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There only a week & a few days until Call of Chaos come to a end. I still have the Bloodcrusher & a Skullcannon left to paint, as well as finish painting a 5 IW squad.

With the Bloodcrusher, I just need to paint the metallic on the juggernaut & the base, there pretty much sorted.



Right now I'm using the Grenade thrown IW as a stand in. The Apothercary model will get added, just I want to get that done when I've got the proper time. Right now all about getting models painted for other before Christmas & general just been really busy.


But here the four models after spend time today painting them.


When collecting a army, some time you look back that a few models & think of what you would have change. I've quickly remove & change part on these two models. Give the Dark Angel Battle Brother the chaplain helmet - Bought the model recently to convert up as a present for a friend for Christmas & as a thanks for getting me the Hero Terminator model (see page before this).

Add belt type loin cloth to the Wrath member. Just got one more change & that one of the Rhino crew to have a T face Berserker helmet.


Little bit of work done for the Primaris. I'm just not sure what to do for the base. Part me want to theme them around the Warhammer World Blood Oath display, another part of me want to use the planet Games Workshop release last year or use the base from the Necromunda range.


As said they will be painted as Ultramarine after getting the squad below painted, that where not for me.


Then just got this lot during the weekend. It for my unit of Chaos Bikers. Since I'm on a run with painting the World Eater, I though be good to add a few other unit & just give me option, along side the use of my Khorne Daemons as well.

Got a few idea for this unit, but I want to wait a bit & get the conversion done before I show anything.


Then just pick up my object marker from my local store, as he was take part in a painting comp. I convert another Battle Brother who hunting for trophy. While another two are most like going to be Flesh Hounds & then Khorne or general Chaos Icon with skulls. Hopeful get time to sort out these object marker sooner than later, so like to try sort some this during the weekend.


Looking good, the Bloodcrushers are coming along nicely (amazing that you painted every last one of the small dots on the bloodletters)

But for what do you intend to use the Orruk Brutes in the Biker conversions, if I may ask?

Edited by Kor Dalron
  On 12/5/2018 at 9:18 PM, Kor Dalron said:

Looking good, the Bloodcrushers are coming along nicely (amazing that you painted every last one of the small dots on the bloodletters)


But for what do you intend to use the Orruk Brutes in the Biker conversions, if I may ask?


It for the armour plate & trophy you get in the Orruk box set :D


The World Eater where inspired by a bit in the event pack for the Warhammer World Campaign weekend back in September.  Where a warband of Khorne Berserker where trap on a planet for three year battle Orks.  Nether side having re-supply or reinforcement due to the warp storm.

So I use some the armour plate to patch up battle damage.  Or why you'll see some of the Berserker with Ork jaws as trophy or a few carry the weapon.



At this campaign players will be thrust into the Dark Zones. The Dark Zones are deep in Invader territory, the fringe areas of the system captured by xenos and renegades in the early stages of the campaign. You might battle through Tyranid infested cities, take on your enemies in eldritch ruins, fight through the influences of strange temples and more. This means each table you play on will have its own theme and narrative, creating an exciting layer to your games!

The Dark Zones play an important part in the theme of the weekend, therefore we encourage all players to embrace this. Feel free to bring along some suitable models outside of your usual faction to represent the Dark Zones’ inhabitants. These will have uses throughout the weekend—but we aren’t revealing all just yet!


Converted Khorne Bloodbound miniatures to represent Khorne Berzerkers from Goralchis, three years into their war with the Orks. Without reinforcement or resupply, they’ve long since used all ammunition, their armour is in disrepair and their weapons crude and rusted. They now stalk the battlefield like warriors of old.


With my brand new World Eater force pretty much there for 2000pts/100 power level. I though I would try get some photos of them yesterday, just before there third game. I was a bit rush due to issue with the trains & trying to make it in time for my game.

The Forgotten of Goralchis warband






After the failed assault on Sanctoria. What was left of the Khorne host ether fought on, slaughter to the last Battle Brother, facing the wrath of the Ultramarines & there reawaken Primarich. While other escape, seek to avenge this great loss.

For some, this would be on The Boralis Schism system. Some would say by ill-fate, they arrive on the planet Goralchis & along with a few other planet became cut off from the rest of the Boralis Schism system, know as the Dark Zone. But for Warriors of Khorne, they care not. They planet offer them a wide range of opportunity, from the force of Imperial who call that planet home. But what would favour the Warrior of Khorne, was that the planet had just been invaded by the Orks, with a aim of starting a WAAAHH in the system, before been cut off by the warp rift.

The Imperial on the planet had little change. For three years Goralchis became a warzone of ruin Imperial architecture, broke down scrap of Ork bastion & skulls from human, ork, legion been pile in honour of Khorne. With no reinforcement or supply for any faction, armour broken, Bolter & Shoota running out of ammo. The Khorne Berserker & Orks had to resort to battle in the way of Warrior of old.

Three year on. The warp storm lift. Once again Boralis Schism system that war. Imperial sending force to re-take the Dark Zone. While the force of Chaos & Xeno would battle to claim the dark zone, to get a foothold & launch assault.

The Iron Warriors of the 5th Grand Company landed on Goralchis. The World Eater would slaughter those who oppose the 5th during the campaign & then vanish once more seek more skulls for khorne.



Since then, the scatter unit where gather. They where given a capture Space Marine vessel & now go on, battle in the Long War once more in the name of Khorne.

The Forgotten of Goralchis Warband is made up of mainly World Eater. But also has Battle Brother from other Legion & once loyal Chapter among there ranks. Also bring a tide of Bloodletter & other daemons of Khorne to there side.














So next phase for this lot is

  • Build Biker shown last update.
  • Adding models base on the Warhammer World Bloodoath display. This is pretty much deciding my list as narrative always important to me & what models look cool.
  • I will need to get around & make a Lord for them. But part of me want to wait & see if Khorne get any new release next year?
  • Seem Chapter approve will have a small change to my list, I think I have about 100pts spare with Kh
  • 2 weeks later...


Call of Chaos has now come to a end for this year & you can find photos of my complete vows by here (there to many photos)


Around 50 models painted in three months. The Juggernaut & Skullcannon where a bit rush been painted in the last week with very little time. But I will be going back to them when time permit & get the models finish, mean all that left for my Daemons is a Soul Grinder model, then I can start using them in a few games.

I'm still painting. Though not my own stuff. I've got a Nurgle army I'm painting for a friend & aim have them complete by tomorrow, just before I stop for the Christmas holidays. But I will be taken a small break from painting on Thursday to Saturday.

But here small bit hobby I've mange to get done when time permits.

Vigilus campaign book - I've been looking forward to the start of the Vigilus campaign & currently reading the background. Needless to say I'm looking forward to part two & pray to the Chaos Gods it will be our turn.


Then the gaming version of Chapter approve. Just find having the mission card to be really helpful.


Just making a start on my World Eater biker. The rest of the squad will be like this. But I'm waiting for the new Flesh Hounds to be release separate. Painting going to start on Sunday for this model. Just need to green stuff the base & add trophy. Also need to try pick up some Wrathmonger icon, like the rest of my World Eater models to tie in with the narrative of my warband.

I want this unit to come across as a hunting pack. They are on larger base, but I don't care. This is not been done for gaming advantage, it been done for modelling which is always going to be far more important to me.




Getting a bit of conversion work done to the Black Legion lord. He stay as a Black Legion. I just wanted to convert the spear, using a part from the Varanguard Kit & use one of the FW Khorne heads to make the Lord look a bit more aggressive. The Marine on the base is going to be use for a Helbrute. I want the Lord to look like he twisting mid air. He will be glue onto the flying stand once he fully painted.




I'm going to re-build this Helbrute. I got one early this year from Ebay, but a lot of it had been re-undercoated onto the paint work & would be a nightmare with a lot detail block. But the head & few other part of that model where still ok & I had this model kicking about,

I've just order a few part from Forge World. Aim paint the model on the 24th December.


It this art work that been making me want to get another IW FW Helbrute added.


Just I really like the FW IW Dreadnought & gutted Forge World stop selling them.


But it seem since 2012, it became a habit to paint a Dreadnought on the 24th December. Not sure why, it just always seem to happen.


I am also thinking add a few bit to the Siege Knight. It mainly trophy. The Siege Knight has been use a lot as part of my core list for a lot of events. He been there for a lot of those key moment, games that I will remember for those epic moment that have happen. So though it was time to honour them.


Last year Warhammer World campaign event. My Siege Knight went on a rampage slay around 4 Tactical squads. Then gone on to slay the Crimson Fist Captain which was part of my object for the mission - All Imperial HQ where view as a saint, if slay would grant me extra rule in the following game.
Just it taken everything I had trying to slay this Captain, from a Helbrute, Lord Narach, Terminators, Chaos Marine squads & Maulerfiend. It just seem to be the moment the Siege Knight arrive, cover in the blood.


I want to add a Grey Knight trophy. This was my 999th game from Warhammer World Throne of Skulls back in April. This game stand out as by turn 4 to turn 6. It was just Lord Narach against Drago, both on a single wound. It became one of my hardest fought games, over taken the Wolves game which saw both of us having three models each.

So I will use the Grey Knight helmet from the FW Crew member.


Again from Throne of Skulls April this year. Round 5 would see my Iron Warriors battle there 1000 game against the Alpha Legion. Again really epic & a great way to mark this game. Since then, we've both already trade a few part, there a Iron Warrior trophy now on the Daemon Prince & I have a Alpha Legion trophy on my Hellwright.

Now it time for my Knight to have one.


Then I'm thinking getting a Death Korp from this game from my gaming club tournament. Round 5, seen me against Guards. This was turn 6, where all I have left is my Chaos Lord Varik the standard bearer on two wounds who held on for dear life against so many Basilisk.


So this is something I'd like to try sort during the Christmas holidays.

  On 12/17/2018 at 9:04 PM, Insane Psychopath said:
Just making a start on my World Eater biker. The rest of the squad will be like this. But I'm waiting for the new Flesh Hounds to be release separate. Painting going to start on Sunday for this model. Just need to green stuff the base & add trophy. Also need to try pick up some Wrathmonger icon, like the rest of my World Eater models to tie in with the narrative of my warband.

I want this unit to come across as a hunting pack. They are on larger base, but I don't care. This is not been done for gaming advantage, it been done for modelling which is always going to be far more important to me.




Getting a bit of conversion work done to the Black Legion lord. He stay as a Black Legion. I just wanted to convert the spear, using a part from the Varanguard Kit & use one of the FW Khorne heads to make the Lord look a bit more aggressive. The Marine on the base is going to be use for a Helbrute. I want the Lord to look like he twisting mid air. He will be glue onto the flying stand once he fully painted.




Love these two. I think you just gave me an idea for my Biker Lord with that one.

Also, how easy was it to get the FW World Eater head in Haarken's neck area? I've heard some people say it's difficult due to some Astartes rebreathers sticking out too much? And is that one of the Terminator heads or is it from the normal marines kit?

  On 12/17/2018 at 10:09 PM, Gederas said:


Love these two. I think you just gave me an idea for my Biker Lord with that one.


Also, how easy was it to get the FW World Eater head in Haarken's neck area? I've heard some people say it's difficult due to some Astartes rebreathers sticking out too much? And is that one of the Terminator heads or is it from the normal marines kit?



You will need to cut a bit from the vox on the power armour to try make it a bit more flat & I've went with the FW power armour version.  But it be great see how the once from the Terminator would look for this model :D  There one from the Terminator kit that has a Chaos icon scared as well, just think this would be type stuff this Chaos Lord would have/do.


Also be nice to see clump foliage out of the backpack to show flame.  But I not be doing that personal.


  On 12/18/2018 at 5:12 AM, Augustus b'Raass said:

I still think it is so awesome that you number your games, and have since forever. That's so boss


I just want to keep a tally for them.  I removed the win, loss & draw a while back as it was not really the point.  It more about the fun games & remember the epic moment & why the trophy are added.

  On 12/18/2018 at 8:35 AM, Insane Psychopath said:
  On 12/17/2018 at 10:09 PM, Gederas said:

Love these two. I think you just gave me an idea for my Biker Lord with that one.


Also, how easy was it to get the FW World Eater head in Haarken's neck area? I've heard some people say it's difficult due to some Astartes rebreathers sticking out too much? And is that one of the Terminator heads or is it from the normal marines kit?

You will need to cut a bit from the vox on the power armour to try make it a bit more flat & I've went with the FW power armour version.  But it be great see how the once from the Terminator would look for this model :biggrin.:  There one from the Terminator kit that has a Chaos icon scared as well, just think this would be type stuff this Chaos Lord would have/do.

Ah, I see. Well, I suppose I'll just have to check myself what you mean when I get mine (and the FW order arrives after being placed) to see what you mean.

Your conversion on the new raptor lord brings him right to how he should be ! 

I felt uneasy about his spear, without knowing why, and the simple spear head swap just answers the question.

In the same way, the head swap is just perfect, I felt that the official head was somehow goofy or smth...not very convincing for such a character. Now he really show who he is !


Overall, your plog here is always truely inspiring. What I find the most outstanding is your ability to alway tie your models to the background, be it official GW background or just the one that you build through all you games with this army.

I do like that head on the Lord - it is one of my faves in 40k as it looks so brutal and has so much character. Nice work :tu:


The bike/hound looks like it is part of a diorama. You should ‘armies on parade’ them!

  On 12/18/2018 at 5:56 PM, Gabocius said:

Your conversion on the new raptor lord brings him right to how he should be !

I felt uneasy about his spear, without knowing why, and the simple spear head swap just answers the question.

In the same way, the head swap is just perfect, I felt that the official head was somehow goofy or smth...not very convincing for such a character. Now he really show who he is !

Overall, your plog here is always truely inspiring. What I find the most outstanding is your ability to alway tie your models to the background, be it official GW background or just the one that you build through all you games with this army.


For me the narrative & collecting models I think look cool is one of the most important part of the hobby for me. It not my hobby to collect a army that is current the top thing, then sell them off when it is no longer the case.

I'm spend a lot of time & energy so I want to go all out, making something that cool. For the Iron Warriors, I can honesty say I've enjoy converted every single model & painting them. I will keep adding onto them.

It like the World Eater just recently. I was making sure that I kept focuse on getting the army all fully painted, trying to not get side track just so I could have them gaming ready for 2000pts/100 power levels.

  On 12/21/2018 at 2:29 PM, Midnight Runner said:

I do like that head on the Lord - it is one of my faves in 40k as it looks so brutal and has so much character. Nice work :thumbsup:

The bike/hound looks like it is part of a diorama. You should ‘armies on parade’ them!


I've sort of got a board in mind, but there a bit time until Armies on Parade ;) But you will need to get the new Black Legion lord for your own force with a unit of Raptor or Warp Talons.

Small update

I was a little burnt out on painting Tuesday there & just taken a few days break. But I should hopeful be spending tomorrow getting a few models painted or that least added the "IV" transfer onto the T face berserker helmet that a lot of my Iron Warriors have. Something I added to a squad last year & though it look really cool.

But got few other stuff built or that least base during yesterday & today. Or Thursday & Today been spent gaming just to have that break & because I don't think I will be getting any games over the next two week over the Christmas holidays.

My Forge World order arrive yesterday. It only a order from Games Workshop I'm waiting on - Empire Flagellants, so I can use the banner as a loin cloth, that hasn't arrive today which is a bit gutting. However, I can paint the Helbrute on the 24th, which seem to have became a tradition since 2012.

The Helbrute was roughly inspired by the art work from the Will of Iron comic (see below) as well as Berossus, from Dead Sky Black Sun. Something I've sort of been trying to get done for the past few years.


Augmented and extensively engineered since his interrment, Berossus’s mechanical form towered above the other dreadnoughts of his grand company, his leg assemblies strengthened and widened to allow him to carry heavier and heavier breaching equipment. The dreadnought’s upper body was scarred and pitted, the testament of uncounted sieges engraved on its adamantium shell. One arm bore a mighty, piston-driven siege hammer, the other a monstrous drill ringed with heavy calibre cannons. Four thick, iron arms ending in vicious picks, blades, claws and heavy gauge breachers sprouted from behind Berossus’s sarcophagus and hung ready for use over his armoured carapace. -Dead Sky, Black Sun




Just because I had my Siege Dreadnought near by.


The Khorne Biker, now base, has trophy & the wrathmonger banner to fit in with the rest of my warband & how I want to theme them.




The Black Legion lord. Again just got base, but I've also moved the flying stand a but further up on the ruin building & this will help balance the Lord a bit more. So that will get glue one the base & model are both painted. This might get done tomorrow.


Then the squad of Ultramarines. After painting my first Primaris Ultramarine squad last year. I though I would updated it so the Sargent was now a Veteran with the background moving forward with Vigilus. I like the idea that this squad are part of the kill-teams sent to hunt down the Genestealer cults & Chaos. I might model a hero for them as well. Just need to add transfer & later on just tidy up a few part & paint parts I may have missed.




Sadly didn't get as much time as I'd like to get the Helbrute painted. Pretty much the train service here have been a mess for the past month & I got effected by it during today. Leave me with just a hour in my local store to paint, instead of 2-3 hours.

But here what I've mange to get done both painting that my local store & free time when that home while not play Space Hulk on the PS4 & sort out Christmas present for tomorrow.



As said I just really like the Forge World style Chaos Dreadnoughts. Just I'm not all to keen on the Helbrute model, like the Chosen from the 6th ed box game. It just the to mutated look, but I can that least convert them a bit to fit the look I want.

But much prefer the Forge World Dreadnought. With the change in chapter approve, make them cheaper. I'm looking try a few more in different list.


Again, just shown part from the FW IW Dreadnought been use on other models.


I spent a bit time yesterday adding the "IV" icon onto the side of the T face Berserker helmets. Just after trying this out on a unit of Iron Warriors for Throne of Skulls September. I though about going back & add this to my other models. Christmas holidays seem to be the best time try get this done, few year ago allow me to rebase all my models to 32mm base.


Out of any Iron Warrior. This Battle Brother is the one who has seen the most change. He was the test model I painted back in November 2011, below what he look like back then.



With a bit spare time yesterday after add transfer to my Iron Warriors. I though would get transfer added to my Primaris Ultramarines





Thanks for the comments.

Christmas has been & gone ( :( ). The first week of my holidays has now passed. Hobby wise - I ended up getting a Chaos Rhino which is going to get converted up as a Scorpius, from the FW Index list. There something I've not seen to many off & it seem very Iron Warrior.

Then the Chaos art work book, while I did get this from my store birthday. Family like to try get me a book for Christmas time.


I end up spend Christmas day painting & try to get the FW IW Dreadnought finish. Just the PS4 game family where getting me, turn out staff had mix it up with one that was release last year & I already have/completed.

There still a few bit detail left to paint on the model, which will get done on Saturday.





Then I also got this FW model for Christmas as well. He will act as a Chaos Lord with Bolt Pistol & Chainsword. Just for those smaller games or game where points are against me. But mainly, this is just a really cool model & something I've been looking forward to been release since it was preview a few month back from Warhammer World. So he going to get undercoated tomorrow & ready for painting on Saturday.



Just a quick update as I'm still currently spend a lot time play Assassin's Creed on the PS4.

Got last few part painted on the Helbrute, I just need to add weather powder to the engine part. I just need to work out a list to try get him & my other Helbrute for the first game 2019 during next week.


Spent today getting this model painted. There still a few part left to paint, so I might try keep a hour or two spare tomorrow.




Then the Black Legion Lord. Again there still a lot left to paint on the model. I've had to sort out the flying part quite a lot on the model & having to re-pin part of the model to help keep it balance. I just wanted him twisting mid air, ready to throw the spear into his target.




++On tour soon...++

Then got the Noise Marine today. I'm still planning few part conversion & I am planning on how I would like to paint the model. One part of me was thinking painting each section of armour to rep the different Legions for Chaos.


Another part of me though about looking that this art work John Blanche done for WD 202/2nd ed codex Chaos


Also though I would look back over 2018 for this log & part stood out for me over this year.

Dreadnought vs Dreadnought

Just me & one of my friends agree to just match our list on the amount Dreadnought we had, along with a Lord & then 3x Warpsmith or Iron Priest. I ended up having to let my friend borrow about 6 to 7 Space Wolves dreadnought from my own army to make up the number.

End of the day it was just for fun & how often can this get done. All I can remember from the game is the chain re-action when Dreadnought from both side started to blow up.


Then this one against my friend Orks a few week later. Just the Exalted Champion held up against 30 Orks, it ended up take a Stompa to slay him near the end of the game.


Limited ed art work on the Black Legion novel by ADB. I still have plans on starting a Black Legion force, it just depend on new models.


Double event early in the year. Where all the armies up for nominee where tie on votes from 30 people who attended the event.


Warhammer World Throne of Skulls April.
I really enjoy travel to Nottingham to take part in the Warhammer World event & general seen a lot of cool hobby.

The photo was just taken on the Friday before my game started against my friend. I'd just book the titan table as it was just brought into the gaming hall.



Throne of Skulls April would see some of the best games I've fought in the hobby. Round 4 would see my Iron Warriors battle there 999th game against the Grey Knights. I've said a few time a game against Space Wolves ToS Nov 2012 was one of the hardest fought games of 40k I fought, with just three models on both side from turn 4 to turn 7.

This game ended up take over. Turn 4 to turn 6 would see Lord Narach & Drago left, both on a single wound each, lock in combat. For me this is what I enjoy in the gaming side & something I will remember for a long time. Just the image of it as well.


Throne of Skulls April round 5 would then see my Iron Warriors battle there 1000th game. Was surprise when the event team announce this, with a lot of them know & seen my Iron Warriors over the years.

Again it ended up as a blood game. The Daemon Prince seen here now has a Iron Warrior trophy to rep this game.


Getting transfer commission. Just I was really happy with how they'd turn out & just have a list campaign base on background & once I'd take part in gaming wise. It really important for me to have that narrative.


I though I would see where my Iron Warriors count was. This was early in the year & around 700 models. Since then, there that least been another 100+ added with the World Eater & the large unit of Cultist.
This photo show my Iron Warriors, Chaos Knight, Chaos Guards, Death Guard & Khorne Daemons.


Then the Iron Warriors return to Warhammer World for the Dark Zone campaign. Again really enjoy the Warhammer World events, fought 7 great games & seen cool hobby.
It also because of this event, that I sort of jump forward to start my World Eater. As it was suggested you could bring up to 200pts worth free models as part of the narrative. One of the suggestion was on World Eater & the planet they'd fought on against the Orks for three years.


Take part in Armies on Parade again. Just this is a event I like. However I didn't have the time I would have liked & ended up building & painting the board around 5 hour in all. As well as face problem with the plaster not proper drying & remove when I dry brush the board. This was all done the week led up to the Armies on Parade deadline.

So 2019, I would like to get this done a bit more in advance. Aim to try link up the tables as part of my gaming table for home use, as I would like to try get more games in during the week. Right now it just one game a week that my gaming club.


Rapid Fire - My gaming club event. Just again five great games. With the last game really helping end a great weekend. When Lord Varik held up turn 5 & 6 against the Guards as he was all that was left. Holding onto a object, slay the warlord with a Daemonic shell, slay two unit of Guards & take out a few more Character in close combat. He just didn't want to let go. It really did come down to a dice roll, as turn 7 he would be face 7 Basilisk who all move further forward so they could use there Heavy Flamer to try take him down.


World Eater - After building a few unit for Warhammer World. I just wanted to get a army sorted & ready for gaming. I had to put a lot stuff to one side & focuses on getting all this complete to 100 power level or 2000pts. I didn't want them to be a repeat of my Chaos Guards which was a on/off project from 2012 up to 2015 & getting to point it needed to get complete back then or it would never have happen.

Now it just looking on, see what models I will add onto next. Base a lot unit chose on the Warhammer World Bloodoath display which was a big inspersion toward this.


  On 12/29/2018 at 11:04 PM, Bjorn Firewalker said:

Impressive work. Where'd you get the Noise Marine's boltgun/guitar combination weapon?

Most likely from the new kit? Especially seeing as how that's the model with only the mohawk missing and a backpack banner-pole added? :lol:

Thanks for the comments :D


Since the last update. The rest of my holidays was pretty much spent play Assassin's Creed on the PS4. But with my holidays near there end, I though try get some hobby quickly done as well.

Start of my World Eater Biker. Just started painting this model today. I want the rest of the squad to be like this, with Flesh Hounds along side them to have that hunting vibe. Track down prey.

I just need to get the new Flesh Hound models.




During Christmas, I got a Chaos Rhino as a present with aim of converting this up as a Scorpius. A chose from the FW Index for Chaos Marines. I'm always looking for cool new models to add to my Iron Warriors & most all allow me to get some conversion done. There could been easier ways do this, like buying the Whirlwind.

But I wanted to convert mine up following Ebolahand, a member who use to post on here & had a really great Iron Warriors force back in 2005-2006. I've added photos just below these once to show off the conversion he'd done.

He posted up template he had made for doing this conversion. I think his plan was using it as a Rhino with Havoc Launcher. But I've done that with the Space Marine Hunter tank for my Havocs units.

Just I like the model & there been a lot of hobbiest who have really inspired me & want to try do my own take of a conversion they'd done.







Also got around to convert up another Battle Brother for my Khorne force. He going to be a member of the Wrath warband. I still need to work out my list after the recent Chapter approve release & just to see what I can add with the points. So far I've got 100pts from the Helbrute alone.


Also, beside Weather powder. That the Helbrute now finish. While take a break or letting paint dry on the World Eater Biker above. I though I'd look & get any last bit painted on the Helbrute. Aim to try get him in his first game this week, along side the two other FW IW Helbrute & Siege Dreadnought. If possible, I'd like to try get some photos of that game as well.



I can't remember if I posted the Black Legion lord yet. But he almost there. As said a lot of my time during the holidays has been toward my PS4.



Speaking of Black Legion - Was really happy to see this shown off, from today Warhammer World open day. Needless to say I am really looking forward to this release. I've already said about my views on the Black Stone models & how I think they look really great. But how I really dislike the Dark Vengeance Chosen models.

Once again, seen this Black Legion model. He cool. He not over the top mutated. I don't know if he a dark apostle or a Sorcerer. All I care is that he a cool model & I can see me using the model for a lot of conversion in the future as well.

It not only that... It also mean I can go forward with a lot of project I've sort of kept back.


One of the main project I'm looking forward going back to is Black Legion. The first Chaos army I started with in a few months in the hobby, because of John Blanche art work - see first post in this topic.

First conversion shown in the right. The other Chaos Lord was part of my re-vamp Black Legion force back in 2001 starting about a month before I made the change to collecting Iron Warriors.


Then bit of a update with the Ultramarine. I've just add a squad number to the shoulder pad. Then it just tidy up a few part. But there nearly complete & I might get the Ultramarine character from the conquest mag painted up for Kill-team games.



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