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AT Chat, Lists, and Conversions For All Stompy Robot Lovers

Fajita Fan

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Wow. Those things are absolutely brutal. They throw out a crazy number of dice.


The really scary thing will be a banner of more than one of these things. Two knights could land up to 16 S8/9 hits on a single location on an enemy titan. That's extremely lethal.


The missile launcher and mortar are both fantastic as well. Rapid and rending are both excellent traits.


Add all this up and I think the result is that an Acastus knight has more firepower than a warhound titan. It's actually more in the ballpark of a reaver. That feels kind of wrong to me. They are easier to kill than titans but it doesn't seem justifiable that they should be more shooty. To be balanced I think they need to cost something like 150+ points per titan - and more for an Asterion.


To be honest I think this looks like a mistake. It might unbalance the game and it certainly doesn't ring true. How come the tiny missile launcher on this thing's back is more powerful than a reaver's apocalypse missile launcher? How come its lasers are so much better than turbo laser destructors?


Every time a new release comes out for AT I'm worried that the amateur rules writers at FW will mess up this awesome game. This could be the moment this happens. The points of the guns might potentially make them balanced but they are just not believable. Big lasers should be better than little ones.


Titans  had always been undergunned for their size, Knights got a remake that give them slap on gun and Turret, gun within gun, while Titans with their ancient and nostalgia design never get the remake they deserve, because people would be outrage, and FW would have to scrapped their Titan kit. Real Titans would have load of turrets under and on the upper carapace to make sure no aircraft or infantry unit can come close. Current Titans(except for the new Warbringer) are dead meat against fighter and bomber. (even in one of the old Warlord titan comic, some gaunts manage to climb inside a warlord pretty easily and murder the crew)


This will only get worse once they release the other "star player" in knight army : armiger is cheap autocannon shield stripper and cheap S8 melta spam. while Dominus have even more guns than the Acastus knights, Atrapos bring on devastating CC and short range shooting while the Graviton Singularity cannon can also have vortex rule (which is absolutely deadly in AT).


And then they bring on more TItan class into the game, like how many gun will the Rapier titan had? 1? So basically it's a giant sentinel, no one know.


This is an inevitable problem that I knew since days 1 for this game, but look like no one at GW/FW come up with new innovation for the Titans.

Edited by Chopsticks
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I think the firepower is fitting for a Knight so large it encroaches on Titan territory. It is true there are other potent Knights that could / should eventually make their way to Titanicus, one has to remember that Knights are easier for GW / FW to sell than a Titan. They can generally be used in normal 40K games and are more affordable. For the price of a kitted out Warlord you can buy an entire Knight army plus more.


The Acastus is a welcome addition to a Knight House. Otherwise even with 30 or so Knights they're still hopelessly outgunned by a Titan Maniple.

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I'm going to bet the weapons cost a lot, probably 30-50 points each.

Old Imperator vs new Reaver


Better height ratio but still less bulky. A lot of conversion work needed I guess.

And taking price into account, I wouldn't advise spending the money to convert an old Imperator into a Reaver.

If I had that in pieces I'd build up the thighs and crotch to form a Warlord proxy, maybe a MK1 Warlord or something but in the end it's kinda not worth it other than rule of cool.

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Phew, those Acastuses look tasty. 48" range on 360 deg arc does wonders as you can pretty much always use Split Fire... Except their Command is only 5+ and they don't have commanders in their Banners, interestingly enough. Being oneshotted by Belicosas and Meltas is still a thing and will hurt hard if they end up in the 150 point territory. We'll see, but regardless I might need like four in my life :P
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Could probably build the AT Civitas Spires on top of a 40K Cerastus Knight

this conversation was about my idea of possibly utilizing the old Epic Imperator as the base of a Warlord proxy in order to have a bit of visual variety in my Legio, which I now see as being a bit to out of scale to utilize for that end.


but in terms of Imperators in the new AT themselves, I think the Acastus Kights would serve as a better base for one due to being stoat and chunky, even if they might be a bit to big, while the Cerastus Knights are way to thin and spindly.

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Could probably build the AT Civitas Spires on top of a 40K Cerastus Knight


this conversation was about my idea of possibly utilizing the old Epic Imperator as the base of a Warlord proxy in order to have a bit of visual variety in my Legio, which I now see as being a bit to out of scale to utilize for that end.


but in terms of Imperators in the new AT themselves, I think the Acastus Kights would serve as a better base for one due to being stoat and chunky, even if they might be a bit to big, while the Cerastus Knights are way to thin and spindly.

Oh gotcha right

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I found them on Thingiverse scaled for AT and someone else made a cool dust cloud mounting base so it looks like they're flying but I need to get them done on a liquid resin printer.  


My new Gjallarhorn quake cannon with a box magazine and more detailed arm is ready to slice and try printing tomorrow when I get there. 


Gjally quake

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Phew, those Acastuses look tasty. 48" range on 360 deg arc does wonders as you can pretty much always use Split Fire... Except their Command is only 5+ and they don't have commanders in their Banners, interestingly enough. Being oneshotted by Belicosas and Meltas is still a thing and will hurt hard if they end up in the 150 point territory. We'll see, but regardless I might need like four in my life :tongue.:

If you made a lance you can still declare them as High Scion or Seneschal which add to command roll.

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I was also thinking while Quake won’t outright crit kill an Acastus - if it gets through shields it will cause the Banner to be Shaken - which means no Orders and -1 Hit (so hitting on 5). Inferno Warhound might also have a place in killing multi Knight Banners.
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I was also thinking while Quake won’t outright crit kill an Acastus - if it gets through shields it will cause the Banner to be Shaken - which means no Orders and -1 Hit (so hitting on 5). Inferno Warhound might also have a place in killing multi Knight Banners.

Best way to kill any knights is experimental weapon/overcharged cannon. Can also combine with other maniple that increase armor roll like Ferrox light and Lupercal


Inferno Warhound is still kind of a waste to be honest, as Cerastus Acheron knight do that job better with their sheer speed and CC weapon.




50US$ for Acastus

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Is there a list of what’s in the hero terminals packs? Pretty sure there was a Fire Wasps one in there wasn’t there?


Think I’m just going to get the loyalist stuff and save my money for Aeronautica Imperialis, which I’m convinced is out next month (no real evidence, just a gut feeling).

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The Acastus Command terminals are not listed under webstore exclusive. I hope they will be available through third parties, that would be nice.


I think the previous Twitch stream gave an overview of the various titans of legend.


Edit: see LetsYouDown excellent summary http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/350885-at-chat-lists-and-conversions-for-all-stompy-robot-lovers/?p=5319535


Talking about Twitch, there is a dedicated AT stream "Year in Review" this Thursday at 4pm UK time https://www.twitch.tv/warhammer

Edited by Mendi Warrior
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Not sure if I fancy buying the full hero Titan pack when I only want the Defensor Reaver :sad.:

Same issue here. I want the Astorum one.


If you're in the UK we could split a pack I guess.


I'd be up for that as I just want the Ignatum Reaver (I'm in the UK)


I'm in the UK aswell :) 

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They told me at my local GW the Legendary Titan Command Terminals will be around 40€ each pack. I hope this is a mistake. Otherwise GW can stick them up their a** Edited by Dark Bjoern
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