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Commissar done and dusted (Phone camera so even worse quality than the others, will replace them with better photo's tomorrow)





Now to be lazy and not paint anything until the next end of month =)



Edited by Kennyjapan

The Harrowing of Trajan Prime - Month One, Update Two

+ + + Tempus Fugit + + +

Nothing to say really other than the best laid plans can easily be waylaid by the horrors of work. Life is settling back to normal which means I probably could finish this initial vow given that the deadline has been extended. However, it feels like an eternity since I was able to get more than a few hours of sleep or spend time with the family so I think I use the one allowed extension instead and finish this up in month 2. Progress, such as it was, shown below.

Brimstone Horrors WIP


These were originally going to be a purple-blue, starting with white for the hotter areas and fading to dark purple at the coolest. At the last minute I decided to switch to green-blue as I think it will visually fit in better with what I have planned for the daemons. Not entirely sold on the change though. That might be because these are way darker than I intended. I'll continue down this path and see if I like them better after the color is lightened. The only other comment I have is that it is a major pain to remove mold lines on these miniatures given the size and all the curves.

Rubric Aspiring Sorcerer WIP


Well, ambition is still ahead of my rusty painting skills but the challenge is good. The gold trim is mostly done although the color transitions could be better and I still need a few extreme silver highlights. I think I can fix the transitions without redoing it all but we'll see. Not shown here is the experimentation with iridescent medium for the armor as I've been testing on old space hulk models. The plan is the have the armor be a very pale white-blue with purple tones or more of a mother-of-pearl effect.



Completed the vow and the models that I wanted to get done. I am not a big fan of the Hellblaster models or the Basic Intercessors. I love the character models though. (dislike them in the game I think)


Hellblasters  (Prior to the ice effects, cause it takes days to dry and I just applied it last night)







Lieutenants and Ancient:






A Tale of Hobbyists 2017

Update 2

3rd Company, 7th Chapter, 1st Legion

​I have failed to paint even one of my pledged models, let alone a third, as per my stretch goal. I'm going to blame the other Challenges I'm participating in for stealing both my time, and motivation,

​Firstly, August's Challenge, where I'm painting a large scale Space Marine,

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and secondly, the Dark Angels Covenant of Caliban and Paladin Challenges, where I completed a Primaris Leiutenant for my Heralds of Devastation DA Successor DIY,

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Edited by Grotsmasha

Alrighty then, here's a quick update on my Deredeo!


I've managed to undo the damage cause by a rouge drop of glue -- that'll teach me to have a messy work area!! I do think i will look to repaint the head at some point, i want to push it brighter, but this constant quest for perfection leaves me making slow progress and not getting stuff done!!




I'll get better pictures up when I get chance, but wanted to make sure this met the deadline!! Just the apothecary to go!


I've already started on 're-doing/repairing' existing stuff, but i'll post those updates once month1 is done and dusted!!

I Wolf_Priest_Dantay, pledge for month 2... 1 pack of 9 Space Wolves tactical veterans.

As befits the theme for this month, Rebuild and re-arm, 7 of the squad will remain as they are, but will receive a close combat weapon, (either axe or long knife), he remaining 2 will either be ripped apart and rebuilt with plasma guns, or will be relocated to a heavy support squad an replaced with 2 Marines wielding plasma guns.


I would ad the 10th Wolf, however he is my vexilla and was a gift. I feel it is a bit selfish to repaint or re-do a gift that that another person has spent ages working hard at and givn to you. However if needed I will paint an additional hand weapon and tack it on...


Will add pictures here tonight


35915534416_f22daadd32_h.jpg20170715_191733 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr


The first 5, the 2 rocket launchers will get replaced with plasma guns, the banner bearer on the right was a gift, so he shall stay as he is, maybe add a weapon to him to keep in theme

Can you guess which trait my veterans will have? :biggrin.:


35915534226_bae834a392_h.jpg20170715_191813 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr


Addiion of axes an knives to show they have an extra attack for the close combat weapon.


They are a lot brighter than my other Wolves, I guess I need a lighter touch for trying zenithal, I think it is. Fingers crossed the washes will tone it down.


And this is what will be fuelling me over the next week :D


 35915534506_771191eaa0_h.jpg20170715_210517 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr


In HH the rocket launchers with suspensor webs are about 50 points a pop, so while good cost a lo. Also with streamlining, I will want to run these as grey hunters in 40K, and they cannot carry rocket launchers, so plasma it shall be!!

Edited by Wolf_Priest _Dantay.

I got my figure cleaned up enough to attempt painting again. 




But I won't have much time today or tomorrow to work on it. I could probably knock it out on Monday it it's possible for the event. If not, I'm out. 

I got my figure cleaned up enough to attempt painting again. 




But I won't have much time today or tomorrow to work on it. I could probably knock it out on Monday it it's possible for the event. If not, I'm out.


The good news is, the update excludes you from being "out" :tu:

Okay, so, remind me to not do such a large vow so early. I had these guys finished before Friday, but my eyes had glazed over by the end of it that stretch. Also, MAN do I need to figure out a better picture setup...that is supposed to be purple and tan, hard to tell from the picture... Can anyone direct me to a good tutorial for a lighting booth? Anyways, here they are, all done!

I present Two 5-man Intercessor Squads and One 5-man Hellblaster Squad:


Vow 1 Complete

I really need to actually get cracking on my writing (figures, my ACTUAL degree is what I slack on the most...) but some fluff for these guys will be posted soon. Now to debate on whether I want to pump out another figure for the achievement...

Edited by FlamingWalnut

For the second month I pledge another unit of 3 bullgryns. As this entire army project is from scratch I cannot do this month’s special as there is nothing to rearm.


I was going to do the count as Kataphron Breachers Ogryns, but while the conversion work is coming along I do not think I will have time to finish building these and paint them, so while I am painting the vowed Bullgryns I will also be trying to finish building these so that I can paint them next month.

MrKeef, could you please post a close up of the Sorcerer, thank you.

Kage, glad to see that you managed to cleaned him up enough to try to repaint. You do have until sometime tomorrow (Monday) afternoon (US time) as Uveron said on the last page he is extending the deadline as he has to work yesterday and today. Also as others have said you can use your one extension voucher.



I Brother Captain Firelupus, enter the pain glove and hang my head in shame, due to RL I was unable to paint my objective for month one, as such i withdraw from this painting challenge.


Keep up the good work people, looking good

As I have no other models/army to rearm and replace, I will forge on with recruiting the grunts for my Alpha Legion. My second vow will be another ten tacticals to take the total up to twenty. 


Not exactly exciting but an army needs troops first and foremost.

Waahey back to back posts !


Here are the 10 new tacticals from today, I placed the first completed lot in the back rows so you guys know I ain't spamming the same guys xD.


Still waiting for my microsol to arrive :sad.:




Took nearly 2 months to find the 'right' tone of blue, now it seems actually painting them is much faster than the 'experimenting' phase would have suggested.

Edited by Trixie

Very nice stuff everyone :)


I tried to use the weekend extension to get a better camera, but no succes so bad phone pics it is. However got something something lined up for next month! First up is the Contubernium, tabletop ready for now. Will eventually detail these guys more.... if there is still motivation left after 6 units and 50 conscripts.



Did put some more effort into the Frumentarii Disciple Corps agent, hope it shows!




The second month I vow to prepare Knight Scion Elias of House Drakkus for the battlefields of Macragge. This is literally a re-arming project, removed the glued arms on this guy and started putting magnets everywhere.



Lovely work everyone. Here’s my second vow complete;

Second Intercessor Squad:


The Full 2nd Vow, with Cassian Sol



(I am redoing the sword)

I haven’t yet decided on my vow for the next month, hmm. Depends on if I can get the paint stripped off of my Stormhawk.

Ok, so here's where I'm at. If I'm to continue, I need to swap projects to mt Primaris, that's where all of my motivation is right now. Twice I picked up last month's model to paint it, twice I ended up with the Gravis Captain in hand....

I know the first month is up, and changing projects was to be done by now, but if I keep pledging Legionnaires, I'll keep failing, so I'm going to make a bold assumption...

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​Primaris Gravis Captain


I've painted the back of the legs so that I can get the assembly sorted.



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