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I, NismoGrendel, hereby pledge the forces of the Foxhound Scratch Company under LtCol Volontir rear echelonry to the capture of Ioria in the name of the Emperor. The contribution of the following forces will do their duty no matter the cost.
1 Hellhound - 125 pts
Regiment Name: Foxhound Scratch Company
Regiment Commander: LtCol Volontir rear echelonry
Regiment Commander Description: LtCol rear echelonry began his career with the Planetary Defence Force on Finreht in the Agripinaa sector. Shortly after achieving the rank of Sergeant, his squad was assigned to look into reports of missing persons at a local mining settlement. Arriving and finding the settlement deserted, rear echelonry's squad began to search the town. While investigating the mine, the squad found the cause of the disappearances - Genestealers. The squad was assaulted and decimated, rear echelonry, separated from his squad with no supplies and no ammunition, somehow managed to sneak out of the tunnels and flee back to his post. Knowing that the situation was dire, rear echelonry contacted the Inquisition. The next day an Ordos Xenos Inquisitor arrived with a small retinue of Stormtroopers. rear echelonry led the fireteam through the mines and helped purge the Tyranid infestation. After the battle, the Inquisitor offered Sgt rear echelonry a position in a newly formed unit - the Foxhound Scratch Company, which rear echelonry proudly accepted.
Regiment Overview: The Foxhound Scratch Company is an off the books highly specialized regiment of the Imperial Guard, led by LtCol rear echelonry. The unit is kept in a high state of readiness, always available for the next request from the Ordo Xenos. The regiment colors are red, black and grey. The combat uniform consists of red, black, and grey tiger striped fatigues, black flak armor and black boots. Troops are well equipped with polished lasguns and an abundance of meltaguns.
(I copied/edited that from my Lutum regiment info)

WIP: (not sure if that is the left arm I want to go with... I kinda like the silly salute look)
Horses and rider legs are from the Outrider/pistoleer kit from Warhammer fantasy (empire, still available). Chests and arms are Cadian. Heads are from Victoria Lamb. Jerry cans, saddle bags, sword scabbards, shotguns, etc are a mix of Bullgryn and Scout Biker bits.

Figure I may as well give the Inquisition side a try. These models don't look like they're too complicated to paint so..


I, GKTerminator, hereby pledge the forces of Inquisitorial Task Force SolarShield under Inquisitor Hellos to the capture of Ioria in the name of the Emperor. The contribution of an Ordo Malleus Inquisitor in Terminator armor and his acolyltes and mystic at 113 points will do their duty no matter the cost.



(pics when I have time, heading out for a game in a bit.)

I, P3AKHOUR hereby pledge the forces of the 6th Special Operations Group attached to Colonel Faizal Danek's 189th Tebessan Expeditionary Force to the capture of Ioria in the name of the Emperor. The contribution of three Drop Sentinels with multi-meltas at 210 points will do their duty no matter the cost.
Regiment Name
Tebessan 6th Special Operations Group (attached to the 18th Tebessan Expeditionary Force)
Regiment Commander's Name
Colonel Faizal Danek
Regiment and Commander Details
Regiment Type
Attached to the 189th Tebessan Expeditionary Force, the 6th Special Operations Group provides rapid response and pre-emptive strike capabilities to the regiment.  Using combat doctrines and equipment derived from the Militarum Tempestus, the entire task force is able to be deployed via atmospheric or orbital insertion.  Operators are equipped with locally modified Militarum Tempestus materiel, whilst Tauros Venators and Drop Sentinels locally produced from Elysian standard templates provide highly mobile anti-armour support.

DSC 0169


DSC 0168

Well I call phase 1 done for myself.

I apologize for the slightly blury shots as I have a brand new camera and a new lightbox to learn how to use

Here are all the pledged elements for phase 1:


And the army shot preparing for the tournament next weekend.
The Warlord support still needs some decals yet to finish him off


Excellent work Mard, and good to see some more enlistments to the cause - and our first dual Guard/Inquisition vow! The entrants list is up to date, please let me know if there are any corrections to be made :)

Hi everyone, it's great seeing everybody's progress!  I've finished my January campaign pledge:  Primary Psyker Wojni.


I've used him once in a game.  He periled himself to death on turn 2, but he got off 2 fun buffs before he died.



Ok so as usual my plans have not come to fruition tongue.png I shall make a small vow to start me off and hopefully make a more substantial contribution in Phase 2! Now the official part:

I, Arkaniss, hereby pledge the forces of the Ordo Hereticus under Lord Inquisitor Arkaniss to the capture of Ioria in the name of the Emperor. The contribution of 3 Acolytes with Hot-shot lasguns and Carapace Armour at 33 points will do their duty no matter the cost.


Oh, wow. Only 33pts! Phase 2 will be better I'm sure tongue.png Standard apologies for the potato camera shot but it is late and the fog levels are Victorian so I have poor light too which doesn't help!

finally got some time to upload a couple of images for my Inquisitor vow.


Initial pic before anything was done:


20170124 104306



got lots of random models to work with, seems like I use to have more but they've been lost in the many many moves over the last 15 years. So, we'll be kitbashing some old stuff and working on making it into new stuff.


However I have had this very old (all metal) inquisitor for a long time and figured I should finally paint him up. The sculpt isn't great and the dual hammers he's gonna have don't really fit in with much, so I figured "daemonhammer...sure" and we'll just go with that. If he was plastic or Finecast I think I could do better with some grey knight bits, but it's still fun to go back and paint up something old.


Here's the Where he stands after 2 hours this morning:


20170124 104539

base is done, and I'll finish up his facemask, banner, and hammer next time, probably finish his other hammer also.

Getting there WarriorFish! Gonna paint the Inquisition =][= on the shoulderpad?


All It takes is practice. Took me 7-8 years to be able to even finish a model that didn't look like poop to me. Then another 5 years to get to where I can actually finish squads, at all. Yet, ask me how many fully painted armies I own! (hint: Rhymes with Zero) What's important is that you get a model done to your standard, in your time. Which I can say looks like most of us do in here!


 Between Boxing Day Bash and this campaign, I have gotten more full squads done than ever lately and it's been exciting. I'm eagerly awaiting the next vow, even if I probably will end up painting another Vet/Chimera squad or something =(.


That aside, everyone's stuff looks good, still can't get behind the idea of Rough Riders, but yours look good Cap'm. 


Tallarn, just set that guy on a shelf next to a commissar model and he'll work next game for you!


Nismo, another tank! yay! more armor for the Cleansing!

well, I'm off to clean out the stables *grabs bolt pistol*


Why would you ride a horse in the futuretech battlefields of 40K? Maybe if they were bionic horses like the old Empire Engineer's! With guns on the sides, and their heads shoot off as missiles. Oh and their Hooves were also Thunderhammers....


but no...a horse has no place in 40K!!!!


Edit: now I need to go find myself 10 of those mecasteeds...or convert my own, I have LOTS AND LOTS of warriors of chaos and empire stuff to do this with *wrings hands*


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