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Brother Desultor

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Brother Desultor last won the day on September 19 2017

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1 Follower

About Brother Desultor

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  • Location
    Coventry, UK
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    Still trying to decide.....10 years and counting..

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Brother Desultor's Achievements

  1. I was going to do my inbound collection in the standard Mars red. That was until I watched the newest Cult of Paint video on YouTube. I'm now set on the Ryza scheme (orange) as per Henry's video. Well worth a watch if you're still considering orange....
  2. These are some very inspired (hideously so) conversions. Excellent work.
  3. This new army set may just be the much needed catalyst to reboot my rapidly waning interest in the hobby....
  4. What a great idea
  5. Stunning. Those are some beautiful blends you've achieved.
  6. Well worth waiting for. Top shelf as always
  7. Your work is truly inspirational and displays a level of talent to be admired and perhaps one day emulated. In fact, you have inspired me to dust off my long shelved Emperor's Children project - shelved because I'd never seen a purple that matched what I wanted. Until now. Is the recipe/process for your current purple armour on your Instagram? I started following you the other day and did look through your posts but there's so much glorious content that I found it difficult to focus on that one thing. ***EDIT*** Since my last post I've been back to school and learnt to read properly - so I've found the aforementioned recipe/process on your Instagram page...
  8. Looking very good. I myself am torn between focusing on reviving my beloved Vlka Fenryka to celebrate the launch of Leviathan, or trying something new - and the Carcharodons are currently top of the list. I do have 2 boxes so perhaps that's the solution.... Anyway, watching your work with interest and keep up the great work.
  9. Inspirational work as ever. And a timely tip about painting in sub assemblies as I have a large Thousand Sons order arriving imminently....
  10. Stunning!! This may just be what I need to drag myself out of the stagnant quagmire of hobby lethargy I've been festering in for the past few months... Cheers Luther
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