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[DH1e] The Damocles Contingency (OOC)

Mazer Rackham

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1 hour ago, A.T. said:

Just the odd static


Ah, yes no problem, you've got the DoS. You may be unable to immediately identify it, but the static breaks and repeats in long and short blurts. There's a pause of maybe a second between blurts, then five, then the static starts again.


17 minutes ago, Trokair said:

This might be a stupid question, but am I still on fire?


Always Tro, we appreciate your comments and humour in the Nook.



No. Seb and Reynard managed to put you out by smothering and beating the flames, you get away without damage to your body/health, but your robe is...well, let's just say your robe became a string vest...you could always take the one Seb is wearing, he won't mind.


You might smell a little of...'goat' though. (Or burnt toast if you prefer).


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The robed individual should be close enough for Restal to intervene, as he went to Karthago (who is stood right next to Restal/40k Brett Riverboat).


Klaus is over on the opposite side of the entrance arch, so from the bar, if Falk was looking out of the door (watching Klaus), the townsman/Karthago, and Restal are off to his left by 5-6 metres, give or take, and Klaus has gone into a booth along the wall adjacent to the entry arch, some 5-6 metres away from the bar.

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4 hours ago, Lysimachus said:

Question is; is he anything to do with what we're doing, or is he just Klaus' drug dealer who spotted two lawmen... :biggrin:


He's a decoy, the other guy is going to pull out the thermal detonator he just got handed and then Nicios is going to summon a bloodthirster with a particularly bad Perils of the Warp roll while trying to stop him.


But then we'll kill the bloodthirster with the thermal detonator and everything will work out find, until we find out it was Klaus all along... or is it ?

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8 hours ago, A.T. said:


He's a decoy, the other guy is going to pull out the thermal detonator he just got handed and then Nicios is going to summon a bloodthirster with a particularly bad Perils of the Warp roll while trying to stop him.


But then we'll kill the bloodthirster with the thermal detonator and everything will work out find, until we find out it was Klaus all along... or is it ?


12 hours ago, Lysimachus said:

Question is; is he anything to do with what we're doing, or is he just Klaus' drug dealer who spotted two lawmen... :biggrin:


Or both?



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Don't worry, your PC's will get another break in a bit.


On the upside, some form of GM award in the vein of 'Demolitions' could be thrown in with your XP when this part closes.




New Talent: Tripwired.

Due to painful experience, the Character is poised for danger from all manner of explosive devices. Using brains rather than brawn, the Character angles or falls in the best way to absorb or diffuse the shockwaves and shrapnel.


The Character may substitute Intelligence for Agility when rolling to Dodge, or otherwise avoid damage from improvised explosive devices, grenades, or other area-of-effect weapons such as Molotov Cocktails etc. This Talent does not affect direct fire attacks, indirect fire (such as mortars), mines or flame weapons. Weapons which do not cause damage, or class as Warp weapons, are also unaffected.



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1 hour ago, Mazer Rackham said:

"The Character may substitute Intelligence for Agility when rolling to Dodge, or otherwise avoid damage from improvised explosive devices, grenades, or other area-of-effect weapons such as Molotov Cocktails etc.


Would hive primus exploding while we are in it be considered an improvised explosive effect or a direct fire attack?  :p

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In the film Serenity, the film conclusion to Firefly, River is sent a subliminal message through a commercial for the Oaty Bars playing on a public screen. The people hunting for her did not know where she was, so imbedded the signal in the commercial on the principle that sooner or later she would walk past a screen or otherwise watch TV.


I thought that maybe this was a similar case with the announcement video and the affect it had on AdMech related things.

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How many Thrones did the Hat and Coat end up costing, just so I can keep the Character shett up to date. 




3 hours ago, Mazer Rackham said:

Sorry, I didn't cotton on to what the advert was!


I was never a fan of Firefly, but Serenity...yes...I remember it well....:eek:



It was but a small detail, I just remember it because of how absurd the advert was, and Wash’s line later in the film.


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28 Thrones for both. Common Quality, but, due to the fit and manufacture, it will provide the following:

  • +1 Agility
  • +1 Arm vs Energy (Flame, Las, Plasma etc - it is a tough, weather hardened garment after all).

I thought this made it worth the money and not broken, whilst still worth having.

7 hours ago, Trokair said:

It was but a small detail, I just remember it because of how absurd the advert was, and Wash’s line later in the film.


It's clever storytelling, drawing your attention to the detail of something being so out of left field you pay attention to it. Long time since I saw it. I was more invested in the Operative anyway, which is probably revealing...:ph34r:

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Easily one of my favourite films/series.


A few years back I was thinking about doing a DIY Chapter based on the Operative. They believe so strongly in a future where the Imperium has achieved victory and peace that they will commit all manner of atrocities if they will bring that future closer. But they know that they are monsters who will have no place in that future utopia.



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27 minutes ago, Lysimachus said:

A few years back I was thinking about doing a DIY Chapter based on the Operative. They believe so strongly in a future where the Imperium has achieved victory and peace that they will commit all manner of atrocities if they will bring that future closer. But they know that they are monsters who will have no place in that future utopia.

Marines Malevolent are pretty close to that, or Minotaurs. Both are extremely ruthless and have no problem with destroying their allies or random Imperial citizens to achieve their mission goals. Minotaurs are even supposed to be controlled by the High Lords of Terra themselves, which would follow the idea that, like the Operative, their missions are for the good of mankind regardless of the way in which they are achieved. 

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Look at Ikka, bringing us back on topic like the hero of the forum he is :thumbsup:


Good picks on Chapter too, Marines Malevolent, Minotaurs, Red Hunters are completely in bed with the Inquisition as well.


Last off topic comments - the Spectres from Mass Effect are based on the Operative from Serenity - and according to Nathan Fillion's personal opinion, there is another monster associated with that film...


But that is: :offtopic:

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