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Dakota Minor Defence Corps (PDF)
By Mike Zulu
Introduction Like many established Imperium worlds, Dakota Minor has a planetary defence force simply known the Dakota Minor Defence Corps (or DMDC). Most of its number are conscripted from the local population; a small number of citizens willingly join to escape the tedium of farm life that is prevalent on Dakota Minor. The DMDC is organised in a manner similar to Astra Militarum regiments, albeit more limited in their makeup. For the most part, it consists of dozens of infantry battalions- 0 comments
AdMech Patrol #2 - Progress report
By Bouargh
Blog entries pass and sometimes look like very similar to some previous ones. It is one of the issues when dealing with army building on base of multiples buy outs of the same Patrol Box... Yet we might eventually expect some variation if the models are fitted in different fashion, ain´t we? The Onagre DuneCrawler as already been spoiled in the FOrums, but it has been the major progress of the past week so I will "proudly" republish it there. It is also an unhonorable wa- 1 comment
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Still in the Past, But Closer.....Commissions 2023
And here we are 18 months later and all of 2023 to cover....
Kicking off 2023 was actually a minor expansion of 2022's big commission. It consisted of 1 Necron Overlord, and a whole stack more of terrain, and took up the entirety of January to complete.
SpoilerNext up was Dystopian Wars commission for a USA Fleet in a striking Red, White and Blue scheme, consisting of 25 Ships. These started out fine, but ended up turning into a 8 month long ordeal (The initial quote was a much simpler scheme, and I'd planned for 2 months tops). When will I learn this lesson?
I actually ended up having a very quite few months (besides those darn ships) between February and May, with just one, single model Hero Forge D&D model commission. Typically, I can sit and paint a character start to finish, in one or two longer sittings, usually in a single day. Models like these are great palette cleaners and really do help to refocus upon their completion.
Mid-May however, saw the arrival of a new client and MASSIVE ORK WAAAGHHH!!!!, over 100 models...
We had Ghazghull and Makari in plastic, Ghazghull in metal, Boss Zagstrukk, Grukk Face-Rippa, a Kill Rig, 10 Squig-Hog Riders, 10 Beast Snaggas, 3 Killa Kans, 16 Nobz, 10 Stormboyz, 10 Kommandos, and 3 Runtherds with 30 Gretchin.
SpoilerTHAT was a lot, A LOT of Orks.... they really, REALLY got my creatitity into gear, it was so great having something so differernt to my usual work, AND I got to work on a pipe-dream army I've never had the money to do for myself. At no point in the 5 months I was painting these did it feel like a slog, I really enjoyed the project start to finish, (added bonus, it really helped break up the drag of those DAMN SHIPS.....)
September saw the regular family of commissioners reach out once more, the order of the day being expansions to their Sororitas, Drukhari, Necron, and terrain collections, additionally, they'd be going big, with some Tyranid big bugs.
The Necrons saw just three new units, a Shard of the Deceiver, a Chronomancer, and 3 Heavy Destroyers.
The Sisters saw more sizable reinforcments, with a Palatine (you'll need to forgive the pic, my Cannoness appears to be standing in the Palatine's spot...), 5 Celestians, 5 Retributors, and an Exorcist.
SpoilerFor the Drukhari, some speed in the form of 10 Scourges, and a forth (or is it fifth!?!?!) Raider,
I really am a fan of the Raiders in red....
Right, time for some BIG BUGS. The fledgling force consisted of a Winged Hive Tyrant, a Harpy, 2 Tyrannofexes, 3 Norn Emmissaries, and a counts-as Swarmlord.
(YES, there's only one Tyrannofex pictured, yes I REALLY did send the second one off to Japan without taking a SINGLE picture of it)
Unfortunately the Emmissaries and Swarlord fell WELL into 2024, and we'll talk about those then. This scheme is one that I personally struggled with. I don't mean I found it hard to paint, but I felt like it was so limiting with what the client requested. Specifically, I just wanted to do more, there's many small tweaks I wanted to make to really bring out the details and make these really pop, but the restraints were on tight for these, and I see the potential, and the result just isn't there. Honestly, it was more than a little demorilising. At least it was only a few big bugs, and not like I was doing 80 Gaunts or something.
And finally, bringing 2023 to a close, the terrain that accompanied these models,
SpoilerYou may notice colour variation between these and the older terrain pieces, but it really just the inconsistency of the lighting, rather than any real difference.
My big takeaway from 2023 is that down-skilling my paintwork is just a challenging as pushing to do my best work, from a motivational point of view, that can lead to real mental road-blocks.
Thank you once more for reading through all this, and once again, I'll try and get to 2024 in lass than 18 months....
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DarkMyth Dungeon [KICKSTARTER]
Introducing [url=]DarkMyth Dungeon[/url], the ultimate modular, 3D printable terrain set designed for fantasy RPGs and skirmish wargames!
Whether you're crafting epic RPG encounters or building a dynamic tabletop battlefield, this set has you covered. It works perfectly as a stand-alone set or can be expanded with our Assault Series Terrain, including popular sets like DarkHyve Assault.
Create sprawling dungeons, enemy lairs, or towering wizard strongholds with ease using our glue-free 'push-fit' system. Designed for maximum flexibility, you can stack pieces vertically or extend layouts horizontally for endless creative possibilities.
Optimized for FDM printing but also prints great in resin
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Some Traitor Dice Trays
Made some more dice trays for some of the Traitor groups.
Angron, Magnus, Kurze, and Perturabowhat do you all think? I think they came out well!
Love it? Get one here!
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Warhammer 40k Kill Team QRC summaries
What's the problem?
Have you ever thought that relying too much on rule books and summaries makes it slow and cumbersome when playing Warhammer 40k Kill Team?
Above all when you're starting with a new Kill Team, it's hard to keep track of the different operatives' stats, all their ploys, equipment... And if you're sharing the same book with other people in the same game it makes all the experience really slow. You spend more time turning pages around than actually enjoying the game.
While there's some great aids around for printing data cards, if you have a very diverse squad you will end up with a lot of them, and if you change your weapon choices depending on the game you play, you'll need plenty of those. Furthermore, those are amazing for operatives, but they don't include any specific Kill Team ability or the Glossary with all the different weapon rules you will be using, needing to have specific documents laying around.
What's our solution?
The solution we came in is to create a summarized QRC that will fit in between 4 - 6 pages, so it can be printed or browsed directly as a PDF in a tablet or phone.
They show the Faction Archetypes, all the available options for each operative, as well as their main Stats and any special rule (Flying, Psychic...). They also include the Faction TacOps, as well as the special abilities, psychic powers and both Strategic and Tactical Ploys.
At the end of the documents you can find a whole Glossary with ALL the abilities and Special Rules that appear in the whole summary, so you can rely on those as your go-to reference during your games for that specific Faction.
How do I use them?
They're filed in PDF format and you can either print them and staple them (or any other choice) or browse them directly from your digital devices.
Where can I find them?
You can find the available ones in my page for free (or the prize you'd like to contribute with!)
If you'd like QRCs for some team, drop us a line and we'll work on it!
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Calgar and Vitrix Honour Guard Completed!
After finishing Calgar and his Honour Guard before the weekend, I was stuck waiting for my basing supplies to arrive before I took a few completed shots.
All in all, I'm really happy with how things have turned out. Sure, improvements can still be made, which will show on the next models I do, which, incidentally, are my Leviathan Marines for the Combat Patrol.
Group Shot
Honour Guard 1
Honour Guard 2
So, by no means am I a professional painter, nor am I sponsored by any company. But, if I can turn out something to be happy about, think about what the masters can do!
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Medical emergency, delays in shipments.
Unfortunately, my work trip has taken a turn. I am now dealing with a family medical emergency in a foreign country and it looks like my return date may not be the 22nd of June.
Obviously my focus is on my family member's health crisis at this time. All inquiries, and indeed all order shipments will be replied to as I am available, until my eventual return to the office and full availability.
If you have an outstanding order and would like to cancel at this time, please email at your convenience. I will process your request and refund as soon as possible.
However, I am also extending the summer sale until whenever i return, If you would like to take advantage of the 5% off your entire order.
This includes preorders such as mantic northern alliance products which are due for release and shipment to my office by mid July.
Thank you to all my customers for your continued patronage, and I truly wish to get back home and fulfill your orders as soon as possible.
Happy gaming ,
Maxwell Mcdougall
Mcdougall Designs
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