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I hope it is fine to open this thread; I figured I'd take the initiative since none of the mods have made one. If not, feel free to delete it. So yeah, the Beta Garmon book is slowly arriving in people's mailboxes and I figured we might as well discuss future projects and ideas. What Oaths are people looking at in terms of options? I definitely want to build a force of the Fangs of the Emperor and I'm thinking about going for either Panoply of Old (World Eaters) + The Broken Helix (Aberrants) to represent the rapidly induced and broken creatures Harr would funnel into the siege, or go for either of the two Oaths but with Only in Death does Duty end (feels rather fluffy). Still a bit a bit mad that we cannot take Rites of War; feels like a bit of a missed opportunity. What're people planning on doing? Any fun interactions you noticed?
From the album: Myrmidons
© Maximvs
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- Blackshields
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From the album: Myrmidons
© Maximvs
- Horus Heresy
- Blackshields
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Ok gang, so I'm finalising what will be my next army, which is going to be the Army of Dark Compliance Chimerae Blackshields, which I'll be running as Thunder Warriors. Heaps of fluff to come (shock horror!) but currently just finalising the list. I found my ACT Dark Mech list was certainly on the more rough side and I want to avoid that, while still keeping in theme for the Air Cav. So going to rattle off the list with what it is, what it will be modelled as etc and would love all y'all input to make sure it isn't too filth/terrible :P. So this will be 3k AOD, big dick boi and obviously get winnowed down for 2k/cent etc. All Marines will be Chimerae Gene Bulked The Petchvork Boyar Will be the lead Thunder Warrior, fluff to come, but essentially his face has had so many skin grafts, tumours cut out etc, that its like a quilt of :cussed up flesh. Wanted the 3++ to I can model a bit ornate Storm Shield, that is why he is in arty armour instead of cataphractii. Black Shield Reaver Lord all the kit, like all of it! Articifer Armour Cyber Familiar Digi Lasers Iron Halo Master Crafted Thunder Hammer Rad Grenades Xenos Deathlock/Lightning Claw (if I really want that extra attack) The Vivisector So this will be the funky Thunder Warrior that has kept the rest going, highly trained gene-wright sort of bro, but in a nut shell he is a fabius-tier TW apothecary Primus Medicae in Cataphractii Armour w/ Thunder Hammer Zealot-Alpha So this is just a Militia Force Commander there to unlock Survivors of the Dark Age and Alchem Jackers. He will be in an infantry blob modelled as arco-flagellants Alchem Jackers Survivors Elites The Last Cohort So these will be a squad of Thunder Warriors that are still in pretty good shape, given that the vivisector has managed to stop them cancering apart too badly. I went with them as nullificators as in pre-valdor fluff the TW where quite resilient to warp-:cussery, hence the nullificators. That and the Aether Mauls and Toxiferrum flamers allow a pretty nice, open book on cool modelling opportunities! 5x Nullificators, 5x Flamers, 4 Mauls, 1 Thunder Hammer The Lost So these are going to be modelled as some Thunder Warriors that have moved past the Vivisectors ability to stop them cancering out. They still be clad mainly in the TW armour same as the last cohort, but will have sizable chunks ripped off to make room for the bodies eating themselves etc. They'll be using the ogryn brute rules to also show their combat ability, while still rawly formidable, isn't as refined as their less-stuffed brothers. The SOTDA gives them 3+ saves so keeping in line with similar armour as the other TW, but is obviously degraded a bit. Medicae Detachment. This will be modelled in a variety of ways to match attached squads of Militia Troops Drop Squad Alpha (place holder name as its terrible) but these guys are going to be using the Mortian Drop Troops which have a delightful cross between like elysians and WW1 fighter pilots!! 10 Grenadiers w/ Laslocks + advanced Weapons, 1 Melta Gun Bro and attached Medicae. Riding in an Arvus Lighter w/ Either TL Autocannons or twin Hellfire Missiles Drop Squad Beta (exact same as above) Zone Clearance Squad So these will be militia weapon teams with heavy flamers. They'll be modelled as a drop troop controlled with a yet to be sourced flamer drone/automata that they'll be controlling. 5x Weapon Teams w/ Heavy Flamers (an attached medicae here also) Flagellant Coven Alpha (name/fluff to come) Essentially this is a slight fluff conceding to game mechanics, as we need some :cuss on the board that isn't going to (hopefully) get shot off turn 1. These guys will be modelled as arco-flagellants. I imagine these guys are seeded via some form of pod to ideally scour a dropsite clean of any small enemy collections. 20 man infantry Squad w/Frenzon Dispensers, CCW + Pistol, Attached Medicae + Force Commander Recon Squad Alpha (fluff/name to come) Super simple 5 man Milita squad w/snipers + camo cloaks. I imagine these bros go down even before the podded flagellants to find out where the ideal drop site is Recon Squad Beta (as above) Fast Attack Drop Ship Alpha (you guessed it, fluff to come) This will be using storm eagle rules, using a converted Marauder as the basis for it. Will be equipped with a variety of weapons but most probably some missiles, multi Melta, armoured ceramite etc. The two drop ships will be housing either the Nullificators and Medicae, or the not-ogryns w/ blackshield lord Drop Shipl Beta (as above) Arvus Lighter w/TL autocannon/Missiles. This will be used for the Zone Clearance Squad Fortification Aegies Line w/ Comms Relay. Need to bring that :cuss on turn 2 ideally!!! This will be modelled as destroyed bits of the arco pods. LoW Sub Orbital Wing Thunder Bolt heavy Fighter w/ All the upgrades + kinetic piercer rounds. Just love the flying tank look of the thunder bolt, is a great model! May be modelled into a similar look as its larger marauder based cousins. So that is it in a nutshell, while flier heavy, it doesn't have a whole heap of ground power and won't be doing much work until turn 3 anyway. As far as I can see, pretty 'eh' army, with the only caveat being there is a lot of flying :cuss. Some ideas floating around in my head is to drop a recon squad and make a TW recon squad instead, modelled and fluffed appropriately, but would atleast allow me to get a nuncio vox in there for some accurate DSing arvus lighters! Anyway would love some of the communities thoughts!
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- Blackshields
- Thunder Warriors
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The term 'Blackshield' came into being to describe the phenomenon that came into being in the early to middle years of the Insurrection. The term, however, was not new and had it roots in the most ancient of martial codes. According to such codes, a warrior might choose to forgo his identity and allegiance, and cover the symbol of his identity on his knightly shield. As such, this action hid both the warrior's identity and his true intentions. Although this practice was not uncommon during the earlier ages of man, were factions warred and tousled, it had no place in the blossoming Imperium of Man where there was unity and the Emperor's Imperial Truth. War and chaos took root, however, in the dying days of the Great Crusade as Icarion Anasem turned on his Emperor - and on his father - and the Icarian Insurrection began. It is not known when the first Blackshields appeared on the battlefields of the Insurrection, although black-clad warriors without any emblem or design on their armour were recorded to be mounting hit-and-run operations on traitorous Harbinger fleets. It was widely noted by traitor fleets that it is likely that a high proportion of the loyalist Blackshields were Iron Bears, enraged at the loss of their genesire. Likewise, it is to be noted that many recorded Blackshields identified appeared to be supporting Icarion, outcasts from various loyalist-pledged legions. Although the Blackshield warbands scattered across the galaxy are completely individual and have little relation with one another, it is noted that most have crudely painted their armour and wargear black to hide their allegiance and identity. In this regard, Blackshield warbands are completely different to the bands of Shattered Legion marines who still loyally retain the sense of identity and belonging to their legion. In the Eastern side of the galaxy, it is recorded that various Traitor battleships have been boarded, and crew executed. Although Insurrectionist generals have sent small search-and-destroy parties to hunt down the Blackshield group, none have returned. It has been proposed by some more audacious scholars that the Blackshield war band is far larger than previously thought, and has been infiltrating weapon cartels and other underground organisations. Others suggest that there is not one, single war band, but multiple groups working is a similar Segmentum of the galaxy. This notion has been dismissed, however, as blurred pict-captures from pillaged ships show marines in chalky black armour covered in warpaints and tattoos, with no signs of Crusade heraldry recognisable. The marines have been identified to be a singular organisation because all recorded marines bore icons and painted designs of angels and cherubim. As such, Traitor and Loyalist personnel alike have taken to calling the war band the Lost Angels. +++MORE FLUFF TO COME+++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ First Character HQ Eros and Damocles(??? Points) WSBSSTWIALdSvEros and Damocles4666434102+ Eros was a Terran aspirant to the XII legion - the Wardens of Light, and having passed all tests and trials, he was implanted with additional bodily systems and organs (as well as the gene seed of Gwalchavad, the XII legion's primarch). However, the implantation and transformation process to become a fully-fledged space marine is notoriously fickle, and while his brothers and kin emerged from their hab-pods as demigods, Eros emerged stunted and misshapen. Eros' stature did not change, and his left arm was now a withered stump, ending above the elbow. Worst of all, Eros' face was malformed, and he would never naturally see again. The marines responsible for their legion's recruitment agreed that although Eros could not possibly serve in the field of battle, he could become a chapter serf. So, Eros toiled in the legion's armoury in the service of astartes techmarines after being outfitted with a pair of augmented eyes. Because of the nature of his work, Eros was not present during the devastating Day of Revelation. However, vox casts and rescue flares alerted him of the treason, and so he snuck aboard a tiny vessel and immediately jettisoned from the larger Wardens cruiser. The tiny ship Eros used to flee had very little supplies, and therefore would only last a week, at best, so eventually Eros sent out a flare, fully aware of the potential for a traitor vessel to be alerted to his presence instead. However, a ship identifying itself as the Parable of Hope located Eros' ship and welcomed him aboard. He took refuge in the ship while he spent months designing, building and tinkering on a project he kept hidden from the ship's crew. Months later, crew were astounded to see a wraith-like shadow following Eros, as big (or so some said) as a dreadnought. One day, the ship was assaulted by a small frigate of void corsairs. Despaired, the Hope's crew offered their cargo to the invaders. Ignoring their muted plea, the corsairs boarded the ship and began a systematic slaughter of the ship's crew. When asked if anything could be done to make the corsairs abort their attack, the pirates' leader laughed and claimed that if anyone could beat him in one-to-one combat, his crew would abandon there raid. Shocked, the pirates' leader watched in horror as a metal goliath strode forward to accept his mocking challenge. The metal being picked up the corsair and smashed him against the ship's wall, before tossing him back to the terrified corsairs. Predictably, the corsairs fled, and in gratitude the Hope was pledged to Eros' service. Eros, forgoing his legion, painted his armour black and began his crusade to unite refugees of the Insurrection, assembling a crew of marines who had left their chapter (and were hence labelled Blackshields). UNIT TYPE Eros and Damocles: Infantry (Character).WARGEAR Deliverance Leviathan-Pattern Talons The Steel Hide SPECIAL RULES Independent Character Legiones Astartes Very Bulky Fear Cyclic Tactical Protocols An age-old relic recovered by Eros from a xenos merch-frigate. Identified by Mechanicum techs-seers as a fully-automatic gun restored from a bygone era. Eros has heavily modified the gun to fire rounds laced with tiny, razor-sharp pieces of shrapnel that shred and tear through flesh and armour alike. In the middle of battle, Eros has been know to climb upon Damocles' gigantic shoulders, and use him as a stable firing platform; Deliverance spewing razor-filament bullets while Damocles hacks and smash foes with his huge, custom-built lightening claws. Deliverance WeaponRangeStrengthAPTypeDeliverance36"73Assault 4, Rending, Shred. Wargear - Deliverance Eros fitted Damocles' fingers with huge talons, each one pulsing with electrical energy. Each talon's edge is atom-thick, and thus able to cleave clean through the hardest, most armoured, objects with horrifying ease. Leviathan-Pattern Talons WeaponRangeStrengthAPTypeLeviathan-Pattern Talons-+21Melee, Master-crafted. Wargear - Leviathan-Pattern Talons When Eros toiled under the guidance of XII legion Techmarines, he learnt of technologies and systems that further enhanced the object that they were implanted on. As such, when Eros fled from the Day of Revelation, and began to build Damocles to guard him and compensate for his grievously stunted physical form, he was quick to work technology into the machine that further enhanced his martial performance. The Steel Hide confers to Eros and Damocles a 2+ armour save and a 3++ invulnerable save. Additionally, it contains a teleport homer, nuncio vox, cognise signum and gives Eros and Damocles the Nightvision USR. Wargear - The Steel Hide Although Damocles can claim to have a from of sentience, he is still ultimately a machine, and as thus had to be programmed with various tactical protocols to bolster his tactical flexibility in combat situations. In the beginning of his/her turn, the owning player must choose one Tactical Protocol. The effects of the Protocol last until the owning player's next turn: Anti-armour: All assault attacks made by Eros and Damocles gain Armourbane. Weaponmaster: Eros and Damocles gain +1 WS. Umbra-pattern cloaking protocol: All enemy models firing at Eros and Damocles must do so at -1 BS. Special Rule - Cyclic Tactical Protocols Any feedback, C&C and advice would be appreciated!
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- Brotherhood of the Lost
- Lost legions
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He is the son of a Primarch, though he knows not which. The gene-seed which made him what he is now came from a battlefield on which his masters fought a warband of Blackshields. The Apothecaries who tended to his batch of inductees could not discern any particular gene-markers on the resources they claimed, and the wargear of the fallen enemy yielded no clues. He does not know enough to ask this question. The education and hypno-induced flood of information Astartes traditionally received has been curtailed with rapid implantation and the needs of war. Need-to-know for what they call the Newborn has well-defined limits. The closest he has had to an answer came from one of the few times a pure-blood Legionary deemed him worthy of attention. A captain with the Warmaster’s face - pure-blood twice over, a “true son” - approached him in the aftermath of a battle. A power fist had locked around his chin, and the Son of Horus had inspected his face curiously. “Medusan, perhaps,” the warrior murmured, and moved on. He is the son of a man and a woman, and beyond that all he knows is that they screamed when their hab-unit was torn open and soldiers came to take him away. He has learned since that the soldiers were Solar Auxilia, designated Cthonian Jackals. The memory of his past life is gone, as if the early chapters of a book were torn out. More clearly, he remembers the children that his new masters made him kill. Other boys of his age. Once rounded up, they were set upon one another; the Sons of Horus keeping careful count of which were still alive. He recalls gouging another boy’s eyes out, and using the still-screaming youth’s head as a bludgeon on another. His masters marked him as promising for that. When the requisite number was reached, the survivors were rigged up to the torture machines which masqueraded as medical apparatus. He knows not for how long, though he recalls the businesslike way in which the corpses of failed inductees were pulled from the rigs and others put in their places. There is a hierarchy among the Astartes who serve the Warmaster, many-tiered. That, he understands well. The veterans get the best; the Iron and Maximus patterns, with some of the crow-faced design that they call Corvus. The Newborn among the pure-bloods claim surplus suits of those patterns when they can, but mostly make do with more primitive Mk II and their own take on the more replaceable and cross-compatible forms which will one day be grouped under the banner of the “Heresy pattern”. He wears the latter, augmented with pieces claimed from fallen foes. The only way a Blackshield like him, especially a Chymera, attains superior gear without very great favour from his masters is to take it from the dead. Even then it is done at the sufferance of his masters. If a pure-blood officer demands a component or weapon, it is yielded up. He is loyal to the Warmaster, fanatically so. It has been burned into him, as with all the Newborn. Hypno-indoctrination of an intensity never seen during the Crusade is now commonplace, etching zeal into the minds of the new Space Marines. In a way, they are purer than their comrades ever were. They have never served the Emperor, never raised a blade in the name of His Crusade of lies, never once drawn alien blood. His loyalty, ultimately, is to the Warmaster alone. No other Primarch has any hold over him. He is commanded by a Blackshield warlord named Veneloc Jaqar, who answers in turn to Jerrod of the Sons of Horus’ 13th Company. But there is no Primarch above him beyond that. The chain of command leads straight to Lupercal himself. In a sense, the Warmaster might be considered his father. A strange sort of adoptive father, or perhaps one who attends to his baseborn bastards whilst never letting them imagine they can stand level with those who bear his name. He has never looked upon a Primarch. He hopes he might. Some part of him hopes that one day he will look upon a Primarch and know his kin. The merest ghost of fear whispers that when that day comes, it will be a foe of the Warmaster. He will find himself face to face with Dorn, Guilliman or the Lion, and son shall slay father or, more likely, the father will kill a child he never knew was his. He knows the chance is slim, tied as it is to his chances of survival. Terra looms somewhere on the horizon, the girded expanse of Sol rings it, and even before that there is Beta-Garmon barring the way to the Throneworld. Still, he will do all that is in his power to see it. The Blackshield, son of no one, who never knew Terra as anything but the objective, will see it. He will fight in the shadow of the Palace. And in that shadow, he will face the one they call Sigismund and in the Templar he will find his end as so many have. Impaled on the Black Sword, spluttering oaths in the language of the hollow world he never knew, the Blackshield will be ended. But as with so much else in his stunted demigodhood, he does not know this.
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- Character sketch
- Blackshields
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Wut? Welp, this arrived today, so I guess it's time I got round to making this thread: You're mad, IHF doesn't do models - what have you done with them? I'll concede the first point, this is dumb even for me. Since B@C's release I'd planned on getting in on the plastic heresy action, and with rumours of vanishing stock, I finally got the push I needed to actually go and buy it. I'm not going to pretend that this is the start of a crazy-fast painting spree that will end in a full army after a couple of months - I'm bad at finishing projects, painting fast or painting large numbers of models at once - plus I love obsessively converting every model & painting totally unnecessary freehand details, none of which is conducive to successfully collecting an army. Instead: baby steps - stupidly ambitious plans, but sub-divided in to teeny, tiny baby steps. What's a 'Brannsar'? Clan Brannsar is my homebrew Clan for the Iron Hands Legion (very WIP Liber Astartes thread: ) - Brannsar is Norwegian for 'burn' because I am absolutely awful at coming up with names for stuff. There's a dark corner of my brain which whispers about plans to expand this into Shattered Legions Sallies, Raven Guard & Imperial Fists, plus Solar Auxilia, Mechanicum, Imperialis Militia, Titan Legio & Knights but that's crazy talk. Show me an army list, I have to see an army list The way I'll be constructing this army is slightly unusual - for me, fluff is everything so how I'll proceed is to plan multiple 'detachments' (each based around a small formation within the Clan) which can be combined to form a functional (albeit likely noncompetitive) army list representing a portion of the Clan's 4th Order. If that's a little tricky, here's an example of a 'detachment': Zone mortalis / siege assault infantry Phalanx: here a Phalanx constitutes a third of a full company, so it might contain: 1x 10 Cataphractii Termies, 2x 10 Breachers, 3x Graviton Rapiers, 1x Contemptor (possibly in addition to enough Anvilus / Kharybdis Assault Claws to carry them all) The first detachment I'll be working on is the titular Seeker-Killer Cohort Ultor - a mechanized anti-infantry division mainly equipped with MkIV plate due to its mobility & enhanced sensor suite, for which B@C will form the core. The end goal for Ultor's organisation is as follows: HQ: Praevian Consul Centurion + 3 Vorax Battle Automata Elites: Techmarine Troops: 10 Tacticals with Rhino 10 Tacticals with Rhino 10 Support marines with Rhino (these will probably double for a heavy support squad too) Fast Attack: 10 Seekers with Rhino Heavy Support: 3 Predator Executioners Land Raider Phobos (MkIIb) Victory is Vengeance Anyhow, back to the baby steps - I'm gonna start off Ultor by first making a ViV Extermination warband based off the formation's constituents, so the first models to be attempted will be: * Praevian Consul * Techmarine * 5 Tacticals * 5 Seekers * 2 Vorax This might change a bit, but expect it to remain within the framework of Ultor's larger organisation as set out above. ...This is an opening post without any actual pictures of models, isn't it? Guilty I've got loads of stuff to set up before I really crack on with this, so I wouldn't hold your breath for any actual painting within the next month (apart from painting all the bare heads in B@C because I want to experiment with skin-tones / circuitry tattoos), but I'll probably be doing a load of converting, so expect plenty of grey. Anyhow, thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy this new project of mine
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- Betrayal at Calth
- Xth Legion
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