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9 hours ago, Matrindur said:

For everyone wanting to mount them on the backpack. (From Goonhammer)

I think I actually like them less this way?


My conversion is not this one, I'm hoping my take is better. Should be able to do it next weekend

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59 minutes ago, Marshal Reinhard said:

Huh. I've seen the argument repeatedly that breaking up the parts of the gun with different colours somehow makes it work. Didn't really get it. Until I did




Granted I have a thingy for the silly bright yellow with garish flame motif, very 3d ed. It really tips the scale of silly in the right way for me.


I think I might just get the box now. I'm somewhat exasperated with myself how easy that turned around.

Man I really like these

Edited by Redcomet
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2 hours ago, WARMASTER_ said:

Marines has targeting arrays inside their helmets that are linked with their bolters so tracers would just be a downgrade lore wise 

True, but marines still suffer penalties for shooting flyers and for moving and shooting, functionally a rule like this would be viewed as additional assistance for said targeting systems to track (like real world tracer fire)

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3 hours ago, Marshal Reinhard said:

Huh. I've seen the argument repeatedly that breaking up the parts of the gun with different colours somehow makes it work. Didn't really get it. Until I did




Granted I have a thingy for the silly bright yellow with garish flame motif, very 3d ed. It really tips the scale of silly in the right way for me.


I think I might just get the box now. I'm somewhat exasperated with myself how easy that turned around.

That just looks worse than the original to me. The goonhammer / tabletop titans ones are better in my opinion

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3 hours ago, Marshal Reinhard said:

Huh. I've seen the argument repeatedly that breaking up the parts of the gun with different colours somehow makes it work. Didn't really get it. Until I did




Granted I have a thingy for the silly bright yellow with garish flame motif, very 3d ed. It really tips the scale of silly in the right way for me.


I think I might just get the box now. I'm somewhat exasperated with myself how easy that turned around.

I like this a lot. Does this count as 'leaning into it' solving the issue? It becomes two seperate pieces of equipment rather than one overwrought, complicated piece.


With the top launcher explicitly its own entity, the belt feed to lower launcher has a stronger suggestion that its part of the mechanic of the lower launcher. I'd probably push that further simplifying the belt and lower launcher's palette - perhaps making the belt a much darker gunmetal to go with black casing? Or all mettalics?


Either or, the yellow and red is ace. I paint Space Wolves so those colours are already in the bucket, trading the flames for perhaps some pack markings.  

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Just me or...


...is the spare drum the Desolator Sergeant can carry in his left hand physically incapable of being oriented in the same way as the one locked to his hip?


Look at the Sarge in the 360 view. No, I'm not just looking at the fact that the bolt is oriented toward the right on his spare and toward the left on the one he's using. I get that the bolt could slide and lock when the drum is replaced.


But... the belt feed is on the LEFT of the drum he's carrying and on the RIGHT of the one locked on his hip, currently feeding the weapon.


The only way it makes sense is if the drum he's carrying was specifically set up to feed to the left side. But why?


Am I wrong?


Edited by Lord Nord
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8 hours ago, Marshal Reinhard said:

Huh. I've seen the argument repeatedly that breaking up the parts of the gun with different colours somehow makes it work. Didn't really get it. Until I did




Granted I have a thingy for the silly bright yellow with garish flame motif, very 3d ed. It really tips the scale of silly in the right way for me.


I think I might just get the box now. I'm somewhat exasperated with myself how easy that turned around.

Goddamn, coloured weapon casing is such a good look. I still think these sculpts are dire, but that paintjob makes them look almost tolerable. Almost.


The backpack mounting is slightly better, albeit I'd be tempted to give them a bigger backpack with a sturdier looking joint for the missile tubes. Not that I suppose it greatly matters as I don't intend to pick these up at any point (I do have a Space Marine force planned, but it's for 4th edition) but it's interesting seeing people make the best of a terrible looking kit.

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21 minutes ago, Lord Nord said:


But it makes zero sense to have a spare drum that would feed to the left and create an ridiculous loop in that direction before coiling back to the right and feeding into the castellan launcher.


The only way it MIGHT make sense is if the Castellan were capable of being fed by two drums at once. But it's not. And even if it WERE, the Sergeant isn't using it that way. He's carrying a spare drum which is incapable of properly acting as a replacement when his current drum is spent.


As it is, it solves none of the issues people are complaining about and instead creates a new problem.


I believe he was asking why someone was saying this thread would need to be locked, which is a good question. Seems like people are having good constructive conversation.

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41 minutes ago, BLACK BLΠFLY said:

@Evil Do you play ninth edition ?

Not anymore. Attempting to keep up with the constant patches and rebalancing (not helped by my glacial painting speed!) didn't seem worth it for what was ultimately not a terribly enjoyable edition. If 10th is a massive improvement I might jump back into "modern" 40K, but if not there's plenty of older editions I can still play.


On topic, I actually feel like the Brutalis Dreadnought would be a pretty decent model were it not for the stubber turret. Aside from the thing just having too many guns, I do not understand how stubbers managed to sneak their way into the Astartes arsenal. I was under the impression stubbers were considered fairly low-quality by Imperial standards, with even the Guard preferring bolt weapons where available and the only stub weapons in use by Space Marines being much larger calibre weapons such as the assault cannon.

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I honestly really like the Desolators.  Don't ask me why, but I once wanted to convert a rifle style stock platform for firing missile/rockets a few years ago because I thought it would look cool.  These really grew on me.  


Also managed to grab a couple Brutalis in eBay before the seller raised the price up to $99 a dread.  My Templar Crusade will be happy to have a pair of melee dreads

Edited by Mike8404
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Hopefully the lieutenant gets released as as a standalone soon. Desolators don’t do it for me looks or ruleswise.  Only fella i really want and 240 CAD for him and a bunch of stuff I don’t need is too pricey

Might pick up a dread later but if I do it’s more likely to be a box dread than the new guys, Bobertus does need a friend. 

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1 hour ago, Blindhamster said:

Interested on that too, seems to have similar number of guns to what a contemptor can have, and fewer than a leviathan 

To be fair, I've got the Mk IV and Mk V Dreadnought fixed in my head as the standard. But to my way of thinking, having the arm weapons and the torso weapons would be enough; the turret up top is just a step too far (especially for a melee Dreadnought) and messes up the silhouette. I might like it better if they swapped it out for a Cyclone missile launcher style thing.

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18 minutes ago, Evil Eye said:

To be fair, I've got the Mk IV and Mk V Dreadnought fixed in my head as the standard. But to my way of thinking, having the arm weapons and the torso weapons would be enough; the turret up top is just a step too far (especially for a melee Dreadnought) and messes up the silhouette. I might like it better if they swapped it out for a Cyclone missile launcher style thing.

On top of this; it's a melee dreadnought. Why does it need a turret specifically for anti-air? Surely the pilot is going to be focused on ripping and tearing rather than taking shots at aircraft. At least the other guns he can fire at an enemy he's charging at (talking about in-universe, I have no clue how the rules work).


I really dislike this trend of stubbers on Astartes vehicles, but I think it would make slightly more sense on a potential long-range Dreadnought.

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