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Vairocanum's Projects (9/28/2020 Dark Mechanicus Cultist)

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I'm left out of likes in this thread, but wow. Inquisitors are superb, and the mountie amazing, you need to have some ca(na)dians rough riders of them!


Specially love the female inq, she resembles a Deldar archon for the pose and cape, and love the guns ^_^



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I had to scream or otherwise i would have shyed away

Edited by MikhalLeNoir
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Wow, seems like I missed a lot. Dude, I cannot keep up with you - there's so many conversions and sculpting going around here!


So lemme just focus on two gems:
The BA captain looks great now, much, much better! I think the motion and pose are conveyed almost perfectly now. The only thing that's bothering me slightly -and this probably is me personally speaking, because I'm sure there are those who disagree- is that his greaves are so thin. He's still wearing power armour, and even if it'd be artificer armour, there still have to be viber-muscles and such things in there - while the thickness suggest just a metal plate wrapped around his calves. Combined with his super heavy vambraces, that makes the whole ensemble look a bit off-balance - if you catch my meaning. I'm sure you can fill it with greenstuff easily and work it up a bit, as you've shown to be ale to do this sooo many times before!

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This inquisitor is near perfect, although I do think he's lacking some height in his abdominal section. I'm aware that Space Marines have this standard, but for this guy it seems a bit too pronounced for some reason. 



Sorry to nitpick like that, but your sculpting and conversion skills really make me feel like you would be able to remedy these tiny gripes and catapult your work into the next level! :tu:

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His Name is Dudley Right ? I do not know how I missed this one COOL !! .


Thanks DSS7! Glad you like it, it's a gag model done several years ago after reading Betrayer. I think I had it under spoilers before but after having to replace all my photos I think the spoiler got deleted. 


The female insquisitor is cool. She is a great combination of bits. The Mountie is also sweet but he needs a steed!

Thanks hushrong! Glad you liked the female inquisitor, still getting used to converting female characters so nice to hear she turned out ok. I wanted to have a horse but all my current horses are too big and the model would basically be doing splits to ride them so I settled for one on foot. Maybe someday I'll do one on a mount!


I'm left out of likes in this thread, but wow. Inquisitors are superb, and the mountie amazing, you need to have some ca(na)dians rough riders of them!


Specially love the female inq, she resembles a Deldar archon for the pose and cape, and love the guns :happy.:



Thanks Brother Aiwass! Happy you like my stuff! I seriously considered doing a small kill team of Ca(na)dians but lacked the bits for it and could potentially be quite costly bits wise. Nice job noticing the DE Archon pose, I really liked that model and was having trouble with the sisters of silence model so I tried to emulate the pose in its Imperium form.


Ha, love it! I've got some Canadian Ancestry and loved the bits of British Columbia I got to see the one time I managed a trip. Mounties are awesome and the uniform bears a good resemblance.

Thanks sock! Cool to hear you've got some Canadian Ancestry, would be fun if you could come and visit BC again :biggrin.:! Glad you think the model looks accurate, was limited by bits and wasn't sure if it would work out at first.








I had to scream or otherwise i would have shyed away

ALLLLLRIGHT. Lets do it. Send me a pm, your inbox was full so I couldn't reply earlier :teehee:.


Haha love the Mountie, really cool and accurate conversion, though the chainsword is too big for the model in my opinion

Thanks Traitor! Glad you like the Mountie, thought it would be a fun model to celebrate 150 years of my relatively young country! As for the chainsword its just a standard one from the cadians, didn't really have anything smaller and I wanted him to be armed with bolter (pistol) and chainsword :wink:.


Wow, seems like I missed a lot. Dude, I cannot keep up with you - there's so many conversions and sculpting going around here!


So lemme just focus on two gems:

The BA captain looks great now, much, much better! I think the motion and pose are conveyed almost perfectly now. The only thing that's bothering me slightly -and this probably is me personally speaking, because I'm sure there are those who disagree- is that his greaves are so thin. He's still wearing power armour, and even if it'd be artificer armour, there still have to be viber-muscles and such things in there - while the thickness suggest just a metal plate wrapped around his calves. Combined with his super heavy vambraces, that makes the whole ensemble look a bit off-balance - if you catch my meaning. I'm sure you can fill it with greenstuff easily and work it up a bit, as you've shown to be ale to do this sooo many times before!

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This inquisitor is near perfect, although I do think he's lacking some height in his abdominal section. I'm aware that Space Marines have this standard, but for this guy it seems a bit too pronounced for some reason. 



Sorry to nitpick like that, but your sculpting and conversion skills really make me feel like you would be able to remedy these tiny gripes and catapult your work into the next level! :thumbsup:

Thanks Augustus! Thanks for the compliment, "nitpicking" is more than welcome cause having your work peer reviewed always helps improve the end result :biggrin.:! First regarding the BA captain, I didn't really think much about the legs cause Dante and Sanguinor both have similar style legs so I kinda just went with that. I see what you mean though about the thin-ness. I'll experiment with some spare legs and see if I can get a decent result. Secondly for the Inquisitor, I hadn't really looked at his abdominal section like that and I sort of see what you mean. I think it wasn't as noticeable prior to me adding some stuff to the belt. I'll see what I can do about extending the armor to make it seem less noticeable. Thanks for the C&C!





So I was searching through some old boxes earlier and found a ziploc bag full of bits I didn't know I had. I found two capes, one from the empire general and the other from the CSM terminator lord. Since I'll probably try and change my Inquisitor a bit after Augustus pointed out the lack of height in the abdominal section, I figured it was good to follow KrautScientist's advice too and change the current pelt to a flowing cape. The capes are just blue tacked on over the shield for now but it will be made to fit properly after deciding. I'm currently leaning towards the terminator lord cape but I'd love to hear what other Fraters think. Option 1 with the terminator lord cape or Option 2 with the empire general cape. Thanks in advance for the opinions!


Cape Options:

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So glad to see you've come around to the idea of adding a cape! It does add so much presence and makes the model look far more like a powerful Inquisitor! The Chaos Terminator cape has the better flow by far, but it seems a bit too ragged -- but your impressive GS skills should make it easy to "repair" some of the damage, so he looks less like a barbarian warlord ;)


In any case, fantastic work! :)

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It's been a while since I've stopped by and that appears to be unforgivable considering all the great stuff I have missed. The Plague Champion is phenomenal, the latest Blood Angel is also very cool and finally congratulations on the GBBO! well deserved :biggrin.:



Thanks Nemac! I wanted to try and make the plague champion look like the newer kits. Itching to get Dark Imperium so I can do some stuff with the DG. Thanks for the support, conversion challenges are always fun and the GBBO was a great way to participate in the community!


Take the terminator one, you can never go wrong with that one.

Thanks for the feedback Brother Aiwass!


So glad to see you've come around to the idea of adding a cape! It does add so much presence and makes the model look far more like a powerful Inquisitor! The Chaos Terminator cape has the better flow by far, but it seems a bit too ragged -- but your impressive GS skills should make it easy to "repair" some of the damage, so he looks less like a barbarian warlord :wink:


In any case, fantastic work! :smile.:

Thanks for the feedback Kraut! I'll try patching up the cloak a bit then.


Terminator lord Cape.

Thanks for the feedback DSS7!


Honestly, I can't choose. I'm drawn to the Empire General's cape only because the terminator one is used much more often. They both work quite well - you done a good job selecting candidates, brother.

Thanks for the feedback Olis! I like the Empire General cape quite a bit but its not as noticeable from the front so I think I'll go with the terminator one as it flows pretty wide.


Yeah I'll second the made-to-look-less-ragged terminator lord cape. :smile.:

Thanks for the feedback Augustus! I guess a patched up terminator cape it is.




It's nearing the end of the semester and everything is starting to be due :wacko.:. I need to finish one of my term papers before getting some breathing room to work on my August Arena Wolf Lord. This week I completed a Black Templar Sword Brethren that I started a couple years ago. I used Chaos warrior legs cause the armor plating sort of gave it a knightly feel. I believe Doghouse called this type of leg armor "Gothic Pattern." I don't remember for sure but I think this was based off a Dark Angel model I saw years ago but I don't have the source image anymore. It's slightlly taller than normal space marines, but still shorter than a true scaled MKIII. Camera wasn't being too cooperative today so couldn't get a clear picture. Thanks for looking and C&C is appreciated!





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The fanatic is fantastic and I'll also second to low the sword arm. And if you feel courageous, repose the hand so the sword goes near the bottom of the shield, so he may look as walking forward after chopping some enemies, battered but committed to chop some more in a chill, calmly way.

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SWEET EMPERORS BEARD I MISSED A LOT since I was give you've definitely kept at it I just briefly meandered through your recent projects and I must say in my mind you are all one of the absolute best kit bashers on these here interwebs my friend I'm glad to be back to steal (read borrow) ideas from you keep up the awesome work brother.
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ACE !!! Job on the fanatic .

Thanks DSS7! Glad you liked the model!


Looks very good and I do like the hooded helm on him too.

Thanks hushrong! the hooded helm was actually the main reason for the conversion as I just wanted to use the head on something haha.


Very cool! I think I'd prefer him with the sword held at a lower angle, though -- it seems it would complement his overall pose more nicely.

Thanks Kraut! I see what you mean I was going for a sort of "Onwards!" pose originally. I'll try putting the arm down and if not I'll fix the wrist to make the chainsword pointing more forward.


He's a really cool conversion, but I must agree with Kraut the the pose of the sword is too rigid, a lower angle, as he said, would work perfectly. Also the chaos warriors legs do wonders for this, though they can barely be seen on your model! :wink:

Thanks Traitor! Will try to lower the sword, and yes you're right the Chaos Warrior legs are fantastic but this week its all about the chaos warrior capes :teehee:.


The fanatic is fantastic and I'll also second to low the sword arm. And if you feel courageous, repose the hand so the sword goes near the bottom of the shield, so he may look as walking forward after chopping some enemies, battered but committed to chop some more in a chill, calmly way.

Thanks Brother Aiwass! That's a cool idea actually, I won't be doing it for this model but sounds like a great pose for a future model.


SWEET EMPERORS BEARD I MISSED A LOT since I was give you've definitely kept at it I just briefly meandered through your recent projects and I must say in my mind you are all one of the absolute best kit bashers on these here interwebs my friend I'm glad to be back to steal (read borrow) ideas from you keep up the awesome work brother.

Thanks Pyro! Glad to see you back, your massive army projects have been a nice motivation for my own work as well. Really flattered you think so highly of my models, hope to come up with some more good ideas that you can "steal" :wink:.




So I finally completed my Wolf Lord for my August Arena Duel with Mikhal. I finished this model yesterday but didn't have good lighting conditions so I waited a day to update. I was originally going to go with a mace like Mikhal suggested but after dryfitting the parts really wanted to give my Wolf Lord a big axe instead. The pose was also thanks to Mikhal as he mentioned the Ulrik pose as a suggestion. In a lot of ways my Wolf Lord is similar to Mikhal's one as we both have big weapons and a power fist of some sort. Decided to use a blackshield shoulderpad cause I liked the chained look of it, haven't really decided the fluff for it yet but maybe something to do with the Wulfen. I'm pretty happy with how the model turned out but now I need to ruin the model by giving it a "meh" paint job :wacko.:. Thanks for looking and C&C is appreciated!




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Nice work on the sword brethren. The more often I see people doing that kind of thing with the legs of chaos warriors, the more I regret just using the boots for my khorne berzerkers. :ermm: I might go back to that someday and fix it. 

Anyway, I agree with Kraut that he might benefit from a lower angle of the sword arm, provided you can bring back his shield arm by 1 or 2 millimeter as well - to show his slow stride forward.


The WOlf Lord is out of this world. *how* did you sculpt that fur 'loin cloth'??

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Wow Vairo, you've really outdone yourself with this one, quite an impressive model you've got there! You have became a true master of press molding in such a short time, and the fur on the tabard is perfect! My only issue is that, even though I've previously said that you're really good at making static poses (which you're), I see you getting too comfortable with those and never trying out more dynamic things, which would probably fit better some of your models. I know that you were inspired by Ulrik's pose (which, as I've said before, works really well) but, wouldn't this model be awesome running forward? Swirling his axe or raising his power fist to strike some vile xenos or foul heretic down? I simply suggest you trying more of those out, you're already very good at making static characters, so why not try and make dynamic ones? ;)
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