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Sir Tancrede

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About Sir Tancrede

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  1. ....!!!! As the heroe is a former SS, drawned in hell when he died against the Red Army and now a vampire knight serving an arch-deamon in the wars raging in hell, and that there are no "good people" (even angels...). The comic has a very SM tone too. So in many aspect, it's very politically incorrect (and really not for children, both for drawings, situations and sayings) But I don't know if you can find it in english...
  2. I perfectly understand what you mean, but as i said, it's only a matter of personnal taste, not a criticism on your painting skills. It's just that in my mind, vampires are closely tied to the look defined by the french comic "Requiem, vampire knight" (by Mills and Ledroit, a commic very, very politically incorrect, must I say ! ^^) Just take a look at this : http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/9682/requiemg.jpg But even with blue skin, please keep us showing more of your wonderful stuff !
  3. Wonderful paintjob, desserving well the conversions you made. And it's really nice to see such a cool BA successor chapter... I'm not totally sold on the blue skin, but it's just a matter of personnal choice... Keep us showing such good work, brother !
  4. Here are some members of my DIY chapter, the Spears of Ilios, a greek inspired army built using the SW codex for the moment, but in the future, I hope to build and paint enough minis to play my army as vanilla marines (and maybe as BA). - some Myrmidons (count-as wolf guards) in CC terminator armour : http://img810.imageshack.us/img810/9441/dsc07626r.jpg - the latest mini painted for this army , a Myrmidon squad leader in tactical armour : http://img192.imageshack.us/img192/1020/dsc07671x.jpghttp://img853.imageshack.us/img853/6909/dsc07672n.jpg - some hoplites (count-as grey hunters) with a Myrmidon squad leader : http://img11.imageshack.us/img11/7308/dsc07629k.jpg - a razorback for a hoplite squad : http://img195.imageshack.us/img195/4205/dsc06908o.jpg - some peltasts (scouts) : http://img691.imageshack.us/img691/351/dsc06850w.jpg - and finally, a living ancestor (nearly done) : http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/2379/dreadvnrable.jpg Hope you'll enjoy them, and if you want to see more of them, take a look in the WIP section ! ^^
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