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Maybe its just me, but looking through the crusade list book it doesn't give Vet Tactical squads the ability to upgrade bolters to combi-weapons, while in battlescribe it does. Am I just looking in the wrong book or is bs wrong?


You can indeed give them Combi's.


Option was added in the latest army list book.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have no idea what i've done wrong...


I have been using Battle Scribe for a while now for both 30k and 40k armies and have had issues when I created my 4000 point Night Lords list using the app.


The List can be found here:



However, the red exclamation mark appeares even when I've followed the rules for creating such a list. What appears when I tap on the icon:


Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List (Age of Darkness) has 5 too many selections from Con...



Now the problem is that the error message is too big for me to read and when I tap on the message it returns to the opening page.

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Ok, the problem has gone away. I had to delete both centurions and Konrad.


But When I re-added them I found that it is the RoW that is causing the problem. Everything is fine without the RoW being on (except that it says that I can't have any terror squads as troops)


As soon as I activate the RoW, it goes right back to the initial problem

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I don't have the ability to select LoWs. I'm guessing they've not been added yet or I'm doing something very wrong?

You need to change the 'Force Organisation' entry to 'Lords of War'. I still haven't worked out a way to get a LoW on without causing an error yet though.

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Is this something I can do on the mobile app?

When starting a 30k list, the first 'force organisation' option is strangely an allied detachment, to change it you have so scroll down to the 'age of darkness' option

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