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Let's says that 100 turned Wulfen and were released from the webway, 250 are in the webway, 200 lost on Prospero, 50 lost in the webway and another 100 who didn't enter the webway and stayed with the legion. That easilly makes up 600 with some of the numbers being off.


But it sure seemed back in Warzone Fenris vol 1 that there were more than 100 returning Wulfen. That'd only be what, 8/9-ish per Great Company, less than a full pack (less if you count the first set that Harald picks up, yet all 12 Companies still have Wulfen to find). While ragging on GW for being bad a scale is nothing new, that seems implausibly few for the shenanigans they get up to (ignoring for the moment that the entire 'released by Magnus for scheme' thing is complete :censored: too), especially as multiple packs appear in the same place.


I don't know, it just seems that 'Ashes doesn't tell us what happened to the entire 13th Company' seems like a better explanation than trying to fit everything currently known about the post-retcon 13th into the (pretty small overall) contingent that went to Prospero.

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I don't know, it just seems that 'Ashes doesn't tell us what happened to the entire 13th Company' seems like a better explanation than trying to fit everything currently known about the post-retcon 13th into the (pretty small overall) contingent that went to Prospero.

Escpecially since that book is rife with errors anyways...

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Let's says that 100 turned Wulfen and were released from the webway, 250 are in the webway, 200 lost on Prospero, 50 lost in the webway and another 100 who didn't enter the webway and stayed with the legion. That easilly makes up 600 with some of the numbers being off.


But it sure seemed back in Warzone Fenris vol 1 that there were more than 100 returning Wulfen. That'd only be what, 8/9-ish per Great Company, less than a full pack (less if you count the first set that Harald picks up, yet all 12 Companies still have Wulfen to find). While ragging on GW for being bad a scale is nothing new, that seems implausibly few for the shenanigans they get up to (ignoring for the moment that the entire 'released by Magnus for scheme' thing is complete :cuss too), especially as multiple packs appear in the same place.


I don't know, it just seems that 'Ashes doesn't tell us what happened to the entire 13th Company' seems like a better explanation than trying to fit everything currently known about the post-retcon 13th into the (pretty small overall) contingent that went to Prospero.

*Blows dust off my 7th Ed codex* so this is the most recent fluff on Russ leaving.


"He rose from the great table, put down his drinking horn, and summoned his most favoured retainers. Of these, only Bjorn the Fell-Handed, youngest of Russ's Wolf Guard, was left behind."


So most recent lore states he only took his companions, minus Bjorn, and left. Nothing about the 13th company is mentioned on page 8 "The Dissapearance of Russ". So we have to take that Ashes of Prospero and Warzone: Fenris is correct, the 13th were in the pseudo webway, killed on Prospero, released as Wulfen across the Galaxy. The most recent lore has laid the foundation. I have yet to see any lore stating that it was the 13th that left with Russ, except fan stories.


As for what happened to all the 13th, I can not say the lore about them is in shambles. However the lore about Russ leaving is written and made clear.

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*Blows dust off my 7th Ed codex* so this is the most recent fluff on Russ leaving.


"He rose from the great table, put down his drinking horn, and summoned his most favoured retainers. Of these, only Bjorn the Fell-Handed, youngest of Russ's Wolf Guard, was left behind."


So most recent lore states he only took his companions, minus Bjorn, and left. Nothing about the 13th company is mentioned on page 8 "The Dissapearance of Russ". So we have to take that Ashes of Prospero and Warzone: Fenris is correct, the 13th were in the pseudo webway, killed on Prospero, released as Wulfen across the Galaxy. The most recent lore has laid the foundation. I have yet to see any lore stating that it was the 13th that left with Russ, except fan stories.


As for what happened to all the 13th, I can not say the lore about them is in shambles. However the lore about Russ leaving is written and made clear.


I'm not talking about Russ, only the 13th. 'Russ took the 13th with him' is a theory I've never seen any justification for in the fluff (note, this isn't the same as hoping Russ will return with the 13th, but that's a different discussion). If I had to guess, I'd say that's probably fan extrapolation from the retcon that the 13th contained most/all of Russ's original Fenrisian comrades.


There have generally been 3 theories about the 13th, going back to their genesis in the EoT days (all laid out in their IA article). The 13th follow Magnus through his escape portal at Prospero, they're unleashed by Russ during the Scouring to hunt the traitors wherever they hide, and disappeared into a webway gate (this one gets the least attention generally). All Ashes/Inferno/Warzone Fenris seem to do (working around the Wulfen retcons) is present the idea that both the first and second options are likely true. Some 13th disappeared at Prospero (does Ashes claim all the 13th on Prospero were with Bulveye in the maze?), with the rest going off during the Scouring. This would be consistent both with the mysterious ships seen during either Warzone Fenris or Gathering Storm (which created much excitement here as I recall), better fits the available numbers/dispositions, and statements by authors around that time that not all the 13th were returning.

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Okay so we were discussing 2 different things. My original comment was a reply to this.


I find it odd they've added Wulfen before the return of the 13th company. The old favourite fan theory was Russ would return with Bulveye at the head of the 13th. I find their addition as "mainstream" units odd and think GW missed a good opportunity there.


I was making it clear that Russ wasnt going to return with the 13th and Bulvye already returned. That the 2 were in totally separate places. Russ isn't returning with the 13th, the 13th has already returned. If Russ returns it is with his personal retinue.

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If Russ returns, it'll be with the remnants of his retinue, and any wolves he found along the way.



Lots of great companies dissappered, or got lost in the warp.



Additionally, what was saved, and returned with bulveye wasn't just 13th co, but remnants of the assault force on prospero, so there's a good chance it's a multitude of companies.


And wolves that got lost in the maze were slowly being ejected as time went, that's why we see pockets of accident wolves turn up since the burning

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Okay so we were discussing 2 different things. My original comment was a reply to this.


I find it odd they've added Wulfen before the return of the 13th company. The old favourite fan theory was Russ would return with Bulveye at the head of the 13th. I find their addition as "mainstream" units odd and think GW missed a good opportunity there.

I was making it clear that Russ wasnt going to return with the 13th and Bulvye already returned. That the 2 were in totally separate places. Russ isn't returning with the 13th, the 13th has already returned. If Russ returns it is with his personal retinue.



Yep, it was only me who floated the idea that Russ would return with the 13th. I just fancied the idea he'd find them and bring them back. 

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so there's a lot of conversions going in in this, but i'm also so i'm pretty sure there's bits from the new primaris upgrade sprue on it too.


1. first guy has a head we've never seen before. either that hairdo is a conversion or its a new head  

2. second guy, i believe he has that new head that was shown off in the 'hiding in plain site video.' he also has a new shoulder pad - it's similar to one of the ones in the current upgrade sprue but slightly different (different number of teeth on the necklace)

5. guy number five, i think that's a new helmet. wolf tail would be an easy conversion but getting that ruby on there is harder.


the other heads - guys 3, 4, 6 - are just heads from the current space wolves power armour sprue. and of course the axes are ironbreaker dwarf axes but a sweet conversion nonetheless.

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so there's a lot of conversions going in in this, but i'm also so i'm pretty sure there's bits from the new primaris upgrade sprue on it too.


1. first guy has a head we've never seen before. either that hairdo is a conversion or its a new head  

2. second guy, i believe he has that new head that was shown off in the 'hiding in plain site video.' he also has a new shoulder pad - it's similar to one of the ones in the current upgrade sprue but slightly different (different number of teeth on the necklace)

5. guy number five, i think that's a new helmet. wolf tail would be an easy conversion but getting that ruby on there is harder.


the other heads - guys 3, 4, 6 - are just heads from the current space wolves power armour sprue. and of course the axes are ironbreaker dwarf axes but a sweet conversion nonetheless.

Simon Grant has already confirmed all of this is conversion from current SW and SM stuff and Ironbreaker axes. There is nothing new. GW is keeping their staff tight lipped about the SW releases.

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I know what Simon Grant said Calder and I dont entirerly believe him. :smile.:


There was a time I thought you were Simon Grant. To my disappointment you are not :p


#1's head definitely looks new. #2 Maybe too. #5 I think is probably new as well. Although we can probably convert something close.


I am a little miffed that half of our SW heads are weird-ish. I want more grizzled nordic warrior, less steam-punk.


Man this primaris stuff looks really good. I am going to try and resist while I finish my dark eldar side project. That which is growing because I love all of their kits and conversion opportunities.

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Those colors don’t do the models any favors IMO. They look like chunky over sized babies.




One day people will stop harping on about the colour choice of Space Wolves. If you like grey, do em grey, but stop moaning when someone chooses to do Space Wolves grey! 

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I don’t give a :cuss about grey or blue. People can do what they want, I’ve been an advocate of people not judging heresy over 40k choices/ furry or not furry for a while. I don’t see how you can look at number one and not think a squating toddler.


How about you quit white knighting and chill out. I’m allowed to not like how those primaris models look. Or don’t you know how a forum works. Opinions.

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Those colors don’t do the models any favors IMO. They look like chunky over sized babies.



One day people will stop harping on about the colour choice of Space Wolves. If you like grey, do em grey, but stop moaning when someone chooses to do Space Wolves grey!

It’s a comment on how the models look from one member’s POV. It’s his choice whether he likes the baby blue grey or not. One day people will stop harping on other member’s own individual views and opinions.

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Side note those iron breaker axes are sweet


Thats why I have been using them on my Wolves for the past few years :)


Dwarf kits are great for SW conversion bits

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I know what Simon Grant said Calder and I dont entirerly believe him. :smile.:

There was a time I thought you were Simon Grant. To my disappointment you are not :p


#1's head definitely looks new. #2 Maybe too. #5 I think is probably new as well. Although we can probably convert something close.


I am a little miffed that half of our SW heads are weird-ish. I want more grizzled nordic warrior, less steam-punk.


Man this primaris stuff looks really good. I am going to try and resist while I finish my dark eldar side project. That which is growing because I love all of their kits and conversion opportunities.

Haha, no. I used to work for a GW video game partner tho.
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Does anyone know what fantasy kit this axe comes from? Oronbreakers are a bit too fancy-dwarf for me and this seems more my speed.


Appears to be dispossessed warriors



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Does anyone know what fantasy kit this axe comes from? Oronbreakers are a bit too fancy-dwarf for me and this seems more my speed.


Appears to be dispossessed warriors



Lots of great bits in that kit. I should get around to buying a few of the dwarf kits.

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  • 2 weeks later...

the official 40k FB page said today in a post about our codex that:


"They're just making a dramatic late entrance.


But what an entrance it shall be."



In other related rumors my FLGS said their GW rep told them SW codex is supposed to come out "soon" after KT is released. So those August rumors may be true after all.

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