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[DW] Blackthorn and Swordhand: OOC Thread

Commissar Molotov

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Read and understood CM, no debate from me. I'll edit my post later with the appropriate reaction to the big guy surviving the blast.


It was never my intention to imply that you were being unfair or bending the rules in any way. Having been a GM/DM for the better part of 20 years now, I know there are times to set artificial goals to be meet by the players to turn what seems hopeless around.


I was guessing it was close stat wise to an Astartes with a TB of 8 and HP close to that of Tyber (19-ish) based on that the Krak grenade would've put it at -7. As I said, no debate from me, sorry for over stepping, no hard feelings on this end, I appreciate the verbal (well written) correction.


As I said, I've got it all saved and will make the adjustments later today, I've got some errands to run this morning, hopefully I'll get a chance this after noon to make that post.

Edited by Steel Company
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Hi all, I am aiming for an update Monday (not too likely that I will be able to do one tomorrow, but it is somewhat possible.)


I will be updating to the end of Round 2/Start of Round 3, and have a post ready for Sabaan as well as Vaidan if necessary. Tyber and Greysight's actions have been declared, as have Atratus's. I will obviously hand Varvost. That leaves Akkad and Solastion. If either Mazer or Slips can get a post or a placeholder in before Monday, it would be appreciated. 

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I'm not going to be able to update before Tuesday morning, Mol.


Steel: don't mind long drives but the Peugeot 206 (with my mountain bike stashed in the back) is a little cramped for a tall lad like me. :lol: But yeah, we're back and getting some well-earned rest. These past two weeks have been non-stop doing stuff so mental and physical exhaustion is high.

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Ok things are about to get bloody.




  • AT and Nine remove the Stubber Teams, Ryken can help (he has a pistol)
  • Xin and I remove the tractors,
  • Varvost is kindly asked by Demi-Squad Leader Solastion to go and Solo mode Burst of Speed up onto a building and next turn jump pack down into the mass around Dos and Steel and chop his way through,
  • Tyber tries not to die - don't forget Killing Strike, Steel - can your Demeanour notch you up a Fate Point to spend here?
  • Mr Albikus speaks nicely to the PDF, maybe a bit quieter this time and blows off a head or three with a Frag grenade?

Dos, not sure if you want to use the flamer so close to Tyber - if you charge the Aberrant though you'll both get ganging up for +10 to hit (each).


Thoughts anyone?



Edited by Mazer Rackham
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Trying not to die is right on top of Tyber's list of things to do... going to get out of the grape first, then go into a defensive stance to get a second reaction at the expense of offensive action... with the intent to write it out as Tyber trying to out last this beast, to tire it and leave it open for a devastating assault.
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I'm working all this week (aside from a doctor's appointment on Friday) which in my particular case is a good thing - it means I'm on a computer rather than a phone and can get a lot more done! So I will try to move things forward. Remember that we have a few players with spotty attendance at the moment! 

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The Foolish man puts his trust in luck, the Wise man puts his Trust in the Emperor! :wink: Another nice shot Nine.


Thanks for the reminder about killing strike MR, I had totally forgotten about it!


No worries - it's what we're all here for.  Good bladework brother!


If AT and Nine are going to scrub the Tractors, I'll switch fire to the stubber teams - GM/Mol, how far are those teams apart or are they a small horde? Thanks In Advance. :wink:



Edited by Mazer Rackham
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The Foolish man puts his trust in luck, the Wise man puts his Trust in the Emperor! :wink: Another nice shot Nine.


Thanks for the reminder about killing strike MR, I had totally forgotten about it!


No worries - it's what we're all here for.  Good bladework brother!


If AT and Nine are going to scrub the Tractors, I'll switch fire to the stubber teams - GM/Mol, how far are those teams apart or are they a small horde? Thanks In Advance. :wink:






In deed, glad that CM chose to use that one over the frag grenade one:yes:.


I'll be editing my post a little later to make it feel more dramatic now that I know  the outcome of the opposed test.


Also here's hoping that I've got that think into critical damage now.... and now to survive it's counter attack, that thing hits like a crashing troop transport from orbit!:sweat:

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Wondering whether I should aim my flamer away from Tyber/Aberrant and douse the horde in another gout of flaming holy promethium or not.



Please don't set Tyber on fire, it could have really bad results.... how ever at least the beasty is one fire already and should take flame damage this round.... maybe shot it with your bolt pistol? you can make a melee attack with a pistol class weapon after all, using you ballistic skill... I mean we are already in melee with it after all (see where it swung at us both) and you cannot use a basic class weapon, such as your flamer while in melee....

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The one thing I would mention is that several players have talked about the vox-link being of poor quality - this works well with roleplayers doing what they want, but not so much with Space Marines operating as a cohesive unit. For example, Greysight and Atratus are not communicating about which traktion engines they're targeting - is Akkad going to know exactly where the heavy stubbers are and that they should be targeted (and/or that nobody else is targeting them?) 


Steel - I have mentioned how many wounds the Aberrant has left! 

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The one thing I would mention is that several players have talked about the vox-link being of poor quality - this works well with roleplayers doing what they want, but not so much with Space Marines operating as a cohesive unit. For example, Greysight and Atratus are not communicating about which traktion engines they're targeting - is Akkad going to know exactly where the heavy stubbers are and that they should be targeted (and/or that nobody else is targeting them?) 



Aha! *pops on his persuading hat* Oh GM of great benediction, at whose whim great mountains and the world doth shake, at whose behest our mortal enemies flee *ahem* ok. ;)


Going to call on Tactics: War here, Akkad has noticed the Bolter fire coming from somewhere to pop one driver, narration on that established - seeing another die, (since Greysight goes ahead of him) he could reasonably assume that particular irritation was being taken care of - he will also know the hordes will break on the barricades - for now - until at least he lets off Cadence, he has seen the lads up on the roof and recognised them as Marines.  He would be able to hear and discern the staccato crack of repeating weapons - they are next biggest threat as the Infantry has a chance at stopping infantry with good bayonet work behind a barricade.  I could take a Per test if you will Mol, to try and establish where and how far etc?  Maybe that would be appropriate?  Then I can decide/be flummoxed after?


To be fair, seeing the picture how it is and having some cohesive understanding over how a battle like this is going, he's probably all for finding out who else is alive and then bugging out.  The humans are all weaklings anyway and Ryken can be  Aberrant-food.  :)


Dos, maybe a Frag Shrapnel salad on the side, sir?





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