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[DW] Blackthorn and Swordhand: OOC Thread

Commissar Molotov

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IIRC, Solastions Character sheet does have an "xp expenditure" Section at the bottom which are:

  • Sanguinary Priest -> 500
  • Frenzy (Blood Angels Chapter Advance) -> 400
  • Simple Intelligence Advance -> 200
  • Battle Rage (Blood Angels Chapter Advance) -> 400 (this lets me Parry whilst Frenzied)
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Along the lines of what Slips said, Tyber's sheet lacks that section....

I modified mine to have all those sections hahah :tongue.:


Take a gander and copy-paste from it if you can: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OErvpLJOIMTY5nXUgo16mSJ125WPfgk5sa84_iB9YR0/edit?ts=5a5de358#gid=370300549

Edited by Slips
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Along the lines of what Slips said, Tyber's sheet lacks that section....

I modified mine to have all those sections hahah :tongue.:


Take a gander and copy-paste from it if you can: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OErvpLJOIMTY5nXUgo16mSJ125WPfgk5sa84_iB9YR0/edit?ts=5a5de358#gid=370300549




Thanks, I'll mess about with it later... not working nicely for me at the moment... as it stands I keep Tyber's expendauters on an XL sheet on my hard drive....

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I love that song! Actually, I AM humming that while booting the pc at work in the morning. Seriously! :)


Stil having trouble accessing the sheet . .and I think it is not showing the basic Techmarine skills... or am I getting an old sheet?

I am not at home at the moment... The sheet also says 500 of 500 Xp?! But we were at 1000 starting Xp ?!

. and I can't seem to find my notes on that....sigh...


So...I can at least contribute

Starting XP 1000 Pts


The Flesh is weak 500 Pts ( IH advance)

Deed : Price of Victory 100 Pts (.. ?... damn my handwriting ...)

Tech Use + 100 (IH advance 400 Pts )


Current XP 500


Really undecided here...

I have written "The Flesh is weak" in variations that I should upgrade that to Rank 2 :p

Or I could take the first Int increase to show the focus on the creed after the events on the Dorsal Spine..

Or maybe up WS since Sabaan lost to Solastion in CQC ...



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I love that song! Actually, I AM humming that while booting the pc at work in the morning. Seriously! :smile.:


Stil having trouble accessing the sheet . .and I think it is not showing the basic Techmarine skills... or am I getting an old sheet?

I am not at home at the moment... The sheet also says 500 of 500 Xp?! But we were at 1000 starting Xp ?!

. and I can't seem to find my notes on that....sigh...


So...I can at least contribute

Starting XP 1000 Pts


The Flesh is weak 500 Pts ( IH advance)

Deed : Price of Victory 100 Pts (.. ?... damn my handwriting ...)

Tech Use + 100 (IH advance 400 Pts )


Current XP 500


Really undecided here...

I have written "The Flesh is weak" in variations that I should upgrade that to Rank 2 :tongue.:

Or I could take the first Int increase to show the focus on the creed after the events on the Dorsal Spine..

Or maybe up WS since Sabaan lost to Solastion in CQC ...





Honestly, could see Sabaan going with one of these:


The Flesh is weak 2 (500); Iron Hands table -- +1 armour, not a bad thing

Tech Use +10 (400); Iron Hands table -- better tech use, never a bad thing

Autosanguine (500); Techmarine table -- This one lets you auto heal 2/day, always considered lightly wounded, it's little robots in your blood healing you all the time....

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I'm with Mol, think of it like this.


The Flesh is weak.

The Invective carrier of fuel and healing for the flesh is blood.


Emotions are born in the flesh.

Emotions churn the blood and enervate the flesh.


Command of Iron must be borne into all.  The Flesh must be tempered by Iron.  Emotion must be tempered by Iron.

Iron must become one with blood.

Strength.  Vitality.  Living Iron.





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Oh, I thought it was in some limited to an active skill used or something like that.


But I can certainly see your points there and can easily justify it from the integrated dreadpart parts as having already been part of his body all along ... Sabaan might just not have fully realized that since he had not taken part in active combat before being seconded to the Deathwatch. The Autosanguine nano aspect is quite fitting to the back story... maybe his is quite literally being ...flooded... withthose parts of the living ancestors in those moments.

I like that! Think that is were my 500 XP are going .. will have to think on writing something up along those lines!

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Along those lines Slips, the Dark Angel's curse for Tyber could be interesting..... Though I do enjoy some of the effects that brothers rack up per 10 insanity points...


I can have a lot of fun with both "Ear of the Emperor" and "Ancestral Spirits" for Tyber.... battle rage, righteous contempt and endless redemption not so much...

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You say that buuuut:


Pride of Ultramar (Ultramarines)

Level 1 (The Emperor’s Finest): Ultramarines consider themselves the Emperor’s favoured sons and the pride of the Imperium. This can lead members of the Chapter to consider others incapable or unable to complete missions that should by rights fall to the Ultramarines. The Battle-Brother always volunteers his Kill-team for the most dangerous or challenging Missions whenever possible and always ensures his team is where the fighting is the thickest.


Page 281



Side note, as I went over what I was looking into for Solastion, I finally read the Raven Guard stuff in first founding.


Some thoughts for potential shenaniganry:


Guerrilla Training:

  • Lets the marine ignore penalties to Concealment, Silent Move and Shadowing rolls while in Power Armor

Can get up to Concealment +20 at rank 1

Can get up to Silent Move +20 at rank 1


Cameleolines can be requisitioned for 20 with no renown requirements which gives a +20 to Concealment; additionally, if they don't move, they count as being one range bracket further (Point Blank -> Short, Short -> Long, Long -> Extreme)


All stealth skills use agility as a base and, since youre Raven Guard it would be on-brand for Mk VI Corvus which gives a +10 Agi.


Raven Guard solo mode (master of the shadows) permits the marine to reroll failed Concealment, Silent Move and Shadowing rolls; Basically, at Rank 1 with at least 1200xp spent (200,300,300 for Concealment, +10, +20 respectively and 400 for Guerrilla Training), if you have a starting Agi of 50 up to 60 in Corvus and a Cameleoline cloak, you can have a Concealment roll of a 60 + 40 that you can reroll if you fail.


Get a weapon with a Silencer or, better yet, a Stalker Bolter with Stalker Rounds and be a literal bullet ghost.


Conversely, go full ninja assassin / solid snake with a Jump Pack.


They sure as hell nailed the ghost marine vibe if you go all in hahahaha

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Side note, as I went over what I was looking into for Solastion, I finally read the Raven Guard stuff in first founding.

The raven guard stuff is really really good for sneaking around (compared to their raptor brothers who get ... +20m range on their boltguns, at rank 8 :p - couldn't turn down that fancy sight though).


The wings of the raven jump pack is also quite a thing. For those times when you want to charge someone from 100 meters away without anyone seeing you...

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I still like my RG TechnoShinobi Concept !!!


But happy I went with IH --- Sabaan is good fun to write!


We could do an all RG / Successors Spin off some day.... ;)


And just have to leave this here:


" Only the Insane have the strength to proper.

Only those who prosper have the strength to judge what is truly insane!"



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On a serious note, I don't want Sabaan to be rogue trooper, talking to the former dreadnoughts. I think it is important to leave it ambiguous as to whether Sabaan can commune with them, or whether his hold on reality is slipping. Your characters are super enough that they don't need more super powers!


I also would like to know more about Atratus as I feel he is the quietest character at the moment!


Something else for you all to consider when thinking about conversations or monologue - is this the first time you've fought Tyranids?


Is Vaidan thinking of Macragge?

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Totally ok with that ... I love the ambiquity about the Character of Sabaan. I actually do not even see / want those questions brought to closure.


But i der how that could be worked into the narrative both as an explanation äs Rp why Sabaan now realises he has a pretty major implant he didn' realise he had (even if it was there all along) and also a nice in game option / in character explanation to those BLIPs .

It opens up good explanations for either side of the argument. That is what I meant.

There is no blueish Guy in that power armour ;)

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Nicely done A.T., great to see our Raptor talking more, rather than sitting back living up to his chapter's name sake.:wink:



Along those lines, I'm really looking forward to seeing what Dos puts up there.:biggrin.:


Also, long weekend this weekend for me, not sure if I'll find time to post, but I'll try.

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