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Aside from some tiny tidying parts, I'm calling it done.






I, Damo1701, for the glory of the Fists of Corax, vow to complete a Primaris Captain and Lieutenant by 11:59 PM on September 15, 2017.



Edited by Damo1701
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I, thewarriorhunter, for the Raven Guard, vow to complete  a 5 man unit of Cataphractii Terminators by 11:59 PM on September 15, 2017.


(Thanks to Valaas for allowing me to enter)


Current WIP thread that will update all progress and vows: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/336983-raven-guard-vindicet-honorem-forward-strike-detachment/



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Finally gotten around to updating everything... yall been busy! Awesome stuff i seen, and seeing new people participating is great as well.




side note... after i updated everything and refreshed the page, it's showing that a lot of the links aren't working... is it just my busted laptop or have a made some type of error?


Let me know guys!

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Finally gotten around to updating everything... yall been busy! Awesome stuff i seen, and seeing new people participating is great as well.




side note... after i updated everything and refreshed the page, it's showing that a lot of the links aren't working... is it just my busted laptop or have a made some type of error?


Let me know guys!


Cheers for tracking the vow's, your definitely far more organised than I would be!


Links seem busted from Mr.Po down, not idea why.

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Vows completed!






I hope to get more pictures during the week. Along with another possible vow before the open day.


Nicely done


Vow #2 Complete....


I present Veteran Sergeant Race Bannon and his squad of Sternguard Veterans (Elites).


Race Bannon:




Stern Guard Squad:



I'll post picks of the individual squad members in my 4th Company PLOG.


Time to think of what I want to do for my next vow.......assault marines or devastators.


As always comments, questions and suggestions welcome.





those are Sexy Valaas 



Wow, Nusquam, was not really a fan of those models at all until I saw yours. Maybe the posing just seems more dynamic? I don't much like those ammo boxes though, I might just try and have loops of ammo falling out of them.


the good thing about this kit is that the back of the fist is a flat connection piece so you can cut just below the elbow and rotate the hands. It won't line up with the belt feeds though. There is one company i forgot the name of that do bendable ammo feeds for models.


Also they're done:






Hot damn.....



Vow complete!


I, Damo1701, for the Raven Guard Chapter, vow to complete a Fire Raptor Gunship by 11:59 PM on September 15, 2017
Here we go then, the infantry killer supreme.  Let's hope it can light the infantry up the way it did in 7th edition.  Should be fun to do.  I hope I have a game scheduled to use it in today.  Would be fun to see it in action.



Really like the scheme on you Primaris Well done


Vow complete







Aside from some tiny tidying parts, I'm calling it done.






I, Damo1701, for the glory of the Fists of Corax, vow to complete a Primaris Captain and Lieutenant by 11:59 PM on September 15, 2017.





The stalker captain is done. Just my stalker intercessors got confused, and started running around with light gear. Will add the heavier guys when finished...






Ohhh sexy


I spazmolytic of the Raptor chapter vow to complete 1 squad of Interceptors by 11:59pm on September 15





Raptors lead the way

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Going to get my third Sons of Corax chapter in on this since I'm going to paint them for the Sunday team game:


I, Nusquam, for the Carcahrodons Chapter, vow to complete a Primaris Chaplain, Thunderfirecannon with Tech Gunner, 10 Reivers, and a Repulsor by 11:59 PM on September 15, 2017





(5 of them were intercessors with auto bolt rifles but Reivers are better so I cut them up and added Reiver bits)

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Completed! :D

May introduce Lt Race Bannon!


He has a red loin cloth because no one can see his undershirt, but he still wants to everyone to know red is his favourite colour! ;)

The white hair was tough given RG are more jet black in that department ... however Lt RB has an odd case of greying hair... ;)

Original vow:

I, Duz_, for the Raven Guard Chapter, vow to complete one Race Bannon (Space Marine Lieutenant) by 11:59 PM on September 15, 2017.



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