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That he will be, more red/black than black/red if that makes sense.


I plan on vowing his heavy gun servitors and a ride for them next month, with Lord inquisitor Callas, his retinue, and a transport in the final month, assuming real life doesn't interrupt.

Updates for Artikus-110011

He's all built and I've started the en-paintening. He's really a cool model and very easy to put together. I started off with Red Auto primer to get the base reddish brown I want to start with. From there, I've added a wash to darken everything, then added some green to the dark wash for recess work. The lighting for my pics isn't helping very much, as it;s reflecting the recess work and causing it to show lighter.

I guess I'll have to work on better images as I get deeper into this.



Cadian 82nd Special Operations Group; the Ghost Hunters
According to the official records and papers of the Administratum, the Cadian 82nd Special Operations Group is a simple Shock Troop Regiment of the Astra Militarum. Brave, loyal, faithful and decorated with Battle Honours in the Emperors name to be sure, but no more or less than would be expected of the Sons of Cadia.
The truth is a somewhat different matter; the 82nd are permanently assigned to support the Office of the Holy Inquisition, specifically under the control of Inquisitor Varchilde of the Ordo Malleus.  In this function the 82nd prosecute actions under the Inquisitor’s direction and supply support and man power for Varchilde’s war bands and kill teams. If a situation warrants it, the 82nd will be used in conjunction with the formidable Space Marines of the Ordo Malleus; the fabled Grey Knights!
In turn the Cadian 82nd receive the support and favour of the Holy Inquisition; the Regiment is well supplied with equipment and resources and can make use of rare and specialised weapons should the occasion call.
The Cadian 82nd are a fleet based force, moving quickly from theatre to theatre as circumstances dictate. This mobility follows through in their tactical doctrine; highly mechanised with drop trooper support for rapid insertion. 
The 82nd maintains a high number of veteran and specialist units, including a number of psychic-sensitives; telepaths are deployed among the 82nd’s command structure as another means of communication between Inquisitor Varchilde’s eclectic forces, and to provide a measure of defence against the warp-beasts and witches they battle against.
Command of the 82nd is held by Colonel Staysback; a gruff battle hardened officer who leads his troops from the front line. Discipline and courage are the watch words of the 82nd, but Staysback recognises and values initiative and tactical acumen in his officers. His men are value resources in the Emperor’s service and their lives are not to be spent carelessly.
The Vow
For Phase 1: Landing and Recon the Ghost Hunters will be providing drop troop insertions, ably supported by man portable heavy weapons. Colonel Staysback vows one Heavy Weapon Squad equipped with Lascannons (Troops, 105 points)

Lascannon Heavy Weapon Squad WIP


For the Emperor.

I, Elmo, hereby pledge the forces of the 711 Cadian Combined Arms Brigade to the capture of Ioria in the name of the Emperor. The contribution of a Special Weapons Squad with 3 meltaguns at 60 points will do their duty no matter the cost.


The following is due an update so bear with it msn-wink.gif

711th Cadian Combined Arms Brigade (CCAB)


The 711th CCAB is a mixed arms unit comprising of the 897th Infantry Company and their support vehicles, the 975th Armoured Battalion, the 201st Artillery Regiment (a mixed platform force), remnants of the 661st Air Support Squadron unit and a small force of Elysians.

The 711th was recently dispatched to Eridanus Tertiary, also known to the local population as "Rivers End" as, due to it's close orbit to it's sun, it is mainly covered by rolling dunes and scrappy vegetation. A significant force of Orks under Warboss Sturtuk had attacked smaller settlements and the Astra Militarum had been called to help the Planetary Governor whose only forces where a ceremonial bodyguard and they where fully unprepared to fight off the green horde.


Eridanus Tertiary

On arrival, they discovered that due to a warp transit accident and extremely poor planning by the Departmento Munitorum, their full entitlement of desert adapted equipment had not arrived and they where only able to be outfitted in the distinctive camouflage clothing but not the equipment.

Sgt Major Nesh was heard to joke that the clothing reminded him of his mothers biscuits and so the Brigade unofficially adopted the name "Chocochip Rats".

The vehicles have adopted a mixed green/sand camouflage scheme which blends in well with the surrounding terrain although the constant abrasive effect of the wind blown sand does not take long to make a freshly painted vehicle look like it has been there for years.

The Brigade is currently shaking out prior to full deployment on a seek and destroy mission.


711th Brigade Command Company

2051st Kasrkin (3 squad detachment - assault and close protection duties)

975th Armoured Battalion "Iron Fists"

897th Infantry Company "Cadian Might" (Mechanised - light)

201st Artillery Regiment

661st Air Support Squadron (Valkyries)

Elysian 195th Company (reduced)

293rd Abhuman Company

Munitorum and Ministorum support


Battle Honours

Battle of Ridge 582 North

37 days after the initial deployment of the 711th CCAB on Eridanus Teritary, High Command believed it was time to engage in a major battle. The Brigade was deployed in force to Smitts Plain, a large area of rocky outcrops rising above a firm sand surface. The main feature of this plain was a long, rocky ridge-line running east-west with the only available fresh water spring for 100 clicks. The defensibility of the ridge and availability of a water supply made it an ideal location for a staging base for further and farther reaching patrols to secure more of the Western Great Desert area. Unfortunately the orks had also seen the possibility behind this location.

Aerial reconnaissance carried out by 661st Air Support Squadron showed a medium sized ork force in residence on Ridge 582 including infantry with vehicle support.

A mixed force of infantry, artillery and armour was sent to destroy any ork resistance and occupy the ridge.

On approaching Ridge 582 the Cadians where assaulted by the orks, who true to their nature had no intention of fighting a defensive battle and had decided to attack the column during it's advance. Unfortunately they had not considered that the flat, firm desert surface was ideal for armoured formations and although the orcs where destroyed, their numbers and fanatical attack made the Battle of Ridge 582 North a battle that was entered into the history of the 711th with pride and earned the unit a citation to add to the Battalion standard.

​Individual acts of courage where too numerous to recount in full. Sufficed to say that in the heat of battle the members of the 711th proved themselves worthy of The Emperor. The Chimera transports of the 897th Infantry Company where to be found in the thick of the action, multi-lasers and hull bolters glowing with the heat of continuous firing whilst the troops prepared themselves to deploy to winkle orks from rocks where they where too well hidden for the heavy weapons to have full effect. The Leman Russ variants (Battle Tanks, Demolishers and Vanquishers) targeted the fast moving ork Trukks and Buggies but the main force of the ork attack was aimed at the single Baneblade "Imperator" which had deployed directly opposite of the main assault, more out of luck than planning, and bore the main brunt of the orks anger.

Ok, a brief update and some slightly better pictures. He's posed on one of the flying bases for my Templars.



As you can see, I've got some darker shades in there, along with the beginning of the metallics. The base metal is Army Painter Gun Metal and then I applied Thraka Green over that. I kind of like the contrasts between the metals and the cloth as is, but I need to give him a lot more attention.

Also, his base is in progress. I want this force to match the basing of my Templars, so he'll sit on some limestone looking rock, in a desert environment. More on that later.


Is there an issue with using an infantry model that consists primarily of third-party parts, so long as the accompanying vehicles and equipment stem from Games Workshop?



As long as it meets the "counts as" rule - ie: is counted as a legal codex unit/model then no problems ;)



Vowing for a Phase

Snip -  using GW, FW, counts as or kit bashing. Snip

Work has started on the Special weapons squad with the chocochip now being completed. Also an extra model has slipped in (not as part of this vow) from the command squad which was completed earlier to try to clear some space in the painting queue ;)



Updates for me:


Finished the Chimera yesterday. Couldn't get too much done besides base coats on the Guardsmen since I'm fighting off some form of Nurgle's blessing.


Enjoy the pics.


20170109 062401

20170109 062201

20170109 062232

20170109 062259

20170109 062336

edit: looking at my own pics, I forgot to paint the banners on the sides....so done other than that...gotta get that fixed >.<

Lovely models here, makes me want to leap straight in to some painting! :D I've decided on my first vow - only a small one though but what better excuse to get something done I've been meaning to for some time? I'll make it in the coming week, just need to harass my bits box :)

To do the vow I want to do, I have a ton of construction to do, I don't think I will make it given my awful track record. ..


It took me All etl to paint 1 guy, all IFE-IV to paint 6 guys and this would be 10 guys and an IFV and they aren't all built yet...

So do something smaller. It's not about quantity. Paint a 5 man unit, or do a character, ect... Make this a goal to strive towards, even if you set aside an hour a day to build or paint something, and the average time it takes me to paint a non tank unit is about 15 hours, then that's only 15 days. Well done before the time limit. You just have to set aside some time to enjoy some music and play with your plastic crack.


I'm not working atm so I've pretty much just been painting and watching netflix all daybiggrin.png

As a result I already have my vow 40% completed. Might have to do a bigger vow next time.


There's some more shots of them in my WIPlog





Alright, i said i wanted to participate. Now it's time to commit:

I, TimmiABC, hereby pledge the forces of Ordo Xenos Strikeforce Hammerhead under Inquisitor Von Claussen to the capture of Ioria in the name of the Emperor. The contribution of one Astra Militarum Company Command Squad* at 273 points will do their duty no mat ter the cost.

*Contents: Creed, Kell, Officer of the Fleet, 3 Vets w/ carapace armour, 2 Plasmaguns, 1 Sniper Rifle

WIP pic:


Yeah, i know, the sniper vet is technically a Vindicare assassin... but i want to get him done. And he does carry a sniper rifle msn-wink.gif

Also, this time i plan to write up some more stuff on the Strikeforce, so if i have not done that by phase 3, hold me to this promise. However since i'd like to write it "in universe"-style, i'm still trying to get the tone right.

Onward, comrades, let us cleanse Ioria with righteous fury! We are doing the Emperor's work!

Edit: Why is there always one little mistake i only find after posting? Why?


Vow Complete


The Explorator vessel hung like a predaceous insect in the night sky.

Unfurling sensory arrays, some extending out many kilometers, only reinforced the sinister countenance of the orbiting ship.

As soon as the arrays were deployed, clouds of various sized servitor drones erupted from a port launch bay and headed towards the planetary surface.

Now the search could begin in earnest.


Artikus-110011 brooded.

Plugged into his command throne as he partitioned processing steams into a prioritized task set, he simultaneously acknowledged the receipt of the inbound data feeds as they came online, while directing them into multiple layers of cloud analyticae. Soon topologic protocols began surfacing and tagging first level anomalies within the data veils.

The analysis stage of the discovery protocol required a systematic approach to the data analytics, thus an organizational and presentation structure of the noospheric data veils was triggered, appearing around Artikus-110011 in a similar fashion to concentric debris rings around a planetary body.

His data manipulation arms sifted through the various data layers and rings, pulling in significant packets from farther reaches, pushing non-essential pulses farther out.

Satisfied with the content of the incoming streams, his data arms called up a presentation window that displayed the consolidated content using topographic algorithms. Aware that the mapping macros were still populating the display, Artikus-110011 partitioned another segment of his wetware and tasked it with executing a process stream that would initiate the warm up of his combat and support elements, ensuring that all components responded with a "ready to deploy" status flag.

He sensed that a formal descent to the surface was imminent.


In machine-time, the wait for the discovery alarm had seemed to take forever.

Artikus-110011 instantly cross-checked with his biological chronometers and was surprised that only 127.093 hours had transpired. On a galactic or geologic time scale, the wait was nearly immeasurable.

However, his attention was soon drawn to the flashing display pane. Two devices, the Gluon Accelerometer and the Chromodynacae, plotted off scale readings before report values suddenly dropped to null response.

Quickly checking the status of the servitor cloud responsible for collecting this information, he discovered that the entire cloud was no longer online and in fact, additional queries run against their operational wetware and location beacons indicated that they no longer existed.

Consternation was not an attribute that Artikus-110011 would ever succumb to, but extreme annoyance at the loss of analysis resources might be inferred based on the rapidity of the forthcoming instruction sets. Launching multiple search bots into the ship's data core, resulted in a flood of responses focusing on previous expedition results, simultaneous occurrences of the two parameters, as well as any episodes where the data registered off scale.

Were Artikus-110011 multiple circulatory systems still of a biological nature, they might have been forgiven for skipping a few beats while he in-streamed the data.

As it turned out, since the launching of this ship, 751.09348 years ago, this vessel had only recorded two previous instances where the data profiles matched the discovery of his now missing servitor cloud.

From a statistical perspective, that data pattern should never exist, and yet he had captured evidence of its presence.

That is until it disappeared for reasons unknown.

Wary of the circumstances that might cause such an event and pragmatic to a fault, Artikus-110011 downloaded the data cache into the combat elements of his landing party with a suite of Level Nine response protocols along with the last reported location of the servitor cloud.

It would appear that his "discovery" was not appreciated.






Looks great! love the fluff too.


Have you thought about giving the edges of the metallics a quick highlight of the base color (I assume something like leadbelcher) just in the areas the lights would hit? I think that would give it a super POP. Also just my nit-pick but possibly paint the black and white Cog and Skull on the staff? Just for another focus point?


Just my inputs on the model, otherwise It's great.


Hopefully this week will slow down enough that I can paint some. Stupid work....

Vow complete. 171st A and C platoons ready to serve in the Cleansing of Ioria, Swift and Bold. Recommended deployment - Deep Strike, Reconnaissance.



I had a lot of fun painting the Sentinel. Tried out a lot of different methods I have seen online. Learnt some lessons too, biggest disaster was when my brush decided to have a mid life crisis and go bald. Hence a few hairs stuck on the Sentinel! Oh well haha.


+++++ Imperial Force Archives +++++
++++ Force Description  ++++
++++++ Cadian Sector ++++++

++++++ 171st Airborne Company ++++++


171st Cadian Airborne Company (Kasrkin)

The 171st were created out of the necessity for a
quick deploying, rapid reaction force. Similar to the famed
Elysian drop troops and taking inspiration from the Cadian
1433rd Airborne who fought in the Cryptus Campaign. It was envisioned
171st would allow the hard hitting Kasrkin Storm troopers take to the
skies and become a truly air mobile unit. The Kasrkin are already
considered the best Cadia has to offer and combined with the officially
sanctioned Airborne assault formations they can rival even the mighty
Tempestus Scions.
Believing a unit never truly dies as long as the colours are not lost
the new airborne company was given the name and colours of the old 171st.
A Kasrkin unit wiped out to the last man during the 12th
Black Crusade. The original 171st had been a mechanised unit
that prided itself on its speed and bravery. Earning the motto
"Celer et Audax", "Swift and Bold". A motto that encompasses
airborne operations perfectly. The 171st were reborn, raining
hell and fury from the skies. A fitting tribute to those who fell
in the Gothic Sector.


Home-world: Various worlds from the Cadian System.
Colours: Standard Cadian green and tan, light green berets.
Battle Cry: "3-48" "Swift and Bold"
Current Strength: Under strength company temporarily folded into 1 platoon plus supporting units.
Allegiance: Cadia, Our Savior and Holy light - The Emperor of Mankind.

Doctrine: Air Assault, Deep Strike, Reconnaissance, Combined Arms operations.


Organisation (At full paper strength):

171st Cadian Airborne Company
 -A Platoon (4 Squads)
 -B Platoon (4 Squads)

 -C Platoon (Light recon platoon, Sentinels)
 -D Platoon (Light vehicle support platoon, currently limited to the Taurox Prime)
 -E Platoon (Intelligence, Logistics, Liaison, Maintenance support staff etc)

 52nd Naval Tactical Squadron (Attached to the 171st)
 -6 Valkyrie Transports
 -2 Vulture Close Air support Gunships
 -2 Sky Talon Heavy Transports
 All Kasrkin are automatically entitled to enroll. Also open to veterans and white
 shields who show promise and can complete the arduous training cycle.
Unit rituals:

  - The companies training regime is long even by Kasrkin standards culminating with a final week of tests.

These tests are both physical and mental in nature. Challenges range from timed assault courses

to tactical problem solving. Designed to exhaust the men the pace is relentless.

During the course of the week each Kasrkin is also required to complete a multitude of airborne insertions and

extractions finishing with 4 Grav chute jumps followed by a night jump. The night jump signals the starting

phase of the 3-4-8. A 30 mile speed hike across the Cadian Steppes, carrying 40lbs of equipment, to be

completed in 8 hours or less. It sounds easy but only those who have done it have the right to brag.

It is a right of passage for the members of the 171st.


Awards, Honours and Ribbons:
  Imperial Awards:
  Crimson skull - Numerous
  Order of the Scarlet Wing - Numerous
  Medallion Crimson - Major Nixx (posthumously)
  Cadian Awards:
  Order of the eagles Claw - Unit citation presented by Battle fleet Cadia


Unit Champions:
 Major Kephas Nixx - KIA. Company commander. Called down an orbital strike
 on his own position to cover the extraction of the company.


++++ Sub-file  ++++

++++ Unit personnel  ++++


++++1st Lieutenant P. Autumn - A Platoon 171st Airborne Company++++

Autumn began like many Cadians as a trainee and then private soldier in the White shields. After graduating to a Shock regiment in his teens he quickly earnt his Corporals stripes and went on to lead a 5 man section against the green skins. By the age of 20 he had made Sergeant. It wasn't until his actions against the traitorous forces around the Cadian gate that he caught the eye of his superiors. A young, yet experienced soldier with unorthodox methods, some noting with hesitation, yet a dedication to duty and honour. A perfect candidate for the new airborne formation. He rose from the ranks to join the officer class and entered the 171st training program gaining commission as a 2nd Lieutenant.  After proving himself in a number of combat drops he finally made the rank of 1st Lieutenant and took command of A platoon. Autumn takes great pride in the units Cadian heritage and ability of his men. With the loss of Company commander Major K. Nixx, Autumn is the acting CO of the 171st under the supervision of Commissar Rayne.


++++ End Archive  ++++

++++ Updates Pending  ++++

Another update: Tan cammo is now finished, just need to do some touch ups, but if everything goes to plan I should be able to give her a nice gloss varnish and pin wash tomorrow after work and then start on some more detail.


Now if the barracks could give some advice, the tan get darkened up or leave it as it is?



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