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++Out of the Frying Pan++ ++An Only War Campaign++ CHARACTER/DATA THREAD Dramatis Personae Player Characters Decon Garrick, Sebastian Nathaniel; Ministorum Priest - Mazer Rackham Specialist Kordo; Sniper - Lord_Ikka NPC's Commissar Vortis Lt. Gallesu Sgt. Harver Enginseer Mosch Operator Magneg Campaign/Game Rules Regimental Bonuses
Hello, folks! I'm Viking Slade, or just Slade. I'm interested in running my first game, an Only War campaign, with the plan to get started shortly after the Christmas holiday. I have a Guard regiment I have created a little bit of background lore for, in order to flesh out my custom Chapter, and I figured why not give them a little life of their own, too. My idea would be to string the published adventures together, starting with (a slightly modified) Eleventh Hour and continuing into Against the Savages. After those short adventures, if everything is chugging along smoothly, we would move on to Final Testament and then eventually conclude with No Surrender. So would anyone be interested in playing this campaign? Thoughts, opinions, questions?
The recent Deathwatch Recruitment Thread has shown there is an acute interest in taking part in play-by-post games here on the Bolter and Chainsword. That's intensely gratifying - and to me, I think it demonstrates that we can sustain multiple games here. This thread is intended to serve as a resource both for players looking to join a game, as well as GMs looking to recruit. This is not really designed for conversations - if you find enough players looking for a specific game, start a new thread and PM them to join. Name: Interested in Playing: Dark Heresy 1st Edition / Dark Heresy 2nd Edition / Rogue Trader / Deathwatch / Only War / Black Crusade / Wrath & Glory / Other Knowledge/Experience of Rules: Have you played in campaigns before? Do you own the rules? Are you familiar with the rules? Other Pertinent Information: You might consider here notes on your availability; on your 40k interest, armies and hobbies; or anything else you'd like other forum members to know. You might consider thinking about , as this might help you think about the style of game you'd like to participate in.
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- Roleplaying Game
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++ RPG: SPACE HULK ++ ++ THE DESOLATION OF INNOCENCE ++ ++ MISSION ROSTER ++ "What kind of man willingly sets foot into a nest of vipers?" - First Officer Ralthon Vex, Deathwatch Fleet Officer. MOOD MUSIC: (Highly recommended). DRAMATIS PERSONAE: ++ KILL TEAM: REGENT ++ (NB, whichever character you choose, they will always be seconded to KT Regent, as this keeps things simple for everyone). Necronaut: Brother Arcturion Moros - Spiritwalker of the Lamenters Brother Gerhardt - Loyal Knight of the Black Templars Lysimachus: Brother Laeknir Rockhand - Skald of the Marines Adamant Brother Philemon - Eternal Flame of the Emperor's Blade Machine God: Brother Korvaan - Iron Father of the Brazen Claws Trokair: Brother Nergüi - Soulwarden of the Tsagaan Chono A.T: Brother Luthais - Everblade of the Storm Wardens + ORDO XENOS/DEATHWATCH + Watch Commander Cordovan - Chevalier of the Astral Knights Warden Caleb Sophis - Lieutenant of the Deathwatch, and Puritan of the Red Scorpions Inquisitor Markus Ignacio Hadrax, of the Ever-vigilant Ordo Xenos PERSONAE INIMICUS: ++ KILL SQUAD: KHYROPTERA ++ [CLASSIFIED] [CLASSIFIED] + CURRENT OPERATIONS + MISSION 1: VANGUARD STRIKE MISSION 2: RETRIEVAL + ADVANCED TRAINING + ++ BY THE WILL OF THE EMPEROR, BY RIGHT OF HIS MOST HOLY INQUISITION ++ ++ DEATH TO THE ALIEN ++
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- Space Hulk
- Deathwatch
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"Greetings Gue'la. I present to you the honoured wisdom of Aun'El Shoshava Fi'lor Mon'aa of T'au." - Final words of Water Caste Envoy Vre'Kais played by Deadmeat344 What is Personae Inimicus? We live in an enlightened age. More than ever this forum is open to the horrific infestation noble and peaceful rise of civilised (and not so civilised) races who dwell in the galaxy beyond the realm of the holy Imperium. Simply put - Personae Inimicus is pig Latin for "Enemy Personnel", and it is from that inspiration that this thread was concieved. Its objective is to try and discuss the possibilities of Alien PC's in the FFG an Wrath and Glory games, what possible career paths could be created to give a full and complete line of options to people who want to play anything other than a human, or a Space Marine. Haven't I seen this before? Kind of? Yes, if you're a regular RPG player, you probably have. Whether in INQ (or INQ28), the Kroot and Eldar Profiles in the FFG books, you'll have encountered this, but not yet had a chance to explore it in this forum. There is, I believe a real chance here to expand on some of the main races in the RPG books and lore we have here on the B&C. Members are building their own Craftworlds, in the same way they do with Space Marine and IG units. There is now, no reason why the Xenos can't have fun in a RPG. In fact, Games Workshop are pushing this product line for the miniatures and the skirmish side of their games. There is no reason why this can't be taken to the ultimate conclusion to explore more depth and complexity of character. How will this work? Ok, I'm going to give you the hard sell, so make sure you're not holding anything or drinking. This is an open forum for ideas on how we can build career paths utilising primarily FFG and where possible, the W&G ruleset. Primarily, since there are already Dark Heresy and Rogue Trader alien archetypes, I want to try and make this stuff fit Deathwatch. It's a very flexible rules system, and there is enough universal experience with it to make any proposed games work. Tau Kill-Teams, Eldar Kill Teams, the list goes on. What do the denizens of the RPG Nook and you (yes you, humble forum browser!) think of this? Is it worth exploring and would it be of interest to the Frater who may be interested in 40K RPG's, just not the Imperium all the time? MR.
- 7 replies
- Roleplaying
- Xenos
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Black Crusade Campaign: ++ MAGELLAN'S DEVILS ++ + Character Holofiles and Intel Dataslates + "Better it is, that a man not know the horrors lurking beyond the boundaries of the skies above him, better he not delve in the dark places, where the rocks warn of trapped souls in whisper, and better yet should he not know of the devils pulled from nightmare. Aye, the traitor, mutant and heretic. Better is he that takes to faith in ignorance, for when the devils fall upon him, his suffering will be all the shorter and his soul rush to the Emperor's bosom." - Cardinal Kyril Harmoni, Sanctum of St Katherine the Avenger, Magellan. This thread will hold the details for all Characters in the Black Crusade game. + Heretic Astartes + Steel Company Trokair Necronaut Ancient Sobek + Mortal Heretics + Petragor ++ PLEASE POST YOUR CHARACTERS BELOW ++
- 7 replies
- Black Crusade
- Rogues Gallery
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++ Deathwatch Campaign: Head Hunted ++ ++ KILL TEAM: HELLEBORE ++ ++ CONSTITUTED 789.999.M41 ++ + Character Holofiles and Intel Dataslates + "It is on their shoulders the future of the Canis Salient rests. The whole right arm of the Crusade, thrust like a spear into the guts of the alien T'au. The Hunter Cadres of the Tsua'Malor Viorla resist everywhere, almost as maddened as the Lord Commander for death and glory. Yet we seek victory, a crushing blow to the xenos hordes that infest the worlds of the Greyhell Front. With the Emperor's blessing - it shall be delivered." - Bastion Commander Saran Gholbert, 23rd Hethgard Fusiliers. This thread will hold the details for all Characters in the upcoming Kill Team Operation: Head Hunted. + Operatives + Brother Khordelia-C
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- Deathwatch
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This is pretty much envisaged an amalgamation of the posts I have seen on FFG's Deathwatch GM Pages, and attempts by our own Frater to actually make this work in the DW setting. The reason I'm setting this up for Deathwatch is threefold: Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader, Only War and Black Crusade have Human archetypes or "Near As" to fill the gap, There appears to be some interest in having this, I'm far more familiar with Deathwatch than the other games and the Battle Sister protagonist is not an option for those who wish it, where a setting/GM or Campaign allows. Now, I'm not going to get into anything regarding gender, male-hormone related Zygotes or any of that - as far as I am concerned, that belongs in the Lore and Discussion sections and is Off Topic here. The purpose of this discussion is to generate an archetype for future games for members of the board to use should they wish to do so. I would especially invite Sister Players to provide input into this, re: Acts of Faith and such. This discussion is especially pertinent given the fact the FFG forums are about to die, (and carrying this torch is basically our job now, here in the RPG Nook) and those conversations could be rebuilt here with better access to players who are interested and now the source material well. It also avoids any copyright issues with FFG or Cubicle 7. Building The Battle Sister. The regular way of creating a Sororitas Character seems to be using Dark Heresy: Ascension and tacking a few bits on. In my opinion this is not satisfactory, in that it is counter-intuitive to the system and leaves horrendous gaps where a PC can underperform in combat in comparison to any Astartes they are attached to. Another argument is that a Sororitas PC can be the "face" of the group, interacting with humans where Astartes cannot. This holds some water, but to my mind, charm tests wouldn't exist (and neither would certain talents) if this were a universal truth, and the mechanic of Humans vs Marines in social etiquette is built into the system to put the PC's out of their comfort zone (slaughtering things). My understanding of the general weaknesses of the Archetype (DH: Ascension) No access to Squad Modes Sororitas Weapons don't hit as hard as Astartes ones No Unnatural Bonuses to Strength or Toughness My challenge is to build, organically, a PC Archetype that works in DW and fits the requirements of players who want that. Is this worth exploring? MR.
- 11 replies
- Sororitas
- Deathwatch
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=][= DEATHWATCH: SOLO PLAY - 'KILL MARINE' =][= OOC and Discussion. Welcome everyone! This thread is for discussion of the above, any rules queries etc all in the one place. Feel free to discuss both Campaigns we're undertaking, any themes or what you expect to see. Please be aware this is not a Recruitment thread as my player slots are full - but do not let that discourage your participation. I intend that these games form the bedrock of a series of "RPG-Lite" templates we can use to try and address some of the concerns shared by the forum-goers in our Nook. I want to try and make this as fun and engaging for all participants as possible, so ideas, comments and criticism are welcome. Please note that the rules for the moment (for the RPG Forum) stand - I act in my capacity as Frater and GM first and foremost and will only step in as a Moderator if there is any infraction of the Board Rules. If you have any concerns about the game, please do not hesitate to contact me as you would any other GM. Now, with all that said, on with the discussion! Mazer.
- 109 replies
- Deathwatch
- Kill Marine
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=][= DEATHWATCH: SOLO PLAY - KILL MARINE OPERATIONS =][= "Y ou asked for Regiments of the Imperial Guard, demanded support from a flotilla of Imperial Navy Warships, pleaded for the steel rain of drop pods filled with Astartes. You do not understand your problem. All that is required, is my swinging blade to the back of the Xenos commander's neck."- Deathwatch Kill Marine Narvik Redfist 'The Butcher of Traesir' This thread will hold the details for both Characters in the upcoming Solo Play campaigns. + Operatives + Kill Marine: Journeyman, Marfóir Lugh of the Bloodmoon Hunters (TechCaptain) - Operation Midnight Kill Marine: Ravenwing Veteran, Raziel of the Dark Angels (Steel Company) - Operation Deadbolt + Advanced Training + All Characters receive the following: Special Ability: Army Of One (Free, no xp award) Kill Marines are selected for their exceptional training, resolve or sheer wealth of Experience. Effect: Any Character with this Talent may take an Elite Advance at the Base Cost listed on the tables available to them Example: Brother Beliasius is a Tactical marine, but his Personal History supports him having served in the Devastator Companies. He may choose abilities from the Devastator Table for his current Rank, but since he is a Tactical Marine, this would count as an Elite Advance, and so would usually cost 750xp on top of the purchased ability. However, since he has the Army Of One Special Ability, it only costs the original asking price in XP. Special Ability: My Word is my Bond (Free, no xp award) The Kill Marine is a solitary individual who brings fire and death. Required to act on his own initiative, the pomp and ceremony of the Oathing, and the bonds that come with it hold no succour. His mission is the only oath he recognises. Effect: The Character may not benefit from taking any Oaths of Moment, but his singular determination confers a +10 bonus to any Willpower test and may combine with other bonuses to the same characteristic. Special Ability: Not Gonna Die Tonight (Free, no xp award) The Battle Brother has survived many fights by simply understanding how much punishment his body can take and how his own physiology works. Living a life on the edge of war, where he may fall alone and unremembered is not an option with the mission incomplete. A quick tourniquet or synthflesh and cataplasm patch to take the sting off is good enough. Effect: Any Character with this Ability may use the Medicae Advanced Skill at half his Intelligence Stat, but is not trained in the skill beyond use on himself. He must have at least one item of medical equipment in order to use the skill. ++ DRAMATIS PERSONAE (Operation Midnight) ++ Watch Captain Procion, Deathwatch (Iron Knights) Inquisitor-Sentinel Markus Ignacio Hadrax, Ordo Xenos Commander Raphael Tarkus, Master of the Accipiter Nihilus, Ordo Xenos Cantus-Scriptor Karliah S'Juun, Adeptus Sororitas +++ FILES PENDING +++ ++ DRAMATIS PERSONAE (Operation Deadbolt) ++ Watch Commander Mordigael, Deathwatch (Blood Angels) Inquisitor-Adept Tomos Jerrill, Ordo Xenos Master Sergeant of Stormtroopers Jakob Morrab, Ordo Xenos Captain Felicita Yarvin, Mistress of the Xenobane, Ordo Xenos Lance-Serjeant Kraevus, Deathwatch (Red Hunters) Swiftclaw Pack Leader Iorek Grimjaw, Deathwatch (Space Wolves) +++ FILES PENDING +++ + Please Stand By for Incoming Orders + MR.
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- Deathwatch
- Kill Marine
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RECRUITMENT FOR THIS GAME IS NOW CLOSED Thank you so much for your interest; I could not be more pleased with the response this has received, and what it means for the PBP forum. Please consider signing up for the PBP Player Register here, or starting a new thread to arrange a game. The PBP forum can only be enriched by your presence! Original Post Below:
- 601 replies
- Deathwatch
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Hello everyone. This thread is intended to collate and answer as many Frequently Asked Questions about the games we participate in here in the RPG Nook. These questions will likely be about Mechanics first, but they may also be about other aspects of the game. This thread is a work in progress and will be updated as often as we can, in order to help any poor wayfarer who needs a bit of a steer. Most of the replies and clarification in this FAQ will be based on the responses by the developers (primarily Fantasy Flight Games) of the actual rulesets using their words where appropriate. We understand that GM's are completely free to modify them as they see fit, but the basics of character building should roughly remain the same, as with certain procedural rules that are formed for balancing the game out. If you're posting a query, please bear in mind that your campaign rules may differ and the replies, whilst we will make them as accurate as possible, are only guidelines. The format of your query should really only contain the system you're asking about, and where possible, a page reference for the block o' text that's baking your noodle. We'll refine that as we go, of course. We'll also have a list of the books so you are familiar with the books we use and how to reference the parts you need to understand, so you can get the job done. We'll also try to codify the responses into a proper FAQ at some point. This is a...proto-FAQ if you will, for now at least. It is important that you contribute, because the Fantasy Flight Games forums are closing down, and it is we who must carry the torch. Have at it below, and remember - the only stupid question is the one that you don't ask. Your question may be the one everyone else is thinking about and every improvement of our knowledge is both helpful and vital for the continuation of a smooth and enjoyable game. If you want to try and dig the answer out yourself, or simply want to peruse the mass of information already about, then don't forget to check out our Resources thread. Please make sure you familiarise yourself with both the Board Rules as well as the Forum Specific Rules when posting. Deathwatch B&C FAQ NOTE: This thread is currently undergoing consolidation from Head Hunted and various other sources. Please bear with us as we sort it all out.
Die Hards: Eleventh Hour Squad Disposition "Judge" Platoon Commander "Nearly" X "Scarlet" (Steel Company) Former Storm Trooper | Character Sheet "Lughead" (Fenrykus) Ogryn Heavy Weapon Specialist | Character Sheet Walker Lughead's Companion "Stimms" (Beren) Medicae | Character Sheet "Wide-eyes" Stimms' Companion "Whisper" (Wounded) "Dagger" (Wounded) "Toaster" (DEAD) "Twelvetoes" (DEAD)
- 280 replies
- Only War
- Only War RPG
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Blackthorn/Swordhand Information Thread +++
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- Blackthorn
- Swordhand
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Hi all, As mentioned in the other thread, I have the ability to run a game of Only War to supplement and diversify the offerings in this sub-forum. Unlike the adventures of Blackthorn and Swordhand, which is a lumbering and hugely-detailed campaign, the intention is for this to be a relatively short and bloody one-shot focused around the exploits of an Imperial Guard Penal Legion. Players will take the role of Penal Legionnaires, ranging the gamut from scoundrels,rogues and wrongfully-convicted heroes to maniacs, madmen and murderers. Their lives are cheap, but they will be spent in the Emperor's name. I have a plan for character creation and will share that once this gets going, but this is a thread to gauge interest. I can ideally run this game with 3-6 players. If you're new to FFG's games or unsure of how the rules work - or don't even have access to the Only War rulebook, then don't worry - you will be given everything you need to know! Please let me know your thoughts, Mol.
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- Only War
- Only War RPG
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I see there are a couple games going (or just getting going, as the case may be), but is anyone interested in a game of something? At this point I could go for any of FFG's games. What about you?
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Due to the amazing level of interest in playing WH40k rpg games online, our very own Qai has started a forum to help us gather, share stories and of course organise games. Here is the link - its currently under construction but will soon be the home of the w40kRPG online gaming club and community. We also have a twitter account - EmperorsImmortals@w40krpg, and will post using the hashtag #w40kRPG. It will be used to announce games scheduals and special events, so make sure to subscribe!. SAVED for posterity; Ive been chasing a game of Black Crusade on line for a while now, and most games either close shortly after starting or finished about a million years ago. Im going to learn how to GM a game, ill try to host it in about 2 weeks and using VASSAL or Roll20 (since i cant get MapTools to work anymore o0 ) its a steep laerning curve so im posting this now to gauge interest. Im in Australia, so if board postings are easier, ill figure that out. Im basically asking anyone interested, weather seasoned vet or relative newcomer, to just post there interest, basic motivation for there character and what theyd like to see in the game. All I ask is that you are familiar with the core mechanics and your chosen archetype. Im looking for around 3-5 players. Itll be the Broken Chains free mission so its available to download, but ill post links for many resources later on, so check back in this topic. Ill also msg anybody whos posted in OG for a BC game in the last few months. Hoping to get a fair bit of interest, as Id like to do this pretty regularly and expand into Death Watch etc, so give it a think and welcome aboard!!!!
- 135 replies
- Black Crusade
- Only War
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