Iron-Daemon Forge Posted October 14, 2018 Author Share Posted October 14, 2018 Update Following on from Armies on Parade. Just wanted to get a quick photo of my Kill team which is current taken part in a campaign I am current running that my gaming club. Then the Cultist for Call of Chaos. There another two get model before the vow complete. I've got one them built so far. This was one of the reason I've been looking forward to the Necromunda release. Aim to try add a few more models like this. There will be another unit Cultist when the Pit Slaves get release. Just for the Contemptor Dreadnought finish for Call of Chaos. Like a lot my current World Eater, keen eye will notice there 8 skulls/trophy - four on the hull, four on the base. It the same for the Helbrutes with the 8 skulls/trophy :DTwo of the Helbrute are part my Call of Chaos vows. I painted these back in 2007 for my Black Legion force, when codex Chaos Marines was release for 4th ed. There was a third one but I've not been able to find the model that all :( But I'm going to get these models re-painted. This Helbrute arrive during the week there. I've just replace the right CCW arm for a Plasma Cannon & just getting the base fit in line with the rest of the army. Got these to get built by the end of the week for a event I'm going to that the end of October. Subtle Discord, Bjorn Firewalker, firestorm40k and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Biohazard Posted October 14, 2018 Share Posted October 14, 2018 Helbrutes look awesome, especially the guy in the middle :tu: Armies on parade board looks great as well Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted October 15, 2018 Share Posted October 15, 2018 Excellent works. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted October 17, 2018 Author Share Posted October 17, 2018 Thanks for the comments.Update The Forgotten of Goralchis - Warband. Inspired by the Warhammer World campaign weekend & the Warhammer World blood oath display of Daemonkin against Ultramarines. Spent about 5 hour today painting up the three Helbrutes. There still a lot more to get painted & when time permit add transfer to the knee pads with the Khorne icon & World Eater Legion number. Along side the finish Helbrute I got for my birthday. Then two Armiger I'm needing for a event next week. Just waiting on a few part to arrive & they should be fully built by the weekend. Next up Heavy Bolter model for my Trench theme unit & with the Kill team campaign going on that I'm currently running that the club. Just place a order with Bitz box & this will help toward my Khorne Berserker. Next week I'm aim to get two out of the three Maulerfiend & terrain to make up there base I've got Monday 29th October off. Most that is aim on sort a few thing that home. But I'd like to set some time aside for the hobby & it will mainly be building. So the 5 Iron Warriors art work (see below), the Skillcannon & base the three Bloodcrusher. It mean my Call of Chaos vows nearly there. I think all I've got after that is the third Maulerfiend, a Lord & a Rhino. So pretty much got most part I need to build this unit on Monday 29th Subtle Discord, Biohazard, Bjorn Firewalker and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted October 18, 2018 Share Posted October 18, 2018 The World Eaters Helbrutes are well done. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted October 20, 2018 Author Share Posted October 20, 2018 Update Had a bit spare time yesterday get some models built. Making a start on the third Berserker unit & this Battle Brother will be base upon one of the Daemonkin warband - Wrath, that have the Black, Red & the white colour helmet. Then here the three Helbrutes. So after today, there ready for varnish, weather powder, water effect & Blood for the Blood god to get added Here the 4 out of the 5 Iron Warriors. The Apothecary will most like get converted on the 29th October. Just waiting until Wed to get a box of the new 40k ruin building so I can get there base done & also because I will also be buy two Maulerfiend. The two Armiger are almost there. I just need to add the trophy & sort the base on one of them & both need get painted before the end of the week. I'm also going to reassigned this Iron Warrior Battle Brother. For a event I'm going to next weekend, I need a Champion arm with just a Bolter as I sadly don't have the points for power sword**. So I just need to replace the metal IW shoulder pad with a FW one to fit with the squad he will be join. It also allow me add a extra model to them bulk out the squad **No offence to Battle Scribe... but ever list I've ask someone help me out with, ever single one when double checking has been complete wrong on the pts. The Forgotten of Goralchis - Warband The forgotten where forge after the failed Blood Crusade of Angelus Prime shrine world of Sanctoria, which was defended by the Ultramarine Chapter led by there reawaken Primarich. With shatter & under-strength warband uniting, going to the The Boralis Schism system to the planet Goralchis, where fate would once against strike the Warriors of the Blood god. With the warp storm close the planet off for three year, leave them with no reinforcement or resupply. But if there was one think that the planet was not short on, was slaughter. From the Imperial who live on the planet, to the Ork invasion. Goralchis becoming a place of death with broke Ork bastions & skulls rise to Khorne. The World Eater & Battle Brother from different chapter & warband had to result battle in the way of the Warriors of old, with rusted blade & broken armour. So as said my warband has been inspired by the Warhammer World Blood Oath - Angelus Prime display. Then this followed on from the Warhammer World event which allowed us to take up to 200pts worth of extra units. One of the exsample use where on Khorne Berserker on the planet Goralchis which saw them battle orks during the three years they've been cut off from the rest of the system among many other exsample from Nids, Dark Eldar & Tau narrative theme. So this is how the warband looking. Aim getting two out three maulerfiend on Wednesday. All goes to plan, I should have this warband ready by the end of November to get some games. Then looking see what I will add, like Biker & Forge World units. Thousand Eyes, Bjorn Firewalker, firestorm40k and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted October 20, 2018 Share Posted October 20, 2018 Again, well done. I envy your skills. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted October 22, 2018 Author Share Posted October 22, 2018 Update So how mange to get this Wrath battle brother quickly painted during today. Still a few part left to paint, as well as varnish the model & add Blood for the Blood god during some point tomorrow. This is just to try show my Warband been sort like 40k version of the Shatter Legion, but with Khorne Warbands from World Eater, fallen member from different Legion & chapters, as well as different Daemonkin warbands. For Call of Chaos, here he is with rest of a squad (models painted end Sept led up to Nottingham). I just like the colour scheme of them from the Eavy Metal version seen in Daemonkin codex. Then the army painted by a member of the Warhammer World - think Jason who has there Salamander & Mechanicus shown in the White Dwarf? Then here the Helbrutes. They just need one more layer of weather powder on the legs. But for Call of Chaos there complete Aim pick up two Maulerfiend in a few days time. My World Eater force is nearly that 2000pts with a third Maulerfiend, third Rhino & a third unit Berserker (Wrath above will be part off, using the Wrathmonger helmet for this unit) been bought in a week from Saturday :D Just need to sort out there first game, I want to make sure the whole army is fully painted as I can't personal use unpainted models when I can help it. Something about it that off putting for me personal with my own collection. Then the two Armiger ready for painting in a few days time as well. Bjorn Firewalker and Biohazard 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted October 23, 2018 Share Posted October 23, 2018 Will you mount axe heads behind your Armigers' autocannon muzzles, so they may serve as melee weapons? That will make the Armigers look like faithful followers of Khorne. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted October 24, 2018 Author Share Posted October 24, 2018 Will you mount axe heads behind your Armigers' autocannon muzzles, so they may serve as melee weapons? That will make the Armigers look like faithful followers of Khorne. Not a bad idea, fitting with the Autocannon the Forge World Helbrute use to get. Sadly they'll not be added to these Armiger, but something might add to them after the event I'm going to end of the week. Here the Armiger after painting them today. I need to try get them all fully painted by Friday. So tomorrow aim to try get the transfer done & get template added to the right pad & get them all spray tomorrow. Here the finish Battle Brother from the Wrath warband. Then the Battle Brother who will be join the third unit. He will be base on this warband from Daemonkin. Here the IW I painted back 2012 now added to his new squad. For the event I'm take part in this weekend, due to list I'm taken it mean dropping the Power Sword from the unit Champion to try get my list to 2000pts. As said I'm never going to trust Battle Scribe ever again. I just need to replace the metal IW pad with a FW one. Then bought this lot during today. The second & third maulerfiend will be bought next weekend. My World Eater are almost there for 100 power level/2000pts. It just getting that lot next weekend & box of Age of Sigmar models for the third unit of Berserker. Then aim try get a game sorted for them pretty soon. I'm looking forward trying Maulerfiend. While I've got a few for my IW, I've not really use them since 7th ed. So be nice to try use them bit more with the World Eater & again they feature heavy on the Warhammer World Bloodoath display. spraehbuer, Biohazard, hushrong and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted October 25, 2018 Share Posted October 25, 2018 Your Daemon Engines are well done. I hope to see more. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted October 26, 2018 Share Posted October 26, 2018 Great update but man do I love these berzerkers you are pumping out! They are gritty, battle damaged, and fantastic! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted October 28, 2018 Author Share Posted October 28, 2018 Update Just few photos from my wargaming club tournament that was during yesterday & today. As always, had five great games & some epic moment I will remember for a good while. Lord Narach battle against the Wulfen on turn 5. Lord Varik carry the 5th Grand Company standard & along side my Siege Dreadnought. Holding the line against Custodian for 6 round of close combat, before they both fallen to there wounds. In the end it was something like 30 v 20 Maelstorm point with Tactic gambit to the Custodian. Just I though by turn 3 it was over for me & with a few cards I'd gotten. By the end I think there was only 1 Custodian jet bike, 3 Custodian troops & two character, while my force was Lord Narach, three Terminators & 3 Obliterators (one & two for another squad). Bring my armies on parade board with me to display my force. Along side the box & background from the Warhammer World campaign event form last year & last month. Round 3 seen my Iron Warriors against one of the Blood Angels second founding chapter. Both Varik & the Siege Dreadnought taken on all before them. The Siege Dreadnought making a World Eater Berserker look like a brand new recruit to the Astarties with amount combat he'd won. Varik once again battle to the bitter end against Dark Eldar. They always seem to go for the standard... Even in the face of such odds. Round 5 & finial game of today was against Guard in ascension (?) where you get a point per turn holding a object & more if a character held one. Just Varik held onto the slay Ultramarine object from turn 2 to turn 6. He'd slay many Guard units, use a Daemon shell to take out the Guard Warlord, slay Guard Character. Any wound suffer (usely just 1) would be regain by the Fleshmetal armour.Then face 7 Basilisk, which would see him taken down to just two wound. The lone warrior/all that was left. Game ended turn 6, with the Iron Warriors gain 16pts & the Guard having 10 pts for the Mission - in my favor, while point for slay unit was 1921 for them & 900 for me.As always, it moment like this I will remember & why I do the trophy. It just really cool how Varik held out against all odds. Some how Varik seem to gain a lot of great moment during the event & show why he has the honour of carry the 5th Grand Company Banner & has done since the Siege of Terra ;) But now I've move my 2012 & this year Armies on Parade board up stair. During tomorrow when getting a clear out of my room. I'm re-arrange the shelf my Iron Warriors are current display. The AoP board to try help get a bit more space. Just nether will ever be rip apart. I've got idea for next year board as well & hopeful have a bit more time next year for this one. But right now the aim for each AoP board to led up to a gaming table :D Then some hobby. Once clear out happen tomorrow, aim try get a bit hobby sorted.Here the start of my Khorne Herald. Inspired by Slaughterman from Storm of Iron & Dead Sky Black Sun. I got Syn to sculpt the metal trim on the Primaris model & the Khorne icon. My two Autocannon Armiger finish for this weekend event. Bjorn Firewalker, Sgt. Blank and Biohazard 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pearson73 Posted October 29, 2018 Share Posted October 29, 2018 Looks like a great set of games, Varik is truly a warrior of iron and a tough nut to crack. Stuff of legends right there! Â Good start on the Herald, I like the pose. Â Armigers looking cracking too, the contrast from the white star on the black shoulders works really well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted October 29, 2018 Share Posted October 29, 2018 Good job on the Armigers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sgt. Blank Posted October 29, 2018 Share Posted October 29, 2018 Wow InsanePsychopath! Great update on the event and amazing halverins. The quality of your entire force is spectacular and I'm more than a little envious of how fast you turn out such amazing models - it took me a month to do a single armiger. Keep up the great work! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted October 31, 2018 Author Share Posted October 31, 2018 Thanks for the comments Update I was hoping to get a bit more building done, but Monday was thrown out the window as I ended up with a headache. But here some hobby I've mange to get done between yesterday (building) & bit during today (painting). The first Maulerfiend for the World Eater. The other two will be bough on Saturday :D Still build up the base. I'm waiting until I get the base sorted for my unit if Iron Warriors in MkIII armour & the third unit World Eater just see what I will have left. Heavy Bolter Iron Warrior needed for my Kill team. Want to try get a bit more paint added to the model tomorrow so he can be use in the Kill team campaign I'm current running that my gaming club. The second Khorne Berserker for the third unit. Base upon one of the Daemonkin warbands who seem to found his way in the rank of the World Eater. Then the Khorne Daemon Herald, roughly been base around the slaughterman from Storm of Iron & Dead Sky Black Sun. Going try set some time aside on Friday just get last bit detail done & then should be ready for painting during the week. deathspectersgt7 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted October 31, 2018 Share Posted October 31, 2018 That Khorne Daemon Herald...he’s stunning! I love the Iron warriors head with those horns. Are they pinned? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pearson73 Posted November 1, 2018 Share Posted November 1, 2018 Kranon's horns work so well on the herald. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted November 1, 2018 Author Share Posted November 1, 2018 Thanks for the comment That Khorne Daemon Herald...he’s stunning! I love the Iron warriors head with those horns. Are they pinned? Just glue into place, use some spike from the Pox-walker & horn from one of the Bloodletter skulls. Where do I start on this...? Needless to say I am looking forward to this release. While I'm waiting for a bit more detail art work or model preview of the Chaos Marines. Pretty much expect this all, in one forum or another. A lot project are rely on this release. Black Legion, Night Lord, Red Corsair... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted November 3, 2018 Author Share Posted November 3, 2018 Update Start this off with the preview of Black Stone Fortress. Needless to say I really like the updated Chaos models. The Chaos Marines are really great, just I was never a fan of the Chosen from the Dark Vengeance, they where just to mutated & not the direction I wanted for my own Chaos models. Only model I've ever use from the DV box set has been the Lord, but the rest where general donated to friends or sold on. But the Black Stone Fortress models are great. Not just the Chaos Marines, everything else from the Dark Mechanicus & the Renegade Guard. I'm really hope we see return of the Lost & the Damned codex other wise got Renegade list by Forge World. So I'm just really looking forward to this release & the future of Chaos. I will be buy this next weekend. One of the Chaos Marines will be converted as a Iron Warrior just get a idea as I have no doubt we will see a update kit soon. While the other one will be a test model for the long over due return of my Black Legion. As said, really like the Renegade Guard models. Again if they bring out a multi part kit in the future I will be adding a lot of these. Hobby wise New Heavy Bolter Iron Warrior added o the Trench theme squad. He part of my Killteam list for campaign I am current running that my gaming club. Aim to get another Iron Warrior model soon, I just need to wait until the Hero Space Marines are release & would like to get the one has the Grenade for the conversion. Then the second Daemonkin member of my World Eater. Spent today painting the model. So hopeful get varnish tomorrow & Blood for the Blood god painted along with last bit detail. Then got the rest of there squad built between yesterday & today after pick up another AoS Khorne box for the weapon & armour plate. Just waiting on a few other part like the Wrathmonger Icon to arrive. For the squad. The Champion sort been inspired by the Urik Hai from LotR - Two Tower show stand on the rock during the Siege of Helm's Deep. But he also base upon this model from the Warhammer World Blood-oath display. As said have theme my warband on this display. Then it the same with the unit Icon Bearer Wanting base him upon the T face Berskerer with Bolter. Then the second & third maulerfiend, both these will get there base sorted during tomorrow. With this lot bought, I'm nearly got the World Eater to 2000pts & ready for there first game in two week time. I just need to sort out three more Berserker so I can bring two unit up to 10 models. Then some photos my club had taken of my Iron Warriors during our tournament last weekend. There was Space Wolves, Eldar & my own IW up for nominee. Myself & the Eldar where both tie in votes, with the Wolves winning by just 2 votes above our, there 34 people who attended. firestorm40k 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Son of Carnelian Posted November 4, 2018 Share Posted November 4, 2018 Can't wait to see what you do with the Blackstone Fortress miniatures! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Midnightmare Posted November 4, 2018 Share Posted November 4, 2018 Great action shots mate! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted November 4, 2018 Author Share Posted November 4, 2018 Thanks for the comments Quick update I was mean post this yesterday but there seem to be some issue with my internet connection trying up load a few photos to the forum. Anyway - Terminator Hero Marine. A friend had gotten a few boxes of them, part been a Blood Angel hobbiest them self. So the spare one of the extra set & I got this in the first box that was open that my gaming club & one I had ask if they get if they'd mind donate the model. Pretty much my aim to try build the character I had in Space Hulk for the PS4 - See image below this. As part of a diorama I have in mind. But this will be during my next holidays. Also mange to get a few hour spare today & with that getting the second & third maulerfiend base built. As well as sort out the Rhino for the third unit of Berserker. So I just need to build four more Berserker to bring two unit up to ten models. But here how it all looking now & I've got to get them ready in under two week time for there first game. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted November 7, 2018 Author Share Posted November 7, 2018 Update The World Eater are nearly ready that 2000pts & for there first game which is next week. I've just got three Berserker left to build & there still so much painting to get done as I general dislike using unpainted models in my own games. Just built up the Berserker yesterday. Orignaly going to be a member of the Wrath warband, but I ended up losing the side part from the FW Berserker. Though I would just make him as a member of my own Iron Warriors. I wanted to try & see if the Ork jaws would fit & something maybe look into using in future conversion. I'm pretty happy how it turn out, again fitting with the narrative base on the Warhammer World campaign that my warband base upon. How the squad looking so far. So there one more member to add to them who I will aim as a member of the Wrath warband. I'm just waiting on a order for the Wrathmonger icon, just since the models where release for Age of Sigmar I've always wanted to use those icon when ever the time came to collect World Eater. Then there Rhino transport which I just started painting this afternoon. So the Rhino will get painted during the weekend & then the usely weather powder, etc.. Then the Mark of Khorne using the stamp I've cut from sponge. Then just got the Maulerfiend undercoated this afternoon as well & got the shade added. How the warband looking since the last update. As said I've got three Berserker to build, I'm just waiting on a few part to arrive & if friends remember to bring few bits with them as well for the conversion so there ready for there first game. firestorm40k and Biohazard 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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