitor is well done.

Thanks Bjorn! Glad the conversion worked out well in the end!


Amazing take on Hector Rex, I need to get my hands on some custodes bits! Also great idea with putting the sigmarite pauldrons over the tartaros ones, it looks really well.

Thanks Traitor! Custodes bits are definitely worth playing around with, tons of conversion options that could be made into so many different things. Wasn't sure sure how I was going to make some shoulder pads differing from normal terminator pads at first, but I found stacking them looked ok. Had to bend the stormcast pads a bit so they fit on top of the tartaros though.


Fantastic work on the inquisitor; nice spread of parts and a really strong pose there.


The Chaos bounty hunter is looking spot on too, really liking the choice of a ranged weapon, as it's much more common to see chaos characters built with melee clearly in mind.

Thanks Pearson73! I pretty much decided I should do a pose similar to the original Hector Rex but more facing something in front of him instead of above him like the FW model. I agree with you that most chaos characters use melee weapons since they get stuff like enhanced strength from the chaos gods but I think guns are always a great option for them as well.


Hector Rex looks ace! Really liking the detail on the icons

Thanks Sagentus! Glad you liked the choice of details!


Your inquisitor is superb. Did you press-mould the Inquisitor icon or sculpt it?

Thanks Stercus! The two "I" on either side of the wings were pressmolded.


That is an absolute stormer. As ever, a great combination of bits.

Thanks sock! Glad you approve, the bits selection was a bit easier this time to follow a character model so I didn't end up changing the bits over and over again. :teehee:


The Glory !!! :thumbsup:

Thanks LordVelype! Glad you liked the model! 


Hector is looking mighty impressive. Nice job on the bounty hunter as well. Where is the shoulder cannon from?

Thanks Markus! I'm quite happy with the height on Hector as well, the shoulder cannon is a webber from the genestealer neophyte hybrids.


Great work on the inquisitor chap, really nice blend of parts!

Thanks NightHunters! Happy to see you around the forum again! 




Had a really intense week of university so just a stock model this time since I had almost no free time. I had one day free so I decided to paint up my Chaplain Dreadnought that I had bought years ago, just before taking a hiatus from Warhammer. I'll have a new conversion next week, thanks for looking and C&C is appreciated.



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Loving it, bud! I have always liked that dreadnought. My only critique is he needs dead enemies at this feet other than that I like what I see.


Best of luck with your classes!

Thanks hushrong! I only had time to do a quick paint job so basically everything was left stock. But the dead enemies are a good idea and I'll definitely look into adding some. Classes are only going to intensify cause I'm nearing the end of my degree so I just need to survive being like the living dead for a little longer :teehee:.


Dead enemies and edge highlighting, especially on the shoulders. That aside a very decent job. And don't give uo you place on the Spotlight. Rex deserves a slot on the top

Thanks Mikhal! I didn't have as much time as I would have liked to paint up the dreadnought so I did a really quick drybrush instead of taking the time to edge highlight properly. I'll probably get back to it at a later date. Also I am very satisfied with my model, but yours and Traitor's models definitely deserved the win without question!


I agree that edge highlights would make him look much better but he's looking quite cool otherwise, I agree with hushrong in that it is an awesome model, one of the best the loyalists have.

Thanks Traitor! Will get to the proper edge highlights at a later date for sure. Agreed that it's one of the best models for loyalists, one of the only models I ordered directly from forgeworld rather than pick up as a bargain.


The Chaplain Dreadnought looks great!

Thanks Bjorn! Glad you liked the paint job even though it was a bit rushed!




Late update again this week, had a lot of school projects due during the week so didn't have much hobby time. The Khorne Berzerker this week is more of an experiment to see if it was possible to turn a Bloodreaver into a Berzerker. Blood Warriors to Berzerkers worked pretty well and I quite liked the legs of the Bloodreaver so I tried it out and came up with this, it's not perfect and took a fair bit of GS but I think it's passable. I added some plasticard spacers to the thighs and made the torso a bit taller to help it reach CSM height. I've got some more free time this week so hopefully will make the Sunday update this time. Thanks for looking and C&C is appreciated!




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Hang in there buddy! Once you get that degree you can live to the fullest. Although you might have stress dreams about forgetting homework or finals for a few months after. So leave your degree near your bedside so when you wake up in the night you can remember its all a bad dream :happy.:


New berzerker is also looking good. Will you be adding trim to the lower part of the chest armor?

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This latest bezerker looks great! Really like the chest piece, great gs work. The only thing I would suggest is making the head look to his right because the way you currently have the axes makes him look like hes changing direction

Thanks Sagentus! Great suggestion, will definitely change the head angle.


I'd echo Sagentus' comment regarding the head. He's looking great next to his fellow slaughterers.

Thanks Pearson73! It was a fun experiment and I enjoyed using different base models to try and make a berzerker.


Hang in there buddy! Once you get that degree you can live to the fullest. Although you might have stress dreams about forgetting homework or finals for a few months after. So leave your degree near your bedside so when you wake up in the night you can remember its all a bad dream :happy.:


New berzerker is also looking good. Will you be adding trim to the lower part of the chest armor?

Thanks hushrong! There's definitely a lot I want to do after graduating so I'll do my best to weather through it. Ahh the stress dreams, have heard about those from a couple ppl. I hope that it doesn't last too long haha. Some trim on the lower part would probably be a good idea, will add one later on.


Very good berzerker.i would suggest to elongate his lower legs a. BIt cuz his upper body looks very long. it could be thx to the perspective that his legs look too short

Thanks Mikhal! He doesnt look as stubby in real life, it's just my crappy photography that made him look like that.


Looks cool, but I think blood warriors are a better base, you've got quite a thin berzerker there :wink:

Thanks Traitor! I fully agree that blood warriors make a better base, I just wanted to see if I could make bloodreavers into a marine size. And he's chunkier than the official berzerkers so at least he's not the skinniest!




Updated late again this week, burnt out by assignments but at least I only have 2 essays left to write before I get some breathing room again. I went to a friend's birthday party on the weekend and had a 1 hour painting challenge. Basically everyone brought in a model that was built and primed and we'd get one hour to paint and see how much we could finish. I threw together this Iron Hands Captain from an old techmarine I had lying around. This is as far as I got and wasn't able to finish the model but it was a fun experience with a lot of people channeling their inner alpha legionnaire to sabotage the competition :ph34r.:. I was originally working on a different model for this weeks update but it didn't get done in time so I'll have it finished for next week instead. Thanks for looking and C&C is appreciated.



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I guess Iron Hands are quite quick to paint, a couple of metal drybrushes and a shade and then there's just detail left:P.

Thanks Traitor! Yep super easy to paint if you don't go the "tidy" route for painting. Most of the time was spent guarding my model and messing around with other friends haha.


Solid start there chap! lets see him finished!

Thanks NightHunters! Will definitely finish him eventually, but converting is just so much more fun for me :teehee:.


After a few months the dreams wear off. Once I got settled into my new job and got a new routine down I was a-ok.


The Iron Hand also looks good! I wish I still had that mini.

Thanks hushrong! That's reassuring, glad it doesn't take too long to go away. The techmarine was definitely one of my favorite models from GW, so I'm happy I could finally use it for something.


He looks promising.

Thanks Bjorn! Glad you think so, since I was spending more time messing around with friends than actually painting haha.




So I can update a day early instead this week since the model is done. This week is a Deathwing Apothecary in Tartaros Armor, I started it last week but didn't have the time to work on it much till this week. Shaving down the chest plate and crux was quite fiddly and I messed up the details in a few spots but managed to patch it up with GS. It's not an extremely elaborate conversion, just a test model for future army building. I want to make a DG army for 40k and make a DA army for 30k in the future, but both will have to wait as post secondary education is expensive :wacko.:. Thanks for looking and C&C is appreciated!





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He looks good! I love the added iconography and medical bits. The only thing I think would look cooler is wrapping the leather strips tabard for a cloth. I know he is a test but something to consider if you come back around to him.


The DA are a cool force so I cannot wait to see you start them.

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Looks amazing, I love tda apothecaries.

Thanks HCMistborn! Glad you liked the model, I fully agree TDA apothecaries are awesome.


Looks very good, all the little details really add up to the apothecary aesthetic, the only thing I'm not sure about is the head, I'm just not a fan of shouting faces on static models. I can't wait to see you build a whole army, converted armies rule! :wink:

Thanks Traitor! Narrowing down which bits to use was time consuming as usual but glad it worked out. I figure marines be barking orders all the time so I'm ok with shouting faces. I agree converted armies rule! Definitely want to do something a bit different from the stock models.


He looks good! I love the added iconography and medical bits. The only thing I think would look cooler is wrapping the leather strips tabard for a cloth. I know he is a test but something to consider if you come back around to him.


The DA are a cool force so I cannot wait to see you start them.

Thanks hushrong! Glad you approve of the bits choice. I agree that a cloth would work better than the leather tabard but it was the only thing I had at the moment that flowed in the correct direction. Hopefully I'll be able to start the army sometime next year.




Had a bit more time for hobby stuff this week with school winding down a bit before it picks up again next week. This week I finished a true scale SW Lone Wolf. The Frozenfang model from Joapala Studio inspired me to start working on this idea that I've been thinking about since last year. I acquired an incomplete archaon model last summer at a garage sale and I've been wanting to make a true scale space wolf since but I couldn't quite get the concept right until now. I've been trying to use that busted bloodletter head from the GK kits on so many models up till now but it just looked too big in comparison so I gave up many times. This time I thought the scale worked pretty decently so I added a decapitated herald of khorne to the base. The wulfen back pack works really well for true scaling, and I wish there would be bigger backpacks for other chapters as well. Anyways, thanks for looking and C&C is appreciated!




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Looks awesome, love what you did with the torso, and the scale looks right, which is already a feat considering the variety of bits used. Also I'm usually not a fan of curved-edge bases but it looks surprisingly good with Archaon's scenic piece, though maybe you should try to fill the gap beneath the two. Keep up the good work brother!
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