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  1. THE VANQUISHERS Chapter: Vanquishers Founding: 4th Homeworld: Caeron Geneseed: Imperial Fists (Crimson Fists) Organisation: Codex Chapter Master: Coras Brenen Chapter Symbol: Silver Clenched Fist Brother Veneo of the Fourth ‘Resilient’ Company, Fifth Tactical Squad ‘Against All, We Endure’ The Vanquishers are a chapter that live and fight under the sacred tenets of endurance and vigilance, taking the trait of stubbornness and purity from their Primarch’s legacy. Renowned across the southern regions of the Segmentum Solar as masters of urban warfare, fighting in the treacherous conditions of densely built battlezones are their true forte in combat. Zones Mortalis, such as Hive Cities, industrial facilities and to a smaller degree, in the cramped conditions of void warfare are the Vanquishers’ true home of combat, forged through intensive training upon their homeworld of Caeron, itself a planet filled with crumbling Hive Cities destroyed during the Horus Heresy. Renowned for rarely retreating until the last glimmer of hope for victory is lost, the Vanquishers always seek to find an enemy’s weakness to exploit and turn the tide of a battle. Endurance is the trait above all else the Vanquishers strive for; ensuring that they outlast their foes through superior firepower and combat skills, no matter how long or protracted the campaign. This has sometimes led to the chapter receiving shocking losses in ill-fated campaigns, including their near annihilation in 398.M35 to WAAAGH! Gullzag on the Hiveworld of Azura Secundus, with only two hundred and twenty Vanquishers emerging from the apocalyptic clash, ending the Orks’ systemwide rampage. But the amount of victories snatched from the jaws of defeat by this tenacity has also provided the Chapter's greatest victories, such as the sundering of the Red Surge in 501.M38 in the Bryhod System. The battle brothers of the Vanquishers maintain a supremely high level of discipline both on and off the battlefield, it is remarked by some that their level of discipline is only matched and surpassed by their primogenitors, the Imperial Fists. Legacy and History Founding and Homeworld ‘This is the one true crucible where our vow and credo as a Vanquisher is tested and proven. As we break through the walls and buildings of this labyrinth; we must weather whatever craven trap and ambush awaits us, then execute our target. Against all, we endure!’ - Chapter Master Adilo Deinas at the Siege of Rimewall Hive, 370.M35 The Vanquishers were forged from the Crimson Fists in the latter years of 32nd Millennium, replacing the heavily depleted forces from the galactic wide rampage of the Orks after the War of the Beast. The chapter were dispatched to the Southern fringes of the Segmentum Solar to defend and eradicate the lingering Ork presence still left from the brutal warfare centuries prior. Captain Vasperon of the 5th Company was blessed with the honour and responsibility of building the new chapter, ready to scour away the Greenskin threat that was making its presence more felt through the Fidel Sector. Vasperon was a warrior who prided himself and his Company on pure will and unyielding vigilance for incoming threats when on and off the battlefield. This would be a major part in the creation of the Vanquishers personality and combat doctrine, as they grew in number and capability over the early years of the 33rd Millennium. Having successfully ended the threat of the Ork presence and building Waaagh! within the systems of the Fidel sector, the Vanquishers sought to find a planet on which to settle and build their forces to become a fully grown Astartes chapter. Located in the heart of the sector, the chapter settled upon the planet of Caeron, which was once a vibrant Hiveworld that served as a mustering point for the Expeditionary Fleets during the Great Crusade. When the Horus Heresy and subsequent events of the Scouring took place, the planet fell to the hands of the traitor Legions, until the Imperial Fists retook the planet in a cataclysmic campaign that rendered the planet a husk of its former habitability. A single Hive named Blackring, built after the Scouring now circles completely around Caeron’s equator, which remains the only viable area for humanity to survive with relative ease upon its surface; as to the north and south of Blackring, vast irradiated tundra wasteland spreads to Caeron’s poles, with long abandoned and crumbling hive cities, shattered orbital platforms and other infrastructure scattered across the hemispheres, which are almost impossible to reach by conventional means due to the violent storms and lethal environment created from the apocalyptic fighting during and after the Heresy. It is from these crumbling metropolises that the Vanquishers train their recruits to become the masters of combat in claustrophobic urban environments. Astartes of the Vanquishers often exceed the standard level of marksmanship with their firearms as a result of the rigorous, unrelenting drills performed within the ruins and environment beyond Blackring as reconnaissance and breaching teams. The Vanquishers’ vast Fortress Monastery, named ‘The Perpetual Sentinel' is based upon Caeron’s singular moon at its northern pole, Derev. The moon also serves as Caeron’s shipyard for trade alongside military repairs and deployment across its equator and southern hemisphere. The Fidel Sector and surrounding space has been an active region for the Vanquishers to constantly protect from xenos incursions, notably from Ork empires attempting to rebuild in a perpetual echo from the War of the Beast. The constantly elusive threat of the Agony’s Lash kabal of Drukhari have also persisted across the edges of the sector, where the twisted Xenos have conducted repeated raids over the millennia on the Imperial worlds and vessels within the region, despite the ferocious counter-attacks led by the Vanquishers when they receive their distress calls. The Fidel Sector is populated by a number of key worlds and systems on the southern edge of the Segemtum Solar, including a handful of Forgeworlds that the Vanquishers hold pacts of honour to protect when called for. As a result, the chapter holds a cordial relationship with the regional Martian forces, including the Titans of Demi-Legio Fluctus. The Fidel Sector also contains vital shipping lanes, including the relatively calm crossing of the Cinder Gap, located in between the colossal asteroid fields of two shattered planetary systems, created millions of years prior from an unknown force. The Gap provides a stable thoroughfare for resources to be transported towards Terra and the inner planets of the Imperium and it has been the Vanquishers’ duty to protect it ever since their founding. The Price of Endurance and Victory The numerous Campaigns, Crusades and battles the Vanquishers have fought in their eight-thousand year history is one that could fill entire Libraria across a single system. But as ever, their single-minded trait and credo of obstinate discipline to outlast the enemy and exploit their weak point in any theatre of war has been the root source of the fate of these thousands of engagements across the Fidel Sector and Imperium at large. Due to the after-effects of the War of the Beast, the Vanquishers have often focused their efforts on preserving order and thwarting any Ork Empires from growing into a sector-wide threat that could bleed out into the heart of the Segmentum Solar. The Ork strongholds of the Nallor System and the labyrinthine Keeve asteroid belt have remained a permanent stain of concern within the Fidel Sector. This waxing and waning xenos threat has been contained relatively effectively in the millennia following the War of the Beast. But this constant monitoring and resulting action has often been a source of whittling down the Vanquishers’ numbers from countering the greenskin threat, alongside the myriad other enemies of the Fidel Sector such as the Drukhari pirates plaguing the shipping lanes towards Terra. As a result, when a greater threat would strike the Fidel Sector, such as the Brass Skulls’ ‘Rampage of Gore’ through the region’s southern fringes during 081.M35, the Vanquishers’ would face serious losses to their reserves to end the threat. But as befitting their stubborn nature towards retreat and acting as walking icons of endurance, the Vanquishers have always rebuilt their number in an expeditious manner, recruiting from the various Hive Gangs and sundry upon Caeron and the various other worlds tithed to the Chapter within the Fidel Sector. A New Legacy When the 14th Founding of Astartes was declared, following the shrouded in secret events of the ‘Dark Founding’, the Vanquishers were honoured with the creation of a new Chapter from their geneseed and a retinue of Vanquishers would build this Chapter. Captain Talan Heru of the Second ‘Perpetual’ Company was chosen by the Emperor's Tarot to be its founding Chapter Master. Given the name ‘The Heralds of Dorn’ and clad in armour of gold and green, the Heralds of Dorn inherited the tenets of discipline and endurance from their parent Chapter, but after the redacted histories of the mysterious 13th Founding’s Chapters, the Heralds developed a zealous focus on purity above all else. This dogma extended not only to their doctrines of aspirant selection, but also to a stringent, unwavering adherence to the Codex Astartes. Being stationed in the eastern region of Segmentum Obscurus, it was a rare event that saw parent and successor fighting together on the same battlefield. But the Chapters’ annals do contain a number of key events where they fought as one. Notable examples include the Traxian Purges, as the brother Chapters broke the back of the ‘Goretoof’ Ork Empire, saving a dozen Sectors from what the Ordos Xenos predicted would be an unstoppable Imperial massacre within decades if the xenos were left unchecked. Their most recent event where Vanquisher and Herald fought alongside each other was the agonising Evacuation of Verdaur IV in 911.M41, Where the former homeworld of the Heralds of Dorn was subjected to Exterminatus, after the dormant Necron Tombs deep beneath the crust awakened and systematically purged all life present until the planet was reduced to a lifeless husk. After the dust settled and the Heralds of Dorn were reduced to half their number, they became a fleet-based Chapter, consumed in righteous vengeance against the awakening Necrons across the Segmentum Obscurus. To support their descendants as they sought to rebuild, the Vanquishers vowed to deploy one of their Battle Companies to aid the Heralds of Dorn in their duties until they had rebuilt to a viable number. The Third ‘Tenacious’ Company were the first to undertake this vow, their knowledge at dealing with the awakening Necron menace becoming invaluable upon their return in 942.M41. Similar followed with the deployments of the Fourth ‘Resilient’ Company to replace the Third, then afterward elements of the Fifth ‘Dauntless’ and Seventh ‘Resolute’ Companies in 993.M41. The fate of these sons of Caeron marooned beyond the Cicatrix Maledictum in Imperium Nihilus, after the 13th Black Crusade’s grave effects has remained an unknown mystery to the dismayed Vanquishers. They await their brothers’ return with hope, with the beacons of the Fifth and Seventh ‘Lanterna Vigilum’ towers of their Fortress Monastery remaining eternally lit, until their blades are returned to the Armorium. Brothers in Blood and Fist In the 39th Millennium, a new chapter of Astartes dedicated to void warfare was founded to reinforce the Vanquishers in protecting the Cinder Gap from raiding pirates of Drukhari and other threats. This stemmed directly from the ill-preparations of the Fidel Sector as a whole, caused by the colossal bureaucracy of the Imperium, leading to ‘WAAAGH! Snazklaw’ rampaging across various systems. In the subsequent decades, territory reclamation and Ork cleansing became a primary focus for the Vanquishers’ forces alongside rebuilding their numbers, which allowed ample opportunity for pirates to reap terror and claim their treasure with relative ease. Forged from Sanguinius’ sons, the fleet-based ‘Emerald Tears’ became a closely bonded Brother-Chapter to the Vanquishers over the following millennia. This grew in-part from an excellent interlocking of the Tears’ fierce and aggressive oriented void-warfare with the methodical, brutal practices of the sons of Caeron when fighting together in numerous campaigns. Declaring a bonded pact, known as the ‘Seraph-Gauntlet Alliance’, the two Chapters would work near perfectly in paired concert on campaigns in retaking or breaking the siege of worlds and systems, with the Emerald Tears’ mastery of ship-to-ship void warfare annihilating enemy vessels to allow the Vanquishers to deploy their forces within the fortresses or cities that required breaching planetside. One notable acclaimed event was the destruction of the Drukhari Pirate, K’hryth Vexaris and her distinctive Ebon-Glass fleet, where the Emerald Tears baited the corsairs to attacking a spurious fleet of merchant vessels, which in reality were empty, bar the ships’ Servitors. Once the trap had been sprung, the Tears’ harried Vexaris’ ships into the Anthracus Web asteroid field. Within the vast detritus of shattered worlds, the fleet of the Vanquishers lay in wait until they struck a mortal blow, annihilating the Drukhari vessels in a pincer of unrelenting firepower and the shattering of nearby asteroids rigged with charges. None of the Drukhari Pirates, or their vessels escaped the righteous justice of fury from both Chapters. The Galactic Schism As the final years of the 41st Millennium waned and the Astronomican grew weaker, the Vanquishers found themselves severely hard pressed as Ork empires grew in power within and beyond the Fidel Sector, notably WAAAGH! BlakkHamma, requiring a major splitting of their forces to multiple war zones, including the deployment of their Tactical Reserve Companies to stem the growing green tide. The Cicatrix Maledictum's tear across the galaxy added a nuclear payload into the fires of conflict across the sector, as uprisings, dangerous psychic awakenings and Chaotic incursions sowed the seeds of outright warfare and anarchy across the many systems the Vanquishers protected. As the attrition of these campaigns began to wear the Fidel Sector’s Imperial forces numbers down, rebellions and more uprisings began to appear, grown from the desperation of the citizens’ being forgotten and Xenos incursions became increasingly prevalent. Requests for reinforcement fell upon deaf ears on Terra as the madness of the Warp’s new tear split the Imperium in half. When the Blood Angels had called for aid at Baal, the Emerald Tears sought to answer; but as the tides of the Greenskin overwhelmed the Vanquishers forces, leading to dire casualty numbers, the Tears chose to send only two squads to Baal. Seeing the value of keeping the Fidel Sector safeguarded due to its proximity to Terra and the supplies travelling through, the rest of the Emerald Tears remained to reinforce and aid the Vanquishers. Fall of the Emerald Tears In spite of their heroic and selfless decision to remain and protect the Fidel Sector alongside their beleaguered brother Chapter, the fate of the Emerald Tears ended in tragedy. A cataclysmic scenario formed, where a dangerously weaponised Ork Space Hulk, dubbed ‘Da Krump Krooza’ was heading for the vast population centre of the Hurst Cluster. The Tears fought to the last aboard the hulk, preventing its true power from bringing catastrophic ruin to the region. Their efforts in breaking the back of the Ork forces aboard Da Krump Krooza allowed for the Vanquishers to purge any greenskin remnants present and recover what wargear and geneseed they could of their fallen cousins. Following this noble task, the Imperial Navy and Vanquisher ships reduced the Space Hulk into a colossal debris cloud at the edge of the Tybarn System. It became a bitter irony that the Indomitus Crusade would arrive scant years later, too late to reinforce the honoured fallen sons of Sanguinius, but the Vanquishers honoured their passing in carrying marks of the emerald teardrop upon their armour for those who had fought beside them, carrying their name in memory and in the wargear recovered in the wreckage of Da Krump Krooza. When elements of the Indomitus Crusade finally arrived to relieve the beleaguered forces of the Vanquishers, the introduction of the Primaris marines as reinforcements, alongside their new wargear was initially seen as an affront to the proud chapter that emphasised and held strong on the tenets of endurance. The Primaris were perceived by many Vanquishers as their replacements, and First-Born Astartes were now to be forgotten and considered no longer worthy to carry out their duties. But over time and through counsel with the Primaris that were tasked with reinforcing the Vanquishers, it became abundantly clear that this was an enhancement to the chapter and the displays of fortitude and sheer will of their new brethren proved they were true sons of Dorn and the Vanquishers. Over time the numerous threats began to reduce in the Fidel Sector and a fresh chapter of Primaris marines, the Viridian Angels took up the burden of the fallen Emerald Tears. To help forge the new bonds of brotherhood and duty between the two Chapters, the most sacred of relics recovered from the fallen Emerald Tears, including the ‘Lance of the Seraph’, once wielded by their Chapter Champion were gifted to the Viridian Angels alongside inheriting the former homeworld of the Tears, Lacrivia III. In the current era, the Fidel Sector has much left to cleanse and purify from the Great Rift’s formation and Noctis Aeternam, but the Vanquishers continue to look ahead to face the challenges and endure all that the enemies of the Imperium can muster. Combat Doctrine and Organisation "Urban warfare is the ultimate test of a warrior's skills. To fight in the claustrophobia of ruined buildings, where danger waits around every passage, every corner, from above your head and beneath your feet. An Astartes must be as vigilant as his spirit can muster. His weapons must be gripped tighter, always ready to strike. His reaction times must reach a point rivalling the preternatural. We have been raised to fight in this environment. In the ruins of Ashenhive, Skyreach and Tridenthaven, every son of Caeron has honed their skills against each other and the cruel monsters within the shadows of the once almighty buildings. The battles of legends may be imagined upon open fields, but we fight the reality of the ultimate test of combat." - Veteran Sergeant Alato Karvan of the Resilient Company to a White Talons veteran, during the defence of the Felwinter Hive Complex. Command Retinue Chapter Master Coras Brenen - Lord Protector of Caeron Captain Marek Tarren - 1st ‘Praetorian’ Company Master of the Crusade Captain Sontor Arral - 2nd ‘Perpetual’ Company Master of the Fortress Captain Fernann Cohr - 3rd ‘Tenacious’ Company Master of Arms Captain Elias Draeg - 4th ‘Resilient’ Company Master of the Fleet Captain Valdor Antana - 5th ‘Dauntless’ Company Master of the Marches Captain Synas Castor - 6th ‘Steadfast’ Company Master of the Rites Captain Deinar Orhon - 7th ‘Resolute’ Company Master of the Trials Captain Kaspar Gehr - 8th ‘Relentless’ Company Master of the Breach Captain Argus Salazar - 9th ‘Perennial’ Company Master of Bombardment Captain Martel Kydio - 10th ‘Hidden’ Company Master of Recruits A staunchly Codex chapter, the Vanquishers loyally follow its tenets and rarely divert wildly from its teachings, with exceptions to the name of certain ranks and Captains’ titles in some of the Companies to fit their style of warfare. Chapter Master Vasperon decreed that each Battle Company should also carry a title that describes endurance and defiance to remind the Vanquishers of the tenets and traits laid down since their founding millennia ago. The only exceptions to this naming were the First ‘Praetorian’ and Tenth ‘Hidden’ Companies, befitting their own role within the Chapter. The Vanquishers’ prime talents in prosecuting urban warfare or combat in similar confined Zones Mortalis will often see them deploying to wars and crusades that desperately require their expertise. In more protracted campaigns, the chapter will often seek to ensure that the enemy is forced or directed into combat within such environments to increase the Vanquishers advantage over them. But when called for, the chapter are more than capable of fighting in the open battlefields beyond their favoured urban confines, some of their finest victories in combat have been executed in these moments, such as the Second Sunrise Assault during the Lauss Rift Campaign of 982.M41. With the advent of the Ultima founding, the Vanquishers adapted to their newer armour and armaments quickly. The Chapter now ensures that within their Company structure, the Lieutenants are one Primaris and one First-Born Astartes to keep stability and balance and share the capabilities of both styles. 'Wallbreaker' Formation The Vanquishers utilise a number of unique formations to breach well-fortified enemies in urban campaigns. One that has become synonymous with the chapter is the Wallbreaker Formation to breach bunkers and buildings. Company Veterans carry vast storm shields, first used in ship to ship boarding assaults during the Great Crusade and wield storm bolters or special weapons to clear out the enemy, after having been breached an entrance from a heavy weapons squad or vehicle. In recent decades, Hellblasters and Eradicators have been a very popular option for breaching, with their veteran brothers leading them in to clear the enemy out, with their Hellbasters or Eradicators ensuring that no heavier resistance stems the oncoming wall of ceramite. In the tight confines of these urban environments, none can escape the Vanquishers’ wrath. Having moulded their combat style to capitalise on fighting in the cramped and unpredictable nature of urban and industrial environments, alongside dealing with the Ork menace that constantly threatens the Fidel sector as it rebuilds; the Vanquishers often deploy wargear designed for this purpose, including the heavy use of flamers and meltas for breaching buildings and their combi variants there-in. The chapter boasts a higher number of heavy vehicles than considered the norm for a Codex chapter as well, designed to aid them in their campaigns in combat on industrial and hive worlds, this includes a plethora of Vindicators and Land Raider Redeemers. The newer Phobos pattern of power armour has been greatly accepted and utilised strongly by the Vanquishers’ to befit the tight confines of urban warfare they typically prosecute. The use of Infiltrators and Incursors has become commonplace for the newer Primaris sons of Caeron alongside the chapter’s Scout squads to gather intelligence and commit more covert operations before attacking in full force with their armoured might. Whilst the chapter does possess an ample amount plasma weaponry, it is not fielded as often by regular units of Astartes, due to the nature of the Vanquishers’ more prevalent combat campaigns in the tight confines of urban conflict, where plasma weaponry can pose a danger to the wielder and his brethren should it overheat. But Astartes that do carry the responsibility or choice to wield plasma weaponry into combat, notably in the Vanquishers’ famed ‘Wallbreaker Formation’ squads, are viewed with a wary respect by their kindred. With the addition of the Hellblasters, the view on Plasma weaponry remains relatively unchanged, but the level of respect for their newer brethren to wage war with such powerful and dangerous weaponry continues to be very high. To utilise such destructive power at your own risk, to ensure that the enemies of the Vanquishers are eradicated is a sacrifice worthy of Dorn’s legacy. Astartes of the Vanquishers typically eschew adorning their armour with overly ornate decorations, viewing them as hindrances in the tight confines of urban warfare. Some exceptions are however included, such as the Iron Halo and cloaks of Office for Command. Typically, a battle-brothers honours are laser-etched and painted into their armour as an honour shield, which can be placed wherever they deem fit. Veterans who wield Storm and Combat Shields place the honours onto their weapons instead, displaying their honours without hindering their armours movement. Having been founded in the earlier millennia of the Imperium after the Horus Heresy and Scouring, the Vanquishers still hold a large amount of older marks of arms, armour and vehicles that were gifted to them by their primogenitors and the Mechanicum. Some very rare, near singular examples of the ancient super-heavy battle tanks from the Heresy and Scouring, such as the Sicaran and Fellblade also reside within the armoury deep beneath the soil of Derev. These sacred armaments and relics are suitably revered by the Techmarines and chapter at large and the choice to deploy them into campaigns is only sanctioned by the Chapter Master or Master of the Forge. The Vanquishers possess a fair amount of the newer firstborn Mark VIII ‘Errant’ power armour from the Adeptus Mechanicus Forges, with their other armour, including the Mark X variants worn by their Primaris brethren often including up-armoured additions in vulnerable areas to aid them in combat. It is a common practice to also add additional sensors and scanners to their armour’s systems where possible, to ensure that a Vanquisher holds the upper-hand in urban combat. The Mechanicus sometimes rankle at the adjustments made to the sacred suits, but the Vanquishers’ history in saving Forgeworlds from destruction and the reverence they hold for their older relics from their founding era have stayed the Mechanicus’ abhorrence to such changes. Recruitment The Vanquishers have a number of sources for replenishing their ranks, which has been more prevalent than ever following the events at the end of the 41st Millennium. Their homeworld is their greatest reservoir of recruitment, but they also claim tithes to a number of other worlds in the Fidel Sector, enacting Recruitment Orders as they see fit. Upon Caeron itself, the chapter primarily source their novitiates to undergo the deadly process of becoming an Astartes from the numerous Hive Gangs that reside in the depths of the equatorial Blackring Hive upon their Homeworld of Caeron. Although the world is very much under control and loyal to the Imperium, its sheer size and the inhospitable conditions beyond the edges of the equator means that there is plenty of criminal and violent activity where new, young recruits can be sourced. Oftentimes these new recruits are press-ganged directly from arrests made the the planetary Arbites and Planetary Defence Forces, given the choice to serve and find redemption and purpose as a Vanquisher, or be executed. This source of recruits is an ideal start for the Vanquishers to build upon their speciality of Urban ‘Zone Mortalis’ Warfare as they ascend through the ‘Trials of the Gauntlet’. A smaller number of recruits are also sourced from the extremely deadly wastelands surrounding the ruined Hives and eroding settlements, where nomadic caravans eke out a living beyond the harsh strictures and control of Blackring Hive. Many of these recruits are volunteers who wish to escape the harsh, short lives of the wastelands. These neophytes prove to be a hardy stock, able to withstand the gruelling training and augmentations required to ascend to an Astartes. Once the various tests of purity in a novitiate’s biology, psychology and psychic capability, the Vanquishers follow a similar style of advancement through the stages of becoming fully fledged Astartes as other sons of Dorn who follow the Codex Astartes. Training these novitiates, alongside regular live-fire exercises the Chapter performs occurs primarily in three of the ruined, eroding Hive Cities that exist upon the shattered surface of Caeron. These are the now dangerous ruins of Tridenthaven, Skyreach and Ashenhive, which were all subjected to punishing bombardments during the events of the Scouring. Within these ruined Habs, Manufactora and Barracks, the Vanquishers train their recruits ruthlessly in the arts of close-quarters combat and tightly-disciplined firearm drills. But this is only done once these young recruits prove their worth through trials of endurance, be it long runs through the lethal walkways and passages of the ruined Hive Cities, or in prolonged duels against other recruits and combat servitors. The tenets and credo of endurance in all things is indoctrinated into the neophytes from the very beginning of their training. This increases as the recruits advance further along their training and as augmentations are inserted into their bodies. By the time they graduate from the 10th ‘Hidden’ Company, each and every one, alongside being blessed with the Black Carapace, maintain a fervent outlook and embodiment of the Vanquishers’ motto, ‘Against all, we endure.’ Once the Black Carapace has been fully integrated with the newly ascended Vanquisher, they participate in a sacred ceremony within the halls of their Fortress Monastery’s Reclusiam. In the Cathedral of the Honoured Souls, these new Vanquishers have their names engraved upon the hundreds of pillars upholding the gargantuan halls. To mark their eternal service and vow of being true to the creed of the Vanquishers, Rogal Dorn and the Emperor, these new Astartes cut their hands and fill the recesses of their engraved names with their own blood, sealing their honour-bound vow. +++++++ Well it has been a while but I've been quietly refining some old IAs in these new-fangled Google Documents (transferring them from the old style of the board to this iteration's a good challenge) and I've been lightly refining my second army which has seen a few iterations here, the Vanquishers chapter. I've added some new editions on them having a successor chapter (finally fulfilling a vow to Heru Talon in using the Heralds of Dorn) and adding Recruitment. It's definitely getting close to full completion, but I'd welcome any and all input on how it looks and also as to what else do you feel needs to be included. Thanks for having a look see! Cambrius
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