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3 minutes ago, Orange Knight said:

I think the bolt Carbine exists on some Captain models and the Phobos Lieutenant, which is a seperate datasheet.


Also the Desolators are 35 points, not 38.


I wonder if they'll FAQ the wargear points away to match the most recent updates, of if they won't bother until 10th.

I think Triszin's point is more to do with the Wolf Guard Battle Leader having a Power Axe and Carbine.

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4 minutes ago, Orange Knight said:

I wonder if they'll FAQ the wargear points away to match the most recent updates, of if they won't bother until 10th.

I've a friend who's managed to get their box early, they mentioned to me that the prices appear to be pre-the latest Chapter Approved (for the Lieutenant and Intercessors, anyway) - so I think the Brutalis and Desolator prices were made before the update. So yes, by the sounds of things, they'll have to FAQ this once it's released :huh:

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I caved and bought. £96 is a decent price to be fair. I wanted the Brutalis and Lieutenant, big fan of heavy Intercessors so I'll find a place for them. I'm not keen on the desolators but I'll see if the sprues change my mind when in hand. Will likely only want 5 at most though so some will find a new home. 


Am I weak and fickle? Yes. Yes I am. 

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6 minutes ago, Doobles88 said:

I caved and bought. £96 is a decent price to be fair. I wanted the Brutalis and Lieutenant, big fan of heavy Intercessors so I'll find a place for them. I'm not keen on the desolators but I'll see if the sprues change my mind when in hand. Will likely only want 5 at most though so some will find a new home. 


Am I weak and fickle? Yes. Yes I am. 

Yeah I caved for a similar reason...


I am gong to try what people have suggested. break the gun colours.

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32 minutes ago, Khornestar said:

Blurry as hell warning, but:





I’m  not seeing one.

So space wolf lt (that was never available as stand alone) is now illegal


Maybe not, per the post above me

Edited by Triszin
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I really don't like the Desolation Marines.

Ok the mini rocket launcher is cool if you don't have all the junk on top.

If (and that a big if) I would use them, I would find a way to move the junk to the packback.

I would be better if the "bigger" rocket where guided, and therefore the top of the gun is just the tagter that "paint" what the bigger" rocket should hit.

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4 minutes ago, Triszin said:

So space wolf lt (that was never available as stand alone) is now illegal


Maybe not, per the post above me


If you go back a page to my first post, I already ran through all of the new costs and the Lieutenant's updated options.

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1 hour ago, Orange Knight said:

Also the Desolators are 35 points, not 38.


Yowzer! For the price of 10 Desolators  you can buy 2 x 5-man Dev squads with missile launchers and have enough left over to buy a Whirlwind for the indirect fire. The firepower is similar, you get more wounds and 3 units instead of 2. Granted the Desolators get Superfrag/Krak but the old missie launchers can at least choose their profile each shot rather than being locked before the game begins.

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26 minutes ago, Karhedron said:


Yowzer! For the price of 10 Desolators  you can buy 2 x 5-man Dev squads with missile launchers and have enough left over to buy a Whirlwind for the indirect fire. The firepower is similar, you get more wounds and 3 units instead of 2. Granted the Desolators get Superfrag/Krak but the old missie launchers can at least choose their profile each shot rather than being locked before the game begins.

True. But the points appear to have been written pre Arks point changes. Wouldn't be surprised to see them come down a bit fairly quickly. 

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1 hour ago, Karhedron said:


Yowzer! For the price of 10 Desolators  you can buy 2 x 5-man Dev squads with missile launchers and have enough left over to buy a Whirlwind for the indirect fire. The firepower is similar, you get more wounds and 3 units instead of 2. Granted the Desolators get Superfrag/Krak but the old missie launchers can at least choose their profile each shot rather than being locked before the game begins.


Of course. Their rules were written and their points were assigned before the current FAQ that gives Marine units free wargear.


We know this because the points for other units like the Heavy Intercessors are also the old ones from before the FAQ.

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Does anyone know if the main armour plates on the Brutalis are identical to the Redemptor, or if there's maybe a change in curve around the hull if the mounting for the heavy bolter/multi melta is different?


I ask because there are some very nice third party replacement ornate Redemptor armour plates around now that didn't exist when I did my Redemptors.  

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I was able to get a preorder in at my FLGS, very excited to get ahold of this set and do some converting! Of the four kits within the box, the Brutalis and Lieutenant are pretty much great as-is - I may fiddle with the stubbers to downsize them though, and it would be nice to see a slightly more ornate bolt rifle for the Lieutenant. Heavy Intercessors are Heavy Intercessors, and as I've stated previously I feel like the Desolation squad has some wonderful potential behind their divisive appearance. There's been a lot of brainstorming done since these guys were announced, and I'm looking forward to executing some of my ideas in plastic.


On a totally unrelated note, if anyone decides to get rid of their belt feeds hit me up! I have many plans that the Omnissiah may or may not agree with.

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4 hours ago, Cleon said:

Does anyone know if the main armour plates on the Brutalis are identical to the Redemptor, or if there's maybe a change in curve around the hull if the mounting for the heavy bolter/multi melta is different?


I ask because there are some very nice third party replacement ornate Redemptor armour plates around now that didn't exist when I did my Redemptors.  

It is close. But different? I'd wait until someone can compare

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1 hour ago, Matrindur said:

For everyone wanting to mount them on the backpack, I think I actually like them less this way? (From Goonhammer)

I still think I like the backpack mount better. My thought was to cut off the left powerpack exhaust nacelle and mount a single tube there, similar to how some of the seeker missiles for Tau are mounted on battlesuits.

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1 hour ago, Matrindur said:

For everyone wanting to mount them on the backpack, I think I actually like them less this way? (From Goonhammer)


I think it better than the original.

The problem is the original the weapons are a a big mess, and you can only make it less of a mess.

1. the gun by it self cannot make up it mind to what it wants to be.

Is it a small caliber rifle with a really big belt feed?

Is it a supportrail that just holde a targeter and all the missiles?

2. The marine seem to skinning to handle the weapons compared to other marines.


I think I would just prefer a upgraded version of the Proteus-II pattern Missile Launchers or the old Space Crusade Rocket Launcher.

or prepaps both?  The old Space Crusade Rocket Launcher for Superfrag and SuperKrag. (Just give them a scope or something to tell the difference) and the Proteus-II pattern for a Vengor Launcher. 

As for the Castellan Launcher, make it a side arm or a smart grenade.



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2 hours ago, Matrindur said:

For everyone wanting to mount them on the backpack, I think I actually like them less this way? (From Goonhammer)



That doesn't look quite the way I would do it. I would have them holding the larger rockets with the rotary launchers mounted on their backpacks.

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While certainly less cumbersome, and with a .. cleaner profile... what even are the weapons anymore? This long long support stick.. for small targeter up top, with the now sole firing bit as a sort of attachment below? You can almost pretend the support stick is a rifle.. except its got holes in it, the belt doesn't align with what the barrel would be... eh I give up.


Granted, it still looks less of mess than the original. 


I dunno, I just don't see myself warming up to desolators.

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