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About Machinepriest

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    Lidköping - Sweden
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  1. I made a thread for this, but I thought it would perhaps be better to ask for advice here. So while I've yet to try Kill Team I think it's one of the most exciting releases to come out in a long time and I would love to combine it with my passion for the Horus Heresy and run a World Eaters themed Kill Team. I've only glanced the rulebook, but I noticed that there are no rules for Berzerkers or chain axes so I was wondering if it would be possible to build a thematic Kill Team with a focus on close combat. I'm guessing I would have to proxy my Tacticals with chainaxes for regular Chaos Space Marines with chainswords, but as I'm new to the game I'm not sure what works, so any help with a list would be greatly appreciated!
  2. Some great points here! I appreciate it and it really inspires me to get somewhere with this project! I especially like the idea of the Dark Apostle, a unit I previously never even considered, but I could totally run him as a chaplain, even though I don't think the legion was very big on them, even after Nikea. It would look awesome though, and those rerolls are nothing to laugh at. Alpha strike units are a great point. Need to get me some "raptors" to complement the Terminators. Keep the comments coming :)
  3. Hello everyone. This is my first post in the chaos part of the forum I believe. It's quite spiky here, also, what's that smell? So, as the title suggests I'm interested in playing a small force of pre-heresy World Eaters with post-heresy rules after reading some good stuff in the latest CSM codex. One of the reasons is that pure 30K requires quite a lot of models to get started with and I currently don't have the patience or the funds to buy and paint huge blobs of marines. Not sure how to build an effective force though as I'm more of a painter than a gamer. I'm thinking vexillas as icons of wrath Khârn! is a given. Maybe even running Angron himself as a count as Daemon Prince. Not sure I would be able to do the man justice like this though. Then I'm guessing Berzerkers, but do I go for axes or swords? Do they ride in Rhinos? Are Chaos Space Marines a valid choice in a pure Khorne force? I would love to field some Cataphractii with chain axes as Terminators and perhaps a squad of Assault Marines as Raptors. I also just purchased a squad of Rampagers and two Contemptors which I would like to field, but I'm not sure how. Maybe as chosen and Hellbrutes, or just use the Forgeworld rules for the dreads. Any thoughts?
  4. Err... Thanks for answering my question, but what's with all the salty remarks? Granted, Crusader squads have been discussed before, but most of the threads I found was based on the Index Imperium book and not the recent codex. All I wanted to know was if the "classic" black swarm was still viable. Why would I argue, whine or beat dead horses? Once again, what? You know those pills? The ones that makes you chill? I would suggest you take one. To the rest of you who actually discussed the topic at hand, thanks a lot! Some great advice here :) I guess I'll leave the close combat to the hammernators or Cataphractii and use the Crusaders as objective grabbers. I was thinking of two or three squads, each lead by characters. Helbrecht is a given, so is the Emperor's Champion. I'm considering Grimaldus as well.
  5. How are people running their Crusader Squads in 8th? I've seen many mentions of small squads in Razorbacks lately, but that just doesn't feel very BT to me. Are the days of the big black swarms of ZEAL gone? Bolters? Chainswords? Discuss!
  6. I second the request for close ups. Individual shots of the marines would be awesome as well! These look bloody amazing!
  7. I think I'm going for Stalker pattern Bolt Rifles at the moment, but having the option to choose is always nice, so I was wondering if anyone has had a go at magnetizing the Bolt Rifles in the new Intercessor kit. Looking at the rifles they look quite thin, so I'm not sure if this is doable. Maybe 1x1mm magnets could work.
  8. I'm actually doing a combined force of World Eaters and Death Guard! I was dead set on a pure World Eaters army, but when I saw the new Death Guard Contemptor I just couldn't help myself :) And besides, I was bound to fall to the grim legion as soon as Mortarion is released anyway. Unless Mark Bedford is sculpting him... Not a fan of his lazy sculpting style.
  9. Lovely as ever! ;) Hoping to get my own Death Guard stuff today. How do you plan to paint your Destroyers?
  10. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. I was so settled on doing World Eaters. Now I don't know :[ Can't wait to see more!
  11. I don't know how I missed this thread :D Your work is astounding! I'm an amateur when it comes to resin casting, and after browsing your thread I feel that you're the guy to turn to for advice :tu: I'm having huge problems with inner bubbles in my cast due to my mould being very complicated (It's a mould for tiny Necron Scarab legs...). I dust the mould with baby powder to get rid of surface bubbles, but I still get hollow parts, even though I vibrate, shake and tap the mould. As I said, the mould is quite complex with lots of tiny channels, so I couldn't find a good way to make air release vents. I know a pressure pot/chamber would solve these problems, but I'm not sure how to make one. Would you mind posting some photos of your setup and perhaps telling me how you made yours? Cheers ;)
  12. I really like where this is going :lol: That Dread looks very cool. Good use of the Defiler facemask! Out of curiosity, where did you get those resin looking skulls on the Dreadnought?
  13. As much as it pains me that your awesome Iron Hands are on hold, I love these orange marines! And the 'biggerized' Death Watch are great. They don't look like Power/Terminator armour hybrids like SO many other truescale conversions do.
  14. Looking good! Your highlights are amazing as always! :)
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